Save string representation of macros defined on command line.

This is necessary for correct operation of the # and ## preprocessor operators on the tokens from such macros.

Integers with a sign character still have the non-standard property of being treated as a single token, so they cannot be used with ##, but in most cases such uses will now give an error.
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Heumann 2022-02-20 15:35:49 -06:00
parent 2a9ec8fc43
commit da978932bf

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@ -4316,17 +4316,26 @@ repeat
new(mp); {form the macro table entry}
mp^.name := GetWord;
mp^.parameters := -1;
mp^.tokens := nil;
mp^.readOnly := false;
mp^.saved := true;
bp := pointer(ord4(macros) + hash(mp^.name));
mp^.next := bp^;
bp^ := mp;
with mp^.tokens^ do begin
next := nil;
tokenString := @'';
expandEnabled := true;
end; {with}
token.kind := intconst; {create the default value}
token.numString := nil;
token.numString := @oneStr;
token.class := intConstant;
token.ival := 1;
oneStr := '1';
mp^.tokens^.tokenStart := @oneStr[1];
mp^.tokens^.tokenEnd := pointer(ord4(@oneStr[1])+1);
if lch = '=' then begin
mp^.tokens^.tokenStart := cp;
NextCh; {record the value}
token.numString := nil;
if charKinds[ord(lch)] = letter then begin
@ -4341,6 +4350,7 @@ repeat
if lch in ['.','0'..'9'] then begin := GetWord;
token.numString := @'?';
if negative then
case token.class of
intConstant : token.ival := -token.ival;
@ -4361,22 +4371,17 @@ repeat
end {else if}
else if lch in ['.','0'..'9'] then begin := GetWord;
saveNumber := true;
saveNumber := false;
end {else if}
else if lch = '"' then
mp^.tokens^.tokenEnd := ptr(ord4(cp)-1);
end; {if}
new(mp^.tokens); {add the value to the definition}
with mp^.tokens^ do begin
next := nil;
tokenString := @'';
expandEnabled := true;
tokenStart := nil;
tokenEnd := nil;
end; {with}
mp^.tokens^.token := token;
mp^.tokens^.token := token; {add the value to the definition}
end {if}
else if lch in ['i','I'] then begin
NextCh; {get the pathname}