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synced 2025-03-05 14:29:47 +00:00
Add support for compound literals within functions.
The basic approach is to generate a single expression tree containing the code for the initialization plus the reference to the compound literal (or its address). The various subexpressions are joined together with pc_bno pcodes, similar to the code generated for the comma operator. The initializer expressions are placed in a balanced binary tree, so that it is not excessively deep. Note: Common subexpression elimination has poor performance for very large trees. This is not specific to compound literals, but compound literals for relatively large arrays can run into this issue. It will eventually complete and generate a correct program, but it may be quite slow. To avoid this, turn off CSE.
This commit is contained in:
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ type
eolsy,eofsy, {control characters}
typedef, {user types}
uminus,uand,uasterisk, {converted operations}
macroParm); {macro language}
{Note: this enumeration also }
@ -276,6 +276,17 @@ function MakeCompoundLiteral(tp: typePtr): identPtr; extern;
{ parameters: }
{ tp - the type of the compound literal }
procedure AutoInit (variable: identPtr; line: integer;
isCompoundLiteral: boolean); extern;
{ generate code to initialize an auto variable }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ variable - the variable to initialize }
{ line - line number (used for debugging) }
{ isCompoundLiteral - initializing a compound literal? }
{-- External unsigned math routines ----------------------------}
function lshr (x,y: longint): longint; extern;
@ -2038,7 +2049,10 @@ var
{create an operand on the stack}
sp^.token.kind := ident;
if id^.class = staticsy then
sp^.token.kind := ident
sp^.token.kind := compoundliteral;
sp^.token.class := identifier;
sp^.token.symbolPtr := id;
sp^.token.name := id^.name;
@ -2646,7 +2660,7 @@ kind := tree^.token.kind;
{A variable identifier is an l-value unless it is a function or }
{non-parameter array }
if kind = ident then begin
if kind in [ident,compoundliteral] then begin
if tree^.id^.itype^.kind = arrayType then begin
if tree^.id^.storage <> parameter then
if doDispose then {prevent spurious errors}
@ -2768,6 +2782,7 @@ var
lbitDisp,lbitSize: integer; {for temp storage}
lisBitField: boolean;
ldoDispose: boolean; {local copy of doDispose}
function ExpressionKind (tree: tokenPtr): typeKind;
@ -2861,6 +2876,15 @@ var
expressionType := eType;
end; {with}
end {if}
else if tree^.token.kind = compoundliteral then begin
{evaluate a compound literal and load its address}
AutoInit(tree^.id, 0, true);
tree^.token.kind := ident;
tree^.token.kind := compoundliteral;
Gen0t(pc_bno, cgULong);
end {if}
else if tree^.token.kind = uasterisk then begin
{load the address of the item pointed to by the pointer}
@ -3564,6 +3588,20 @@ case tree^.token.kind of
end; {case}
compoundLiteral: begin
AutoInit(tree^.id, 0, true);
tree^.token.kind := ident;
ldoDispose := doDispose;
doDispose := false;
doDispose := ldoDispose;
tree^.token.kind := compoundliteral;
if expressionType^.kind = scalarType then
Gen0t(pc_bno, expressionType^.baseType)
Gen0t(pc_bno, cgULong);
intConst,uintConst,ushortConst,charConst,scharConst,ucharConst: begin
Gen1t(pc_ldc, tree^.token.ival, cgWord);
lastwasconst := true;
@ -4469,7 +4507,7 @@ case tree^.token.kind of
DoIncDec(tree^.left, pc_lld, pc_gld, pc_ild);
uand: begin {unary & (address operator)}
if not (tree^.left^.token.kind in [ident,uasterisk]) then
if not (tree^.left^.token.kind in [ident,compoundliteral,uasterisk]) then
end; {case uand}
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ uses CCommon, MM, Scanner, Symbol, CGI;
{$segment 'SCANNER'}
symFileVersion = 25; {version number of .sym file format}
symFileVersion = 26; {version number of .sym file format}
inhibitHeader: boolean; {should .sym includes be blocked?}
@ -48,13 +48,15 @@ procedure TypeName;
{ typeSpec - pointer to the type }
procedure AutoInit (variable: identPtr; line: integer);
procedure AutoInit (variable: identPtr; line: integer;
isCompoundLiteral: boolean);
{ generate code to initialize an auto variable }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ variable - the variable to initialize }
{ line - line number (used for debugging) }
{ isCompoundLiteral - initializing a compound literal? }
function MakeFuncIdentifier: identPtr;
@ -4010,7 +4012,7 @@ else {if not isFunction then} begin
variable^.lln := GetLocalLabel;
Gen2(dc_loc, variable^.lln, long(variable^.itype^.size).lsw);
if variable^.state = initialized then
AutoInit(variable, startLine); {initialize auto variable}
AutoInit(variable, startLine, false); {initialize auto variable}
end; {if}
if (token.kind = commach) and (not doingPrototypes) then begin
done := false; {allow multiple variables on one line}
@ -4314,17 +4316,22 @@ case statementList^.kind of
end; {DoStatement}
procedure AutoInit {variable: identPtr, line: integer};
procedure AutoInit {variable: identPtr; line: integer;
isCompoundLiteral: boolean};
{ generate code to initialize an auto variable }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ variable - the variable to initialize }
