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* Copyright Apple Computer, Inc.1986-91
* All Rights Reserved
* Copyright 1992, Byte Works, Inc.
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <TYPES.h>
#ifndef __GSOS__
#define __GSOS__
Read/Write enable bit Codes
for CreateRec/OpenRec access and requestAccess fields
#define readEnableAllowWrite 0x0000
#define readEnable 0x0001
#define writeEnable 0x0002
#define readWriteEnable 0x0003
#define fileInvisible 0x0004 /* Invisible bit */
#define backupNeeded 0x0020 /* backup needed bit: CreateRec/ OpenRec access field. (Must be 0 in requestAccess field ) */
#define renameEnable 0x0040 /* rename enable bit: CreateRec/ OpenRec access and requestAccess fields */
#define destroyEnable 0x0080 /* destroy enable bit: CreateRec/ OpenRec access and requestAccess fields */
#define startPlus 0x0000 /* base -> setMark = displacement */
#define eofMinus 0x0001 /* base -> setMark = eof - displacement */
#define markPlus 0x0002 /* base -> setMark = mark + displacement */
#define markMinus 0x0003 /* base -> setMark = mark - displacement */
/* cachePriority Codes */
#define cacheOff 0x0000 /* do not cache blocks invloved in this read */
#define cacheOn 0x0001 /* cache blocks invloved in this read if possible */
/* Error Codes */
#define badSystemCall 0x0001 /* bad system call number */
#define invalidPcount 0x0004 /* invalid parameter count */
#define gsosActive 0x0007 /* GS/OS already active */
#ifndef devNotFound /* device not found */
#define devNotFound 0x0010
#define invalidDevNum 0x0011 /* invalid device number */
#define drvrBadReq 0x0020 /* bad request or command */
#define drvrBadCode 0x0021 /* bad control or status code */
#define drvrBadParm 0x0022 /* bad call parameter */
#define drvrNotOpen 0x0023 /* character device not open */
#define drvrPriorOpen 0x0024 /* character device already open */
#define irqTableFull 0x0025 /* interrupt table full */
#define drvrNoResrc 0x0026 /* resources not available */
#define drvrIOError 0x0027 /* I/O error */
#define drvrNoDevice 0x0028 /* device not connected */
#define drvrBusy 0x0029 /* call aborted; driver is busy */
#define drvrWrtProt 0x002B /* device is write protected */
#define drvrBadCount 0x002C /* invalid byte count */
#define drvrBadBlock 0x002D /* invalid block address */
#define drvrDiskSwitch 0x002E /* disk has been switched */
#define drvrOffLine 0x002F /* device off line/ no media present */
#define badPathSyntax 0x0040 /* invalid pathname syntax */
#define tooManyFilesOpen 0x0042 /* too many files open on server volume */
#define invalidRefNum 0x0043 /* invalid reference number */
#ifndef pathNotFound /* subdirectory does not exist */
#define pathNotFound 0x0044
#define volNotFound 0x0045 /* volume not found */
#ifndef fileNotFound /* file not found */
#define fileNotFound 0x0046
#define dupPathname 0x0047 /* create or rename with existing name */
#define volumeFull 0x0048 /* volume full error */
#define volDirFull 0x0049 /* volume directory full */
#define badFileFormat 0x004A /* version error (incompatible file format) */
#ifndef badStoreType /* unsupported (or incorrect) storage type */
#define badStoreType 0x004B
#ifndef eofEncountered /* end-of-file encountered */
#define eofEncountered 0x004C
#define outOfRange 0x004D /* position out of range */
#define invalidAccess 0x004E /* access not allowed */
#define buffTooSmall 0x004F /* buffer too small */
#define fileBusy 0x0050 /* file is already open */
#define dirError 0x0051 /* directory error */
#define unknownVol 0x0052 /* unknown volume type */
#ifndef paramRangeErr /* parameter out of range */
#define paramRangeErr 0x0053
#define outOfMem 0x0054 /* out of memory */
#define dupVolume 0x0057 /* duplicate volume name */
#define notBlockDev 0x0058 /* not a block device */
#ifndef invalidLevel /* specifield level outside legal range */
#define invalidLevel 0x0059
#define damagedBitMap 0x005A /* block number too large */
#define badPathNames 0x005B /* invalid pathnames for ChangePath */
#define notSystemFile 0x005C /* not an executable file */
#define osUnsupported 0x005D /* Operating System not supported */
#ifndef stackOverflow /* too many applications on stack */
#define stackOverflow 0x005F
#define dataUnavail 0x0060 /* Data unavailable */
