2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
{$optimize 7}
{ }
{ Symbol Table }
{ }
{ Handle the symbol table. }
{ }
{ External Subroutines: }
{ }
{ CheckStaticFunctions - check for undefined functions }
{ CompTypes - Determine if the two types are compatible }
{ DoGlobals - declare the ~globals and ~arrays segments }
{ FindSymbol - locate a symbol in the symbol table }
{ GenParameters - Generate labels and space for the parameters }
{ GenSymbols - generate a symbol table for the debugger }
{ InitSymbol - initialize the symbol table handler }
{ NewSymbol - insert a new symbol in the symbol table }
{ PopTable - Pop a symbol table (remove definitions local to a }
{ block) }
{ PushTable - Create a new symbol table, pushing the old one }
{ ResolveForwardReference - resolve a forward reference }
{ }
{ External Variables: }
{ }
{ noDeclarations - have we declared anything at this level? }
{ table - current symbol table }
{ }
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
{ charPtr - pointer to the base type for char }
{ sCharPtr - pointer to the base type for signed char }
{ uCharPtr - pointer to the base type for unsigned char }
{ shortPtr - pointer to the base type for short }
{ uShortPtr - pointer to the base type for unsigned short }
{ intPtr - pointer to the base type for int }
{ uIntPtr - pointer to the base type for unsigned int }
2021-01-24 19:31:12 +00:00
{ int32Ptr - pointer to the base type for 32-bit int }
{ uInt32Ptr - pointer to the base type for 32-bit unsigned int }
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
{ longPtr - pointer to the base type for long }
{ uLongPtr - pointer to the base type for unsigned long }
2021-01-30 02:50:21 +00:00
{ longLongPtr - pointer to the base type for long long }
{ uLongLongPtr - pointer to base type for unsigned long long }
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
{ floatPtr - pointer to the base type for float }
{ doublePtr - pointer to the base type for double }
{ compPtr - pointer to the base type for comp }
{ extendedPtr - pointer to the base type for extended }
2021-01-26 03:22:58 +00:00
{ boolPtr - pointer to the base type for _Bool }
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
{ voidPtr - pointer to the base type for void }
{ voidPtrPtr - typeless pointer, for some type casting }
{ stringTypePtr - pointer to the base type for string }
{ constants }
2021-03-03 02:01:32 +00:00
{ constCharPtr - pointer to the type const char }
2020-01-29 23:09:52 +00:00
{ defaultStruct - default for structures with errors }
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
{ }
unit Symbol;
{$LibPrefix '0/obj/'}
uses CCommon, CGI, MM, Scanner;
2017-06-19 03:07:32 +00:00
{$segment 'CC'}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
symbolTablePtr = ^symbolTable;
symbolTable = record {a symbol table}
{NOTE: the array of buckets must come first in the record!}
buckets: array[0..hashSize2] of identPtr; {hash buckets}
next: symbolTablePtr; {next symbol table}
staticNum: packed array[1..6] of char; {staticNum at start of table}
noDeclarations: boolean; {have we declared anything at this level?}
table: symbolTablePtr; {current symbol table}
globalTable: symbolTablePtr; {global symbol table}
2021-03-03 02:01:32 +00:00
functionTable: symbolTablePtr; {table for top level of current function}
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
{base types}
2021-01-24 19:31:12 +00:00
2021-01-30 02:50:21 +00:00
2021-03-03 02:01:32 +00:00
voidPtrPtr,constCharPtr,defaultStruct: typePtr;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
procedure CheckStaticFunctions;
{ check for undefined functions }
function CompTypes (t1, t2: typePtr): boolean;
{ Determine if the two types are compatible }
2021-03-08 05:39:30 +00:00
function StrictCompTypes (t1, t2: typePtr): boolean;
{ Determine if the two types are compatible, strictly following }
{ C standard rules. }
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
procedure DoGlobals;
{ declare the ~globals and ~arrays segments }
function FindSymbol (var tk: tokenType; class: spaceType; oneLevel: boolean;
staticAllowed: boolean): identPtr;
{ locate a symbol in the symbol table }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tk - token record for the identifier to find }
{ class - the kind of variable space to search }
{ oneLevel - search one level only? (used to check for }
{ duplicate symbols) }
{ staticAllowed - can we check for static variables? }
{ }
{ returns: }
{ A pointer to the symbol table entry is returned. If }
{ there is no entry, nil is returned. }
procedure GenParameters (pp: parameterPtr);
{ Generate labels and space for the parameters }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ pp - pointer to first parameter }
procedure GenSymbols (sym: symbolTablePtr; doGlobals: boolean);
{ generate a symbol table for the debugger }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ sym - symbol table to generate }
{ doGlobals - include global symbols in the table }
{ }
{ outputs: }
{ symLength - length of debug symbol table }
procedure InitSymbol;
{ Initialize the symbol table module }
function LabelToDisp (lab: integer): integer; extern;
{ convert a local label number to a stack frame displacement }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ lab - label number }
2021-09-09 23:39:19 +00:00
function MakeQualifiedType (origType: typePtr; qualifiers: typeQualifierSet):
{ make a qualified version of a type }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ origType - the original type }
{ qualifiers - the type qualifier(s) to add }
{ }
{ returns: pointer to the qualified type }
2021-09-10 23:09:50 +00:00
function Unqualify (tp: typePtr): typePtr;
{ returns the unqualified version of a type }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - the original type }
{ }
{ returns: pointer to the unqualified type }
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
function NewSymbol (name: stringPtr; itype: typePtr; class: tokenEnum;
space: spaceType; state: stateKind): identPtr;
{ insert a new symbol in the symbol table }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ name - pointer to the symbol name }
{ itype - pointer to the symbol type }
{ class - storage class }
{ space - the kind of variable space to put the }
{ identifier in }
{ state - variable declaration state }
{ }
{ returns: pointer to the inserted symbol }
procedure PopTable;
{ Pop a symbol table (remove definitions local to a block) }
{procedure PrintOneSymbol (ip: identPtr); {debug}
{ Print a symbol }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ ip - identifier to print }
{procedure PrintTable (sym: symbolTablePtr); {debug}
{ print a symbol table }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ sym - symbol table to print }
procedure PushTable;
{ Create a new symbol table, pushing the old one }
procedure ResolveForwardReference (iPtr: identPtr);
{ resolve a forward reference }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ iPtr - ptr to the forward declared identifier }
