/******************************************** * * MIDI Tool Set * * Copyright Apple Computer, Inc.1986-90 * All Rights Reserved * * Copyright 1992, Byte Works, Inc. * ********************************************/ #ifndef __TYPES__ #include <TYPES.h> #endif #ifndef __MIDI__ #define __MIDI__ /* MIDI */ #define miToolNum 0x0020 /* the tool number of the MIDI Tool Set */ #define miDrvrFileType 0x00BB /* filetype of MIDI device driver */ #define miNSVer 0x0102 /* minimum version of Note Synthesizer required by MIDI Tool Set */ #define miSTVer 0x0203 /* minimum version of Sound Tools needed by MIDI Tool Set */ #define miDrvrAuxType 0x0300 /* aux type of MIDI device driver */ /* Error Codes */ #define miStartUpErr 0x2000 /* MIDI Tool Set is not started */ #define miPacketErr 0x2001 /* incorrect length for a received MIDI command */ #define miArrayErr 0x2002 /* a designated array had an insufficient or illegal size */ #define miFullBufErr 0x2003 /* input buffer overflow */ #define miToolsErr 0x2004 /* the required tools were not started up or had insufficient versions */ #define miOutOffErr 0x2005 /* MIDI output must first be enabled */ #define miNoBufErr 0x2007 /* no buffer is currently allocated */ #define miDriverErr 0x2008 /* the designated file is not a legal MIDI device driver */ #define miBadFreqErr 0x2009 /* the MIDI clock cannot attain the requested frequency */ #define miClockErr 0x200A /* the MIDI clock value wrapped to zero */ #define miConflictErr 0x200B /* conflicting processes for MIDI input */ #define miNoDevErr 0x200C /* no MIDI device driver loaded */ #define miDevNotAvail 0x2080 /* the requested device is not available */ #define miDevSlotBusy 0x2081 /* requested slot is already in use */ #define miDevBusy 0x2082 /* the requested device is already in use */ #define miDevOverrun 0x2083 /* device overrun by incoming MIDI data */ #define miDevNoConnect 0x2084 /* no connection to MIDI */ #define miDevReadErr 0x2085 /* framing error in received MIDI data */ #define miDevVersion 0x2086 /* ROM version is incompatible with device driver */ #define miDevIntHndlr 0x2087 /* conflicting interrupt handler is installed */ /* MidiClock */ #define miSetClock 0x0000 /* set time stamp clock */ #define miStartClock 0x0001 /* start time stamp clock */ #define miStopClock 0x0002 /* stop time stamp clock */ #define miSetFreq 0x0003 /* set clock frequency */ /* MidiControl */ #define miRawMode 0x00000000L /* raw mode for MIDI input and output */ #define miSetRTVec 0x0000 /* set real-time message vector */ #define miPacketMode 0x00000001L /* packet mode for MIDI input and output */ #define miSetErrVec 0x0001 /* set real-time error vector */ #define miStandardMode 0x00000002L /* standard mode for MIDI input and output */ #define miSetInBuf 0x0002 /* set input buffer information */ #define miSetOutBuf 0x0003 /* set output buffer information */ #define miStartInput 0x0004 /* start MIDI input */ #define miStartOutput 0x0005 /* start MIDI output */ #define miStopInput 0x0006 /* stop MIDI input */ #define miStopOutput 0x0007 /* stop MIDI output */ #define miFlushInput 0x0008 /* discard contents of input buffer */ #define miFlushOutput 0x0009 /* discard contents of output buffer */ #define miFlushPacket 0x000A /* discard next input packet */ #define miWaitOutput 0x000B /* wait for output buffer to empty */ #define miSetInMode 0x000C /* set input mode */ #define miSetOutMode 0x000D /* set output mode */ #define miClrNotePad 0x000E /* clear all notes marked on in the note pad */ #define miSetDelay 0x000F /* set minimum delay between output packets */ #define miOutputStat 0x0010 /* enable/disable output of running-status */ #define miIgnoreSysEx 0x0011 /* ignore system exclusive input */ /* MidiDevice */ #define miSelectDrvr 0x0000 /* display device driver selection dialog */ #define miLoadDrvr 0x0001 /* load and initialize device driver */ #define miUnloadDrvr 0x0002 /* shutdown MIDI device, unload driver */ /* MidiInfo */ #define miNextPktLen 0x0000 /* return length of next packet */ #define miInputChars 0x0001 /* return number of characters in input buffer */ #define miOutputChars 0x0002 /* return number of characters in output buffer */ #define miMaxInChars 0x0003 /* return maximum number of characters in input buffer */ #define miMaxOutChars 0x0004 /* return maximum number of characters in output buffer */ #define miRecordAddr 0x0005 /* return current MidiRecordSeq address */ #define miPlayAddr 0x0006 /* return current MidiPlaySeq address */ #define miClockValue 0x0007 /* return current time stamp clock value */ #define miClockFreq 0x0008 /* return number of clock ticks per second */ #define midiInputPoll 0x00E101B2L /* MidiInputChannel - vector to poll MIDI input channel */ struct MiBufInfo { Word bufSize; /* size of buffer (0 for default) */ Pointer address; /* address of buffer (0 for auto-allocation) */ }; typedef struct MiBufInfo MiBufInfo; struct MiDriverInfo { Word slot; /* device slot */ Word external; /* slot internal (=0) / external (=1) */ Byte pathname[65]; /* device driver pathname */ }; typedef struct MiDriverInfo MiDriverInfo, *MiDriverInfoPtr; extern pascal void MidiBootInit(void) inline(0x0120,dispatcher); extern pascal void MidiStartUp(Word, Word) inline(0x0220,dispatcher); extern pascal void MidiShutDown(void) inline(0x0320,dispatcher); extern pascal Word MidiVersion(void) inline(0x0420,dispatcher); extern pascal void MidiReset(void) inline(0x0520,dispatcher); extern pascal Boolean MidiStatus(void) inline(0x0620,dispatcher); extern pascal void MidiClock(Word, Long) inline(0x0B20,dispatcher); extern pascal void MidiControl(Word, Long) inline(0x0920,dispatcher); extern pascal void MidiDevice(Word, Pointer) inline(0x0A20,dispatcher); extern pascal LongWord MidiInfo(Word) inline(0x0C20,dispatcher); #define MidiInputPoll() asm {jsl 0xE101B2} /* Not a true tool call. Made through its own vector */ extern pascal Word MidiReadPacket(Pointer, Word) inline(0x0D20,dispatcher); extern pascal Word MidiWritePacket(Pointer) inline(0x0E20,dispatcher); #endif