{ line - line number (used for debugging) }
{ isCompoundLiteral - initializing a compound literal? }
count: integer; {initializer counter}
iPtr: initializerPtr; {pointer to the next initializer}
codeCount: longint; {number of initializer expressions}
treeCount: integer; {current number of distinct trees}
ldoDispose: boolean; {local copy of doDispose}
procedure Initialize (id: identPtr; disp: longint; itype: typePtr);
@ -4398,6 +4405,27 @@ var
end; {ZeroFill}
procedure AddOperation;
{ Deal with a new initializer expression in a compound }
{ literal, adding expression tree nodes as appropriate. }
{ This aims to produce a balanced binary tree. }
val: longint;
begin {AddOperation}
treeCount := treeCount + 1;
codeCount := codeCount + 1;
val := codeCount;
while (val & 1) = 0 do begin
Gen0t(pc_bno, cgVoid);
treeCount := treeCount - 1;
val := val >> 1;
end; {end}
end; {AddOperation}
begin {Initialize}
while itype^.kind = definedType do
itype := itype^.dType;
@ -4407,7 +4435,8 @@ var
tree := iptr^.itree;
if tree = nil then goto 2; {don't generate code in error case}
LoadAddress; {load the destination address}
doDispose := count = 1; {generate the expression value}
{generate the expression value}
doDispose := ldoDispose and (count = 1);
{see if this is a constant}
{do assignment conversions}
while tree^.token.kind = castoper do
@ -4448,6 +4477,8 @@ var
Gen0t(pc_sto, cgULong);
end; {case}
if isCompoundLiteral then
2: end;
arrayType: begin
@ -4471,6 +4502,8 @@ var
Gen0t(pc_stk, cgULong);
Gen0t(pc_bno, cgULong);
Gen1tName(pc_cup, 0, cgVoid, @'memcpy');
if isCompoundLiteral then
end; {if}
if size < elements then begin
elements := elements - size;
@ -4481,6 +4514,8 @@ var
Gen0t(pc_stk, cgWord);
Gen0t(pc_bno, cgULong);
Gen1tName(pc_cup, -1, cgVoid, @'~ZERO');
if isCompoundLiteral then
end; {if}
iPtr := iPtr^.next;
goto 1;
@ -4498,6 +4533,8 @@ var
Gen0t(pc_stk, cgWord);
Gen0t(pc_bno, cgULong);
Gen1tName(pc_cup, -1, cgVoid, @'~ZERO');
if isCompoundLiteral then
disp := disp + size;
count := count - long(elements).lsw;
if count = 0 then begin
@ -4535,6 +4572,8 @@ var
with expressionType^ do
Gen2(pc_mov, long(size).msw, long(size).lsw);
Gen0t(pc_pop, UsualUnaryConversions);
if isCompoundLiteral then
end {if}
else begin
union := itype^.kind = unionType;
@ -4600,13 +4639,28 @@ var
begin {AutoInit}
iPtr := variable^.iPtr;
count := iPtr^.count;
if isCompoundLiteral then begin
treeCount := 0;
codeCount := 0;
ldoDispose := doDispose;
end {if}
ldoDispose := true;
if variable^.class <> staticsy then begin
if traceBack or debugFlag then
if nameFound or debugFlag then
if (statementList <> nil) and not statementList^.doingDeclaration then
if lineNumber <> 0 then
Initialize(variable, 0, variable^.itype);
end; {if}
if isCompoundLiteral then begin
while treeCount > 1 do begin
Gen0t(pc_bno, cgVoid);
treeCount := treeCount - 1;
end; {while}
doDispose := lDoDispose;
end; {if}
end; {AutoInit}
@ -4681,26 +4735,24 @@ var
class: tokenEnum; {storage class}
begin {MakeCompoundLiteral}
if functionTable <> nil then begin
if functionTable <> nil then
class := autosy
end {if}
class := staticsy;
name := pointer(Malloc(25));
name^ := concat('~CompoundLiteral', cnvis(compoundLiteralNumber));
id := NewSymbol(name, tp, class, variableSpace, defined);
MakeCompoundLiteral := id;
compoundLiteralNumber := compoundLiteralNumber + 1;
if compoundLiteralNumber = 0 then
MakeCompoundLiteral := id;
if class = autosy then begin
id^.lln := GetLocalLabel;
id^.clnext := compoundLiteralToAllocate;
compoundLiteralToAllocate := id;
end; {MakeFuncIdentifier}
end; {MakeCompoundLiteral}
procedure InitParser;
@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ if list or (numErr <> 0) then begin
161: msg := @'illegal operator in a constant expression';
162: msg := @'invalid escape sequence';
163: msg := @'pointer assignment discards qualifier(s)';
164: msg := @'compound literals within functions are not supported by ORCA/C';
{164: msg := @'compound literals within functions are not supported by ORCA/C';}
165: msg := @'''\p'' may not be used in a prefixed string';
166: msg := @'string literals with these prefixes may not be merged';
167: msg := @'''L''-prefixed character or string constants are not supported by ORCA/C';
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ charSym start single character symbols
enum (eolsy,eofsy) control characters
enum (typedef) user types
enum (uminus,uand,uasterisk) converted operations
enum (parameteroper,castoper,opplusplus,opminusminus)
enum (parameteroper,castoper,opplusplus,opminusminus,compoundliteral)
enum (macroParm) macro language
dc i'0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0' nul-bel
@ -474,6 +474,7 @@ icp start in-coming priority for expression
dc i1'16' castoper
dc i1'16' opplusplus
dc i1'16' opminusminus
dc i1'200' compoundliteral
dc i1'200' macroParm
@ -648,6 +649,7 @@ isp start in stack priority for expression
dc i1'16' castoper
dc i1'16' opplusplus
dc i1'16' opminusminus
dc i1'0' compoundliteral
dc i1'0' macroParm
@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
* Test of compound literals (C99).
