Parse command-line macros more consistently with macros in code.

This makes a macro defined on the command line like -Dfoo=-1 consist of two tokens, the same as it would if defined in code. (Previously, it was just one token.)

This also somewhat expands the set of macros accepted on the command line. A prefix of +, -, *, &, ~, or ! (the one-character unary operators) can now be used ahead of any identifier, number, or string. Empty macro definitions like -Dfoo= are also permitted.
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Heumann 2022-06-15 21:51:52 -05:00
parent 161bb952e3
commit 8406921147
1 changed files with 60 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -3998,7 +3998,7 @@ var
lch: char; {next command line character}
cp: ptr; {character pointer}
i: 0..hashSize; {loop variable}
negative: boolean; {is a number negative?}
tPtr: tokenListRecordPtr; {for building macros from command line}
mp: macroRecordPtr; {for building the predefined macros}
bp: ^macroRecordPtr;
@ -4420,66 +4420,71 @@ repeat
bp := pointer(ord4(macros) + hash(mp^.name));
mp^.next := bp^;
bp^ := mp;
with mp^.tokens^ do begin
next := nil;
expandEnabled := true;
end; {with}
token.kind := intconst; {create the default value}
token.numString := @oneStr;
token.class := intConstant;
token.ival := 1;
oneStr := '1';
mp^.tokens^.tokenStart := @oneStr[1];
mp^.tokens^.tokenEnd := pointer(ord4(@oneStr[1])+1);
if lch = '=' then begin
mp^.tokens^.tokenStart := cp;
mp^.tokens := nil;
NextCh; {record the value}
token.numString := nil;
if charKinds[ord(lch)] = letter then begin
token.kind := ident;
token.class := identifier; := GetWord;
token.symbolPtr := nil;
end {if}
else if lch in ['+','-'] then begin
negative := lch = '-';
if lch in ['+','-','*','&','~','!'] then begin
tPtr^.next := mp^.tokens;
mp^.tokens := tPtr;
tPtr^.expandEnabled := true;
tPtr^.tokenStart := ptr(ord4(cp)-1);
tPtr^.tokenEnd := cp;
tPtr^.token.class := reservedSymbol;
tPtr^.token.isDigraph := false;
tPtr^.token.numString := nil;
case lch of
'+': tPtr^.token.kind := plusch;
'-': tPtr^.token.kind := minusch;
'*': tPtr^.token.kind := asteriskch;
'&': tPtr^.token.kind := andch;
'~': tPtr^.token.kind := tildech;
'!': tPtr^.token.kind := excch;
end; {case}
if lch in ['.','0'..'9'] then begin
if not (charKinds[ord(lch)] in [ch_white,ch_eol,ch_eof]) then begin
tPtr^.next := mp^.tokens;
mp^.tokens := tPtr;
tPtr^.expandEnabled := true;
tPtr^.tokenStart := ptr(ord4(cp)-1);
token.numString := nil;
if charKinds[ord(lch)] = letter then begin
token.kind := ident;
token.class := identifier; := GetWord;
token.numString := @'?';
if negative then
case token.class of
intConstant : token.ival := -token.ival;
longConstant : token.lval := -token.lval;
realConstant : token.rval := -token.rval;
longlongConstant: begin
token.qval.lo := ~token.qval.lo;
token.qval.hi := ~token.qval.hi;
token.qval.lo := token.qval.lo + 1;
if token.qval.lo = 0 then
token.qval.hi := token.qval.hi + 1;
otherwise: Error(108);
end; {case}
token.symbolPtr := nil;
end {if}
else if lch in ['.','0'..'9'] then begin := GetWord;
saveNumber := true;
saveNumber := false;
end {else if}
else if lch = '"' then
else begin
end {else if}
else if lch in ['.','0'..'9'] then begin := GetWord;
saveNumber := true;
saveNumber := false;
end {else if}
else if lch = '"' then
mp^.tokens^.tokenEnd := ptr(ord4(cp)-1);
end; {if}
mp^.tokens^.token := token; {add the value to the definition}
mp^.tokens := tPtr^.next;
end; {else}
tPtr^.token := token;
tPtr^.tokenEnd := ptr(ord4(cp)-1);
end; {if}
end {if}
else begin
tPtr^.next := nil;
mp^.tokens := tPtr;
tPtr^.expandEnabled := true;
oneStr := '1';
tPtr^.tokenStart := @oneStr[1];
tPtr^.tokenEnd := pointer(ord4(@oneStr[1])+1);
tPtr^.token.kind := intconst;
tPtr^.token.numString := @oneStr;
tPtr^.token.class := intConstant;
tPtr^.token.ival := 1;
end; {else}
end {if}
else if lch in ['i','I'] then begin
NextCh; {get the pathname}