{$optimize 7}{---------------------------------------------------------------}{ }{ CCommon }{ }{ Common declarations and global data for the compiler. }{ }{ Variables: }{ }{ bofPtr - pointer to the start of sourceFile }{ chPtr - pointer to the next character in the file }{ codegenStarted - have we started the code generator? }{ debugType - line number debug types }{ doingFunction - true if processing a function }{ doingParameters - are we processing parm definitions? }{ doingPartial - are we doing a partial compile? }{ enterEditor - enter editor on terminal errors? }{ expandMacros - should macros be expanded? }{ firstPtr - points to first char in current line }{ gotoList - list of goto labels }{ includeFile - include file name (for return from includes) }{ infoString - language specific command line info }{ lastLine - last line number used by pc_nam }{ liDCB - get/set LInfo DCB }{ lineNumber - source line number }{ lint - lint flags }{ list - generate source listing? }{ memoryCompile - memory based compile? }{ nameFound - has a pc_nam been generated? }{ numErrors - number of errors in the program }{ objFile - object file name }{ oldincludeFile - previous includeFile value }{ partialFile - partial compile list }{ sourceFile - source file name }{ terminalErrors - are all errors terminal? }{ traceBack - generate traceback code? }{ useGlobalPool - use global (or local) string pool? }{ wait - wait for keypress after errors? }{ }{ doDispose - dispose of the expression tree as we go? }{ expressionValue - the expression evaluator returns the }{ value of constant expressions in this variable }{ expressionType - the type of the expression }{ expressionTree - for non-constant initializers }{ isConstant - is the initializer expression conastant? }{ }{ External Subroutines: }{ }{ CheckGotoList - Make sure all labels have been defined }{ ClearHourGlass - Erase the hourglass from the screen }{ CopyLongString - copy a long string }{ CopyString - copy a string }{ DrawHourGlass - Draw the hourglass on the screen }{ ExitToEditor - do an error exit to the editor }{ GetLocalLabel - get the next local label number }{ Hash - find hash displacement }{ InitCCommon - Initialize this module }{ ReadFile - read a file }{ Spin - Spin the spinner }{ StopSpin - Stop the spinner }{ SystemError - intercept run time compiler errors }{ TermError - flag a terminal error }{ typeSpec - type of the last type specifier evaluated by }{ TypeSpecifier }{