2017-10-21 18:40:19 -05:00
/* Conformance Test Verification of converting tokens to strings */
/* within macros */
2022-10-17 17:50:42 -05:00
#include <string.h>
int printf(const char *, ...);
2017-10-21 18:40:19 -05:00
#define CnvToString1(a,b,c) "not a " #a " nor a c" #c " nor a m" #b\
" be me\n"
#define CnvToString2(a,b,c) "a = " #a " b = " #b " c = "#c
2022-10-17 17:50:42 -05:00
int main (void)
2017-10-21 18:40:19 -05:00
char string1[] = CnvToString1 (5, 276.145, 0x7F);
char string2[] = CnvToString2 (4, 3, 0);
if ((strcmp (string1, "not a 5 nor a c0x7F nor a m276.145 be me\n")) != 0)
goto Fail;
if ((strcmp (string2, "a = 4 b = 3 c = 0")) != 0)
goto Fail;
printf ("Passed Conformance Test\n");
2022-10-17 17:50:42 -05:00
return 0;
2017-10-21 18:40:19 -05:00
printf ("Failed Conformance Test\n");