#define endOfDir 0x0061 /* end of directory has been reached */
#define invalidClass 0x0062 /* invalid FST call class */
#define resForkNotFound 0x0063 /* file does not contain required resource */
#define invalidFSTID 0x0064 /* error - FST ID is invalid */
#define invalidFSTop 0x0065 /* invalid FST operation */
#define fstCaution 0x0066 /* FST handled call, but result is weird */
#define devNameErr 0x0067 /* device exists with same name as replacement name */
#define defListFull 0x0068 /* device list is full */
#define supListFull 0x0069 /* supervisor list is full */
#define fstError 0x006a /* generic FST error */
#define resExistsErr 0x0070 /* cannot expand file, resource already exists */
#define resAddErr 0x0071 /* cannot add resource fork to this type file */
#define networkError 0x0088 /* generic network error */
/* fileSys IDs */
#define proDOSFSID 0x0001 /* ProDOS/SOS */
#define dos33FSID 0x0002 /* DOS 3.3 */
#define dos32FSID 0x0003 /* DOS 3.2 */
#define dos31FSID 0x0003 /* DOS 3.1 */
#define appleIIPascalFSID 0x0004 /* Apple II Pascal */
#define mfsFSID 0x0005 /* Macintosh (flat file system) */
#define hfsFSID 0x0006 /* Macintosh (hierarchical file system) */
#define lisaFSID 0x0007 /* Lisa file system */
#define appleCPMFSID 0x0008 /* Apple CP/M */
#define charFSTFSID 0x0009 /* Character FST */
#define msDOSFSID 0x000A /* MS/DOS */
#define highSierraFSID 0x000B /* High Sierra */
#define iso9660FSID 0x000C /* ISO 9660 */
#define appleShareFSID 0x000D /* ISO 9660 */
/* FSTInfo.attributes Codes */
#define characterFST 0x4000 /* character FST */
#define ucFST 0x8000 /* SCM should upper case pathnames before passing them to the FST */
/* QuitRec.flags Codes */
#define onStack 0x8000 /* place state information about quitting program on the quit return stack */
#define restartable 0x4000 /* the quitting program is capable of being restarted from its dormant memory */
/* storageType Codes */
#define seedling 0x0001 /* standard file with seedling structure */
#define standardFile 0x0001 /* standard file type (no resource fork) */
#define sapling 0x0002 /* standard file with sapling structure */
#define tree 0x0003 /* standard file with tree structure */
#define pascalRegion 0x0004 /* UCSD Pascal region on a partitioned disk */
#define extendedFile 0x0005 /* extended file type (with resource fork) */
#define directoryFile 0x000D /* volume directory or subdirectory file */
/* version Codes */
#define minorRelNumMask 0x00FF /* minor release number */
#define majorRelNumMask 0x7F00 /* major release number */
#define finalRelNumMask 0x8000 /* final release number */
/* Other Constants */
#define isFileExtended 0x8000 /* GetDirEntryGS */
/* DControl Codes */
#define resetDevice 0x0000
#define formatDevice 0x0001
#define eject 0x0002
#define setConfigParameters 0x0003
#define setWaitStatus 0x0004
#define setFormatOptions 0x0005
#define assignPartitionOwner 0x0006
#define armSignal 0x0007
#define disarmSignal 0x0008
#define setPartitionMap 0x0009
typedef struct ChangePathRecGS {
Word pCount;
GSString255Ptr pathname;
GSString255Ptr newPathname;
Word flags;
} ChangePathRecGS, *ChangePathRecPtrGS;
typedef struct CreateRecGS {
Word pCount;
GSString255Ptr pathname;
Word access;
Word fileType;
LongWord auxType;
Word storageType;
LongWord eof;
LongWord resourceEOF;
} CreateRecGS, *CreateRecPtrGS;
typedef struct DAccessRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word devNum;
Word code;
Pointer list;
LongWord requestCount;
LongWord transferCount;
} DAccessRecGS, *DAccessRecPtrGS;
typedef struct DevNumRecGS {
Word pCount;
GSString32Ptr devName;
Word devNum;
} DevNumRecGS, *DevNumRecPtrGS;
typedef struct DInfoRecGS {
Word pCount; /* minimum = 2 */
Word devNum;
ResultBuf32Ptr devName;
Word characteristics;
LongWord totalBlocks;
Word slotNum;
Word unitNum;
Word version;
Word deviceID;
Word headLink;
Word forwardLink;
Pointer extendedDIBPtr;
} DInfoRecGS, *DInfoRecPtrGS;
typedef struct DIORecGS {
Word pCount;
Word devNum;
Pointer buffer;
LongWord requestCount;
LongWord startingBlock;
Word blockSize;
LongWord transferCount;
typedef struct DirEntryRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word refNum;
Word flags;
Word base;
Word displacement;
ResultBuf255Ptr name;
Word entryNum;
Word fileType;
Longint eof;
LongWord blockCount;
TimeRec createDateTime;
