{$optimize 7} {---------------------------------------------------------------} { } { ORCA Native Code Generation } { } { This module of the code generator is called to generate } { native code instructions. The native code is optimized } { and written to the object segment. } { } { Externally available procedures: } { } { EndSeg - close out the current segment } { GenNative - write a native code instruction to the output } { file } { GenImplied - short form of GenNative - reduces code size } { GenCall - short form of jsl to library subroutine - reduces } { code size } { GenLab - generate a label } { InitFile - Set up the object file } { InitNative - set up for a new segment } { RefName - handle a reference to a named label } { } {---------------------------------------------------------------} unit Native; interface {$LibPrefix '0/obj/'} uses CCommon, CGI, CGC, ObjOut; {$segment 'CODEGEN'} type labelptr = ^labelentry; {pointer to a forward ref node} labelentry = record {forward ref node} addr: longint; next: labelptr; end; labelrec = record {label record} defined: boolean; {Note: form used in objout.asm} chain: labelptr; case boolean of true : (val: longint); false: (ival,hval: integer); end; var {current instruction info} {------------------------} pc: longint; {program counter} {65816 native code generation} {----------------------------} didOne: boolean; {has an optimization been done?} labeltab: array[0..maxlabel] of labelrec; {label table} localLabel: array[0..maxLocalLabel] of integer; {local variable label table} {---------------------------------------------------------------} procedure EndSeg; { close out the current segment } procedure GenNative (p_opcode: integer; p_mode: addressingMode; p_operand: integer; p_name: stringPtr; p_flags: integer); { write a native code instruction to the output file } { } { parameters: } { p_opcode - native op code } { p_mode - addressing mode } { p_operand - integer operand } { p_name - named operand } { p_flags - operand modifier flags } procedure GenImplied (p_opcode: integer); { short form of GenNative - reduces code size } { } { parameters: } { p_code - operation code } procedure GenCall (callNum: integer); { short form of jsl to library subroutine - reduces code size } { } { parameters: } { callNum - subroutine # to generate a call for } procedure GenLab (lnum: integer); { generate a label } { } { parameters: } { lnum - label number } procedure InitFile (keepName: gsosOutStringPtr; keepFlag: integer; partial: boolean); { Set up the object file } { } { parameters: } { keepName - name of the output file } { keepFlag - keep status: } { 0 - don't keep the output } { 1 - create a new object module } { 2 - a .root already exists } { 3 - at least on .letter file exists } { partial - is this a partial compile? } { } { Note: Declared as extern in CGI.pas } procedure InitNative; { set up for a new segment } procedure LabelSearch (lab: integer; len, shift, disp: integer); { resolve a label reference } { } { parameters: } { lab - label number } { len - # bytes for the generated code } { shift - shift factor } { disp - disp past the label } { } { Note 1: maxlabel is reserved for use as the start of the } { string space } { Note 2: negative length indicates relative branch } { Note 3: zero length indicates 2 byte addr -1 } procedure RefName (lab: stringPtr; disp, len, shift: integer); { handle a reference to a named label } { } { parameters: } { lab - label name } { disp - displacement past the label } { len - number of bytes in the reference } { shift - shift factor } {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} implementation const npeepSize = 128; {native peephole optimizer window size} nMaxPeep = 4; {max # instructions needed to opt.} type {65816 native code generation} {----------------------------} npeepRange = 1..npeepsize; {subrange for native code peephole opt.} nativeType = record {native code instruction} opcode: integer; {op code} mode: addressingMode; {addressing mode} operand: integer; {operand value} name: stringPtr; {operand label} flags: integer; {modifier flags} end; registerConditions = (regUnknown,regImmediate,regAbsolute,regLocal); registerType = record {used to track register contents} condition: registerConditions; value: integer; lab: stringPtr; flags: integer; end; var {native peephole optimization} {----------------------------} aRegister, {current register contents} xRegister, yRegister: registerType; nleadOpcodes: set of 0..max_opcode; {instructions that can start an opt.} nstopOpcodes: set of 0..max_opcode; {instructions not involved in opt.} nnextspot: npeepRange; {next empty spot in npeep} npeep: array[npeepRange] of nativeType; {native peephole array} {I/O files} {---------} fname1, fname2: gsosOutString; {file names} nextSuffix: char; {next suffix character to use} procedure GenSymbols (sym: ptr; doGlobals: integer); extern; { generate the symbol table } {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure LabelSearch {lab: integer; len, shift, disp: integer}; { resolve a label reference } { } { parameters: } { lab - label number } { len - # bytes for the generated code } { shift - shift factor } { disp - disp past the label } { } { Note 1: maxlabel is reserved for use as the start of the } { string space } { Note 2: negative length indicates relative branch } { Note 3: zero length indicates 2 byte addr -1 } var next: labelptr; {work pointer} begin {LabelSearch} if labeltab[lab].defined and (len < 0) and (shift = 0) and (disp = 0) then begin {handle a relative branch to a known disp} if len = -1 then CnOut(labeltab[lab].ival - long(pc).lsw - cbufflen + len) else CnOut2(labeltab[lab].ival - long(pc).lsw - cbufflen + len); end {if} else begin if lab <> maxlabel then begin {handle a normal label reference} Purge; {empty the constant buffer} if len < 0 then begin len := -len; {generate a RELEXPR} Out(238); Out(len); Out2(len); Out2(0); end {if} else begin if isJSL then {generate a standard EXPR} Out(243) else Out(235); if len = 0 then Out(2) else Out(len); end; {else} end; {if} Out(135); {generate a relative offset from the seg. start} if not labeltab[lab].defined then begin next := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(labelEntry))); {value unknown: create a reference} next^.next := labeltab[lab].chain; labeltab[lab].chain := next; next^.addr := blkcnt; Out2(0); Out2(0); end {if} else {labeltab[lab].defined} begin Out2(labeltab[lab].ival); {value known: write it} Out2(labeltab[lab].hval); end; {else} if len = 0 then begin Out(129); {subtract 1 from addr} Out2(1); Out2(0); Out(2); len := 2; end; {if} if disp <> 0 then begin Out(129); {add in the displacement} Out2(disp); if disp < 0 then Out2(-1) else Out2(0); Out(1); end; {if} if shift <> 0 then begin Out(129); {shift the address} Out2(-shift); Out2(-1); Out(7); end; {if} if lab <> maxlabel then {if not a string, end the expression} Out(0); pc := pc+len; {update the pc} end; {else} end; {LabelSearch} procedure UpDate (lab: integer; labelValue: longint); { define a label } { } { parameters: } { lab - label number } { labelValue - displacement in seg where label is located } var next,temp: labelptr; {work pointers} begin {UpDate} if labeltab[lab].defined then Error(cge1) else begin {define the label for future references} with labeltab[lab] do begin defined := true; val := labelValue; next := chain; end; {with} {resolve any forward references} if next <> nil then begin Purge; while next <> nil do begin segdisp := next^.addr; Out2(long(labelvalue).lsw); Out2(long(labelvalue).msw); blkcnt := blkcnt-4; temp := next; next := next^.next; end; {while} segdisp := blkcnt; end; {if} end; {else} end; {UpDate} procedure WriteNative (opcode: integer; mode: addressingMode; operand: integer; name: stringPtr; flags: integer); { write a native code instruction to the output file } { } { parameters: } { opcode - native op code } { mode - addressing mode } { operand - integer operand } { name - named operand } { flags - operand modifier flags } label 1; type rkind = (k1,k2,k3); {cnv record types} var ch: char; {temp storage for string constants} cns: realRec; {for converting reals to bytes} cnv: record {for converting double, real to bytes} case rkind of k1: (rval: real;); k2: (dval: double;); k3: (ival1,ival2,ival3,ival4: integer;); end; count: integer; {number of constants to repeat} i,j,k: integer; {loop variables} lsegDisp: longint; {for backtracking while writing the } { debugger's symbol table } lval: longint; {temp storage for long constant} nptr: stringPtr; {pointer to a name} sptr: longstringPtr; {pointer to a string constant} procedure GenImmediate1; { generate a one byte immediate operand } begin {GenImmediate1} if (flags & stringReference) <> 0 then begin Purge; Out(235); Out(1); {one byte expression} Out(128); {current location ctr} Out(129); Out2(-16); Out2(-1); {-16} Out(7); {bit shift} Out(0); {end of expr} pc := pc+1; end {if} else if (flags & localLab) <> 0 then LabelSearch(long(name).lsw, 1, ord(odd(flags div shift16))*16, operand) else if (flags & shift16) <> 0 then RefName(name, operand, 1, -16) else CnOut(operand); end; {GenImmediate1} procedure GenImmediate2; { generate a two byte immediate operand } begin {GenImmediate2} if (flags & stringReference) <> 0 then begin Purge; Out(235); Out(2); LabelSearch(maxLabel, 2, 0, 0); if operand <> 0 then begin Out(129); Out2(operand); if (operand < 0) then Out2(-1) else Out2(0); Out(1); end; {if} if (flags & shift16) <> 0 then begin Out(129); Out2(-16); Out2(-1); Out(7); end; {if} Out(0); end {if} else if (flags & shift8) <> 0 then RefName(name, operand, 2, -8) else if (flags & localLab) <> 0 then LabelSearch(long(name).lsw, 2, ord(odd(flags div shift16))*16, operand) else if (flags & shift16) <> 0 then RefName(name, operand, 2, -16) else if name = nil then CnOut2(operand) else RefName(name, operand, 2, 0); end; {GenImmediate2} procedure DefGlobal (private: integer); { define a global label } { } { parameters: } { private - private flag } var i: integer; {loop variable} begin {DefGlobal} Purge; Out(230); {global label definition} Out(ord(name^[0])); {write label name} for i := 1 to ord(name^[0]) do Out(ord(name^[i])); Out2(0); {length attribute} Out(ord('N')); {type attribute: other directive} Out(private); {private or global?} end; {DefGlobal} begin {WriteNative} { writeln('WriteNative: ',opcode:4, ', mode=', ord(mode):1, ' operand=', operand:1); {debug} case mode of implied: CnOut(opcode); immediate: begin if opcode = d_bmov then GenImmediate1 else begin if opcode = m_and_imm then if not longA then if operand = 255 then goto 1; CnOut(opcode); if opcode = m_pea then GenImmediate2 else if opcode in [m_adc_imm,m_and_imm,m_cmp_imm,m_eor_imm,m_lda_imm,m_ora_imm, m_sbc_imm,m_bit_imm] then if longA then GenImmediate2 else GenImmediate1 else if opcode in [m_rep,m_sep,m_cop] then begin GenImmediate1; if opcode = m_rep then begin if odd(operand div 32) then longA := true; if odd(operand div 16) then longI := true; end {if} else if opcode = m_sep then begin if odd(operand div 32) then longA := false; if odd(operand div 16) then longI := false; end; {else} end {else} else if longI then GenImmediate2 else GenImmediate1; end; {else} end; longabs: begin CnOut(opcode); isJSL := opcode = m_jsl; {allow for dynamic segs} if name = nil then if odd(flags div toolcall) then begin CnOut2(0); CnOut(225); end {if} else LabelSearch(operand, 3, 0, 0) else if odd(flags div toolcall) then begin CnOut2(long(name).lsw); CnOut(long(name).msw); end {if} else RefName(name, operand, 3, 0); isJSL := false; end; longabsolute: begin if opcode <> d_add then begin CnOut(opcode); i := 3; end {if} else i := 4; if (flags & localLab) <> 0 then LabelSearch(long(name).lsw, i, 0, operand) else if (flags & constantOpnd) <> 0 then begin lval := ord4(name); CnOut2(long(lval).lsw); if opcode = d_add then CnOut2(long(lval).msw) else CnOut(long(lval).msw); end {else if} else if name <> nil then RefName(name, operand, i, 0) else begin CnOut2(operand); CnOut(0); if opcode = d_add then CnOut(0); end; {else} end; absolute: begin if opcode <> d_add then CnOut(opcode); if (flags & localLab) <> 0 then LabelSearch(long(name).lsw, 2, 0, operand) else if name <> nil then RefName(name, operand, 2, 0) else if (flags & constantOpnd) <> 0 then CnOut2(operand) else LabelSearch(operand, 2, 0, 0); end; direct: begin if opcode <> d_add then CnOut(opcode); if (flags & localLab) <> 0 then LabelSearch(long(name).lsw, 1, 0, operand) else if name <> nil then RefName(name, operand, 1, 0) else CnOut(operand); end; longrelative: begin CnOut(opcode); LabelSearch(operand, -2, 0, 0); end; relative: begin CnOut(opcode); LabelSearch(operand, -1, 0, 0); end; gnrLabel: if name = nil then UpDate(operand, pc+cbufflen) else begin DefGlobal((flags >> 5) & 1); if operand <> 0 then begin Out(241); Out2(operand); Out2(0); pc := pc+operand; end; {if} end; {else} gnrSpace: if operand <> 0 then begin Out(241); Out2(operand); Out2(0); pc := pc+operand; end; {if} gnrConstant: begin if icptr(name)^.optype = cgString then count := 1 else count := icptr(name)^.q; for i := 1 to count do case icptr(name)^.optype of cgByte,cgUByte : CnOut(icptr(name)^.r); cgWord,cgUWord : CnOut2(icptr(name)^.r); cgLong,cgULong : begin lval := icptr(name)^.lval; CnOut2(long(lval).lsw); CnOut2(long(lval).msw); end; cgReal : begin cnv.rval := icptr(name)^.rval; CnOut2(cnv.ival1); CnOut2(cnv.ival2); end; cgDouble : begin cnv.dval := icptr(name)^.rval; CnOut2(cnv.ival1); CnOut2(cnv.ival2); CnOut2(cnv.ival3); CnOut2(cnv.ival4); end; cgComp : begin cns.itsReal := icptr(name)^.rval; CnvSC(cns); for j := 1 to 8 do CnOut(cns.inCOMP[j]); end; cgExtended : begin cns.itsReal := icptr(name)^.rval; CnvSX(cns); for j := 1 to 10 do CnOut(cns.inSANE[j]); end; cgString : begin sptr := icptr(name)^.str; for j := 1 to sptr^.length do CnOut(ord(sPtr^.str[j])); end; ccPointer : begin if icptr(name)^.lab <> nil then begin Purge; Out(235); Out(4); Out(131); pc := pc+4; nptr := icptr(name)^.lab; for j := 0 to ord(nptr^[0]) do Out(ord(nptr^[j])); lval := icptr(name)^.pVal; if