/* Conformance Test Verification of shift assign operators */ #include main () { signed char ch = 0X57; int i = 0xabcd; short sh = 0x3214; long L = 0xfedcab65; unsigned char uch = 0x83; unsigned int ui = 0xcbcb; unsigned short ush = 0x1234; unsigned long uL = 0x98765432; /* Shift each integer left and check expected result. */ ch <<= 1; i <<= 2; sh <<= 3; L <<= 4; uch <<= 6; ui <<= 7; ush <<= 8; uL <<= 9; if ((ch != -82) || (i != -20684) || (sh != -28512) || (L != 0xedCAb650) || (uch != 0xc0) || (ui != 0xe580) || (ush != 0x3400) || (uL != 0xeca86400)) goto Fail; /* Shift each integer right and check expected result. */ ch >>= 2; i >>= 3; sh >>= 4; L >>= 5; uch >>= 7; ui >>= 8; ush >>= 9; uL >>= 10; if ((ch != 0xFFEB) || (i != 0xF5e6) || (sh != 0xF90a) || (L != 0xff6e55b2) || (uch != 1) || (ui != 0xe5) || (ush != 0x1A) || (uL != 0x3B2A19)) goto Fail; printf ("Passed Conformance Test\n"); return; Fail: printf ("Failed Conformance Test\n"); }