* TextEdit Tool Set
* Copyright Apple Computer, Inc.1986-90
* All Rights Reserved
* Copyright 1992, Byte Works, Inc.

#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <TYPES.h>

#ifndef __TEXTEDIT__
#define __TEXTEDIT__

/* Error Codes */
#define teAlreadyStarted 0x2201
#define teNotStarted 0x2202
#define teInvalidHandle 0x2203
#define teInvalidVerb 0x2204
#define teInvalidFlag 0x2205
#define teInvalidPCount 0x2206
#define teInvalidRect 0x2207
#define teBufferOverflow 0x2208
#define teInvalidLine 0x2209
#define teInvalidCall 0x220A

/* TE Verbs */
#define NullVerb 0x0000
#define PStringVerb 0x0001
#define CStringVerb 0x0002
#define C1InputVerb 0x0003
#define C1OutputVerb 0x0004
#define HandleVerb 0x0005
#define PointerVerb 0x0006
#define NewPStringVerb 0x0007
#define fEqualLineSpacing 0x8000
#define fShowInvisibles 0x4000
#define teInvalidDescriptor 0x2204
#define teInvalidParameter 0x220B
#define teInvalidTextBox2 0x220C
#define teNeedsTools 0x220D  /* 8717 */
#define teEqualLineSpacing 0x8000
#define teShowInvisibles 0x4000

/* Justification Values */
#define leftJust 0x0000
#define rightJust 0xFFFF
#define centerJust 0x0001
#define fullJust 0x0002

/* TERuler.tabType Codes */
#define noTabs 0x0000
#define stdTabs 0x0001                  /* Tabs every tabTerminator pixels */
#define absTabs 0x0002                  /* Tabs at absolute location specified by theTabs array */

/* TEParamBlock.flags Codes */
#define fCtlInvis 0x0080
#define fRecordDirty 0x0040

/* TE Tab Codes */
#define teLeftTab 0x0000
#define teCenterTab 0x0001
#define teRightTab 0x0002
#define teDecimalTab 0x0003

/* TEParamBlock.textFlags Codes */
#define fNotControl 0x80000000L         /* TextEdit record is not a control */
#define fSingleFormat 0x40000000L       /* Only one ruler is allowed for record */
#define fSingleStyle 0x20000000L        /* Only one style is allowed for record */
#define fNoWordWrap 0x10000000L         /* No word wrap is performed */
#define fNoScroll 0x08000000L           /* The text cannot scroll */
#define fReadOnly 0x04000000L           /* The text cannot be edited */
#define fSmartCutPaste 0x02000000L      /* Record supports intelligent cut and paste */
#define fTabSwitch 0x01000000L          /* Tab key switches user to next TextEdit record on the screen */
#define fDrawBounds 0x00800000L         /* TextEdit draw a box around text */
#define fColorHilight 0x00400000L       /* Use color table for highlighting */
#define fGrowRuler 0x00200000L          /* Adjust right margin whenever window size changes */
#define fDisableSelection 0x00100000L   /* User cannot select or edit text */
#define fDrawInactiveSelection 0x00080000L /* TextEdit displays a box around an inactive selection */

/* Descriptor Codes */
#define teCtlColorIsPtr 0x0000
#define teCtlColorIsHandle 0x0004
#define teCtlColorIsResource 0x0008
#define teCtlStyleIsPtr 0x0000
#define teCtlStyleIsHandle 0x0001
#define teCtlStyleIsResource 0x0002
#define teRefIsPtr 0x0000
#define teRefIsHandle 0x0001
#define teRefIsResource 0x0002
#define teRefIsNewHandle 0x0003
#define teDataIsPString 0x0000
#define teDataIsCString 0x0001
#define teDataIsC1Input 0x0002
#define teDataIsC1Output 0x0003
#define teDataIsTextBox2 0x0004
#define teDataIsTextBlock 0x0005
#define teTextIsPtr 0x0000
#define teTextIsHandle 0x0008
#define teTextIsResource 0x0010
#define teTextIsNewHandle 0x0018