TimeRec modDateTime;
Word access;
LongWord auxType;
Word fileSysID;
ResultBuf255Ptr optionList;
LongWord resourceEOF;
LongWord resourceBlocks;
} DirEntryRecGS, *DirEntryRecPtrGS;
typedef struct DRenameRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word devNum;
GSString32Ptr strPtr;
} DRenameRecGS, *DRenameRecGSPtr;
typedef struct ExpandPathRecGS {
Word pCount;
GSString255Ptr inputPath;
ResultBuf255Ptr outputPath;
Word flags;
} ExpandPathRecGS, *ExpandPathRecPtrGS;
typedef struct FileInfoRecGS {
Word pCount;
GSString255Ptr pathname;
Word access;
Word fileType;
LongWord auxType;
Word storageType; /* must be 0 for SetFileInfo */
TimeRec createDateTime;
TimeRec modDateTime;
ResultBuf255Ptr optionList;
LongWord eof;
LongWord blocksUsed; /* must be 0 for SetFileInfo */
LongWord resourceEOF; /* must be 0 for SetFileInfo */
LongWord resourceBlocks; /* must be 0 for SetFileInfo */
} FileInfoRecGS, *FileInfoRecPtrGS;
typedef struct FormatRecGS {
Word pCount;
GSString32Ptr devName; /* device name pointer */
GSString32Ptr volName; /* volume name pointer */
Word fileSysID; /* file system ID */
Word reqFileSysID; /* in; */
Word flags;
ResultBuf255Ptr realVolName;
} FormatRecGS, *FormatRecPtrGS;
typedef struct FSTInfoRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word fstNum;
Word fileSysID;
ResultBuf255Ptr fstName;
Word version;
Word attributes;
Word blockSize;
LongWord maxVolSize;
LongWord maxFileSize;
} FSTInfoRecGS, *FSTInfoRecPtrGS;
typedef struct InterruptRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word intNum;
Word vrn; /* used only by BindInt */
ProcPtr intCode; /* used only by BindInt */
} InterruptRecGS, *InterruptRecPtrGS;
typedef struct IORecGS {
Word pCount;
Word refNum;
Pointer dataBuffer;
LongWord requestCount;
LongWord transferCount;
Word cachePriority;
} IORecGS, *IORecPtrGS;
typedef struct JudgeNameRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word fileSysID;
Word nameType;
Pointer syntax;
Word maxLen;
ResultBuf255Ptr name;
Word nameFlags;
} JudgeNameRecGS, *JudgeNameRecPtrGS;
typedef struct LevelRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word level;
Word levelMode;
} LevelRecGS, *LevelRecPtrGS;
typedef struct NameRecGS {
Word pCount;
GSString255Ptr pathname; /* full pathname or a filename depending on call */
} NameRecGS, *NameRecPtrGS;
typedef struct NotifyProcRecGS {
Word pCount;
ProcPtr procPointer;
} NotifyProcRecGS, *NotifyProcRecGSPtr;
typedef struct GetNameRecGS {
Word pCount;
ResultBuf255Ptr dataBuffer; /* full pathname or a filename depending on call */
Word userID;
} GetNameRecGS, *GetNameRecPtrGS;
typedef struct NewlineRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word refNum;
Word enableMask;
Word numChars;
Pointer newlineTable;
} NewlineRecGS, *NewlineRecPtrGS;
typedef struct OpenRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word refNum;
GSString255Ptr pathname;
Word requestAccess;
Word resourceNumber; /* For extended files: dataFork/resourceFork */
Word access; /* Value of file's access attribute */
Word fileType; /* Value of file's fileType attribute */
LongWord auxType;
Word storageType;
TimeRec createDateTime;
TimeRec modDateTime;
ResultBuf255Ptr optionList;
LongWord eof;
LongWord blocksUsed;
LongWord resourceEOF;
LongWord resourceBlocks;
} OpenRecGS, *OpenRecPtrGS;
typedef struct OSShutDownRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word shutdownFlag;
} OSShutDownRecGS, *OSShutDownRecPtrGS;
typedef struct PositionRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word refNum;
LongWord position;
} PositionRecGS, *PositionRecPtrGS;
typedef struct EOFRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word refNum;
LongWord eof;
typedef struct PrefixRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word prefixNum;
union {
ResultBuf255Ptr getPrefix;
GSString255Ptr setPrefix;
} buffer;
} PrefixRecGS, *PrefixRecPtrGS;
typedef struct QuitRecGS {
Word pCount;
GSString255Ptr pathname; /* pathname of next app to run */
Word flags;
} QuitRecGS, *QuitRecPtrGS;
typedef struct RefNumRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word refNum;
} RefNumRecGS, *RefnumRecPtrGS;
typedef struct GetRefNumRecGS {
Word pCount;
GSString255Ptr pathname;
Word refNum;
Word access;
Word resNum;
Boolean caseSense;
Word displacement;
