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procedure PrintTokenList (tp: tokenListRecordPtr); {debug} begin if tp <> nil then begin PrintTokenList(tp^.next); PrintToken(tp^.token); end; {if} end; procedure PrintMacroTable; {debug} { print the macro definitions } var i: 0..hashSize; {loop/index variable} mp: macroRecordPtr; {used to trace macro lists} begin {PrintMacroTable} for i := 0 to hashSize do begin mp := macros^[i]; while mp <> nil do begin write(' ', mp^.name^, '(', mp^.parameters:1, ') ['); PrintTokenList(mp^.tokens); writeln(']'); mp := mp^.next; end; {while} end; {for} write('(Press RETURN to continue)'); readln; end; {PrintMacroTable}