/* Conformance Test  Verification of pointer declarators for static */
/*                            data                                           */

#include <math.h>

                                       /* pointers to all the basic types */
static   int            *intPtr, i;
static   long           *longPtr, L;
static   unsigned  int  *uintPtr, ui;
static   unsigned  long *ulongPtr, ulong;
static   comp           *compPtr, cmp;
static   char           *charPtr, ch;
static   float          *floatPtr, fl;
static   double         *doublePtr, dbl;
static   extended       *extPtr, ext;

                                       /* pointers to conglomerate types */

static   struct s  { int a;
                     long L; } *structPtr, s;
static   enum   colors  { red, black, green } *colorPtr, color;
static   union  longOrShort { int first;
                              long second; } *unionPtr, un;

main ()
   void F1 (void);


void F1 (void)

   intPtr = &i;
   i      = 3;
   if (*intPtr != 3)
       goto Fail;

   longPtr = &L;
   L       = 32769;
   if (*longPtr != 32769)
       goto Fail;

   uintPtr = &ui;
   ui      = 65535;
   if (*uintPtr != 65535)
       goto Fail;

   ulongPtr = &ulong;
   ulong    = 4294967295ul;
   if (*ulongPtr != 4294967295ul)
       goto Fail;

   compPtr = &cmp;
   cmp     = 4294967295ul;
   if (*compPtr != 4294967295ul)
       goto Fail;

   charPtr = &ch;
   ch      = 'A';
   if (*charPtr != 'A')
       goto Fail;

   floatPtr = &fl;
   fl       = 123.456;
   if (fabs(*floatPtr - 123.456) > 0.00001)
       goto Fail;

   doublePtr = &dbl;
   dbl       = 0.0;
   if (fabs(*doublePtr - 0.0) > 0.00001)
       goto Fail;

   extPtr = &ext;
   ext    = 12.3e20;
   if (fabs(*extPtr - 123.0E19) > 0.00001)
       goto Fail;

   structPtr = &s;
   s.a       = 32767;
   s.L       = 2147483647;
   if ((structPtr->L != 2147483647) || (structPtr->a != 32767))
       goto Fail;

   intPtr = &(s.a);
   if (*intPtr != 32767)
       goto Fail;

   longPtr = &(s.L);
   if (*longPtr != 2147483647)
       goto Fail;

   colorPtr = &color;
   color    = black;
   if (*colorPtr != black)
       goto Fail;

   unionPtr = &un;
   un.first = 12;
   if (unionPtr->first != 12)
       goto Fail;
   un.second = 2147483646;
   if (unionPtr->second != 2147483646)
       goto Fail;

   printf ("Passed Conformance Test\n");

   printf ("Failed Conformance Test\n");