/* TEGetLastError clearFlag Codes */
#define fLeaveError 0x0000              /* Leave the last error code intact */
#define fClearError 0xFFFF              /* Clear the last error code */

/* Other Constants */
#define teInvis 0x4000
#define tePartialLines 0x8000L
#define teDontDraw 0x4000
#define teUseFont 0x0020
#define teUseSize 0x0010
#define teUseForeColor 0x0008
#define teUseBackColor 0x0004
#define teUseUserData 0x0002
#define teUseAttributes 0x0001
#define teReplaceFont 0x0040
#define teReplaceSize 0x0020
#define teReplaceForeColor 0x0010
#define teReplaceBackColor 0x0008
#define teReplaceUserField 0x0004
#define teReplaceAttributes 0x0002
#define teSwitchAttributes 0x0001

/* Filter Procedure Commands */
#define doEraseRect 0x0001
#define doEraseBuffer 0x0002
#define doRectChanged 0x0003
#define doKeyStroke 0x0004

/* TEScroll descriptors */
#define teScrollAbsTop 0x0000           /* 0 */
#define teScrollAbsCenter 0x0001        /* 1 */
#define teScrollLineTop 0x0002          /* 2 */
#define teScrollLineCenter 0x0003       /* 3 */
#define teScrollAbsUnit 0x0004          /* 4 */
#define teScrollRelUnit 0x0005          /* 5 */

struct TETextBlock {
   struct TETextBlock **nextHandle;     /* Handle to next TextBlock in list */
   struct TETextBlock **prevHandle;     /* Handle to previous TextBlock in list */
   LongWord textLength;                 /* Number of bytes of theText */
   Word flags;
   Word reserved;                       /* Reserved */
   Byte theText[1];                     /* textLength bytes of text  */
typedef struct TETextBlock TETextBlock, *TETextBlockPtr, **TETextBlockHndl;

struct TETextList {
   TETextBlockHndl cachedHandle;        /* Handle to current TextBlock */
   LongWord cachedOffset;               /* Text offset of the start of the current TextBlock */
typedef struct TETextList TETextList, *TETextListPtr, **TETextListHndl;

struct TEColorTable {
   Word contentColor;
   Word outlineColor;
   Word hiliteForeColor;
   Word hiliteBackColor;
   Word vertColorDescriptor;
   LongWord vertColorRef;
   Word horzColorDescriptor;
   LongWord horzColorRef;
   Word growColorDescriptor;
   LongWord growColorRef;
typedef struct TEColorTable TEColorTable, *TEColorTablePtr, **TEColorTableHndl;

struct TEBlockEntry {
   Handle text;
   Handle length;
   Word flags;
typedef struct TEBlockEntry TEBlockEntry;

struct TEBlocksRecord {
   LongWord start;
   Word index;
   TEBlockEntry blocks[1];
typedef struct TEBlocksRecord TEBlocksRecord, *TEBlocksPtr, **TEBlocksHndl;

struct TabItem {
   Word tabKind;
   Word tabData;
typedef struct TabItem TabItem;

struct TESuperItem {
   LongWord itemLength;
   LongWord itemData;
typedef struct TESuperItem TESuperItem, *TESuperItemPtr, **TESuperItemHndl;

struct TESuperBlock {
   struct TESuperBlock **nextHandle;
   struct TESuperBlock **prevHandle;
   LongWord textLength;
   LongWord reserved;
   TESuperItem theItems[1];
typedef struct TESuperBlock TESuperBlock, *TESuperBlockPtr, **TESuperBlockHndl;

struct TESuperHandle {
   TESuperBlockHndl cachedHandle;
   LongWord cachedOffset;
   Word cachedIndex;
   Word itemsPerBlock;
typedef struct TESuperHandle TESuperHandle, *TESuperHandlePtr, **TESuperHandleHndl;

struct TERuler {
   Word leftMargin;
   Word leftIndent;
   Word rightMargin;
   Word just;
   Word extraLS;
   Word flags;
   LongWord userData;
   Word tabType;
   TabItem theTabs[1];
   Word tabTerminator;
typedef struct TERuler TERuler, *TERulerPtr, **TERulerHndl;