staticNum, {static variable number}
firstStaticNum: packed array[1..6] of char; {staticNum at start of function}
{- Imported from expression.pas --------------------------------}
procedure GenerateCode (tree: tokenPtr); extern;
{ generate code from a fully formed expression tree }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tree - top of the expression tree to generate code from }
{ }
{ variables: }
{ expressionType - result type of the expression }
function UsualUnaryConversions: baseTypeEnum; extern;
{ performs the usual unary conversions }
{ }
{ inputs: }
{ expressionType - type of the operand }
{ }
{ result: }
{ The base type of the operation to perform is returned. }
{ Any conversion code necessary has been generated. }
{ }
{ outputs: }
{ expressionType - set to result type }
procedure CnOut (i: integer); extern;
{ write a byte to the constant buffer }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ i - byte to write }
procedure CnOut2 (i: integer); extern;
{ write a word to the constant buffer }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ i - word to write }
procedure Out (b: integer); extern;
{ write a byte to the output file }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ b - byte to write }
procedure Out2 (w: integer); extern;
{ write a word to the output file }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ w - word to write }
procedure RefName (lab: stringPtr; disp, len, shift: integer); extern;
{ handle a reference to a named label }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ lab - label name }
{ disp - displacement past the label }
{ len - number of bytes in the reference }
{ shift - shift factor }
procedure LabelSearch (lab: integer; len, shift, disp: integer); extern;
{ resolve a label reference }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ lab - label number }
{ len - # bytes for the generated code }
{ shift - shift factor }
{ disp - disp past the label }
{ }
{ Note 1: maxlabel is reserved for use as the start of the }
{ string space }
{ Note 2: negative length indicates relative branch }
{ Note 3: zero length indicates 2 byte addr -1 }
procedure Purge; extern;
{ write any constant bytes to the output buffer }
procedure ClearTable (table: symbolTable); extern;
{ clear the symbol table to all zeros }
procedure CheckStaticFunctions;
{ check for undefined functions }
i: 0..hashSize; {loop variable}
sp: identPtr; {pointer to a symbol table entry}
msg: stringPtr; {error message ptr}
begin {CheckStaticFunctions}
for i := 0 to hashSize do begin
sp := globalTable^.buckets[i];
while sp <> nil do begin
if sp^.storage = private then
if sp^.itype^.kind = functionType then
if sp^.state <> defined then begin
numErrors := numErrors+1;
msg^ := concat('The static function ', sp^.name^,
' was not defined.');
writeln('*** ', msg^);
if terminalErrors then begin
if enterEditor then
ExitToEditor(msg, ord4(firstPtr)-ord4(bofPtr))
end; {if}
liDCBGS.merrf := 16;
end; {if}
sp := sp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {for}
end; {CheckStaticFunctions}
function CompTypes {t1, t2: typePtr): boolean};
{ Determine if the two types are compatible }
label 1;
el1,el2: longint; {array sizes}
kind1,kind2: typeKind; {temp variables (for speed)}
p1, p2: parameterPtr; {for tracing parameter lists}
pt1,pt2: typePtr; {pointer types}
function IsVoid (tp: typePtr): boolean;
{ Check to see if a type is void }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ tp - type to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the type is void, else false }
begin {IsVoid}
IsVoid := false;
if tp = voidPtr then
IsVoid := true
else if tp^.kind = scalarType then
if tp^.baseType = cgVoid then
IsVoid := true;
end; {IsVoid}
begin {CompTypes}
CompTypes := false; {assume the types are not compatible}
kind1 := t1^.kind; {get these for efficiency}
kind2 := t2^.kind;
if kind2 = definedType then {scan past type definitions}
CompTypes := CompTypes(t1, t2^.dType)
else if kind1 = definedType then
CompTypes := CompTypes(t1^.dType, t2)
case kind1 of
2020-05-22 22:11:13 +00:00
if kind2 = scalarType then begin
CompTypes := t1^.baseType = t2^.baseType;
if t1^.cType <> t2^.cType then
2021-09-12 20:25:01 +00:00
if (not looseTypeChecks)
or (t1^.cType = ctBool) or (t2^.cType = ctBool) then
CompTypes := false;
2020-05-22 22:11:13 +00:00
end {if}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
else if kind2 = enumType then
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
CompTypes := (t1^.baseType = cgWord) and (t1^.cType = ctInt);
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
if kind2 = arrayType then begin
el1 := t1^.elements;
el2 := t2^.elements;
if el1 = 0 then
el1 := el2
else if el2 = 0 then
el2 := el1;
if el1 = el2 then
CompTypes := CompTypes(t1^.atype, t2^.atype);
end; {if}
2021-09-10 23:04:30 +00:00
if kind2 = functionType then begin
if looseTypeChecks or (t1^.prototyped <> t2^.prototyped) then
CompTypes := CompTypes(t1^.ftype,t2^.ftype)
CompTypes := StrictCompTypes(t1, t2);
end {if}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
else if kind2 = pointerType then
if t2^.ptype^.kind = functionType then
CompTypes := CompTypes(t1, t2^.ptype);
pointerType: begin
if IsVoid(t1^.ptype) or IsVoid(t2^.ptype) then begin
CompTypes := true;
goto 1;
end; {if}
if kind2 = pointertype then
CompTypes := CompTypes(t1^.ptype, t2^.ptype)
else if kind2 = functionType then
CompTypes := CompTypes(t1^.ptype, t2);
if kind2 = scalarType then
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
CompTypes := (t2^.baseType = cgWord) and (t2^.cType = ctInt)
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
else if kind2 = enumType then
CompTypes := true;
CompTypes := t1 = t2;
otherwise: ;
end; {case t1^.kind}
end; {CompTypes}
2021-03-08 05:39:30 +00:00
function StrictCompTypes {t1, t2: typePtr): boolean};
{ Determine if the two types are compatible, strictly following }
{ C standard rules. }
label 1;
el1,el2: longint; {array sizes}
kind1,kind2: typeKind; {temp variables (for speed)}
p1, p2: parameterPtr; {for tracing parameter lists}
tp1,tp2: typeRecord; {temporary types used in comparison}
begin {StrictCompTypes}
if t1 = t2 then begin {shortcut}
StrictCompTypes := true;
goto 1;
end; {if}
StrictCompTypes := false; {assume the types are not compatible}
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
if t1^.qualifiers <> t2^.qualifiers then {qualifiers must be the same}
2021-03-08 05:39:30 +00:00
goto 1;
while t1^.kind = definedType do {scan past type definitions}
t1 := t1^.dType;
while t2^.kind = definedType do
t2 := t2^.dType;
kind1 := t1^.kind; {get these for efficiency}
kind2 := t2^.kind;
case kind1 of
if kind2 = scalarType then begin
StrictCompTypes :=
(t1^.baseType = t2^.baseType) and (t1^.cType = t2^.cType);
end {if}
else if kind2 = enumType then
StrictCompTypes := (t1^.baseType = cgWord) and (t1^.cType = ctInt);
if kind2 = arrayType then begin
el1 := t1^.elements;
el2 := t2^.elements;
if el1 = 0 then
el1 := el2
else if el2 = 0 then
el2 := el1;
if el1 = el2 then
