/* Conformance Test Verification of strtol, strtoul functions */ #include #include #include #include #include void main (void) { long L1; unsigned long UL1; char string [] = " -2147483647 0xfFfFfFfF 1111 077 0xffffffffff zz "; char *strPtr; L1 = strtol (string, &strPtr, 0); if (L1 != -(0x7fFfFfff)) goto Fail; if (strPtr != &string [13]) goto Fail; UL1 = strtoul (strPtr, &strPtr, 16); /* bases 10-36 can be letters */ if (UL1 != 4294967295ul) goto Fail; if (strPtr != &string [25]) goto Fail; L1 = strtol (strPtr, &strPtr, 2); if (L1 != 15) goto Fail; if (strPtr != &string [31]) goto Fail; UL1 = strtoul (strPtr, &strPtr, 8); if (UL1 != 63) goto Fail; if (strPtr != &string [36]) goto Fail; errno = 0; L1 = strtol (strPtr, &strPtr, 16); if (errno != ERANGE) goto Fail; errno = 0; UL1 = strtoul (strPtr, &strPtr, 16); if (errno != EINVAL) goto Fail; errno = 0; L1 = strtol ("zz", &strPtr, 0); if (errno != EINVAL) goto Fail; errno = 0; UL1 = strtoul ("xx", &strPtr, 0); if (errno != EINVAL) goto Fail; printf ("Passed Conformance Test\n"); return; Fail: printf ("Failed Conformance Test\n"); }