} GetRefNumRecGS, *GetRefNumRecPtrGS;
typedef struct StdRefNumRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word prefixNum;
Word refNum;
} StdRefNumRecGS, *StdRefNumRecGSPtr;
typedef struct SessionStatusRecGS {
Word pCount; /* in: min = 1 */
Word status; /* out: */
} SessionStatusRecGS, *SessionStatusRecPtrGS;
typedef struct SetPositionRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word refNum;
Word base;
LongWord displacement;
} SetPositionRecGS, *SetPositionRecPtrGS;
typedef struct SysPrefsRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word preferences;
} SysPrefsRecGS, *SysPrefsRecPtrGS;
typedef struct VersionRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word version;
} VersionRecGS, *VersionRecPtrGS;
typedef struct VolumeRecGS {
Word pCount;
GSString32Ptr devName;
ResultBuf255Ptr volName;
LongWord totalBlocks;
LongWord freeBlocks;
Word fileSysID;
Word blockSize;
Word characteristics;
Word deviceID;
} VolumeRecGS, *VolumeRecPtrGS;
typedef struct RefInfoRecGS {
Word pCount;
Word refNum;
Word access;
ResultBuf255Ptr pathname;
Word resourceNumber;
Word level;
} RefInfoRecGS, *RefInfoRecGSPtr;
#ifndef stackEntry
#define stackEntry 0xE100B0
#ifndef PDosInt
extern pascal void PDosInt(unsigned, void *);
#define AddNotifyProcGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2034,pBlockPtr)
#define BeginSessionGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x201D,pBlockPtr)
#define BindIntGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2031,pBlockPtr)
#define ChangePathGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2004,pBlockPtr)
#define ClearBackupBitGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x200B,pBlockPtr)
#define CloseGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2014,pBlockPtr)
#define CreateGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2001,pBlockPtr)
#define DControlGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x202E,pBlockPtr)
#define DelNotifyProcGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2035,pBlockPtr)
#define DestroyGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2002,pBlockPtr)
#define DInfoGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x202C,pBlockPtr)
#define DReadGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x202F,pBlockPtr)
#define DRenameGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2036,pBlockPtr)
#define DStatusGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x202D,pBlockPtr)
#define DWriteGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2030,pBlockPtr)
#define EndSessionGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x201E,pBlockPtr)
#define EraseDiskGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2025,pBlockPtr)
#define ExpandPathGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x200E,pBlockPtr)
#define FlushGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2015,pBlockPtr)
#define FormatGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2024,pBlockPtr)
#define FSTSpecific(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2033,pBlockPtr)
#define GetBootVolGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2028,pBlockPtr)
#define GetDevNumberGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2020,pBlockPtr)
#define GetDirEntryGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x201C,pBlockPtr)
#define GetEOFGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2019,pBlockPtr)
#define GetFileInfoGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2006,pBlockPtr)
#define GetFSTInfoGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x202B,pBlockPtr)
#define GetLevelGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x201B,pBlockPtr)
#define GetMarkGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2017,pBlockPtr)
#define GetNameGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2027,pBlockPtr)
#define GetPrefixGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x200A,pBlockPtr)
#define GetRefInfoGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2039,pBlockPtr)
#define GetRefNumGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2038,pBlockPtr)
#define GetStdRefNumGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2037,pBlockPtr)
#define GetSysPrefsGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x200F,pBlockPtr)