StrictCompTypes := StrictCompTypes(t1^.atype, t2^.atype);
end; {if}
if kind2 = functionType then begin
if not StrictCompTypes(t1^.ftype, t2^.ftype) then
goto 1;
if t1^.varargs <> t2^.varargs then
goto 1;
if t1^.prototyped and t2^.prototyped then begin
p1 := t1^.parameterList;
p2 := t2^.parameterList;
while (p1 <> nil) and (p2 <> nil) do begin
tp1 := p1^.parameterType^;
tp2 := p2^.parameterType^;
if p1^.parameterType = p2^.parameterType then
{these parameters are compatible}
else begin
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
tp1.qualifiers := [];
tp2.qualifiers := [];
2021-03-08 05:39:30 +00:00
if tp1.kind = arrayType then
tp1.kind := pointerType
else if tp1.kind = functionType then begin
tp1.size := cgLongSize;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
tp1.qualifiers := [];
2021-03-08 05:39:30 +00:00
tp1.saveDisp := 0;
tp1.kind := pointerType;
tp1.pType := p1^.parameterType;
end; {else if}
if tp2.kind = arrayType then
tp2.kind := pointerType
else if tp2.kind = functionType then begin
tp2.size := cgLongSize;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
tp2.qualifiers := [];
2021-03-08 05:39:30 +00:00
tp2.saveDisp := 0;
tp2.kind := pointerType;
tp2.pType := p2^.parameterType;
end; {else if}
if not StrictCompTypes(@tp1, @tp2) then
goto 1;
end; {else}
p1 := p1^.next;
p2 := p2^.next;
end; {while}
if p1 <> p2 then
goto 1;
end {if}
else if t1^.prototyped then begin
p1 := t1^.parameterList;
while p1 <> nil do begin
if p1^.parameterType^.kind = scalarType then
if p1^.parameterType^.cType in [ctChar,ctSChar,ctUChar,
ctShort,ctUShort,ctFloat,ctBool] then
goto 1;
p1 := p1^.next;
end; {while}
end {else if}
else if t2^.prototyped then begin
p2 := t2^.parameterList;
while p2 <> nil do begin
if p2^.parameterType^.kind = scalarType then
if p2^.parameterType^.cType in [ctChar,ctSChar,ctUChar,
ctShort,ctUShort,ctFloat,ctBool] then
goto 1;
p2 := p2^.next;
end; {while}
end; {else if}
StrictCompTypes := true;
end; {if}
if kind2 = pointertype then
StrictCompTypes := StrictCompTypes(t1^.ptype, t2^.ptype);
if kind2 = scalarType then
StrictCompTypes := (t2^.baseType = cgWord) and (t2^.cType = ctInt)
else if kind2 = enumType then
StrictCompTypes := true;
StrictCompTypes := t1 = t2;
otherwise: ;
end; {case}
end; {StrictCompTypes}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
procedure DoGlobals;
{ declare the ~globals and ~arrays segments }
procedure GenArrays;
{ define global arrays }
didOne: boolean; {have we found an array yet?}
i: 0..hashSize; {loop variable}
ip: initializerPtr; {used to trace initializer lists}
lval: longint; {for converting types}
size: longint; {size of the array}
sp: identPtr; {pointer to a symbol table entry}
2017-06-22 02:15:56 +00:00
tPtr: typePtr; {type of global array/struct/union}
2018-03-07 04:53:52 +00:00
msg: stringPtr; {error message ptr}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
begin {GenArrays}
didOne := false;
for i := 0 to hashSize do begin
sp := table^.buckets[i];
while sp <> nil do begin
2017-06-22 02:15:56 +00:00
if sp^.storage in [global,private] then begin
tPtr := sp^.itype;
while tPtr^.kind = definedType do
tPtr := tPtr^.dType;
if tPtr^.kind in [arrayType,structType,unionType] then begin
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
if not didOne then begin
if smallMemoryModel then
currentSegment := ' '
currentSegment := '~ARRAYS ';
Gen2Name(dc_str, $4000, 1, @'~ARRAYS');
didOne := true;
end; {if}
if sp^.state = initialized then begin
Gen2Name(dc_glb, 0, ord(sp^.storage = private), sp^.name);
ip := sp^.iPtr;
while ip <> nil do begin
case ip^.itype of
cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord: begin
lval := ip^.ival;
Gen2t(dc_cns, long(lval).lsw, ip^.count, ip^.itype);
GenL1(dc_cns, ip^.ival, ip^.count);
2021-02-04 08:17:10 +00:00
GenQ1(dc_cns, ip^.qval, ip^.count);
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
GenR1t(dc_cns, ip^.rval, ip^.count, ip^.itype);
GenS(dc_cns, ip^.sval);
ccPointer: begin
code^.optype := ccPointer;
code^.r := ord(ip^.pPlus);
code^.q := ip^.count;
code^.pVal := ip^.pVal;
if ip^.isName then begin
code^.lab := ip^.pName;
code^.pstr := nil;
end {if}
code^.pstr := ip^.pstr;
otherwise: Error(57);
end; {case}
ip := ip^.next;
end; {while}
end {if}
else begin
size := sp^.itype^.size;
2018-03-07 04:53:52 +00:00
if size = 0 then begin
if sp^.itype^.kind = arrayType then begin
{implicitly initialize with one element}
size := sp^.itype^.aType^.size;
end {if}
else begin
numErrors := numErrors+1;
msg^ := concat('The struct or union ''', sp^.name^,
''' has incomplete type that was never completed.');
writeln('*** ', msg^);
if terminalErrors then begin
if enterEditor then
ExitToEditor(msg, ord4(firstPtr)-ord4(bofPtr))
end; {if}
liDCBGS.merrf := 16;
end; {else}
end; {if}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
Gen2Name(dc_glb, long(size).lsw & $7FFF,
ord(sp^.storage = private), sp^.name);
size := size & $FFFF8000;
while size <> 0 do begin
Gen1(dc_dst, 16384);
size := size-16384;
end; {while}
end; {else}
end; {if}
2017-06-22 02:15:56 +00:00
end; {if}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
sp := sp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {for}
if didOne then
end; {GenArrays}
procedure GenGlobals;
{ define non-array global variables }
i: 0..hashSize; {loop variable}
ip: initializerPtr; {used to trace initializer lists}
lval: longint; {for extracting lsw}
sp: identPtr; {pointer to a symbol table entry}
begin {GenGlobals}
Gen2t(dc_cns, 0, 1, cgByte);
for i := 0 to hashSize do begin
sp := table^.buckets[i];
while sp <> nil do begin
if sp^.storage in [global,private] then
if sp^.itype^.kind in [scalarType,pointerType] then begin
if sp^.state = initialized then begin
Gen2Name(dc_glb, 0, ord(sp^.storage = private), sp^.name);
ip := sp^.iPtr;
case ip^.itype of
cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord: begin
lval := ip^.ival;
Gen2t(dc_cns, long(lval).lsw, 1, ip^.itype);
GenL1(dc_cns, ip^.ival, 1);
2021-02-04 08:17:10 +00:00
GenQ1(dc_cns, ip^.qval, 1);
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
GenR1t(dc_cns, ip^.rval, 1, ip^.itype);
GenS(dc_cns, ip^.sval);
ccPointer: begin
code^.optype := ccPointer;
code^.q := 1;
code^.r := ord(ip^.pPlus);
code^.pVal := ip^.pVal;
if ip^.isName then begin
code^.lab := ip^.pName;
code^.pstr := nil;
end {if}
code^.pstr := ip^.pstr;
otherwise: Error(57);
end; {case}
end {if}
2018-03-07 04:53:52 +00:00
{else if sp^.itype^.size = 0 then begin
end {else if}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
Gen2Name(dc_glb, ord(sp^.itype^.size),
ord(sp^.storage = private), sp^.name);
sp := sp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {for}
end; {GenGlobals}
begin {DoGlobals}
{print the global symbol table}
{if printSymbols then {debug}
{ PrintTable(globalTable); {debug}
{these segments are not dynamic!}
segmentKind := 0;
{declare the ~globals segment, which holds non-array data types}
if smallMemoryModel then
currentSegment := ' '
currentSegment := '~GLOBALS ';
Gen2Name(dc_str, $4000, 0, @'~GLOBALS');
{declare the ~arrays segment, which holds global arrays}