lval <> 0 then begin Out(129); Out2(long(lval).lsw); Out2(long(lval).msw); Out(2-icptr(name)^.r); end; {if} Out(0); end {if} else begin lval := icptr(name)^.pVal; if icptr(name)^.r = 1 then operand := stringSize+long(lval).lsw else operand := stringSize-long(lval).lsw; flags := stringReference; GenImmediate2; flags := stringReference+shift16; GenImmediate2; sptr := icptr(name)^.pStr; j := sptr^.length; if maxString-stringSize >= j+1 then begin for k := 1 to j do stringSpace[k+stringSize] := sptr^.str[k]; stringSpace[stringSize+j+1] := chr(0); stringSize := stringSize+j+1; end {if} else Error(cge3); end; {else} end; otherwise : Error(cge1); end; {case} end; genAddress: begin if opcode < 256 then CnOut(opcode); if (flags & stringReference) <> 0 then begin Purge; Out(235); Out(2); LabelSearch(maxLabel,2,0,0); if operand <> 0 then begin Out(129); Out2(operand); Out2(0); Out(1); end; {if} if (flags & shift16) <> 0 then begin Out(129); Out2(-16); Out2(-1); Out(7); end; {if} Out(0); end {if} else if operand = 0 then begin CnOut(0); CnOut(0); end {else if} else if (flags & shift16) <> 0 then if longA then LabelSearch(operand, 2, 16, 0) else LabelSearch(operand, 1, 16, 0) else LabelSearch(operand, 0, 0, 0); end; special: if opcode = d_pin then begin segDisp := 36; out2(long(pc).lsw+cBuffLen); blkCnt := blkCnt-2; segDisp := blkCnt; end {if} else if opcode = d_sym then begin CnOut(m_cop); CnOut(5); Purge; lsegDisp := segDisp+1; CnOut2(0); symLength := 0; GenSymbols(pointer(name), operand); segDisp := lSegDisp; out2(symLength); blkCnt := blkCnt-2; segDisp := blkCnt; end {else if} else {d_wrd} CnOut2(operand); otherwise: Error(cge1); end; {case} 1: end; {WriteNative} procedure CheckRegisters(p_opcode: integer; p_mode: addressingMode; p_operand: integer; p_name: stringPtr; p_flags: integer); { write a native code instruction to the output file } { } { parameters: } { p_opcode - native op code } { p_mode - addressing mode } { p_operand - integer operand } { p_name - named operand } { p_flags - operand modifier flags } label 1,2; begin {CheckRegisters} case p_opcode of m_adc_abs,m_adc_dir,m_adc_imm,m_adc_s,m_and_abs,m_and_dir,m_and_imm, m_and_s,m_asl_a,m_dea,m_eor_abs,m_eor_dir,m_eor_imm,m_eor_s,m_lda_absx, m_lda_dirx,m_lda_indl,m_lda_indly,m_lda_longx,m_lda_s,m_lsr_a,m_ora_abs, m_ora_dir,m_ora_dirX,m_ora_imm,m_ora_long,m_ora_longX,m_ora_s,m_pla, m_sbc_abs,m_sbc_dir,m_sbc_imm,m_sbc_s,m_tdc,m_tsc: aRegister.condition := regUnknown; m_ldy_absX,m_ldy_dirX,m_ply: yRegister.condition := regUnknown; m_plx: xRegister.condition := regUnknown; m_bcc,m_bcs,m_beq,m_bmi,m_bne,m_bpl,m_bra,m_brl,m_bvs,m_clc,m_cmp_abs, m_cmp_dir,m_cmp_imm,m_cmp_s,m_cpx_imm,m_jml,m_pha,m_phb,m_phd, m_phx,m_phy,m_plb,m_pld,m_rtl,m_rts,m_sec,m_tcs,m_tcd,d_add,d_pin, m_pei_dir,m_cpx_abs,m_cpx_dir,m_cmp_dirx,m_php,m_plp,m_cop,d_wrd: ; m_pea: begin if aRegister.condition = regImmediate then if aRegister.value = p_operand then if aRegister.lab = p_name then if aRegister.flags = p_flags then if longA then begin p_opcode := m_pha; p_mode := implied; goto 2; end; {if} if longI then begin if xRegister.condition = regImmediate then if xRegister.value = p_operand then if xRegister.lab = p_name then if xRegister.flags = p_flags then begin p_opcode := m_phx; p_mode := implied; goto 2; end; {if} if yRegister.condition = regImmediate then if yRegister.value = p_operand then if yRegister.lab = p_name then if yRegister.flags = p_flags then begin p_opcode := m_phy; p_mode := implied; goto 2; end; {if} end; {if} end; m_sta_s: begin if aRegister.condition = regLocal then aRegister.condition := regUnknown; if xRegister.condition = regLocal then xRegister.condition := regUnknown; if yRegister.condition = regLocal then yRegister.condition := regUnknown; end; m_sta_indl,m_sta_indlY: begin if aRegister.condition <> regImmediate then aRegister.condition := regUnknown; if xRegister.condition <> regImmediate then xRegister.condition := regUnknown; if yRegister.condition <> regImmediate then yRegister.condition := regUnknown; end; m_sta_absX,m_stz_absX,m_sta_longX: begin if aRegister.condition = regAbsolute then if aRegister.lab = p_name then aRegister.condition := regUnknown; if xRegister.condition = regAbsolute then if xRegister.lab = p_name then xRegister.condition := regUnknown; if yRegister.condition = regAbsolute then if yRegister.lab = p_name then yRegister.condition := regUnknown; end; m_dec_abs,m_inc_abs,m_sta_abs,m_stx_abs,m_sty_abs,m_sta_long,m_stz_abs, m_tsb_abs: begin if aRegister.condition = regAbsolute then if aRegister.lab = p_name then if aRegister.value = p_operand then if not (p_opcode in [m_sta_abs,m_sta_long]) then aRegister.condition := regUnknown; if xRegister.condition = regAbsolute then if xRegister.lab = p_name then if xRegister.value = p_operand then if p_opcode <> m_stx_abs then xRegister.condition := regUnknown; if yRegister.condition = regAbsolute then if yRegister.lab = p_name then if yRegister.value = p_operand then if p_opcode <> m_sty_abs then yRegister.condition := regUnknown; end; m_dec_dir,m_inc_dir,m_tsb_dir,m_sta_dir,m_stx_dir,m_sty_dir,m_stz_dir: begin if aRegister.condition = regLocal then if aRegister.value = p_operand then if p_opcode <> m_sta_dir then aRegister.condition := regUnknown; if xRegister.condition = regLocal then if xRegister.value = p_operand then if p_opcode <> m_stx_dir then xRegister.condition := regUnknown; if yRegister.condition = regLocal then if yRegister.value = p_operand then if p_opcode <> m_sty_dir then yRegister.condition := regUnknown; end; m_dec_dirX,m_inc_dirX,m_sta_dirX,m_sty_dirX,m_stz_dirX: begin if aRegister.condition = regLocal then if aRegister.value >= p_operand-1 then aRegister.condition := regUnknown; if xRegister.condition = regLocal then if xRegister.value >= p_operand-1 then xRegister.condition := regUnknown; if yRegister.condition = regLocal then if yRegister.value >= p_operand-1 then yRegister.condition := regUnknown; end; m_dex: if xRegister.condition = regImmediate then xRegister.value := xRegister.value-1 else xRegister.condition := regUnknown; m_dey: if yRegister.condition = regImmediate then yRegister.value := yRegister.value-1 else yRegister.condition := regUnknown; m_ina: if aRegister.condition = regImmediate then aRegister.value := aRegister.value+1 else aRegister.condition := regUnknown; m_inx: if xRegister.condition = regImmediate then xRegister.value := xRegister.value+1 else xRegister.condition := regUnknown; m_iny: if yRegister.condition = regImmediate then yRegister.value := yRegister.value+1 else yRegister.condition := regUnknown; otherwise, m_jsl,m_mvn,m_rep,m_sep,d_lab,d_end,d_bmov,d_cns: begin aRegister.condition := regUnknown; xRegister.condition := regUnknown; yRegister.condition := regUnknown; end; m_lda_abs,m_lda_long: begin if (aRegister.condition = regAbsolute) and (aRegister.value = p_operand) and (aRegister.lab = p_name) then goto 1 else if longA = longI then begin if (xRegister.condition = regAbsolute) and (xRegister.value = p_operand) and (xRegister.lab = p_name) then begin p_opcode := m_txa; p_mode := implied; aRegister := xRegister; goto 2; end {if} else if (yRegister.condition = regAbsolute) and (yRegister.value = p_operand) and (yRegister.lab = p_name) then begin p_opcode := m_tya; p_mode := implied; aRegister := yRegister; goto 2; end; {else if} end; aRegister.condition := regAbsolute; aRegister.value := p_operand; aRegister.lab := p_name; aRegister.flags := p_flags; end; m_lda_dir: begin if (aRegister.condition = regLocal) and (aRegister.value = p_operand) then goto 1 else if longA = longI then begin if (xRegister.condition = regLocal) and (xRegister.value = p_operand) then begin p_opcode := m_txa; p_mode := implied; aRegister := xRegister; goto 2; end {if} else if (yRegister.condition = regLocal) and (yRegister.value = p_operand) then begin p_opcode := m_tya; p_mode := implied; aRegister := yRegister; goto 2; end; {else if} end; {else if} aRegister.condition := regLocal; aRegister.value := p_operand; aRegister.flags := p_flags; end; m_lda_imm: begin if (aRegister.condition = regImmediate) and (aRegister.value = p_operand) and (aRegister.lab = p_name) and (aRegister.flags = p_flags) then goto 1 else if longA = longI then begin if (xRegister.condition = regImmediate) and (xRegister.value = p_operand) and (xRegister.lab = p_name) and (xRegister.flags = p_flags) then begin p_opcode := m_txa; p_mode := implied; aRegister := xRegister; goto 2; end {if} else if (yRegister.condition = regImmediate) and (yRegister.value = p_operand) and (yRegister.lab = p_name) and (yRegister.flags = p_flags) then begin p_opcode := m_tya; p_mode := implied; aRegister := yRegister; goto 2; end; {else if} end; {else if} if (aRegister.condition = regImmediate) and (aRegister.lab = p_name) and (aRegister.flags = p_flags) then if aRegister.value = (p_operand + 1) then begin p_opcode := m_dea; p_mode := implied; aRegister.value := p_operand; goto 2; end {if} else if aRegister.value = (p_operand - 1) then begin p_opcode := m_ina; p_mode := implied; aRegister.value := p_operand; goto 2; end; {else if} aRegister.condition := regImmediate; aRegister.value := p_operand; aRegister.flags := p_flags; aRegister.lab := p_name; end; m_ldx_abs: begin if (xRegister.condition = regAbsolute) and (xRegister.value = p_operand) and (xRegister.lab = p_name) then goto 1 else if (aRegister.condition = regAbsolute) and (aRegister.value = p_operand) and (aRegister.lab = p_name) and (longA = longI) then begin p_opcode := m_tax; p_mode := implied; xRegister := aRegister; end {else if} else if (yRegister.condition = regAbsolute) and (yRegister.value = p_operand) and (yRegister.lab = p_name) then begin p_opcode := m_tyx; p_mode := implied; xRegister := yRegister; end {else if} else begin xRegister.condition := regAbsolute; xRegister.value := p_operand; xRegister.lab := p_name; xRegister.flags := p_flags; end; {else} end; m_ldx_dir: begin if (xRegister.condition = regLocal) and (xRegister.value = p_operand) then goto 1 else if (aRegister.condition = regLocal) and (aRegister.value = p_operand) and (longA = longI) then begin p_opcode := m_tax; p_mode := implied; xRegister := aRegister; end {else if} else if (yRegister.condition = regLocal) and (yRegister.value = p_operand) then begin p_opcode := m_tyx; p_mode := implied; xRegister := yRegister; end {else if} else begin xRegister.condition := regLocal; xRegister.value := p_operand; xRegister.flags := p_flags; end; {else} end; m_ldx_imm: begin if (xRegister.condition = regImmediate) and (xRegister.value = p_operand) and (xRegister.lab = p_name) and (xRegister.flags = p_flags) then goto 1 else if (aRegister.condition = regImmediate) and (aRegister.value = p_operand) and (longA = longI) and (aRegister.lab = p_name) and (aRegister.flags = p_flags) then begin p_opcode := m_tax; p_mode := implied; xRegister := aRegister; end {else} else if (yRegister.condition = regImmediate) and (yRegister.value = p_operand) and (yRegister.lab = p_name) and (yRegister.flags = p_flags) then begin p_opcode := m_tyx; p_mode := implied; xRegister := yRegister; end {else if} else begin if (xRegister.condition = regImmediate) and (xRegister.lab = p_name) and (xRegister.flags = p_flags) then if xRegister.value = (p_operand + 1) then begin p_opcode := m_dex; p_mode := implied; xRegister.value := p_operand; goto 2; end {if} else if xRegister.value = (p_operand - 1) then begin p_opcode := m_inx; p_mode := implied; xRegister.value := p_operand; goto 2; end; {else if} xRegister.condition := regImmediate; xRegister.value := p_operand; xRegister.flags := p_flags; xRegister.lab := p_name; end; {else} end; m_ldy_abs: begin if (yRegister.condition = regAbsolute) and (yRegister.value = p_operand) and (yRegister.lab = p_name) then goto 1 else if (aRegister.condition = regAbsolute) and (aRegister.value = p_operand) and (aRegister.lab = p_name) and (longA = longI) then begin p_opcode := m_tay; p_mode := implied; yRegister := aRegister; end {else if} else if (xRegister.condition = regAbsolute) and (xRegister.value = p_operand) and (xRegister.lab = p_name) then begin p_opcode := m_txy; p_mode := implied; yRegister := xRegister; end {else if} else begin yRegister.condition := regAbsolute; yRegister.value := p_operand; yRegister.lab := p_name; yRegister.flags := p_flags; end; {else} end; m_ldy_dir: begin if (yRegister.condition = regLocal) and (yRegister.value = p_operand) then goto 1 else if (aRegister.condition = regLocal) and (aRegister.value = p_operand) and (longA = longI) then begin p_opcode := m_tay; p_mode := implied; yRegister := aRegister; end {else if} else if (xRegister.condition = regLocal) and (xRegister.value = p_operand) then begin p_opcode := m_txy; p_mode := implied; yRegister := xRegister; end {else if} else begin yRegister.condition := regLocal; yRegister.value := p_operand; yRegister.flags := p_flags; end; {else} end; m_ldy_imm: begin if (yRegister.condition = regImmediate) and (yRegister.value = p_operand) and (yRegister.lab = p_name) and (yRegister.flags = p_flags) then goto 1 else if (aRegister.condition = regImmediate) and (aRegister.value = p_operand) and (aRegister.flags = p_flags) and (aRegister.lab = p_name) and (longA = longI) then begin p_opcode := m_tay; p_mode := implied; yRegister := aRegister; end {else if} else if (xRegister.condition = regImmediate) and (xRegister.value = p_operand) and (xRegister.lab = p_name) and (xRegister.flags = p_flags) then begin p_opcode := m_txy; p_mode := implied; yRegister := xRegister; end {else if} else begin if (yRegister.condition = regImmediate) and (yRegister.lab = p_name) and (yRegister.flags = p_flags) then if yRegister.value = (p_operand + 1) then begin p_opcode := m_dey; p_mode := implied; yRegister.value := p_operand; goto 2; end {if} else if yRegister.value = (p_operand - 1) then begin p_opcode := m_iny; p_mode := implied; yRegister.value := p_operand; goto 2; end; {else if} yRegister.condition := regImmediate; yRegister.value := p_operand; yRegister.flags := p_flags; yRegister.lab := p_name; end; {else} end; m_tax: begin if aRegister.condition <> regUnknown then