Use separate functions for merging tokens with ## and merging adjacent strings.

These are conceptually separate operations occurring in different phases of the translation process. This change means that ## can no longer merge string constants: such operations will give an error about an illegal token. Cases like this are technically undefined behavior, so the old behavior could have been permitted, but it is clearer and more consistent with other compilers to treat this as an error.
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Heumann 2022-02-20 20:16:08 -06:00
parent 26e1bfc253
commit bf7a6fa5db
1 changed files with 90 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -1146,9 +1146,57 @@ if len < 255 then
end; {LongToPString}
procedure ConvertString (var str: tokenType; prefix: charStrPrefixEnum);
{ Convert unprefixed string literal str to a prefixed one }
sPtr: longStringPtr; {new string}
i,j,k: integer; {loop counters}
codePoint: ucsCodePoint; {Unicode code point}
c16ptr: ^integer; {pointer to char16_t value}
c32ptr: ^longint; {pointer to char32_t value}
utf8: utf8Rec; {UTF-8 encoding of character}
utf16: utf16Rec; {UTF-16 encoding of character}
begin {ConvertString}
sPtr := pointer(Malloc(str.sval^.length*4));
k := 0;
for i := 1 to str.sval^.length do begin
codePoint := ConvertMacRomanToUCS(str.sval^.str[i]);
if prefix = prefix_u8 then begin
UTF8Encode(codePoint, utf8);
for j := 1 to utf8.length do begin
sPtr^.str[k+1] := chr(utf8.bytes[j]);
k := k+1;
end; {for}
end {if}
else if prefix = prefix_u16 then begin
UTF16Encode(codePoint, utf16);
c16Ptr := pointer(@sPtr^.str[k+1]);
c16Ptr^ := utf16.codeUnits[1];
k := k+2;
if utf16.length = 2 then begin
c16ptr := pointer(@sPtr^.str[k+1]);
c16Ptr^ := utf16.codeUnits[2];
k := k+2;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if prefix = prefix_U32 then begin
c32Ptr := pointer(@sPtr^.str[k+1]);
c32Ptr^ := codePoint;
k := k+4;
end; {else if}
end; {for}
sPtr^.length := k;
str.sval := sPtr;
str.prefix := prefix;
end; {ConvertString}
procedure Merge (var tk1: tokenType; tk2: tokenType);
{ Merge two tokens }
{ Merge two tokens (implementing ##) }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ tk1 - first token; result is stored here }
@ -1158,62 +1206,10 @@ label 1;
class1,class2: tokenClass; {token classes}
cp: longstringPtr; {pointer to work string}
i: integer; {loop variable}
kind1,kind2: tokenEnum; {token kinds}
len,len1: integer; {length of strings}
lt: tokenType; {local copy of token}
str1,str2: stringPtr; {identifier strings}
elementType: typePtr; {string element type}
procedure ConvertString (var str: tokenType; prefix: charStrPrefixEnum);
{ Convert unprefixed string literal str to a prefixed one }
sPtr: longStringPtr; {new string}
i,j,k: integer; {loop counters}
codePoint: ucsCodePoint; {Unicode code point}
c16ptr: ^integer; {pointer to char16_t value}
c32ptr: ^longint; {pointer to char32_t value}
utf8: utf8Rec; {UTF-8 encoding of character}
utf16: utf16Rec; {UTF-16 encoding of character}
begin {ConvertString}
sPtr := pointer(Malloc(str.sval^.length*4));
k := 0;
for i := 1 to str.sval^.length do begin
codePoint := ConvertMacRomanToUCS(str.sval^.str[i]);
if prefix = prefix_u8 then begin
UTF8Encode(codePoint, utf8);
for j := 1 to utf8.length do begin