end; {DoGlobals}
function FindSymbol {var tk: tokenType; class: spaceType; oneLevel: boolean;
staticAllowed: boolean): identPtr};
{ locate a symbol in the symbol table }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tk - token record for the identifier to find }
{ class - the kind of variable space to search }
{ oneLevel - search one level only? (used to check for }
{ duplicate symbols) }
{ staticAllowed - can we check for static variables? }
{ }
{ returns: }
{ A pointer to the symbol table entry is returned. If }
{ there is no entry, nil is returned. }
label 1;
doTagSpace: boolean; {do we still need to do the tags?}
hashDisp: longint; {disp into the hash table}
i: integer; {loop variable}
iHandle: ^identPtr; {pointer to start of hash bucket}
iPtr: identPtr; {pointer to the current symbol}
match: boolean; {for comparing substrings}
name: stringPtr; {name to search for}
np: stringPtr; {for searching for static variables}
sPtr: symbolTablePtr; {^ to current symbol table}
begin {FindSymbol}
{get ready to search}
staticAllowed := staticAllowed and (staticNum <> '~0000');
name := tk.name; {use a local variable}
hashDisp := Hash(name); {get the disp into the symbol table}
sPtr := table; {initialize the address of the sym. tbl}
FindSymbol := nil; {assume we won't find it}
np := nil; {no string buffer, yet}
{check for the variable}
while sPtr <> nil do begin
iHandle := pointer(hashDisp+ord4(sPtr));
if class = tagSpace then
iHandle := pointer(ord4(iHandle) + (hashSize+1)*4);
doTagSpace := class = allSpaces;
iPtr := iHandle^;
if iPtr = nil then
if doTagSpace then begin
iHandle := pointer(ord4(iHandle) + (hashSize+1)*4);
iPtr := iHandle^;
doTagSpace := false;
end; {if}
{scan the hash bucket for a global or auto variable}
while iPtr <> nil do begin
if iPtr^.name^ = name^ then begin
FindSymbol := iPtr;
if iPtr^.isForwardDeclared then
tk.symbolPtr := iPtr;
goto 1;
end; {if}
iPtr := iPtr^.next;
if iPtr = nil then
if doTagSpace then begin
iHandle := pointer(ord4(iHandle) + (hashSize+1)*4);
iPtr := iHandle^;
doTagSpace := false;
end; {if}
end; {while}
{rescan for a static variable}
if staticAllowed then begin
if np = nil then begin {form the static name}
if length(name^) < 251 then begin
np^[0] := chr(5+length(name^));
for i := 1 to 5 do
np^[i] := sPtr^.staticNum[i];
for i := 1 to length(name^) do
np^[i+5] := name^[i];
end; {if}
end {if}
for i := 2 to 5 do
np^[i] := sPtr^.StaticNum[i];
{scan the hash bucket for the identifier}
iHandle := pointer(hashDisp+ord4(globalTable));
if class = tagSpace then
iHandle := pointer(ord4(iHandle) + (hashSize+1)*4);
iPtr := iHandle^;
while iPtr <> nil do begin
if iPtr^.name^ = np^ then begin
FindSymbol := iPtr;
if iPtr^.isForwardDeclared then
tk.symbolPtr := iPtr;
goto 1;
end; {if}
iPtr := iPtr^.next;
end; {while}
end; {if staticAllowed}
if oneLevel then
sPtr := nil
sPtr := sPtr^.next;
end; {while}
if np <> nil then
end; {FindSymbol}
procedure GenParameters {pp: parameterPtr};
{ Generate labels and space for the parameters }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ pp - pointer to first parameter }
i: 0..hashSize; {loop variable}
pln: integer; {label number}
size: integer; {size of the parameter}
sp: identPtr; {symbol pointer}
tk: tokenType; {symbol name token}
begin {GenParameters}
if pp <> nil then begin {prototyped parameters}
tk.kind := ident;
tk.numString := nil;
tk.class := identifier;
while pp <> nil do begin
pln := GetLocalLabel;
tk.name := pp^.parameter^.name;
tk.symbolPtr := nil;
sp := FindSymbol(tk, variableSpace, true, false);
if sp = nil then
sp := pp^.parameter;
if sp^.itype^.kind = arrayType then
Gen3(dc_prm, pln, cgPointerSize, sp^.pdisp)
else begin
size := long(sp^.itype^.size).lsw;
if (size = 1) and (sp^.itype^.kind = scalarType) then
size := 2;
Gen3(dc_prm, pln, size, sp^.pdisp);
end; {else}
sp^.pln := pln;
pp := pp^.next;
end; {while}
end {if}
else begin {K&R parameters}
for i := 0 to hashSize do begin
sp := table^.buckets[i];
while sp <> nil do begin
if sp^.storage = parameter then begin
sp^.pln := GetLocalLabel;
if sp^.itype^.kind = arrayType then
Gen3(dc_prm, sp^.lln, cgPointerSize, sp^.pdisp)
else begin
size := long(sp^.itype^.size).lsw;
if (size = 1) and (sp^.itype^.kind = scalarType) then
size := 2;
Gen3(dc_prm, sp^.lln, size, sp^.pdisp);
end; {else}
end; {if}
sp := sp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {for}
end; {else}
end; {GenParameters}
procedure GenSymbols {sym: symbolTablePtr; doGlobals: boolean};
{ generate a symbol table for the debugger }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ sym - symbol table to generate }
{ doGlobals - include global symbols in the table }
{ }
{ outputs: }
{ symLength - length of debug symbol table }
noDisp = -1; {disp returned by GetTypeDisp if the type was not found}
tpPtr = ^tpRecord; {type list displacements}
tpRecord = record
next: tpPtr;
tp: typePtr;
disp: integer;
i: 0..hashSize; {loop/index variable}
ip: identPtr; {used to trace identifier lists}
tpList,tp2: tpPtr; {type displacement list}
function GetTypeDisp (tp: typePtr): integer;
{ Look for an existing entry for this type }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ tp - type to look for }
{ }
{ Returns: Disp to a variable of the same type, or noDisp if }
{ there is no such entry. }
{ }
{ Notes: If the type is not in the type list, it is entered }
{ in the list by this call. }
tp1, tp2: tpPtr; {used to manipulate type list}
begin {GetTypeDisp}
tp1 := tpList; {look for the type}
tp2 := nil;
while tp1 <> nil do
if tp1^.tp = tp then begin
tp2 := tp1;
tp1 := nil;
end {if}
tp1 := tp1^.next;
if tp2 <> nil then
GetTypeDisp := tp2^.disp {return disp to entry}
else begin
GetTypeDisp := noDisp; {no entry}
new(tp1); {create a new entry}
tp1^.next := tpList;
tpList := tp1;
tp1^.tp := tp;
2018-03-06 04:15:14 +00:00
tp1^.disp := symLength-12;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {else}
end; {GetTypeDisp}
procedure GenSymbol (ip: identPtr; storage: storageType);
{ Generate a single symbol or struct field }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ ip - identifier to generate }
{ storage - storage type; none for struct/union fields }
disp: integer; {disp to symbol of same type}
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
tPtr: typePtr;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
procedure WriteAddress (ip: identPtr);
{ Write the address and DP flag }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ ip - identifier }
size: longint; {used to break apart longints}
begin {WriteAddress}
if storage in [external,global,private] then begin
RefName(ip^.name, 0, 4, 0);
end {if}
else if storage = none then begin
size := ip^.disp;
CnOut(ord(ip^.next <> nil));
end {else if}
else begin
end; {else}
end; {WriteAddress}
procedure WriteName (ip: identPtr);
{ Write the name field for an identifier }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ ip - identifier }
len: 0..maxint; {string length}
j: 0..maxint; {loop/index variable}
begin {WriteName}
Purge; {generate the address of the variable }
