/* Special Conformance Test Verification of fgetc, getc, getchar, */ /* and ungetc with standard input */ /* */ /* The first action of the test is to verify that standard input is working. */ /* The tester will be prompted for a string three times (once each for fgetc,*/ /* getc, and getchar); this string will then be echoed to standard out and to*/ /* standard error out. The tester needs to verify that the output string is */ /* correct. */ /* */ /* The test will then redirect standard input to a temporary file created on */ /* the work prefix. The tester needs to verify that the characters sent to */ /* standard output and standard error output are the lower case alphabetic */ /* characters. */ /* */ /* Finally, standard input is reset to the keyboard. The tester will be */ /* prompted for a new string to be entered from the keyboard. The tester */ /* needs to verify that the string is correctly echoed to the screen. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> main () { int i, j; char s [255], ch; FILE *f1, *saveStdin; /* This part of the test that standard input and standard output are working */ printf ("Please enter a string\n"); /* test fgetc with standard in */ j = 0; while ((i = fgetc (stdin)) != '\n') { if (i == EOF) goto Fail3; s [j++] = i; } s [j] = '\0'; printf ("The string entered is:\n"); i = fputs (s, stdout); if (i) goto Fail4; printf ("\n"); i = fputs (s, stderr); if (i) goto Fail5; printf ("\n"); printf ("Please enter a string\n"); /* test getc with standard in */ j = 0; while ((i = getc (stdin)) != '\n') { if (i == EOF) goto Fail3; s [j++] = i; } s [j] = '\0'; printf ("The string entered is:\n"); i = fputs (s, stdout); if (i) goto Fail4; printf ("\n"); i = fputs (s, stderr); if (i) goto Fail5; printf ("\n"); printf ("Please enter a string\n"); /* test getchar */ j = 0; while ( (i = getchar ()) != '\n' ) { if (i == EOF) goto Fail3; s [j++] = i; } s [j] = '\0'; printf ("The string entered is:\n"); i = fputs (s, stdout); if (i) goto Fail4; printf ("\n"); i = fputs (s, stderr); if (i) goto Fail5; printf ("\n"); /* Now test fgetc, getc, and getchar by redirecting standard input. */ f1 = fopen ("3/tmp", "w"); /* create new file */ if (f1 == NULL) goto Fail; for (ch = 'a', i = 0; i < 26; i++) { j = fputc (ch, f1); if ( (char) j != ch ) goto Fail2; ch++; } j = fputc ('\n', f1); if (j != '\n') goto Fail2; saveStdin = stdin; stdin = freopen ("3/tmp", "r", f1); /* reassign standard in */ if (stdin == NULL) goto Fail1; j = 0; /* read file with fgetc */ while ( (i = fgetc (stdin)) != EOF) { putchar(i); s [j++] = i; } s [j] = '\0'; if (! feof (stdin) ) goto Fail3; printf ("The string read from the temp file is:\n"); i = fputs (s, stdout); if (i) goto Fail4; i = fputs (s, stderr); if (i) goto Fail5; rewind (stdin); /* read file with getc */ j = 0; while ( (i = getc (stdin)) != EOF) s [j++] = i; s [j] = '\0'; if (! feof (stdin) ) goto Fail3; printf ("The string read from the temp file is:\n"); i = fputs (s, stdout); if (i) goto Fail4; i = fputs (s, stderr); if (i) goto Fail5; rewind (stdin); /* read file with getchar */ j = 0; while ( (i = getchar ()) != EOF) s [j++] = i; s [j] = '\0'; if (! feof (stdin) ) goto Fail3; printf ("The string read from the temp file is:\n"); i = fputs (s, stdout); if (i) goto Fail4; i = fputs (s, stderr); if (i) goto Fail5; /* Now reset standard input and ensure it's ok. */ stdin = saveStdin; /* reassign standard in */ printf ("Please enter a string\n"); /* read standard in with fgetc */ j = 0; while ((i = fgetc (stdin)) != '\n') { if (i == EOF) goto Fail3; s [j++] = i; } s [j] = '\0'; printf ("The string entered is:\n"); i = fputs (s, stdout); if (i) goto Fail4; printf ("\n"); i = fputs (s, stderr); if (i) goto Fail5; printf ("\n"); printf ("Please enter a string\n"); /* read standard in with getc */ j = 0; while ((i = getc (stdin)) != '\n') { if (i == EOF) goto Fail3; s [j++] = i; } s [j] = '\0'; printf ("The string entered is:\n"); i = fputs (s, stdout); if (i) goto Fail4; printf ("\n"); i = fputs (s, stderr); if (i) goto Fail5; printf ("\n"); printf ("Please enter a string\n"); /* read standard in with getchar */ j = 0; while ( (i = getchar ()) != '\n' ) { if (i == EOF) goto Fail3; s [j++] = i; } s [j] = '\0'; printf ("The string entered is:\n"); i = fputs (s, stdout); if (i) goto Fail4; printf ("\n"); i = fputs (s, stderr); if (i) goto Fail5; printf ("\n"); return; Fail: perror ("File open failure in Special Conformance Test "); exit (0); Fail1: printf ("Error when reopening stream\n"); exit (0); Fail2: printf ("Error when writing file\n"); exit (0); Fail3: printf ("Error when reading from standard in\n"); exit (0); Fail4: printf ("Error when writing to standard out\n"); exit (0); Fail5: printf ("Error when writing to standard error out\n"); exit (0); }