if aRegister.condition = xRegister.condition then if aRegister.value = xRegister.value then if aRegister.flags = xRegister.flags then if aRegister.condition <> regAbsolute then goto 1 else if aRegister.lab = xRegister.lab then goto 1; xRegister := aRegister; end; m_tay: begin if aRegister.condition <> regUnknown then if aRegister.condition = yRegister.condition then if aRegister.value = yRegister.value then if aRegister.flags = yRegister.flags then if aRegister.condition <> regAbsolute then goto 1 else if aRegister.lab = yRegister.lab then goto 1; yRegister := aRegister; end; m_txa: begin if xRegister.condition <> regUnknown then if xRegister.condition = aRegister.condition then if xRegister.value = aRegister.value then if xRegister.flags = aRegister.flags then if xRegister.condition <> regAbsolute then goto 1 else if xRegister.lab = aRegister.lab then goto 1; aRegister := xRegister; end; m_txy: begin if xRegister.condition <> regUnknown then if xRegister.condition = yRegister.condition then if xRegister.value = yRegister.value then if xRegister.flags = yRegister.flags then if xRegister.condition <> regAbsolute then goto 1 else if xRegister.lab = yRegister.lab then goto 1; yRegister := xRegister; end; m_tya: begin if yRegister.condition <> regUnknown then if yRegister.condition = aRegister.condition then if yRegister.value = aRegister.value then if yRegister.flags = aRegister.flags then if yRegister.condition <> regAbsolute then goto 1 else if yRegister.lab = aRegister.lab then goto 1; aRegister := yRegister; end; m_tyx: begin if yRegister.condition <> regUnknown then if yRegister.condition = xRegister.condition then if yRegister.value = xRegister.value then if yRegister.flags = xRegister.flags then if yRegister.condition <> regAbsolute then goto 1 else if yRegister.lab = xRegister.lab then goto 1; xRegister := yRegister; end; end; {case} 2: WriteNative(p_opcode, p_mode, p_operand, p_name, p_flags); 1: end; {CheckRegisters} procedure Remove (ns: integer); extern; { Remove the instruction ns from the peephole array } { } { parameters: } { ns - index of the instruction to remove } function Short (n, lab: integer): boolean; extern; { see if a label is within range of a one-byte relative branch } { } { parameters: } { n - index to branch instruction } { lab - label number } {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure EndSeg; { close out the current segment } var i: integer; begin {EndSeg} Purge; {dump constant buffer} if stringsize <> 0 then begin {define string space} UpDate(maxLabel, pc); {define the local label for the string space} for i := 1 to stringsize do CnOut(ord(stringspace[i])); Purge; end; {if} Out(0); {end the segment} segDisp := 8; {update header} Out2(long(pc).lsw); Out2(long(pc).msw); if pc > $0000FFFF then if currentSegment <> '~ARRAYS ' then Error(112); blkcnt := blkcnt-4; {purge the segment to disk} segDisp := blkcnt; CloseSeg; end; {EndSeg} procedure GenNative {p_opcode: integer; p_mode: addressingMode; p_operand: integer; p_name: stringPtr; p_flags: integer}; { write a native code instruction to the output file } { } { parameters: } { p_opcode - native op code } { p_mode - addressing mode } { p_operand - integer operand } { p_name - named operand } { p_flags - operand modifier flags } var done: boolean; {loop termination} llongA: boolean; {for tracking A size during opt.} i: integer; {index} op: integer; {temp storage for opcode} procedure Purge; { Empty the peephole array } begin {Purge} while nnextSpot > 1 do begin if registers then CheckRegisters(npeep[1].opcode, npeep[1].mode, npeep[1].operand, npeep[1].name, npeep[1].flags) else WriteNative(npeep[1].opcode, npeep[1].mode, npeep[1].operand, npeep[1].name, npeep[1].flags); Remove(1); end; {while} end; {Purge} procedure Optimize(ns: integer; longA: boolean); { Optimize the instruction starting at ns } { } { parameters: } { ns - index of instruction to check for optimization } { longA - is the accumulator long? } label 1; var tn: nativeType; {temp operation} function ASafe (ns: integer): boolean; { See if it is safe to skip loading the A register } { } { parameters: } { ns - starting index } label 1; var i: integer; {loop variable} opcode: integer; {copy of current op code} begin {ASafe} ASafe := false; for i := ns to nnextSpot-1 do begin opcode := npeep[i].opcode; if opcode in [m_bcc,m_bcs,m_beq,m_bmi,m_bne,m_bpl,m_bra,m_brl,m_bvs,m_jml,m_jsl, m_lda_abs,m_lda_absx,m_lda_dir,m_lda_dirx,m_lda_imm,m_lda_indl, m_lda_indly,m_lda_long,m_lda_longx,m_lda_s,m_mvn,m_pla,m_rtl, m_rts,m_tdc,m_txa,m_tya,m_tsc,d_end,d_bmov,d_add,d_pin,d_wrd, d_sym,d_cns] then begin ASafe := true; goto 1; end {if} else if not (opcode in [m_clc,m_cop,m_cpx_abs,m_cpx_dir,m_cpx_imm,m_dec_abs,m_dec_absX, m_dec_dir,m_dec_dirX,m_dex,m_dey,m_inc_abs,m_inc_absX,m_inc_dir, m_inc_dirX,m_inx,m_iny,m_ldx_abs,m_ldx_dir,m_ldx_imm,m_ldy_abs, m_ldy_absX,m_ldy_dir,m_ldy_dirX,m_ldy_imm,m_pea,m_pei_dir,m_phb, m_phd,m_phx,m_phy,m_php,m_plb,m_pld,m_plx,m_ply,m_plp,m_rep, m_sec,m_sep,m_stx_dir,m_stx_abs,m_sty_abs,m_sty_dir,m_sty_dirX, m_stz_abs,m_stz_absX,m_stz_dir,m_stz_dirX,m_tsx,m_txs,m_txy, m_tyx,d_lab]) then goto 1; end; {for} 1: end; {ASafe} function SignExtension (ns: integer): boolean; { See if the pattern is a sign extension } { } { Parameters: } { ns - start of suspected pattern } { } { Returns: true for a sign extension, else false } begin {SignExtension} SignExtension := false; if npeep[ns].opcode = m_ldx_imm then if npeep[ns].operand = 0 then if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_tay then if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_bpl then if npeep[ns+3].opcode = m_dex then SignExtension := true; end; {SignExtension} begin {Optimize} with npeep[ns] do case opcode of m_and_imm: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_and_imm then begin operand := operand & npeep[ns+1].operand; Remove(ns+1); end; {if} m_eor_imm: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_eor_imm then begin operand := operand ! npeep[ns+1].operand; Remove(ns+1); end; {if} m_ora_imm: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_ora_imm then begin operand := operand | npeep[ns+1].operand; Remove(ns+1); end; {if} m_asl_a: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_tay then if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_iny then if npeep[ns+3].opcode = m_iny then begin opcode := m_ina; npeep[ns+1].opcode := m_asl_a; npeep[ns+2].opcode := m_tay; Remove(ns+3); end; {if} m_bcs,m_beq,m_bne,m_bmi,m_bpl,m_bcc: if npeep[ns+2].opcode = d_lab then if npeep[ns+2].operand = operand then if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_brl then begin if Short(ns,npeep[ns+1].operand) then begin operand := npeep[ns+1].operand; Remove(ns+1); if opcode = m_bcs then opcode := m_bcc else if opcode = m_beq then opcode := m_bne else if opcode = m_bne then opcode := m_beq else if opcode = m_bmi then opcode := m_bpl else if opcode = m_bcc then opcode := m_bcs else opcode := m_bmi; end; {if} end {if m_brl} else if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_bra