* This currently only tests compound literals outside of functions,
* since that is the only place where ORCA/C currently supports them.
#include <stdio.h>
@ -11,6 +8,14 @@ int *p = (int[]){1,2,3};
int *q = &(int[100]){4,5,6}[1];
struct S *s = &(struct S {int i; double d; void *p;}){100,200.5,&p};
int f(struct S s) {
return s.i;
double g(struct S *s) {
return s->d + s->i;
int main(void) {
if (p[2] != 3)
goto Fail;
@ -24,6 +29,33 @@ int main(void) {
p[2] = s->i;
if (p[2] != 100)
goto Fail;
if ((int[]){6,7,8}[2] != 8)
goto Fail;
if (((char){34} += (long long){53}) != 87)
goto Fail;
if ((int){(double){(long){(char){22}}}} != (signed char){22})
goto Fail;
if (((struct S*)((struct S){0,-.5,&(struct S){-12,14,0}}.p))->d != 14.)
goto Fail;
if (f((struct S){f((struct S){-12,14,0}),23.5}) != -12)
goto Fail;
if (g(&(struct S){5,2.5,&(char){7}}) != 7.5)
goto Fail;
if ((char[100]){12}[99] != 0)
goto Fail;
if ((char[]){"Hello world"}[10] != 'd')
goto Fail;
if ((char[100]){"Hello world"}[50] != '\0')
goto Fail;
printf ("Passed Conformance Test c99complit\n");
return 0;
@ -514,15 +514,21 @@ Generic selection expressions are primarily useful within macros, which can give
The type of an 'array' parameter is adjusted to a pointer type, and the type qualifiers are applied to that pointer type (so the x parameter in the example has the type "long * const"). The "static" keyword indicates that when the function is called, the corresponding argument must give access to an array of at least the specified length; if it does not, the behavior is undefined.
26. (C99) ORCA/C now has partial support for compound literals. These are expressions of the following form:
26. (C99) ORCA/C now supports compound literals. These are expressions of the following form:
( type-name ) { initializer-list }
Such an expression behaves similarly to a declaration in that it creates an object of the specified type, initialized with the brace-enclosed initializer list. That object is unnamed, but the compound literal expression acts as a reference to it. Note that a compound literal is not a cast, even though the syntax is similar. As an example, the following declaration creates an unnamed array and initializes p to point to the first element of that array:
Such an expression behaves similarly to a declaration in that it creates an object of the specified type, initialized with the brace-enclosed initializer list. That object is unnamed, but the compound literal expression acts as a reference to it. Compound literals within a function have automatic storage duration, while ones outside of any function have static storage duration. Note that a compound literal is not a cast, even though the syntax is similar.
Compound literals can be used in code similarly to the identifier for a named variable. For example, a compound literal can be used to designate a structure to be passed to a function, either directly or via a pointer, e.g.:
Outside of functions, compound literals can be used in initializers, as in the following declaration, which creates an unnamed array and initializes p to point to the first element of that array:
int *p = (int[]){1,2,3};
ORCA/C supports the use of compound literals outside of functions, where they can be used in initializers for global variables (as in the example above). Compound literals outside of functions have static storage duration. Standard C also allows compound literals to be used within functions (with automatic storage duration), but ORCA/C does not currently support that.
(This declaration could also be used within a function, but in that case the variable p and the unnamed array would have automatic storage duration.)
Multi-Character Character Constants
Reference in New Issue
Block a user