Evaluate some kinds of long long operations in constant expressions.

Other operations on long long (e.g. arithmetic) are still not supported in constant expressions.
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Heumann 2021-02-13 15:07:16 -06:00
parent 8faafcc7c8
commit a3050c76a9

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@ -901,6 +901,7 @@ var
op: tokenPtr; {work pointer}
op1,op2: longint; {for evaluating constant expressions}
rop1,rop2: double; {for evaluating double expressions}
llop1, llop2: longlong; {for evaluating long long expressions}
tp: typePtr; {cast type}
unsigned: boolean; {is the term unsigned?}
@ -969,6 +970,39 @@ var
end; {IntVal}
procedure GetLongLongVal (var result: longlong; token: tokenType);
{ convert an operand to a long long value }
begin {LongLongVal}
if token.kind = intconst then begin
result.lo := token.ival;
if result.lo < 0 then
result.hi := -1
result.hi := 0;
end {if}
else if token.kind = uintconst then begin
result.lo := token.ival & $0000FFFF;
result.hi := 0;
end {else if}
else if token.kind = longconst then begin
result.lo := token.lval;
if result.lo < 0 then
result.hi := -1
result.hi := 0;
end {else if}
else if token.kind = ulongconst then begin
result.lo := token.lval;
result.hi := 0;
end {else if}
else {if token.kind in [longlongconst,ulonglongconst] then} begin
result := token.qval;
end; {else}
end; {LongLongVal}
function PPKind (token: tokenType): tokenEnum;
{ adjust kind of token for use in preprocessor expression }
@ -1058,10 +1092,6 @@ var
op^.left := Pop;
kindRight := op^.right^.token.kind;
kindLeft := op^.left^.token.kind;
if not (kind in [normalExpression,autoInitializerExpression]) then
if (kindLeft in [longlongconst,ulonglongconst])
or (kindRight in [longlongconst,ulonglongconst]) then
if kindRight in [intconst,uintconst,longconst,ulongconst] then begin
if kindLeft in [intconst,uintconst,longconst,ulongconst] then begin
if kind = preprocessorExpression then begin
@ -1200,6 +1230,90 @@ var
goto 1;
end; {if}
end; {if}
if kindRight in [intconst,uintconst,longconst,ulongconst,
longlongconst,ulonglongconst] then begin
if kindLeft in [intconst,uintconst,longconst,ulongconst,
longlongconst,ulonglongconst] then begin
if kind = preprocessorExpression then begin
kindLeft := PPKind(op^.left^.token);
kindRight := PPKind(op^.right^.token);
end; {if}
{do the usual binary conversions}
if (kindRight = ulonglongconst) or (kindLeft = ulonglongconst) then
ekind := ulonglongconst
ekind := longlongconst;
GetLongLongVal(llop1, op^.left^.token);
GetLongLongVal(llop2, op^.right^.token);
op^.right := nil;
op^.left := nil;
case op^.token.kind of
barbarop : begin {||}
op1 := ord((llop1.lo <> 0) or (llop1.hi <> 0) or
(llop2.lo <> 0) or (llop2.hi <> 0));
ekind := intconst;
andandop : begin {&&}
op1 := ord(((llop1.lo <> 0) or (llop1.hi <> 0)) and
((llop2.lo <> 0) or (llop2.hi <> 0)));
ekind := intconst;
carotch : begin {^}
llop1.lo := llop1.lo ! llop2.lo;
llop1.hi := llop1.hi ! llop2.hi;
barch : begin {|}
llop1.lo := llop1.lo | llop2.lo;
llop1.hi := llop1.hi | llop2.hi;
andch : begin {&}
llop1.lo := llop1.lo & llop2.lo;
llop1.hi := llop1.hi & llop2.hi;
eqeqop : begin {==}
op1 := ord((llop1.lo = llop2.lo) and
(llop1.hi = llop2.hi));
ekind := intconst;
exceqop : begin {!=}
op1 := ord((llop1.lo <> llop2.lo) or
(llop1.hi <> llop2.hi));
ekind := intconst;
ltch, {<}
gtch, {>}
lteqop, {<=}
gteqop, {>=}
ltltop, {<<}
gtgtop, {>>}
plusch, {+}
minusch, {-}
asteriskch, {*}
slashch, {/}
percentch: {%}
if not (kind in [normalExpression,autoInitializerExpression])
otherwise: Error(57);
end; {case}
op^.token.kind := ekind;
if ekind in [longlongconst,ulonglongconst] then begin
op^.token.qval := llop1;
op^.token.class := longlongConstant;
end {if}
else begin
op^.token.ival := long(op1).lsw;
op^.token.class := intConstant;
end; {else}
goto 1;
end; {if}
end; {if}
if op^.right^.token.kind in
[intconst,uintconst,longconst,ulongconst,doubleconst] then
if op^.left^.token.kind in
@ -1262,7 +1376,15 @@ var
op^.token.class := doubleConstant;
op^.token.kind := doubleConst;
end; {else}
goto 1;
end; {if}
if op^.right^.token.kind in [intconst,uintconst,longconst,
ulongconst,longlongconst,ulonglongconst,doubleconst] then
if op^.left^.token.kind in [intconst,uintconst,longconst,
ulongconst,longlongconst,ulonglongconst,doubleconst] then
if not (kind in [normalExpression,autoInitializerExpression])
@ -1382,9 +1504,6 @@ var
else if not (op^.token.kind in
[typedef,plusplusop,minusminusop,opplusplus,opminusminus,uand]) then
if not (kind in [normalExpression,autoInitializerExpression]) then
if op^.left^.token.kind in [longlongconst,ulonglongconst] then
if (op^.left^.token.kind
in [intconst,uintconst,longconst,ulongconst]) then begin
@ -1415,6 +1534,43 @@ var
op^.token.ival := long(op1).lsw;
end; {else}
end {if}
else if op^.left^.token.kind
in [longlongconst,ulonglongconst] then begin
{evaluate a constant operation}
ekind := op^.left^.token.kind;
llop1 := op^.left^.token.qval;
op^.left := nil;
case op^.token.kind of
tildech : begin {~}
llop1.lo := ~llop1.lo;
llop1.hi := ~llop1.hi;
excch : begin {!}
op1 := ord((llop1.hi = 0) and (llop1.lo = 0));
ekind := intconst;
uminus : begin {unary -}
llop1.lo := ~llop1.lo;
llop1.hi := ~llop1.hi;
llop1.lo := llop1.lo + 1;
if llop1.lo = 0 then
llop1.hi := llop1.hi + 1;
uasterisk : Error(79); {unary *}
otherwise: Error(57);
end; {case}
op^.token.kind := ekind;
if ekind in [longlongconst,ulonglongconst] then begin
op^.token.class := longlongConstant;
op^.token.qval := llop1;
end {if}
else begin
op^.token.class := intConstant;
op^.token.ival := long(op1).lsw;
end; {else}
end {else if}
else if op^.left^.token.kind = doubleconst then begin
ekind := doubleconst; {evaluate a constant operation}
rop1 := RealVal(op^.left^.token);