Out(235); Out(4); { name }
LabelSearch(maxLabel, 4, 0, 0);
if stringsize <> 0 then begin
Out2(stringsize); Out2(0);
end; {if}
len := length(ip^.name^); {place the name in the string buffer}
if maxstring-stringsize >= len+1 then begin
stringspace[stringsize+1] := chr(len);
for j := 1 to len do
stringspace[j+stringsize+1] := ip^.name^[j];
stringsize := stringsize+len+1;
end {if}
end; {WriteName}
procedure WriteScalarType (tp: typePtr; modifiers, subscripts: integer);
2020-01-29 23:09:52 +00:00
{ Write a scalar type and subscript field }
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - type pointer }
{ modifiers - value to or with the type code }
{ subscripts - number of subscripts }
val: integer; {type value}
begin {WriteScalarType}
case tp^.baseType of
cgByte: val := $40;
cgUByte: val := $00;
2021-01-26 03:22:58 +00:00
cgWord: if tp^.cType = ctBool then
val := $09
val := $01;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
cgUWord: val := $41;
cgLong: val := $02;
cgULong: val := $42;
cgReal: val := $03;
cgDouble: val := $04;
cgComp: val := $0A;
cgExtended: val := $05;
2021-02-01 02:26:51 +00:00
cgQuad: val := $0A; {same as comp}
cgUQuad: val := $4A;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
otherwise: val := $01;
end; {case}
CnOut(val | modifiers); {write the format byte}
CnOut2(subscripts); {write the # of subscripts}
end; {WriteScalarType}
procedure WritePointerType (tp: typePtr; subscripts: integer);
{ write a pointer type field }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - pointer type }
{ subscripts - number of subscript fields }
begin {WritePointerType}
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
tp := tp^.ptype;
while tp^.kind = definedType do
tp := tp^.dType;
case tp^.kind of
scalarType: WriteScalarType(tp, $80, subscripts);
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
functionType: WriteScalarType(intPtr, $80, subscripts);
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
otherwise: begin
end; {case}
end; {WritePointerType}
procedure ExpandPointerType (tp: typePtr); forward;
procedure ExpandStructType (tp: typePtr);
{ write the type entries for a struct or union }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - struct/union type }
ip: identPtr; {used to trace the field list}
begin {ExpandStructType}
ip := tp^.fieldList;
2018-02-10 03:11:20 +00:00
{ fieldList is nil if this is a forward declared struct. }
if ip = nil then ip := defaultStruct^.fieldList;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
while ip <> nil do begin
GenSymbol(ip, none);
ip := ip^.next;
end; {while}
end; {ExpandStructType}
procedure WriteArrays (tp: typePtr);
{ handle an array type }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - array type }
count: 0..maxint; {# of subscripts}
size: longint; {for converting long numbers}
tp2: typePtr; {used to trace array type list}
begin {WriteArrays}
count := 0; {count the subscripts}
tp2 := tp;
while tp2^.kind = arrayType do begin
count := count+1;
tp2 := tp2^.aType;
end; {while}
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
while tp2^.kind = definedType do
tp2 := tp2^.dType;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
if tp2^.kind = scalarType then {write the type code}
if tp2^.baseType in [cgByte,cgUByte] then begin
count := count-1;
end {if}
WriteScalarType(tp2, 0, count)
else if tp2^.kind = enumType then
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
WriteScalarType(intPtr, 0, count)
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
else if tp2^.kind = pointerType then
WritePointerType(tp2, count)
else begin
end; {else if}
while count <> 0 do begin {write the subscript entries}
CnOut2(0); CnOut2(0);
if tp^.elements = 0 then
size := $00FFFFFF
size := tp^.elements-1;
CnOut2(long(size).lsw); CnOut2(long(size).msw);
size := tp^.aType^.size;
CnOut2(long(size).lsw); CnOut2(long(size).msw);
symLength := symLength+12;
tp := tp^.aType;
count := count-1;
end; {while}
if tp2^.kind = pointerType then {expand complex types}
else if tp2^.kind in [structtype,uniontype] then
end; {WriteArrays}
procedure ExpandPointerType {tp: typePtr};
{ write the type entries for complex pointer types }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - pointer type }
disp: integer; {disp to symbol of same type}
begin {ExpandPointerType}
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
tp := tp^.ptype;
while tp^.kind = definedType do
tp := tp^.dType;
if tp^.kind in [pointerType,arrayType,structType,unionType] then
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
symLength := symLength+12;
CnOut2(0); CnOut2(0);
CnOut2(0); CnOut2(0);
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
case tp^.kind of
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
pointerType: begin
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
WritePointerType(tp, 0);
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
arrayType: WriteArrays(tp);
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
unionType: begin
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
disp := GetTypeDisp(tp);
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
if disp = noDisp then begin
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end {if}
else begin
end; {else}
end; {case}
end; {if}
end; {ExpandPointerType}
begin {GenSymbol}
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
tPtr := ip^.itype;
while tPtr^.kind = definedType do
tPtr := tPtr^.dType;
if tPtr^.kind in
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
then begin
2018-03-06 04:15:14 +00:00
symLength := symLength+12; {update length of symbol table}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
WriteName(ip); {write the name field}
WriteAddress(ip); {write the address field}
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
case tPtr^.kind of
scalarType: WriteScalarType(tPtr, 0, 0);
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
enumType: WriteScalarType(intPtr, 0, 0);
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
pointerType: begin
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
WritePointerType(tPtr, 0);
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
arrayType: WriteArrays(tPtr);
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
unionType: begin
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
disp := GetTypeDisp(tPtr);
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
if disp = noDisp then begin
2019-01-14 02:11:00 +00:00
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end {if}
else begin
end; {else}
end; {case}
2018-03-06 04:15:14 +00:00
end; {if}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {GenSymbol}
begin {GenSymbols}
tpList := nil; {no types so far}
if sym <> nil then
for i := 0 to hashSize do begin {loop over all hash buckets}
ip := sym^.buckets[i]; {trace through all symbols in this bucket}
while ip <> nil do begin
if ip^.storage <> none then
GenSymbol(ip, ip^.storage);
ip := ip^.next; {next symbol}
end; {while}
end; {for}
while tpList <> nil do begin {dispose of type list}
tp2 := tpList;