struct TEStyle {
   FontID styleFontID;
   Word foreColor;
   Word backColor;
   LongWord userData;
typedef struct TEStyle TEStyle, *TEStylePtr, **TEStyleHndl;

struct TEStyleGroup {
   Word count;
   TEStyle styles[1];
typedef struct TEStyleGroup TEStyleGroup, *TEStyleGroupPtr, **TEStyleGroupHndl;

struct StyleItem {
   LongWord dataLength;                 /* Number of text characters using the style */
   LongWord dataOffset;                 /* Byte offset into theStyleList entry */
typedef struct StyleItem StyleItem, *StyleItemPtr, **StyleItemHndl;

typedef long TERulerRef;

    The following data structure (TEFormat) is for reference only!
    It contains embedded variable length fields.

struct TEFormat {
   Word version;
   LongWord rulerListLength;
   TERuler theRulerList[1];
   LongWord styleListLength;
   TEStyle theStyleList[1];
   LongWord numberOfStyles;
   StyleItem theStyles[1];
typedef struct TEFormat TEFormat, *TEFormatPtr, **TEFormatHndl;

typedef struct TETextRef {
   Ptr TETextDesc;
   } TETextRef,*TETextRefPtr, **TETextRefHndl;

typedef struct TEStyleRef {
   Ptr TEStyleDesc;
   } TEStyleRef,*TEStyleRefPtr,**TEStyleRefHndl;

typedef long TEColorRef;

struct TEParamBlock {
   Word pCount;
   LongWord controlID;
   Rect boundsRect;
   LongWord procRef;
   Word flags;
   Word moreflags;
   LongWord refCon;
   LongWord textFlags;
   Rect indentRect;
   CtlRecHndl vertBar;
   Word vertAmount;
   CtlRecHndl horzBar;
   Word horzAmount;
   TEStyleRef styleRef;
   Word textDescriptor;
   TETextRef textRef;
   LongWord textLength;
   LongWord maxChars;
   LongWord maxLines;
   Word maxCharsPerLine;
   Word maxHeight;
   TEColorRef colorRef;
   Word drawMode;
   ProcPtr filterProcPtr;
typedef struct TEParamBlock TEParamBlock, *TEParamBlockPtr, **TEParamBlockHndl;

struct TEInfoRec {
   LongWord charCount;
   LongWord lineCount;
   LongWord formatMemory;
   LongWord totalMemory;
   LongWord styleCount;
   LongWord rulerCount;
typedef struct TEInfoRec TEInfoRec;

struct TEHooks {
   ProcPtr charFilter;
   ProcPtr wordWrap;
   ProcPtr wordBreak;
   ProcPtr drawText;
   ProcPtr eraseText;
typedef struct TEHooks TEHooks;

struct TEKeyRecord {
   Word theChar;
   Word theModifiers;
   Handle theInputHandle;
   LongWord cursorOffset;
   Word theOpCode;
typedef struct TEKeyRecord TEKeyRecord, *TEKeyRecordPtr, **TEKeyRecordHndl;

