{$optimize 7} {---------------------------------------------------------------} { } { Asm } { } { This unit implements the built-in assembler and } { disassembler. } { } { External Subroutines: } { } { AsmFunction - assemble an assembly language function } { AsmStatement - assemble some in-line code } { InitAsm - initialize the assembler } { } {---------------------------------------------------------------} unit Asm; interface {$LibPrefix '0/obj/'} uses CCommon, Table, CGI, Scanner, Symbol, MM, Expression; {$segment 'CC'} procedure AsmFunction (variable: identPtr); { Assemble an assembly language function } { } { parameters: } { variable - pointer to the function variable } procedure AsmStatement; { Assemble some in-line code } procedure InitAsm; { Initialize the assembler } {---------------------------------------------------------------} implementation {---------------------------------------------------------------} var doingAsmFunction: boolean; {was AsmStatement called from AsmFunction?} {- Imported from the parser: -----------------------------------} procedure Match (kind: tokenEnum; err: integer); extern; { insure that the next token is of the specified type } { } { parameters: } { kind - expected token kind } { err - error number if the expected token is not found } {- Private routines --------------------------------------------} function FindLabel (name: stringPtr; definition: boolean): integer; { Find a label in the label list. If none exists, create one. } { } { parameters: } { name - name of the label } { definition - is this the defining point? } label 1; var lb: gotoPtr; {work pointer} lnum: integer; {label number} begin {FindLabel} lb := gotoList; {try to find an existing label} while lb <> nil do begin if lb^.name^ = name^ then begin lnum := lb^.lab; goto 1; end; lb := lb^.next; end; {while} lb := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(gotoRecord))); {no label record exists: create one} lb^.next := gotoList; gotoList := lb; lb^.name := name; lnum := GenLabel; lb^.lab := lnum; lb^.defined := false; 1: if definition then begin if lb^.defined then Error(77) else begin lb^.defined := true; Gen1(dc_lab, lb^.lab); end; {else} end; {if} FindLabel := lnum; end; {FindLabel} {- Global routines ---------------------------------------------} procedure AsmFunction {variable: identPtr}; { Assemble an assembly language function } { } { parameters: } { variable - pointer to the function variable } var tl: tempPtr; {work pointer} begin {AsmFunction} {process the statements} doingAsmFunction := true; AsmStatement; doingAsmFunction := false; {finish the subroutine} Gen0 (dc_enp); {finish the segment} CheckGotoList; {make sure all labels are declared} while tempList <> nil do begin {dump the local labels} tl := tempList; tempList := tl^.next; dispose(tl); end; {while} LInit; {dispose of the local memory pool} nameFound := false; {no pc_nam for the next function (yet)} doingFunction := false; {no longer doing a function} end; {AsmFunction} procedure AsmStatement; { Assemble some in-line code } label 1,2,3,99; var i: integer; {loop variable} lnum: integer; {label number} name: packed array[0..3] of char; {op code name} opc: opcode; {operation code enumeration} opname: tokenType; {operation code token} optype: operands; {operand type} {set by Exp} {----------} isConstant: boolean; {constant? (or identifier expression} operand: tokenType; {operand (if not isConstant)} operation: (plus,minus,none); {kind of operation} size: (directPage,absoluteaddress,longAddress); {size of the operand} value: longint; {expression value} procedure Skip; { An error was found: skip to the end & quit } begin {Skip} charKinds[ord('#')] := ch_pound; while not (token.kind in [rbracech,eofsy]) do NextToken; charKinds[ord('#')] := illegal; goto 99; end; {Skip} procedure Exp (stop: tokenSet; EOLallowed: boolean); { Parse an expression in an operand } { } { Parameters: } { stop - stop symbols } { EOLallowed - can the expression end with EOL? } { } { Outputs: } { isConstant - constant? (or identifier expression) } { operand - operand (if not isConstant) } { operation - kind of operation } { size - size of the operand } { value - expression value } var forced: boolean; {is the expression type forced?