/* */ /* Special Conformance Test Verification of freopen */ /* */ /* Other files needed: spc17.2.0.a - spc17.2.0.d - data files for the test */ /* */ /* Tester needs to verify that the files named spc17.2.0.a - spc17.2.0.d, */ /* and located on the work prefix, have previously been created with the */ /* test Special Conformance */ /* */ /* The first action of the test will be to open spc17.2.0.a, and print its */ /* contents on the screen. The tester needs to verify that the contents are */ /* correct. */ /* */ /* The next action is to verify that standard input is working. The tester */ /* will be prompted for a string; this string will then be written to both */ /* standard out and standard error out. The tester needs to verify that the */ /* output strings are correct. */ /* */ /* The test will then redirect standard in, standard out, and standard error */ /* out. The contents of spc17.2.0.b will be sent to the files spc17.0.c, */ /* the new standard out, and spc17.2.0.d, the new standard error out. The */ /* tester needs to verify that the three files are identical. */ /* */ /* Finally, standard in, standard out, and standard error out will be reset */ /* to their original values. The tester will be prompted for a new string */ /* to be entered from the keyboard. The tester needs to verify that the */ /* string is correctly echoed to the screen twice (once for standard out and */ /* once for standard error out). */ /* */ #include #include int main (void) { int i, j; char s [255]; /* input buffer */ FILE *f1, *f2, *f3, *f4; FILE *saveStdin, *saveStdout, *saveStderr; char fn1 [14] = "3/spc17.2.0.a"; /* define filenames */ char fn2 [14] = "3/spc17.2.0.b"; char fn3 [14] = "3/spc17.2.0.c"; char fn4 [14] = "3/spc17.2.0.d"; f1 = fopen (fn1, "r"); /* open for reading */ if (f1 == NULL) goto Fail; i = 0; while ((j = fgetc (f1)) != EOF) /* read successive */ s [i++] = (char) j; /* chars into string */ s [i] = '\0'; printf ("This is the contents of 3/spc17.2.0.a:\n%s\n", s); f1 = freopen (fn2, "a+", f1); /* reassign file pointer */ if (f1 == NULL) goto Fail2; i = fseek (f1, 0L, SEEK_END); /* move to end of file */ if (i) goto Fail5; i = fputs ("This is the second line of file 3/spc17.2.0.b", f1); if (i == EOF) goto Fail3; rewind (f1); i = 0; while ((j = fgetc (f1)) != EOF) /* read successive */ s [i++] = (char) j; /* chars into string */ s [i] = '\0'; printf ("\nThese are the updated contents of 3/spc17.2.0.b:\n%s\n", s); /* This part of the test verifies reopening standard in, standard out, and */ /* standard error out. */ printf ("Please enter a string\n"); /* 1st verify that standard in */ j = 0; /* standard out and standard */ while ((i = fgetc (stdin)) != '\n') /* error out work */ { if (i == EOF) goto Fail7; s [j++] = i; } s [j] = '\0'; printf ("The string entered is:\n"); i = fputs (s, stdout); if (i) goto Fail8; printf ("\n"); i = fputs (s, stderr); if (i) goto Fail9; printf ("\n"); saveStdin = stdin; stdin = freopen (fn1, "r", f1); /* reassign standard in */ if (stdin == NULL) goto Fail2; f3 = fopen (fn3, "w"); /* open stream to get new FILE ptr */ if (f3 == NULL) goto Fail; saveStdout = stdout; stdout = freopen (fn3, "w", f3); /* reassign standard out */ if (stdout == NULL) goto Fail2; saveStderr = stderr; f4 = fopen (fn4, "w"); /* open stream to get new FILE ptr */ if (f4 == NULL) goto Fail; stderr = freopen (fn4, "w", f4); /* reassign standard error */ if (stderr == NULL) goto Fail2; i = fscanf (stdin, "%s", s); /* read input string from file */ if (i == EOF) goto Fail7; i = puts (s); /* write string to files */ if (i) goto Fail8; i = fputs (s, stderr); if (i) goto Fail9; /* Now reset standard in, standard out, and standard error, and ensure */ /* they're ok. */ i = fclose (stdin); /* close disk files attached */ if (i == EOF) /* to stdin, stdout, stderr */ goto Fail4; i = fclose (stdout); if (i == EOF) goto Fail4; i = fclose (stderr); if (i == EOF) goto Fail4; stdin = saveStdin; /* reassign standard in */ stdout = saveStdout; /* reassign standard out */ stderr = saveStderr; /* reassign standard error */ printf ("Please enter a string\n"); /* Prompt the tester to input */ j = 0; /* a string & then check that*/ while ((i = fgetc (stdin)) != '\n') /* it's written to stdout & */ { /* stderr */ if (i == EOF) goto Fail7; s [j++] = i; } s [j] = '\0'; printf ("The string entered is:\n"); i = puts (s); if (i) goto Fail8; printf ("\n"); i = fputs (s, stderr); if (i) goto Fail9; printf ("\n"); printf ("Passed Special Conformance Test "); return 0; Fail: perror ("File open failure in Special Conformance Test "); exit (0); Fail2: printf ("Error when reopening stream\n"); exit (0); Fail3: printf ("Error when writing file\n"); exit (0); Fail4: printf ("Error when closing file\n"); exit (0); Fail5: printf ("Error when seeking file\n"); exit (0); Fail6: printf ("Error when appending to file\n"); exit (0); Fail7: printf ("Error when reading from standard in\n"); exit (0); Fail8: printf ("Error when writing to standard out\n"); exit (0); Fail9: printf ("Error when writing to standard error out\n"); exit (0); }