struct TERecord {
   CtlRecHndl ctrlNext;
   WindowPtr inPort;
   Rect boundsRect;
   Byte ctrlFlag;
   Byte ctrlHilite;
   Word lastErrorCode;
   ProcPtr ctrlProc;
   ProcPtr ctrlAction;
   ProcPtr filterProc;
   LongWord ctrlRefCon;
   TEColorTablePtr colorRef;
   LongWord textFlags;
   LongWord textLength;
   TETextList blockList;
   LongWord ctrlID;
   Word ctrlMoreFlags;
   Word ctrlVersion;
   Rect viewRect;
   LongWord totalHeight;
   TESuperHandle lineSuper;
   TESuperHandle styleSuper;
   Handle styleList;
   Handle rulerList;
   Boolean lineAtEndFlag;
   LongWord selectionStart;
   LongWord selectionEnd;
   Word selectionActive;
   Word selectionState;
   LongWord caretTime;
   Boolean nullStyleActive;
   TEStyle nullStyle;
   LongWord topTextOffset;
   Word topTextVPos;
   CtlRecHndl vertScrollBar;
   LongWord vertScrollPos;
   LongWord vertScrollMax;
   Word vertScrollAmount;
   CtlRecHndl horzScrollBar;
   LongWord horzScrollPos;
   LongWord horzScrollMax;
   Word horzScrollAmount;
   CtlRecHndl growBoxHandle;
   LongWord maximumChars;
   LongWord maximumLines;
   Word maxCharsPerLine;
   Word maximumHeight;
   Word textDrawMode;
   ProcPtr wordBreakHook;
   ProcPtr wordWrapHook;
   ProcPtr keyFilter;
   Rect theFilterRect;
   Word theBufferVPos;
   Word theBufferHPos;
   TEKeyRecord theKeyRecord;
   LongWord cachedSelcOffset;
   Word cachedSelcVPos;
   Word cachedSelcHPos;
   Rect mouseRect;
   LongWord mouseTime;
   Word mouseKind;
   Point lastClick;
   Word savedHPos;
   LongWord anchorPoint;
typedef struct TERecord TERecord, *TERecordPtr, **TERecordHndl;

extern pascal void TEBootInit(void) inline(0x0122,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEStartUp(Word, Word) inline(0x0222,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEShutDown(void) inline(0x0322,dispatcher);
extern pascal Word TEVersion(void) inline(0x0422,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEReset(void) inline(0x0522,dispatcher);
extern pascal Word TEStatus(void) inline(0x0622,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEActivate(Handle) inline(0x0F22,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEClear(Handle) inline(0x1922,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEClick(EventRecordPtr, Handle) inline(0x1122,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TECompactRecord(Handle) inline(0x2822,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TECopy(Handle) inline(0x1722,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TECut(Handle) inline(0x1622,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEDeactivate(Handle) inline(0x1022,dispatcher);
extern pascal ProcPtr TEGetDefProc(void) inline(0x2222,dispatcher);
extern pascal ProcPtr TEGetInternalProc(void) inline(0x2622,dispatcher);
extern pascal Word TEGetLastError(Word, Handle) inline(0x2722,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEGetRuler(Word, Ref, Handle) inline(0x2322,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEGetSelection(Pointer, Pointer, Handle) inline(0x1C22,dispatcher);
extern pascal Word TEGetSelectionStyle(TEStylePtr, Handle, Handle) inline(0x1E22,dispatcher);
extern pascal LongWord TEGetText(Word, Ref, Long, Word, Ref, Handle) inline(0x0C22,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEGetTextInfo(Pointer, Word, Handle) inline(0x0D22,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEIdle(Handle) inline(0x0E22,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEInsert(Word, Ref, Long, Word, Ref, Handle) inline(0x1A22,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEKey(EventRecordPtr, Handle) inline(0x1422,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEKill(Handle) inline(0x0A22,dispatcher);
extern pascal TERecordHndl TENew(TEParamBlockPtr) inline(0x0922,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEOffsetToPoint(Long, Long *, Long *, Handle) inline(0x2022,dispatcher);
extern pascal LongWord TEPaintText(GrafPortPtr, Long, Rect *, Word, Handle) inline(0x1322,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEPaste(Handle) inline(0x1822,dispatcher);
extern pascal LongWord TEPointToOffset(Long, Long, Handle) inline(0x2122,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEReplace(Word, Ref, Long, Word, Ref, Handle) inline(0x1B22,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEScroll(Word, Long, Long, Handle) inline(0x2522,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TESetRuler(Word, Ref, Handle) inline(0x2422,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TESetSelection(Pointer, Pointer, Handle) inline(0x1D22,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TESetText(Word, Ref, Long, Word, Ref, Handle) inline(0x0B22,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEStyleChange(Word, TEStylePtr, Handle) inline(0x1F22,dispatcher);
extern pascal void TEUpdate(Handle) inline(0x1222,dispatcher);

/* This call appeared in Apple's interfaces, but is not documented.
extern pascal void TEInsertPageBreak() inline(0x1522,dispatcher);