} i: 0..maxint; {loop/index variable} id: identPtr; {identifier} tcode: intermediate_code; {temp storage for code} begin {Exp} if token.kind in [ltch,barch,gtch] {allow for operand size forcing} then begin forced := true; if token.kind = ltch then size := directPage else if token.kind = barch then size := absoluteaddress else {if token.kind = gtch then} size := longAddress; NextToken; end {if} else forced := false; if EOLallowed then begin {handle expressions that can end at eol} reportEOL := true; stop := stop+[eolsy]; end; {if} if token.kind = ident then begin {handle expressions with an identifier} if not forced then size := absoluteaddress; isConstant := false; operand := token; id := FindSymbol(token, variableSpace, false, true); if id = nil then begin code^.llab := FindLabel(token.name, false); if (not forced) and (not smallMemoryModel) then size := longAddress; end {if} else begin operand.symbolPtr := id; if id^.storage in [stackFrame,parameter] then begin code^.slab := id^.lln; if not forced then size := directPage; end {if} else begin code^.lab := id^.name; if id^.itype^.kind = functionType then begin if id^.itype^.isPascal then begin code^.lab := pointer(Malloc(length(id^.name^)+1)); CopyString(pointer(code^.lab), pointer(id^.name)); for i := 1 to length(code^.lab^) do if code^.lab^[i] in ['a'..'z'] then code^.lab^[i] := chr(ord(code^.lab^[i]) & $5F); end; {if} end; {if} if (not forced) and (not smallMemoryModel) then size := longAddress; end; {else} end; {else} NextToken; if token.kind in [plusch,minusch] then begin if token.kind = plusch then operation := plus else operation := minus; NextToken; tcode := code^; Expression(arrayExpression, stop); code^ := tcode; value := expressionValue; if expressionType^.kind = scalarType then if expressionType^.baseType <= cgUWord then value := value & $0000FFFF; end {if} else begin operation := none; value := 0; end; {else} end {if token = ident} else begin {constant expression} operation := none; isConstant := true; tcode := code^; Expression(arrayExpression, stop); code^ := tcode; value := expressionValue; if expressionType^.kind = scalarType then if expressionType^.baseType <= cgUWord then value := value & $0000FFFF; if not forced then if long(value).msw = 0 then begin if long(value).lsw & $FF00 = 0 then size := directPage else size := absoluteaddress; end {if} else size := longAddress; end; {else} reportEOL := false; if token.kind = eolsy then NextToken; end; {Exp} function RegCompare (str: stringPtr; reg: char): boolean; { Compare a string to a register constant } { } { parameters: } { str - string pointer } { reg - register character } begin {RegCompare} RegCompare := false; if length(str^) = 1 then RegCompare := chr(ord(str^[1]) | $20) = reg; end; {RegCompare} procedure CheckForComment; { Handle an assembly language comment (ignore chars from ; to EOL) } begin {CheckForComment} while token.kind = semicolonch do begin while not (charKinds[ord(ch)] in [ch_eol,ch_eof]) do NextCh; NextCh; NextToken; end; {if} end; {CheckForComment} begin {AsmStatement} Match(lbracech,27); while not (token.kind in [rbracech,eofsy]) do begin {find the label and op-code} CheckForComment; charKinds[ord('#')] := ch_pound; {allow # as a token} if token.kind <> ident then begin {error if not an identifier} Error(9); Skip; end; {if} opname := token; NextToken; while token.kind = colonch do begin {define a label} lnum := FindLabel(opname.name, true); NextToken; CheckForComment; if token.kind <> ident then Skip; opname := token; NextToken; end; {while} charKinds[ord('#')] := illegal; {don't allow # as a token} {identify the op-code} if length(opname.name^) = 3 then begin name := opname.name^; for i := 1 to 3 do if name[i] in ['A'..'Z'] then name[i] := chr(ord(name[i]) | $20); for opc := o_adc to o_xce do if names[opc] = name then goto 1; end; {if} Error(95); Skip; 1: code^.q := 0; {default to no flags} {handle general operand instructions} if opc <= o_tsb then begin optype := op; if token.kind = lparench then begin NextToken; Exp([commach,rparench], false); if token.kind = commach then begin NextToken; if token.kind = ident then begin if RegCompare(token.name, 'x') then begin NextToken; Match(rparench,12); if size = directPage then optype := i_dp_x else if size = absoluteaddress then optype := i_op_x else Error(96); end {if} else if RegCompare(token.name, 's') then begin NextToken; Match(rparench,12); Match(commach,86); if token.kind = ident then begin if RegCompare(token.name, 'y') then NextToken else Error(97); end {if} else Error(97); if size = directPage then optype := i_dp_s_y else Error(96); end {else if} else Error(97); end {if token.kind = ident} else Error(97); end {if token.kind = commach} else if token.kind = rparench then begin NextToken; if token.kind = commach then begin NextToken; if token.kind = ident then begin if RegCompare(token.name, 'y') then NextToken else Error(97); end {if} else Error(97); if size = directPage then optype := i_dp_y else Error(96); end {if} else begin if