Support Unicode strings and some escape sequences in _Pragma.

This still works by "reconstructing" the string literal text, rather than just using what was in the source code. This is not what the standards specify and can result in slightly different behavior in some corner cases, but for realistic cases it is probably fine.
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Heumann 2022-10-25 22:47:22 -05:00
parent e63d827049
commit 4702df9aac
2 changed files with 93 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ interface
uses CCommon, MM, Scanner, Symbol, CGI;
{$segment 'SCANNER'}
{$segment 'HEADER'}
symFileVersion = 31; {version number of .sym file format}

View File

@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ implementation
{special key values}
ALERT = 7; {alert (bell)}
BS = 8; {backspace}
FF = 12; {form feed}
HT = 9; {horizontal tab}
@ -1682,6 +1683,7 @@ fp^.sname := sourceFileGS;
fp^.lineNumber := lineNumber;
fp^.disp := ord4(chPtr)-ord4(bofPtr);
needWriteLine := false;
bofPtr := buf;
chPtr := ptr(ord4(buf)+offset); {set the start, end pointers}
eofPtr := pointer(ord4(bofPtr)+length);
@ -1702,22 +1704,108 @@ procedure Do_Pragma (str: tokenType);
lfirstPtr: ptr; {local copy of firstPtr}
lSuppressMacroExpansions: boolean; {local copy of suppressMacroExpansions}
line: pString;
buf: longStringPtr; {buffer to hold #pragma directive}
i: 0..maxint; {index variable}
c8ptr: ^byte; {pointer to 8-bit char in input string}
c16ptr: ^integer; {pointer to char16_t in input string}
c32ptr: ^longint; {pointer to char32_t in input string}
endptr: ptr; {pointer to end of input string}
ch: integer;
procedure PutChar (ch: integer);
{ write string constant representation of ch to buf }
begin {PutChar}
if ch < 0 then
else if chr(ch) in [chr(HT),' '..'~',chr($80)..chr($ff)] then begin
if i > longstringlen then
else begin
buf^.str[i] := chr(ch);
i := i+1;
end; {else}
end {else if}
else if ch in [ALERT,BS,FF,NEWLINE,RETURN,VT] then begin
if i > longstringlen-1 then
else begin
buf^.str[i] := '\';
case ch of
ALERT: buf^.str[i+1] := 'a';
BS: buf^.str[i+1] := 'b';
FF: buf^.str[i+1] := 'f';
NEWLINE: buf^.str[i+1] := 'n';
RETURN: buf^.str[i+1] := 'r';
VT: buf^.str[i+1] := 'v';
end; {case}
i := i+2;
end; {else}
end {else if}
else begin
if i > longstringlen-3 then
else begin
buf^.str[i] := '\';
buf^.str[i+1] := chr(((ch >> 6) & $0007) + ord('0'));
buf^.str[i+2] := chr(((ch >> 3) & $0007) + ord('0'));
buf^.str[i+3] := chr(( ch & $0007) + ord('0'));
i := i+4;
end; {else}
end; {else}
end; {PutChar}
begin {Do_Pragma}
{build a buffer with #pragma directive}
line := concat('#pragma ',str.sval^.str);
new(buf); {build a buffer with #pragma directive}
buf^.str := '#pragma ';
i := 9;
case str.prefix of
prefix_none, prefix_u8: begin
c8ptr := pointer(@str.sval^.str[1]);
endPtr := pointer(ord4(c8ptr) + str.sval^.length - 1);
while ord4(c8ptr) < ord4(endPtr) do begin
ch := c8ptr^;
if (str.prefix = prefix_u8) and (ch > 127) then
ch := -1;
c8ptr := pointer(ord4(c8ptr)+1);
end; {while}
prefix_u16: begin
c16ptr := pointer(@str.sval^.str[1]);
endPtr := pointer(ord4(c16ptr) + str.sval^.length - 2);
while ord4(c16ptr) < ord4(endPtr) do begin
ch := ConvertUCSToMacRoman(ord4(c16ptr^));
c16ptr := pointer(ord4(c16ptr)+2);
end; {while}
prefix_u32: begin
c32ptr := pointer(@str.sval^.str[1]);
endPtr := pointer(ord4(c32ptr) + str.sval^.length - 4);
while ord4(c32ptr) < ord4(endPtr) do begin
ch := ConvertUCSToMacRoman(c32ptr^);
c32ptr := pointer(ord4(c32ptr)+4);
end; {while}
end; {case}
buf^.length := i-1;
lfirstPtr := firstPtr; {include tokens from the buffer}
wroteLine := false;
FakeInclude(@line[1], 1, ord(line[0]), ' ');
FakeInclude(@buf^.str[1], 1, buf^.length, ' ');
lSuppressMacroExpansions := suppressMacroExpansions;
suppressMacroExpansions := true;
suppressMacroExpansions := lSuppressMacroExpansions;
wroteLine := true;
firstPtr := lfirstPtr;
end; {Do_Pragma}