/* Conformance Test Verification of fscanf, s format code */ #include #include int main (void) { FILE *f1; int i, j; char string [50] = "hey, hey!"; f1 = fopen ("3/tmp", "wb+"); /* open input file for test */ if (f1 == NULL) goto Fail1; fprintf(f1, " oneLongWord ten_chars!andMore"); rewind(f1); i = fscanf (f1, "%*s"); /* no assignment made */ if (i != 0) goto Fail; if (strcmp (string, "hey, hey!")) goto Fail; i = fscanf (f1, "%10s", string); /* test assignment to string */ if (i != 1) goto Fail; if (strcmp (string, "ten_chars!")) goto Fail; i = fclose (f1); /* close the file and quit */ if (i == EOF) goto Fail2; printf ("Passed Conformance Test\n"); return 0; Fail: printf ("Failed Conformance Test\n"); return 0; Fail1: printf ("Unable to open input file for Conformance Test\n"); return 0; Fail2: printf ("Unable to close input file for Conformance Test\n"); return 0; }