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; File: AppleShare.h
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc.1986-90
; All Rights Reserved
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <TYPES.h>
#ifndef __GSOS__
#include <GSOS.h>
#ifndef __APPLESHARE__
#define __APPLESHARE__
/* Command Numbers */
#define ASBufferControl 0x0001
#define ASByteRangeLock 0x0002
#define ASSpecialOpenFork 0x0003
#define ASGetPrivileges 0x0004
#define ASSetPrivileges 0x0005
#define ASUserInfo 0x0006
#define ASCopyFile 0x0007
#define ASGetUserPath 0x0008
#define ASOpenDesktop 0x0009
#define ASCloseDesktop 0x000A
#define ASGetComment 0x000B
#define ASSetComment 0x000C
#define ASGetSrvrName 0x000D
/* Error Codes */
#define appleShareNetError 0x8888 /* AppleShare Network Error */
#define unknownUser 0x007E /* specified user name not registered */
#define unknownGroup 0x007F /* specified group name not the name of a group */
/* Masks */
#define lockRange 0x8000
#define relativeToEOF 0x4000
#define seeFolders 0x01
#define seeFiles 0x02
#define makeChanges 0x0004
#define folderOwner 0x80
/* File Info Masks */
#define onDesktop 0x0001
#define bFOwnAppl 0x0002 /* used internally */
#define bFNever 0x0010 /* never SwitchLaunch */
#define bFAlways 0x0020 /* always SwitchLaunch */
#define shareApplication 0x0040 /* set if file is a shareable application */
#define fileIsInited 0x0100 /* seen by Finder */
#define fileHasChanged 0x0200 /* used internally by Finder */
#define fileIsBusy 0x0400 /* copied from File System busy bit */
#define fileNoCopy 0x0800 /* not used in 5.0 and later, formally BOZO */
#define fileIsSystem 0x1000 /* set if file is a system file */
#define fileHasBundle 0x2000
#define fileIsInvisible 0x4000
#define fileIsLocked 0x8000
/* Window Info Masks */
#define inTrashWindow 0xFFFD
#define inDesktopWindow 0xFFFE
#define inDiskWindow 0x0000
/* accessWord Masks */
#define requestReadAccess 0x0001
#define requestWriteAccess 0x0002
#define denyReadAccess 0x0010
#define denyWriteAccess 0x0020
/* forkNum Masks */
#define dataForkNum 0x0000
#define resourceForkNum 0x0001
/* Other Constants */
#define disableBuffering 0x8000
#define enableBuffering 0x0000
struct BufferControlRec {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word commandNum;
Word refNum; /* */
Word flags; /* */
} ;
typedef struct BufferControlRec BufferControlRec, *BufferControlRecPtr;
struct SpecialOpenForkRec {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word commandNum;
Word refNum;
GSString255Ptr pathname;
Word accessMode;
Word forkNum;
} ;
typedef struct SpecialOpenForkRec SpecialOpenForkRec, *SpecialOpenForkRecPtr;
struct ByteRangeLockRec {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word commandNum;
Word refNum;
Word lockFlag;
LongWord fileOffset;
LongWord rangeLength; /* */
LongWord rangeStart; /* */
} ;
typedef struct ByteRangeLockRec ByteRangeLockRec, *ByteRangeLockRecPtr;
struct GetAccessRightsRec {
Byte userSummary;
Byte world;
Byte group;
Byte owner;
} ;
typedef struct GetAccessRightsRec GetAccessRightsRec, *GetAccessRightsRecPtr;
struct GetPrivilegesRec {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word commandNum;
GSString255Ptr pathname;
GetAccessRightsRec accessRights;
ResultBuf255Ptr ownerName;
ResultBuf255Ptr groupName;
} ;
typedef struct GetPrivilegesRec GetPrivilegesRec, *GetPrivilegesRecPtr;
struct SetAccessRightsRec {
Byte reserved;
Byte world;
Byte group;
Byte owner;
} ;
typedef struct SetAccessRightsRec SetAccessRightsRec, *SetAccessRightsRecPtr;
struct SetPrivilegesRec {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word commandNum;
GSString255Ptr pathname;
SetAccessRightsRec accessRights;
ResultBuf255Ptr ownerName;
ResultBuf255Ptr groupName;
} ;
typedef struct SetPrivilegesRec SetPrivilegesRec, *SetPrivilegesRecPtr;
struct UserInfoRec {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word commandNum;
Word deviceNum;
ResultBuf255Ptr userName;
ResultBuf255Ptr primaryGroupName;
} ;
typedef struct UserInfoRec UserInfoRec, *UserInfoRecPtr;
struct CopyFileRec {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word commandNum;
GSString255Ptr sourcePathname;
GSString255Ptr destPathname;
} ;
typedef struct CopyFileRec CopyFileRec, *CopyFileRecPtr;
struct GetUserPathRec {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word commandNum;
GSString255Ptr prefix;
} ;
typedef struct GetUserPathRec GetUserPathRec, *GetUserPathRecPtr;
struct DesktopRec {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word commandNum;
Word desktopRefNum;
GSString255Ptr pathname;
} ;
typedef struct DesktopRec DesktopRec, *DesktopRecPtr;
struct GetCommentRec {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word commandNum;
Word desktopRefNum;
GSString255Ptr pathname;
ResultBuf255Ptr comment;
} ;
typedef struct GetCommentRec GetCommentRec, *GetCommentRecPtr;
struct SetCommentRec {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word commandNum;
Word desktopRefNum;
GSString255Ptr pathname;
GSString255Ptr comment;
} ;
typedef struct SetCommentRec SetCommentRec, *SetCommentRecPtr;
struct GetServerNameRec {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word commandNum;
GSString255Ptr pathname;
ResultBuf255Ptr serverName;
ResultBuf255Ptr zoneName;
} ;
typedef struct GetServerNameRec GetServerNameRec, *GetServerNameRecPtr;
struct ASOptionListRec {
Word bufferSize; /* */
Word dataSize; /* */
Word theFileSysID; /* */
Byte finderInfo[32]; /* */
LongWord parentDirID; /* */
LongWord accessRights; /* */
} ;
typedef struct ASOptionListRec ASOptionListRec, *ASOptionListRecPtr;