then begin operand := npeep[ns+1].operand; Remove(ns+1); Remove(ns+1); if opcode = m_bcs then opcode := m_bcc else if opcode = m_beq then opcode := m_bne else if opcode = m_bne then opcode := m_beq else if opcode = m_bmi then opcode := m_bpl else if opcode = m_bcc then opcode := m_bcs else opcode := m_bmi; end; {else if m_bra} m_brl: if Short(ns,operand) then begin opcode := m_bra; mode := relative; didOne := true; end; {if} m_bvs: if npeep[ns+2].opcode = d_lab then if npeep[ns+2].operand = operand then if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_bmi then if npeep[ns+4].opcode = d_lab then if npeep[ns+1].operand = npeep[ns+4].operand then if npeep[ns+3].opcode = m_brl then if Short(ns,npeep[ns+3].operand) then if Short(ns+1,npeep[ns+3].operand) then begin operand := npeep[ns+3].operand; npeep[ns+1].operand := npeep[ns+3].operand; npeep[ns+1].opcode := m_bpl; Remove(ns+3); end; {if} m_dec_abs: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_lda_abs then if name^ = npeep[ns+1].name^ then if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_beq then Remove(ns+1); m_lda_abs: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_clc then begin if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_adc_abs then if operand = npeep[ns+2].operand then if name = npeep[ns+2].name then if not rangeCheck then begin npeep[ns+1].opcode := m_asl_a; Remove(ns+2); end; {if} end {if} else if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_dea then begin if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_tax then begin opcode := m_ldx_abs; npeep[ns+1].opcode := m_dex; Remove(ns+2); end; {if} end {else if} else if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_sta_abs then begin if npeep[ns+1].opcode in [m_ora_dir,m_ora_abs,m_ora_dirX, m_ora_imm,m_ora_longX,m_ora_s] then if operand = npeep[ns+2].operand then if name = npeep[ns+2].name then begin npeep[ns+1].opcode := npeep[ns+1].opcode + $00A0; npeep[ns+2].opcode := m_tsb_abs; Remove(ns); end; {if} end {else if} else if SignExtension(ns+1) then begin npeep[ns+2] := npeep[ns]; Remove(ns); end {else if} else if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_xba then if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_and_imm then if npeep[ns+2].operand = $00FF then begin operand := operand+1; Remove(ns+1); end; {if} m_lda_dir: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_clc then begin if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_adc_dir then if operand = npeep[ns+2].operand then if not rangeCheck then begin npeep[ns+1].opcode := m_asl_a; Remove(ns+2); end; {if} end else if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_dea then begin if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_tax then begin opcode := m_ldx_dir; npeep[ns+1].opcode := m_dex; Remove(ns+2); end; {if} end {else if} else if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_pha then begin if longA then begin opcode := m_pei_dir; Remove(ns+1); end {if} end {else if} else if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_sta_dir then begin if npeep[ns+1].opcode in [m_ora_dir,m_ora_abs,m_ora_dirX, m_ora_imm,m_ora_longX,m_ora_s] then if operand = npeep[ns+2].operand then begin npeep[ns+1].opcode := npeep[ns+1].opcode + $00A0; npeep[ns+2].opcode := m_tsb_dir; Remove(ns); end {if} end {else if} else if SignExtension(ns+1) then begin npeep[ns+2] := npeep[ns]; Remove(ns); end {else if} else if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_xba then if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_and_imm then if npeep[ns+2].operand = $00FF then begin operand := operand+1; Remove(ns+1); end; {if} m_pei_dir: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_pla then begin opcode := m_lda_dir; Remove(ns+1); end; {if} m_lda_imm: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_pha then if ASafe(ns+2) then if longA then begin opcode := m_pea; Remove(ns+1); end; {if} m_ldx_imm: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_lda_imm then if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_phx then if npeep[ns+3].opcode = m_pha then begin opcode := m_pea; npeep[ns+1].opcode := m_pea; Remove(ns+2); Remove(ns+2); end; {if} m_ldy_imm: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_sep then if npeep[ns+1].operand = 32 then begin didOne := true; tn := npeep[ns]; npeep[ns] := npeep[ns+1]; npeep[ns+1] := tn; end; {if} m_ora_abs: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_sta_abs then if operand = npeep[ns+1].operand then if name = npeep[ns+1].name then begin opcode := m_tsb_abs; Remove(ns+1); end; {if} m_ora_dir: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_sta_dir then if operand = npeep[ns+1].operand then begin opcode := m_tsb_dir; Remove(ns+1); end; {if} m_pea: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_pla then begin opcode := m_lda_imm; Remove(ns+1); end; {if} m_sta_abs: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_lda_abs then if operand = npeep[ns+1].operand then if name = npeep[ns+1].name then if not (npeep[ns+2].opcode in [m_bcc,m_bcs,m_beq,m_bmi,m_bne,m_bpl,m_bvs]) then Remove(ns+1); m_sta_dir: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_lda_dir then if operand = npeep[ns+1].operand then if not (npeep[ns+2].opcode in [m_bcc,m_bcs,m_beq,m_bmi,m_bne,m_bpl,m_bvs]) then Remove(ns+1); m_plb: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_phb then begin Remove(ns); Remove(ns); end; {if} {disabled - can generate bad code if the x value is used} {m_plx: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_pha then begin opcode := m_sta_s; mode := direct; operand := 1; Remove(ns+1); end; {if} m_tax: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_phx then begin Remove(ns+1); opcode := m_pha; end {if} else if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_txa then begin if not (npeep[ns+2].opcode in [m_bcc,m_bcs,m_beq,m_bmi,m_bne,m_bpl,m_bvs]) then begin Remove(ns); Remove(ns); end; {if} end {else if} else if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_dey then if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_dey then if npeep[ns+3].opcode = m_lda_indly then if npeep[ns+4].opcode = m_stx_dir then if (npeep[ns+4].operand - npeep[ns+3].operand < -1) or (npeep[ns+4].operand - npeep[ns+3].operand > 2) then begin npeep[ns] := npeep[ns+4]; opcode := m_sta_dir; Remove(ns+4); end; {if} m_tya: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_sta_dir then begin npeep[ns+1].opcode := m_sty_dir; Remove(ns); end {if} else if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_sta_abs then begin npeep[ns+1].opcode := m_sty_abs; Remove(ns); end; {else if} m_tyx: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_phx then begin Remove(ns+1); opcode := m_phy; end; {if} m_pha: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_pla then begin Remove(ns); Remove(ns); end {if} else if npeep[ns+1].opcode in [m_ldx_abs,m_ldx_dir] then if npeep[ns+2].opcode = m_pla then begin Remove(ns+2); Remove(ns); end; {if} m_phy: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_ply