size = directPage then optype := i_dp else if size = absoluteaddress then optype := i_op else Error(96); end; {else} end {else if token.kind = rparench} else Error(12); end {if} else if token.kind = lbrackch then begin NextToken; Exp([commach,rbrackch], false); Match(rbrackch,24); if token.kind = commach then begin NextToken; if token.kind = ident then begin if RegCompare(token.name, 'y') then NextToken else Error(97); end {if} else Error(97); if size = directPage then optype := li_dp_y else Error(96); end {if} else begin if size = directPage then optype := li_dp else if size = absoluteaddress then optype := i_la else Error(96); end; {else} end {else if} else if token.kind = poundch then begin optype := imm; NextToken; if token.kind = ltch then begin NextToken; Exp([semicolonch], true); end {if} else if token.kind = gtch then begin NextToken; Exp([semicolonch], true); if isConstant then value := value >> 8 else code^.q := shift8; end {else if} else if token.kind = carotch then begin NextToken; Exp([semicolonch], true); if isConstant then value := value >> 16 else code^.q := shift16; end {else if} else Exp([semicolonch], true); end {else if} else begin if token.kind = ident then if RegCompare(token.name, 'a') then begin optype := acc; NextToken; goto 2; end; {if} Exp([commach,semicolonch], true); if token.kind = commach then begin NextToken; if token.kind = ident then begin if RegCompare(token.name, 'x') then begin NextToken; if size = directPage then optype := dp_x else if size = absoluteaddress then optype := op_x else optype := long_x; end {if} else if RegCompare(token.name, 'y') then begin NextToken; if size = directPage then optype := dp_y else if size = absoluteaddress then optype := op_y else Error(96); end {else if} else if RegCompare(token.name, 's') then begin NextToken; if size = directPage then optype := dp_s else Error(96); end {else if} else Error(97); end {if token.kind = ident} else Error(97); end {if} else begin if size = directPage then optype := dp else if size = absoluteaddress then optype := op else optype := la; end; {else} end; {else} 2: {make sure the operand is valid} if nopcodes[opc,optype] = 0 then begin if optype = i_dp_x then optype := i_op_x else if optype = i_dp then optype := i_op else if optype = dp then optype := op else if optype = dp_x then optype := op_x else if optype = dp_y then optype := op_y; if nopcodes[opc,optype] = 0 then if optype = op then optype := la; if nopcodes[opc,optype] = 0 then Error(98); end; {if} code^.s := nopcodes[opc,optype]; if optype = acc then code^.r := ord(implied) else if optype = imm then code^.r := ord(imm) else if optype in [la,long_x] then code^.r := ord(longabsolute) else if optype in [op,op_x,op_y,i_op,i_op_x,i_la] then code^.r := ord(absolute) else code^.r := ord(direct); end {if opc <= o_tsb} {handle data declarations} else if opc <= o_dcl then begin Exp([semicolonch], true); code^.s := d_add; if opc = o_dcb then code^.r := ord(direct) else if opc = o_dcw then code^.r := ord(absolute) else code^.r := ord(longabsolute); end {if opc <= o_dcl} {handle the brk instruction} else if opc = o_brk then begin Exp([semicolonch], true); code^.r := ord(direct); code^.s := 0; end {if opc = o_brk} {handle moves} else if opc in [o_mvn,o_mvp] then begin if opc = o_mvn then code^.s := $54 else code^.s := $44; Gen0(pc_nat); code^.s := d_bmov; code^.r := ord(immediate); Exp([commach,semicolonch], false); if isConstant then begin code^.opnd := long(value).msw; code^.q := 0; end {if} else begin code^.opnd := value; code^.q := shift16; end; {else} Gen0(pc_nat); Match(commach,86); code^.s := d_bmov; code^.r := ord(immediate); Exp([semicolonch], true); if isConstant then begin code^.opnd := long(value).msw; code^.q := 0; end {if} else begin code^.opnd := value; code^.q := shift16; end; {else} goto 3; end {if opc in [o_mvn,o_mvp]} {handle relative branches} else if opc <= o_bvs then begin code^.s := ropcodes[opc]; if token.kind = ident then begin code^.llab := FindLabel(token.name, false); NextToken; code^.lab := nil; if opc in [o_brl,o_per] then code^.r := ord(longrelative) else code^.r := ord(relative); goto 3; end {if} else Error(97); end {else if opc <= o_bvs} {handle implied operand instructions} else begin code^.s := iopcodes[opc]; code^.r := ord(implied); end; {generate the code} if operation = minus then code^.opnd := -value else code^.opnd := value; 3: Gen0(pc_nat); CheckForComment; end; {while} 99: if doingAsmFunction then useGlobalPool := true; Match(rbracech,23); end; {AsmStatement} procedure InitAsm; { Initialize the assembler } begin {AsmInit} doingAsmFunction := false; end; {AsmInit} end.