tpList := tp2^.next;
end; {while}
if doGlobals then {do globals}
GenSymbols(globalTable, false);
end; {GenSymbols}
procedure InitSymbol;
{ Initialize the symbol table module }
i: 0..hashSize; {loop variable}
begin {InitSymbol}
staticNum := '~0000'; {no functions processed}
table := nil; {initialize the global symbol table}
globalTable := table;
noDeclarations := false;
2021-03-03 02:01:32 +00:00
functionTable := nil;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
{declare base types}
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
new(sCharPtr); {signed char}
with sCharPtr^ do begin
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
size := cgByteSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgByte;
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
cType := ctSChar;
end; {with}
new(charPtr); {char}
with charPtr^ do begin
size := cgByteSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgUByte;
cType := ctChar;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {with}
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
new(uCharPtr); {unsigned char}
with uCharPtr^ do begin
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
size := cgByteSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgUByte;
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
cType := ctUChar;
end; {with}
new(shortPtr); {short}
with shortPtr^ do begin
size := cgWordSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgWord;
cType := ctShort;
end; {with}
new(uShortPtr); {unsigned short}
with uShortPtr^ do begin
size := cgWordSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgUWord;
cType := ctUShort;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {with}
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
new(intPtr); {int}
with intPtr^ do begin
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
size := cgWordSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgWord;
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
cType := ctInt;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {with}
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
new(uIntPtr); {unsigned int}
with uIntPtr^ do begin
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
size := cgWordSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgUWord;
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
cType := ctUInt;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {with}
2021-01-24 19:31:12 +00:00
new(int32Ptr); {int (32-bit)}
with int32Ptr^ do begin
size := cgLongSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2021-01-24 19:31:12 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgLong;
cType := ctInt32;
end; {with}
new(uInt32Ptr); {unsigned int (32-bit)}
with uInt32Ptr^ do begin
size := cgLongSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2021-01-24 19:31:12 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgULong;
cType := ctUInt32;
end; {with}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
new(longPtr); {long}
with longPtr^ do begin
size := cgLongSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgLong;
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
cType := ctLong;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {with}
new(uLongPtr); {unsigned long}
with uLongPtr^ do begin
size := cgLongSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgULong;
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
cType := ctULong;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {with}
2021-01-30 02:50:21 +00:00
new(longLongPtr); {long long}
with longLongPtr^ do begin
size := cgQuadSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2021-01-30 02:50:21 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgQuad;
cType := ctLongLong;
end; {with}
2021-02-18 18:58:57 +00:00
new(uLongLongPtr); {unsigned long long}
2021-01-30 02:50:21 +00:00
with uLongLongPtr^ do begin
size := cgQuadSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2021-01-30 02:50:21 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgUQuad;
cType := ctULongLong;
end; {with}
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
new(floatPtr); {real}
with floatPtr^ do begin
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
size := cgRealSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgReal;
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
cType := ctFloat;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {with}
new(doublePtr); {double}
with doublePtr^ do begin
size := cgDoubleSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgDouble;
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
cType := ctDouble;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {with}
new(compPtr); {comp}
with compPtr^ do begin
size := cgCompSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgComp;
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
cType := ctComp;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {with}
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
new(extendedPtr); {extended, aka long double}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
with extendedPtr^ do begin
size := cgExtendedSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgExtended;
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
cType := ctLongDouble;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {with}
2021-03-03 02:01:32 +00:00
new(boolPtr); {_Bool}
2021-01-26 03:22:58 +00:00
with boolPtr^ do begin
size := cgWordSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2021-01-26 03:22:58 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgWord;
cType := ctBool;
end; {with}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
new(stringTypePtr); {string constant type}
with stringTypePtr^ do begin
size := 0;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := arrayType;
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
aType := charPtr;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
elements := 1;
end; {with}
new(voidPtr); {void}
with voidPtr^ do begin
size := 0;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := scalarType;
baseType := cgVoid;
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
cType := ctVoid;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {with}
new(voidPtrPtr); {typeless pointer}
with voidPtrPtr^ do begin
size := 4;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := pointerType;
pType := voidPtr;
end; {with}
new(defaultStruct); {default structure}
with defaultStruct^ do begin {(for structures with errors)}
size := cgWordSize;
saveDisp := 0;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
qualifiers := [];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
kind := structType;
sName := nil;
with fieldlist^ do begin
next := nil;
name := @'field';
2020-03-01 04:43:29 +00:00
itype := intPtr;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
class := ident;
state := declared;
disp := 0;
bitdisp := 0;
end; {with}
end; {with}
2021-03-03 02:01:32 +00:00
new(constCharPtr); {const char}
constCharPtr^ := charPtr^;
Record volatile and restrict qualifiers in types.