then begin Remove(ns); Remove(ns); end; {if} m_rep: if npeep[ns+1].opcode = m_sep then if npeep[ns].operand = npeep[ns+1].operand then begin Remove(ns); Remove(ns); end; {if} { kws } { stz $xx, stz $xx } m_stz_abs, m_stz_absX: if npeep[ns].opcode = npeep[ns+1].opcode then if npeep[ns].operand = npeep[ns+1].operand then if npeep[ns].name = npeep[ns+1].name then if not volatile then Remove(ns+1); m_stz_dir, m_stz_dirX: if npeep[ns].opcode = npeep[ns+1].opcode then if npeep[ns].operand = npeep[ns+1].operand then if not volatile then Remove(ns+1); otherwise: ; end; {case} 1: end; {Optimize} begin {GenNative} { writeln('GenNative: ',p_opcode:4, ', mode=', ord(p_mode):1, ' operand=', p_operand:1); {debug} if npeephole and not (strictVararg and hasVarargsCall) then begin if (nnextspot = 1) and not (p_opcode in nleadOpcodes) then begin if p_opcode <> d_end then if registers then CheckRegisters(p_opcode, p_mode, p_operand, p_name, p_flags) else WriteNative(p_opcode, p_mode, p_operand, p_name, p_flags); end {if} else if p_opcode in nstopOpcodes then begin repeat didOne := false; i := 1; llongA := longA; while i < nnextSpot-nMaxPeep do begin op := npeep[i].opcode; if op = m_sep then begin if npeep[i].operand & $20 <> 0 then llongA := false; end {if} else if op = m_rep then begin if npeep[i].operand & $20 <> 0 then llongA := true; end; {else} Optimize(i,llongA); i := i+1; end; {while} until not didone; Purge; if p_opcode <> d_end then if registers then CheckRegisters(p_opcode, p_mode, p_operand, p_name, p_flags) else WriteNative(p_opcode, p_mode, p_operand, p_name, p_flags); end {else if} else if nnextSpot = npeepSize then begin repeat didOne := false; i := 1; llongA := longA; while i < nnextSpot-nMaxPeep do begin op := npeep[i].opcode; if op = m_sep then begin if npeep[i].operand & $20 <> 0 then llongA := false; end {if} else if op = m_rep then begin if npeep[i].operand & $20 <> 0 then llongA := true; end; {else} Optimize(i,llongA); i := i+1; end; {while} until not didone; done := false; repeat if nnextSpot = 1 then done := true else begin if npeep[1].opcode in nleadOpcodes then done := true else begin if registers then CheckRegisters(nPeep[1].opcode, nPeep[1].mode, nPeep[1].operand, nPeep[1].name, nPeep[1].flags) else WriteNative(nPeep[1].opcode, nPeep[1].mode, nPeep[1].operand, nPeep[1].name,nPeep[1].flags); Remove(1); end; {else} end; {else} until done; if nnextSpot = nPeepSize then begin if registers then CheckRegisters(nPeep[1].opcode, nPeep[1].mode, nPeep[1].operand, nPeep[1].name, nPeep[1].flags) else WriteNative(nPeep[1].opcode, nPeep[1].mode, nPeep[1].operand, nPeep[1].name, nPeep[1].flags); Remove(1); end; {if} with npeep[nnextSpot] do begin opcode := p_opcode; mode := p_mode; operand := p_operand; name := p_name; flags := p_flags; end; {with} nnextSpot := nnextSpot+1; if not (npeep[1].opcode in nleadOpcodes) then begin if registers then CheckRegisters(nPeep[1].opcode, nPeep[1].mode, nPeep[1].operand, nPeep[1].name, nPeep[1].flags) else WriteNative(nPeep[1].opcode, nPeep[1].mode, nPeep[1].operand, nPeep[1].name, nPeep[1].flags); Remove(1); end; {if} end {else if} else begin with npeep[nnextSpot] do begin opcode := p_opcode; mode := p_mode; operand := p_operand; name := p_name; flags := p_flags; end; {with} nnextSpot := nnextSpot+1; end; {else} end {if} else if p_opcode <> d_end then if registers then CheckRegisters(p_opcode, p_mode, p_operand, p_name, p_flags) else WriteNative(p_opcode, p_mode, p_operand, p_name, p_flags); end; {GenNative} procedure GenImplied {p_opcode: integer}; { short form of GenNative - reduces code size } { } { parameters: } { p_code - operation code } begin {GenImplied} GenNative(p_opcode, implied, 0, nil, 0); end; {GenImplied} procedure GenCall {callNum: integer}; { short form of jsl to library subroutine - reduces code size } { } { parameters: } { callNum - subroutine # to generate a call for } var sp: stringPtr; {work string} begin {GenCall} case callNum of 1: sp := @'~CHECKSTACK'; 2: sp := @'~RESETNAME'; 3: sp := @'~CREALRET'; 4: sp := @'~CDOUBLERET'; 5: sp := @'~SETNAME'; 6: sp := @'~SETLINENUMBER'; 7: sp := @'~REALFN'; 8: sp := @'~DOUBLEFN'; 9: sp := @'~SAVEREAL'; 10: sp := @'~SAVEDOUBLE'; 11: sp := @'~CNVINTREAL'; 12: sp := @'~CNVLONGREAL'; 13: sp := @'~CNVULONGREAL'; 14: sp := @'~CNVREALINT'; 15: sp := @'~CNVREALUINT'; 16: sp := @'~CNVREALLONG'; 17: sp := @'~CNVREALULONG'; 18: sp := @'~CNVL2'; {PASCAL} 19: sp := @'~SAVESET'; 20: sp := @'~LOADSET'; {PASCAL} 21: sp := @'~LOADREAL'; 22: sp := @'~LOADDOUBLE'; 23: sp := @'~SHIFTLEFT'; 24: sp := @'~SSHIFTRIGHT'; 25: sp := @'~INTCHKC'; 26: sp := @'~DIV2'; 27: sp := @'~MOD2'; 28: sp := @'~MUL2'; 29: sp := @'~GRTL'; 30: sp := @'~GEQL'; 31: sp := @'~GRTE'; 32: sp := @'~GEQE'; 33: sp := @'~SETINCLUSION'; 34: sp := @'~GRTSTRING'; 35: sp := @'~GEQSTRING'; 36: sp := @'~EQUE'; 37: sp := @'~SETEQU'; 38: sp := @'~EQUSTRING'; 39: sp := @'~UMUL2'; 40: sp := @'~UDIV2'; 41: sp := @'~USHIFTRIGHT'; 42: sp := @'~MUL4'; 43: sp := @'~PDIV4'; 44: sp := @'~MOD4'; 45: sp := @'~SHL4'; 46: sp := @'~LSHR4'; 47: sp := @'~ASHR4'; {CC} 48: sp := @'~UMUL4'; {CC} 49: sp := @'~UDIV4'; {CC} 50: sp := @'~UMOD4'; {CC} 51: sp := @'~COPYREAL'; 52: sp := @'~COPYDOUBLE'; 53: sp := @'~XJPERROR'; 54: sp := @'~MOVE'; 55: sp := @'~MOVE2'; 56: sp := @'~ADDE'; 57: sp := @'~DIVE'; 58: sp := @'~MULE'; 59: sp := @'~SUBE'; 60: sp := @'~POWER'; 61: sp := @'~ARCTAN2E'; 62: sp := @'~LONGMOVE'; 63: sp := @'~LONGMOVE2'; 64: sp := @'~CCOMPRET'; 65: sp := @'~CEXTENDEDRET'; 66: sp := @'~SAVECOMP'; 67: sp := @'~SAVEEXTENDED'; 68: sp := @'~COPYCOMP'; 69: sp := @'~COPYEXTENDED'; 70: sp := @'~LOADCOMP'; 71: sp := @'~LOADEXTENDED'; 72: sp := @'~LOADUBF'; 73: sp := @'~LOADBF'; 74: sp := @'~SAVEBF'; 75: sp := @'~COPYBF'; 76: sp := @'~STACKERR'; {CC} 77: sp := @'~LOADSTRUCT'; {CC} 78: sp := @'~DIV4'; {CC} otherwise: Error(cge1); end; {case} GenNative(m_jsl, longabs, 0, sp, 0); end; {GenCall} procedure GenLab {lnum: integer}; { generate a label } { } { parameters: } { lnum - label number } begin {GenLab} GenNative(d_lab, gnrlabel, lnum, nil, 0); end; {GenLab} procedure InitFile {keepName: gsosOutStringPtr; keepFlag: integer; partial: boolean}; { Set up the object file } { } { parameters: } { keepName - name of the output file } { keepFlag - keep status: } { 0 - don't keep the output } { 1 - create a new object module } { 2 - a .root already exists } { 3 - at least on .letter file exists } { partial - is this a partial compile? } { } { Note: Declared as extern in CGI.pas } procedure RootFile; { Create and write the initial entry segment } const dispToOpen = 21; {disps to glue routines for NDAs} dispToClose = 38; dispToAction = 50; dispToInit = 65; dispToCDAOpen = 9; {disps to glue routines for CDAs} dispToCDAClose = 36; var i: integer; {loop index} lab: stringPtr; {for holding names var pointers} menuLen: integer; {length of the menu name string} procedure SetDataBank; { set up the data bank register } begin {SetDataBank} CnOut(m_pea); RefName(@'~GLOBALS', 0, 