sPtr^.str[k+1] := chr(utf8.bytes[j]);
k := k+1;
end; {for}
end {if}
else if prefix = prefix_u16 then begin
UTF16Encode(codePoint, utf16);
c16Ptr := pointer(@sPtr^.str[k+1]);
c16Ptr^ := utf16.codeUnits[1];
k := k+2;
if utf16.length = 2 then begin
c16ptr := pointer(@sPtr^.str[k+1]);
c16Ptr^ := utf16.codeUnits[2];
k := k+2;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if prefix = prefix_U32 then begin
c32Ptr := pointer(@sPtr^.str[k+1]);
c32Ptr^ := codePoint;
k := k+4;
end; {else if}
end; {for}
sPtr^.length := k;
str.sval := sPtr;
str.prefix := prefix;
end; {ConvertString}
begin {Merge}
kind1 := tk1.kind;
@ -1286,32 +1282,6 @@ else if class1 in numericConstants then begin
goto 1;
end {else if class1 in numericConstants}
else if class1 = stringConstant then begin
if class2 = stringConstant then begin
if tk1.prefix = tk2.prefix then
{OK - nothing to do}
else if tk1.prefix = prefix_none then
ConvertString(tk1, tk2.prefix)
else if tk2.prefix = prefix_none then
ConvertString(tk2, tk1.prefix)
elementType := StringType(tk1.prefix)^.aType;
len1 := tk1.sval^.length - ord(elementType^.size);
len := len1+tk2.sval^.length;
cp := pointer(Malloc(len+2));
for i := 1 to len1 do
cp^.str[i] := tk1.sval^.str[i];
for i := 1 to len-len1 do
cp^.str[i+len1] := tk2.sval^.str[i];
cp^.length := len;
if tk1.ispstring then
cp^.str[1] := chr(len-2);
tk1.sval := cp;
goto 1;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = dotch then begin
if class2 in numericConstants then begin
workString := concat(tk1.numString^, tk2.numString^);
@ -1497,6 +1467,45 @@ Error(63);
end; {Merge}
procedure MergeStrings (var tk1: tokenType; tk2: tokenType);
{ Merge two string constant tokens }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ tk1 - first token; result is stored here }
{ tk2 - second token }
cp: longstringPtr; {pointer to work string}
i: integer; {loop variable}
len,len1: integer; {length of strings}
lt: tokenType; {local copy of token}
elementType: typePtr; {string element type}
begin {MergeStrings}
if tk1.prefix = tk2.prefix then
{OK - nothing to do}
else if tk1.prefix = prefix_none then
ConvertString(tk1, tk2.prefix)
else if tk2.prefix = prefix_none then
ConvertString(tk2, tk1.prefix)
elementType := StringType(tk1.prefix)^.aType;
len1 := tk1.sval^.length - ord(elementType^.size);
len := len1+tk2.sval^.length;
cp := pointer(Malloc(len+2));
for i := 1 to len1 do
cp^.str[i] := tk1.sval^.str[i];
for i := 1 to len-len1 do
cp^.str[i+len1] := tk2.sval^.str[i];
cp^.length := len;
if tk1.ispstring then
cp^.str[1] := chr(len-2);
tk1.sval := cp;
end; {MergeStrings}
procedure BuildStringToken (cp: ptr; len: integer);
{ Create a string token from a string }
@ -4782,7 +4791,7 @@ if tokenList <> nil then begin {get a token put back by a macro}
while (token.kind = stringconst)
and (tokenList <> nil)
and (tokenList^.token.kind = stringconst) do begin
Merge(token, tokenList^.token);
MergeStrings(token, tokenList^.token);
tPtr := tokenList;
tokenList := tPtr^.next;
@ -5303,7 +5312,7 @@ if (token.kind = stringconst) and not mergingStrings {handle adjacent strings}
mergingStrings := false;
suppressMacroExpansions := lSuppressMacroExpansions;
if token.kind = stringconst then begin
Merge(tToken, token);
MergeStrings(tToken, token);
done := false;
end {if}
else begin