2017-10-21 18:40:19 -05:00
/* Conformance Test Verification of character set */
main ()
char string2 [] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
char string3 [] = "0123456789";
char string4 [] = " !\"#$%&\'()*+,-./";
char string5 [] = ":;<=>?@";
char string6 [] = "[\\]^_";
char string7 [] = "{|}~";
char string8 [] = "\b\t\v\f\r\a\?";
int encode, i;
/* Create a string variable from the required characters and check */
/* its contents against the ASCII encodings for the characters. */
for (i = 0, encode = 0x41; i < 26; i++, encode++)
if (string1 [i] != encode)
goto Fail;
for (i = 0, encode = 0x61; i < 26; i++, encode++)
if (string2 [i] != encode)
goto Fail;
for (i = 0, encode = 0x30; i < 10; i++, encode++)
if (string3 [i] != encode)
goto Fail;
for (i = 0, encode = 0x20; i < 15; i++, encode++)
if (string4 [i] != encode)
goto Fail;
for (i = 0, encode = 0x3A; i < 7; i++, encode++)
if (string5 [i] != encode)
goto Fail;
for (i = 0, encode = 0x5B; i < 5; i++, encode++)
if (string6 [i] != encode)
goto Fail;
for (i = 0, encode = 0x7B; i < 4; i++, encode++)
if (string7 [i] != encode)
goto Fail;
if (string8 [0] != 0x08)
goto Fail;
if (string8 [1] != 0x09)
goto Fail;
if (string8 [2] != 0x0B)
goto Fail;
if (string8 [3] != 0x0C)
goto Fail;
if (string8 [4] != 0x0D)
goto Fail;
if (string8 [5] != 0x07)
goto Fail;
if (string8 [6] != 0x3F)
goto Fail;
printf ("Passed Conformance Test\n");
printf ("Failed Conformance Test\n");