These are needed to correctly distinguish pointer types in _Generic. They should also be used for type compatibility checks in other contexts, but currently are not.
This also fixes a couple small problems related to type qualifiers:
*restrict was not allowed to appear after * in type-names
*volatile status was not properly recorded in sym files
Here is an example of using _Generic to distinguish pointer types based on the qualifiers of the pointed-to type:
#include <stdio.h>
#define f(e) _Generic((e),\
int * restrict *: 1,\
int * volatile const *: 2,\
int **: 3,\
default: 0)
#define g(e) _Generic((e),\
int *: 1,\
const int *: 2,\
volatile int *: 3,\
default: 0)
int main(void) {
int * restrict * p1;
int * volatile const * p2;
int * const * p3;
// should print "1 2 0 1"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", f(p1), f(p2), f(p3), f((int * restrict *)0));
int *q1;
const int *q2;
volatile int *q3;
const volatile int *q4;
// should print "1 2 3 0"
printf("%i %i %i %i\n", g(q1), g(q2), g(q3), g(q4));
Here is an example of a problem resulting from volatile not being recorded in sym files (if a sym file was present, the read of x was lifted out of the loop):
#pragma optimize -1
static volatile int x;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int y;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
y = x*2 + 7;
2021-08-30 02:10:20 +00:00
constCharPtr^.qualifiers := [tqConst];
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {InitSymbol}
2021-09-09 23:39:19 +00:00
function MakeQualifiedType {origType: typePtr; qualifiers: typeQualifierSet):
{ make a qualified version of a type }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ origType - the original type }
{ qualifiers - the type qualifier(s) to add }
{ }
{ returns: pointer to the qualified type }
tp: typePtr; {the qualified type}
elemType: typePtr; {array element type}
begin {MakeQualifiedType}
if qualifiers <> [] then begin {make qualified version of type}
tp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(typeRecord)));
if origType^.kind in [structType,unionType] then begin
tp^.size := origType^.size;
tp^.kind := definedType;
tp^.dType := origType;
tp^.saveDisp := 0;
tp^.qualifiers := qualifiers;
end {if}
else begin
tp^ := origType^;
tp^.qualifiers := tp^.qualifiers + qualifiers;
end; {else}
MakeQualifiedType := tp;
{move array type quals to element type}
while tp^.kind = arrayType do begin
elemType := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(typeRecord)));
if tp^.aType^.kind in [structType,unionType] then begin
elemType^.size := tp^.aType^.size;
elemType^.kind := definedType;
elemType^.dType := tp^.aType;
elemType^.saveDisp := 0;
elemType^.qualifiers := qualifiers;
end {if}
else begin
elemType^ := tp^.aType^;
elemType^.qualifiers := elemType^.qualifiers + qualifiers;
end; {else}
tp^.aType := elemType;
tp^.qualifiers := []; {remove for C23}
tp := elemType;
end; {if}
end {if}
MakeQualifiedType := origType;
end; {MakeQualifiedType}
2021-09-10 23:09:50 +00:00
function Unqualify {tp: typePtr): typePtr};
{ returns the unqualified version of a type }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - the original type }
{ }
{ returns: pointer to the unqualified type }
tp2: typePtr; {unqualified type}
begin {Unqualify}
while tp^.kind = definedType do
tp := tp^.dType;
Unqualify := tp;
if tp^.qualifiers <> [] then
if not (tp^.kind in [structType,unionType]) then begin
tp2 := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(typeRecord)));
tp2^ := tp^;
tp2^.qualifiers := [];
Unqualify := tp2;
end; {Unqualify}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
function NewSymbol {name: stringPtr; itype: typePtr; class: tokenEnum;
space: spaceType; state: stateKind): identPtr};
{ insert a new symbol in the symbol table }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ name - pointer to the symbol name }
{ itype - pointer to the symbol type }
{ class - storage class }
{ space - the kind of variable space to put the }
{ identifier in }
{ state - variable declaration state }
{ }
{ returns: pointer to the inserted symbol }
cs: identPtr; {current symbol}
hashPtr: ^identPtr; {pointer to hash bucket in symbol table}
i: integer; {loop variable}
isGlobal: boolean; {are we using the global table?}
lUseGlobalPool: boolean; {use the global symbol pool?}
needSymbol: boolean; {do we need to declare it?}
np: stringPtr; {for forming static name}
p: identPtr; {work pointer}
tk: tokenType; {fake token; for FindSymbol}
begin {NewSymbol}
needSymbol := true; {assume we need a symbol}
cs := nil; {no current symbol found}
isGlobal := false; {set up defaults}
lUseGlobalPool := useGlobalPool;
tk.name := name;
tk.symbolPtr := nil;
if space <> fieldListSpace then begin {are we defining a function?}
2019-12-23 05:08:26 +00:00
if (itype <> nil) and (itype^.kind = functionType) then begin
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
isGlobal := true;
useGlobalPool := true;
if class in [autosy, ident] then
class := externsy;
if not lUseGlobalPool then begin
np := pointer(Malloc(length(name^)+1));
CopyString(pointer(np), pointer(name));
tk.name := np;
name := np;
end; {if}
cs := FindSymbol(tk, space, false, true);
if cs <> nil then begin
if cs^.state = defined then
if state = defined then
p := cs;
needSymbol := false;
if not itype^.prototyped then begin
itype^.prototyped := cs^.itype^.prototyped;
itype^.parameterList := cs^.itype^.parameterList;
end; {if}
end; {if}
end {if}
2019-12-23 05:08:26 +00:00