#define GetVersionGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x202A,pBlockPtr)
#define JudgeNameGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2007,pBlockPtr)
#define NewlineGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2011,pBlockPtr)
#define NullGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x200D,pBlockPtr)
#define OpenGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2010,pBlockPtr)
#define OSShutDownGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2003,pBlockPtr)
#define QuitGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2029,pBlockPtr)
#define ReadGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2012,pBlockPtr)
#define ResetCacheGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2026,pBlockPtr)
#define SessionStatusGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x201F,pBlockPtr)
#define SetEOFGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2018,pBlockPtr)
#define SetFileInfoGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2005,pBlockPtr)
#define SetLevelGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x201A,pBlockPtr)
#define SetMarkGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2016,pBlockPtr)
#define SetPrefixGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2009,pBlockPtr)
#define SetStdRefNumGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x203A,pBlockPtr)
#define SetSysPrefsGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x200C,pBlockPtr)
#define UnbindIntGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2032,pBlockPtr)
#define VolumeGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2008,pBlockPtr)
#define WriteGS(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x2013,pBlockPtr)
#ifndef __PRODOS__
#define GetSysPrefs(arg) GetSysPrefsGS(arg)
#define BeginSession(arg) BeginSessionGS(arg)
#define EndSession(arg) EndSessionGS(arg)
#define SessionStatus(arg) SessionStatusGS(arg)
#define ResetCache(arg) ResetCacheGS(arg)
#define ChangePath(arg) ChangePathGS(arg)
#define ClearBackupBit(arg) ClearBackupBitGS(arg)
#define Close(arg) CloseGS(arg)
#define Create(arg) CreateGS(arg)
#define DControl(arg) DControlGS(arg)
#define Destroy(arg) DestroyGS(arg)
#define DInfo(arg) DInfoGS(arg)
#define DRead(arg) DReadGS(arg)
#define DStatus(arg) DStatusGS(arg)
#define DWrite(arg) DWriteGS(arg)
#define EraseDisk(arg) EraseDiskGS(arg)
#define ExpandPath(arg) ExpandPathGS(arg)
#define Flush(arg) FlushGS(arg)
#define Format(arg) FormatGS(arg)
#define GetBootVol(arg) GetBootVolGS(arg)
#define GetDevNumber(arg) GetDevNumberGS(arg)
#define GetDirEntry(arg) GetDirEntryGS(arg)
#define GetEOF(arg) GetEOFGS(arg)
#define GetFileInfo(arg) GetFileInfoGS(arg)
#define GetFSTInfo(arg) GetFSTInfoGS(arg)
#define GetLevel(arg) GetLevelGS(arg)
#define GetMark(arg) GetMarkGS(arg)
#define GetName(arg) GetNameGS(arg)
#define GetPrefix(arg) GetPrefixGS(arg)
#define GetVersion(arg) GetVersionGS(arg)
#define JudgeName(arg) JudgeNameGS(arg)
#define Newline(arg) NewlineGS(arg)
#define Null(arg) NullGS(arg)
#define Open(arg) OpenGS(arg)
#define Quit(arg) QuitGS(arg)
#define Read(arg) ReadGS(arg)
#define SetEOF(arg) SetEOFGS(arg)
#define SetFileInfo(arg) SetFileInfoGS(arg)
#define SetLevel(arg) SetLevelGS(arg)
#define SetMark(arg) SetMarkGS(arg)
#define SetPrefix(arg) SetPrefixGS(arg)
#define UnbindInt(arg) UnbindIntGS(arg)
#define Volume(arg) VolumeGS(arg)
#define Write(arg) WriteGS(arg)
#define BindInt(arg) BindIntGS(arg)
#define ChangePathRec ChangePathRecGS
#define CreateRec CreateRecGS
#define DAccessRec DAccessRecGS
#define DevNumRec DevNumRecGS
#define DInfoRec DInfoRecGS
#define DIORec DIORecGS
#define DirEntryRec DirEntryRecGS
#define EOFRec EOFRecGS
#define ExpandPathRec ExpandPathRecGS
#define FileInfoRec FileInfoRecGS
#define FormatRec FormatRecGS
#define FSTInfoRec FSTInfoRecGS
#define InterruptRec InterruptRecGS
#define IORec IORecGS
#define JudgeNameRec JudgeNameRecGS
#define LevelRec LevelRecGS
#define NameRec NameRecGS
#define GetNameRec GetNameRecGS
#define NewlineRec NewlineRecGS
#define OpenRec OpenRecGS
#define PositionRec PositionRecGS
#define PrefixRec PrefixRecGS
#define QuitRec QuitRecGS
#define RefNumRec RefNumRecGS
#define SetPositionRec SetPositionRecGS
#define SysPrefRec SysPrefRecGS
#define VersionRec VersionRecGS
#define VolumeRec VolumeRecGS