2, -8); CnOut(m_plb); CnOut(m_plb); end; {SetDataBank} begin {RootFile} {open the initial object module} fname2.theString.theString := concat(fname1.theString.theString, '.root'); fname2.theString.size := length(fname2.theString.theString); OpenObj(fname2); {write the header} InitNative; Header(@'~_ROOT', $4000, 0); {new desk accessory initialization} if isNewDeskAcc then begin {set up the initial jump table} lab := @'~_ROOT'; menuLen := length(menuLine); RefName(lab, menuLen + dispToOpen, 4, 0); RefName(lab, menuLen + dispToClose, 4, 0); RefName(lab, menuLen + dispToAction, 4, 0); RefName(lab, menuLen + dispToInit, 4, 0); CnOut2(refreshPeriod); CnOut2(eventMask); for i := 1 to menuLen do CnOut(ord(menuLine[i])); CnOut(0); {glue code for calling open routine} CnOut(m_phb); SetDataBank; CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(openName, 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_plb); CnOut(m_sta_s); CnOut(4); CnOut(m_txa); CnOut(m_sta_s); CnOut(6); CnOut(m_rtl); {glue code for calling close routine} CnOut(m_phb); SetDataBank; CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(closeName, 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_plb); CnOut(m_rtl); {glue code for calling action routine} CnOut(m_phb); SetDataBank; CnOut(m_pha); CnOut(m_phy); CnOut(m_phx); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(actionName, 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_plb); CnOut(m_rtl); {glue code for calling init routine} CnOut(m_pha); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(@'~DAID', 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_phb); SetDataBank; CnOut(m_pha); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(initName, 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_plb); CnOut(m_rtl); end {classic desk accessory initialization} else if isClassicDeskAcc then begin {write the name} menuLen := length(menuLine); CnOut(menuLen); for i := 1 to menuLen do CnOut(ord(menuLine[i])); {set up the initial jump table} lab := @'~_ROOT'; RefName(lab, menuLen + dispToCDAOpen, 4, 0); RefName(lab, menuLen + dispToCDAClose, 4, 0); {glue code for calling open routine} CnOut(m_pea); CnOut2(1); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(@'~DAID', 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_phb); SetDataBank; CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(@'~CDASTART', 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(openName,0,3,0); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(@'~CDASHUTDOWN', 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_plb); CnOut(m_rtl); {glue code for calling close routine} CnOut(m_phb); SetDataBank; CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(closeName, 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_pea); CnOut2(0); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(@'~DAID', 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_plb); CnOut(m_rtl); end {control panel device initialization} else if isCDev then begin CnOut(m_pea); CnOut2(1); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(@'~DAID', 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_phb); SetDataBank; CnOut(m_pla); CnOut(m_sta_s); CnOut(13); CnOut(m_pla); CnOut(m_sta_s); CnOut(13); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(openName,0,3,0); CnOut(m_tay); CnOut(m_lda_s); CnOut(3); CnOut(m_pha); CnOut(m_lda_s); CnOut(3); CnOut(m_pha); CnOut(m_txa); CnOut(m_sta_s); CnOut(7); CnOut(m_tya); CnOut(m_sta_s); CnOut(5); CnOut(m_plb); CnOut(m_rtl); end {NBA initialization} else if isNBA then begin CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(@'~NBASTARTUP', 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_phx); CnOut(m_phy); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(openName,0,3,0); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(@'~NBASHUTDOWN', 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_rtl); end {XCMD initialization} else if isXCMD then begin CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(@'~XCMDSTARTUP', 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(openName,0,3,0); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(@'~XCMDSHUTDOWN', 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_rtl); end {normal program initialization} else begin {write the initial JSL} CnOut(m_jsl); if rtl then RefName(@'~_BWSTARTUP4', 0, 3, 0) else RefName(@'~_BWSTARTUP3', 0, 3, 0); {set the data bank register} SetDataBank; {write JSL to main entry point} CnOut(m_jsl); if rtl then RefName(@'~C_STARTUP2', 0, 3, 0) else RefName(@'~C_STARTUP', 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_jsl); RefName(@'main', 0, 3, 0); CnOut(m_jsl); if rtl then RefName(@'~C_SHUTDOWN2', 0, 3, 0) else RefName(@'~C_SHUTDOWN', 0, 3, 0); end; {finish the current segment} EndSeg; end; {RootFile} procedure SetStack; { Set up a stack frame } begin {SetStack} if stackSize <> 0 then begin currentSegment := '~_STACK '; {write the header} Header(@'~_STACK', $4012, 0); Out($F1); {write the DS record to reserve space} Out2(stackSize); Out2(0); EndSeg; {finish the current segment} end; {if} end; {SetStack} begin {InitFile} fname1 := keepname^; if partial or (keepFlag = 3) then FindSuffix(fname1, nextSuffix) else begin if (keepFlag = 1) and (not noroot) then begin RootFile; SetStack; CloseObj; end; {if} DestroySuffixes(fname1); nextSuffix := 'a'; end; {else} fname2.theString.theString := concat(fname1.theString.theString, '.', nextSuffix); fname2.theString.size := length(fname2.theString.theString); OpenObj(fname2); end; {InitFile} procedure InitNative; { set up for a new segment } begin {InitNative} aRegister.condition := regUnknown; {set up the peephole optimizer} xRegister.condition := regUnknown; yRegister.condition := regUnknown; nnextspot := 1; nleadOpcodes := [m_asl_a,m_bcs,m_beq,m_bmi,m_bne,m_bpl,m_brl,m_bvs,m_bcc, m_dec_abs,m_lda_abs,m_lda_dir,m_lda_imm,m_ldx_imm,m_sta_abs,m_sta_dir, m_pha,m_plb,m_plx,m_tax,m_tya,m_tyx,m_phy,m_pei_dir,m_ldy_imm,m_rep, m_ora_dir,m_ora_abs,m_and_imm,m_pea]; nstopOpcodes := [d_end,d_pin]; stringSize := 0; {initialize scalars for a new segment} pc := 0; cbufflen := 0; longA := true; longI := true; end; {InitNative} procedure RefName {lab: stringPtr; disp, len, shift: integer}; { handle a reference to a named label } { } { parameters: } { lab - label name } { disp - displacement past the label } { len - number of bytes in the reference } { shift - shift factor } var i: integer; {loop var} slen: integer; {length of string} begin {RefName} Purge; {clear any constant bytes} if isJSL then {expression header} Out(243) else Out(235); Out(len); Out(131); pc := pc+len; slen := length(lab^); Out(slen); for i := 1 to slen do Out(ord(lab^[i])); if disp <> 0 then begin {if there is a disp, add it in} Out(129); Out2(disp); Out2(0); Out(1); end; {end} if shift <> 0 then begin {if there is a shift, add it in} Out(129); Out2(shift); if shift < 0 then Out2(-1) else Out2(0); Out(7); end; {if} Out(0); {end of expression} end; {RefName} end. {$append 'native.asm'}