else if (itype <> nil) and (itype^.kind in [structType,unionType])
and (itype^.fieldList = nil) and doingParameters then begin
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
useGlobalPool := true;
end; {else if}
if noDeclarations then begin {if we need a symbol table, create it}
if not isGlobal then
noDeclarations := false;
end {if}
else begin {check for duplicates}
cs := FindSymbol(tk, space, true, false);
if cs <> nil then begin
if (not CompTypes(cs^.itype, itype))
or ((cs^.state = initialized) and (state = initialized))
or (globalTable <> table) then
if (not doingParameters) or (cs^.state <> declared) then
p := cs;
needSymbol := false;
end; {if}
end; {else}
end; {if}
if class = staticsy then {statics go in the global symbol table}
if not isGLobal then
if globalTable <> table then begin
cs := FindSymbol(tk, space, true, true);
if cs <> nil then begin {check for duplicates}
if (not CompTypes(cs^.itype, itype))
or ((cs^.state = defined) and (state <> initialized))
or (cs^.state = initialized) then
p := cs;
needSymbol := false;
end; {if}
isGlobal := true; {note that we will use the global table}
useGlobalPool := true;
np := pointer(GMalloc(length(name^)+6));
np^[0] := chr(5+length(name^));
for i := 1 to 5 do
np^[i] := table^.staticNum[i];
for i := 1 to length(name^) do
np^[i+5] := name^[i];
name := np;
end; {if}
if needSymbol then begin
p := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(identRecord))); {get space for the record}
{p^.iPtr := nil;} {no initializers, yet}
{p^.saved := 0;} {not saved}
p^.state := state; {set the state}
{p^.isForwardDeclared := false;} {assume no forward declarations are used}
p^.name := name; {record the name}
if space <> fieldListSpace then {insert the symbol in the hash bucket}
if itype = nil then
hashPtr := pointer(ord4(table)+Hash(name))
else if isGlobal then
hashPtr := pointer(ord4(globalTable)+Hash(name))
hashPtr := pointer(ord4(table)+Hash(name));
if space = tagSpace then
hashPtr := pointer(ord4(hashPtr) + 4*(hashSize+1));
p^.next := hashPtr^;
hashPtr^ := p;
end {if}
p^.next := nil;
end; {if}
if class in [autosy,registersy] then {check and set the storage class}
if doingFunction or doingParameters then begin
p^.storage := stackFrame;
class := ident;
end {if}
else begin
p^.storage := global;
end; {else}
end {if}
else if class = ident then begin
if doingFunction then begin
p^.storage := stackFrame;
class := autosy;
end {if}
p^.storage := global;
end {else if}
else if class = externsy then
p^.storage := external
else if class = staticsy then
p^.storage := private
p^.storage := none;
p^.class := class;
p^.itype := itype; {set the symbol field values}
NewSymbol := p; {return a pointer to the new entry}
useGlobalPool := lUseGlobalPool; {restore the useGlobalPool variable}
end; {NewSymbol}
procedure PopTable;
{ Pop a symbol table (remove definitions local to a block) }
tPtr: symbolTablePtr; {work pointer}
begin {PopTable}
tPtr := table;
{if printSymbols then {debug}
{ PrintTable(tPtr); {debug}
if tPtr^.next <> nil then begin
table := table^.next;
end; {if}
end; {PopTable}
{ copy 'symbol.print'} {debug}
procedure PushTable;
{ Create a new symbol table, pushing the old one }
done: boolean; {loop termination}
i: integer; {loop index}
tPtr: symbolTablePtr; {work pointer}
begin {PushTable}
i := 5; {increment the static var number}
staticNum[i] := succ(staticNum[i]);
done := staticNum[i] <> succ('9');
if not done then begin
staticNum[i] := '0';
i := i-1;
done := i = 1;
end; {if}
until done;
if table = globalTable then {update fistStaticNum}
firstStaticNum := staticNum;
new(tPtr); {create a new symbol table}
tPtr^.next := table;
table := tPtr;
tPtr^.staticNum := staticNum; {record the static symbol table number}
end; {PushTable}
procedure ResolveForwardReference {iPtr: identPtr};
{ resolve a forward reference }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ iPtr - ptr to the forward declared identifier }
fl: identPtr; {for tracing field lists}
ltk: tokenType; {for searching for forward refs}
sym: identPtr; {for finding forward refs}
lPtr,tPtr: typePtr; {for tracing forward declared types}
begin {ResolveForwardReference}
2020-01-29 23:09:52 +00:00
iPtr^.isForwardDeclared := false; {we will succeed or flag an error...}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
tPtr := iPtr^.itype; {skip to the struct/union type}
2016-10-13 23:39:57 +00:00
lPtr := nil;
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
while tPtr^.kind in [pointerType,arrayType,functionType,definedType] do begin
lPtr := tPtr;
tPtr := tPtr^.pType;
if tPtr^.sName <> nil then begin {resolve the forward reference}
ltk.name := tPtr^.sName;
ltk.symbolPtr := nil;
sym := FindSymbol(ltk,tagSpace,false,true);
if sym <> nil then begin
if sym^.itype^.kind <> tPtr^.kind then
else begin
if sym^.itype = tPtr then
tPtr^.sName := nil
2016-10-13 23:39:57 +00:00
else begin
tPtr := sym^.itype;
if lPtr <> nil then
lPtr^.ptype := tPtr;
end; {else}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
end; {else}
end; {if}
end; {if}
2016-10-13 23:39:57 +00:00
if lPtr <> nil then
tPtr := lPtr^.pType; {check the field list for other fwd refs}
2017-10-21 23:40:19 +00:00
while tPtr^.kind in [pointerType,arrayType,functionType,definedType] do
tPtr := tPtr^.pType;
if tPtr^.kind in [structType,unionType] then begin
fl := tPtr^.fieldList;
while fl <> nil do begin
if fl^.isForwardDeclared then
fl := fl^.next;
end; {while}
end; {if}
end; {ResolveForwardReference}
{$append 'symbol.asm'}