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; File: Finder.h
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1991-92
; All Rights Reserved
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <TYPES.h>
#ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
#include <QUICKDRAW.h>
#ifndef __EVENT__
#include <EVENT.h>
#ifndef __WINDOW__
#include <WINDOW.h>
#ifndef __FINDER__
#define __FINDER__
/* target name for SendRequest to Finder */
#define NAME_OF_FINDER "\pApple~Finder~"
/* SendRequest codes sent by the Finder */
#define finderSaysHello 0x0100
#define finderSaysGoodbye 0x0101
#define finderSaysSelectionChanged 0x0102
#define finderSaysMItemSelected 0x0103
#define finderSaysBeforeOpen 0x0104
#define finderSaysOpenFailed 0x0105
#define finderSaysBeforeCopy 0x0106
#define finderSaysIdle 0x0107
#define finderSaysExtrasChosen 0x0108
#define finderSaysBeforeRename 0x0109
#define finderSaysKeyHit 0x010A
/* SendRequest codes sent to the Finder (target = "Apple~Finder~") */
#define tellFinderGetDebugInfo 0x8000
#define tellFinderAreYouThere 0x8001
#define askFinderAreYouThere 0x8001
#define tellFinderOpenWindow 0x8002
#define tellFinderCloseWindow 0x8003
#define tellFinderGetSelectedIcons 0x8004
#define tellFinderSetSelectedIcons 0x8005
#define tellFinderLaunchThis 0x8006
#define tellFinderShutDown 0x8007
#define tellFinderMItemSelected 0x8008
#define tellFinderMatchFileToIcon 0x800A
#define tellFinderAddBundle 0x800B
#define tellFinderAboutChange 0x800C
#define tellFinderCheckDatabase 0x800D
#define tellFinderColorSelection 0x800E
#define tellFinderAddToExtras 0x800F
#define tellFinderIdleHowLong 0x8011
#define askFinderIdleHowLong 0x8011
#define tellFinderGetWindowIcons 0x8012
#define tellFinderGetWindowInfo 0x8013
#define tellFinderRemoveFromExtras 0x8014
#define tellFinderSpecialPreferences 0x8015
/* Finder menu item IDs */
#define finderItemAbout 0x012D
#define finderItemHelp 0x012E
#define finderItemNewFolder 0x015F
#define finderItemOpen 0x0160
#define finderItemPrint 0x0161
#define finderItemClose 0x0162
#define finderItemCloseAll 0x0163
#define finderItemDuplicate 0x0164
#define finderItemPutAway 0x0165
#define finderItemValidate 0x0166
#define finderItemUndo 0x00FA
#define finderItemCut 0x00FB
#define finderItemCopy 0x00FC
#define finderItemPaste 0x00FD
#define finderItemClear 0x00FE
#define finderItemSelectAll 0x0191
#define finderItemShowClipboard 0x0192
#define finderItemStackWindows 0x01C3
#define finderItemByIcon 0x01F5
#define finderItemBySmallIcon 0x01F6
#define finderItemByName 0x01F7
#define finderItemByDate 0x01F8
#define finderItemBySize 0x01F9
#define finderItemByKind 0x01FA
#define finderItemFormat 0x0227
#define finderItemErase 0x0228
#define finderItemVerify 0x0229
#define finderItemEject 0x022A
#define finderItemCleanUp 0x0259
#define finderItemEmptyTrash 0x025A
#define finderItemPreferences 0x025B
#define finderItemIconInfo 0x025C
#define finderItemShutDown 0x025D
#define finderItemCleanUpByName 0x025E
#define finderItemColorBlack 0x028B
#define finderItemColorBlue 0x028C
#define finderItemColorYellowBrown 0x028D
#define finderItemColorGray1 0x028E
#define finderItemColorRed 0x028F
#define finderItemColorPurple 0x0290
#define finderItemColorOrange 0x0291
#define finderItemColorPink 0x0292
#define finderItemColorDarkGreen 0x0293
#define finderItemColorAqua 0x0294
#define finderItemColorBrightGreen 0x0295
#define finderItemColorPaleGreen 0x0296
#define finderItemColorPeriwinkleBlue 0x0298
#define finderItemColorYellow 0x0299
#define finderItemColorWhite 0x029A
/* Finder SendRequest Result Error Codes */
#define fErrNoError 0x0000 /* no error */
#define fErrBadInput 0x4201 /* bad input value */
#define fErrFailed 0x4202 /* could not complete request */
#define fErrCancel 0x4203 /* user cancelled operation */
#define fErrDimmed 0x4204 /* menu item was dimmed */
#define fErrBusy 0x4205 /* not now, finder has headache */
#define fErrNotPrudent 0x4206 /* can't add Finder's resources to desktop file */
#define fErrBadBundle 0x4207 /* unknown rBundle version, or rBundle damaged */
#define fErrNotImp 0x42FF /* request not implemented */
/* general Finder data structures */
typedef struct iconObj *iconObjPtr, **iconObjHandle;
typedef struct iconObj {
iconObjHandle icNext; /* next icon in list (NIL = no more) */
iconObjHandle icLast; /* previous icon in list (NIL = no more) */
WindowPtr icMom; /* window the icon is currently in (NIL = desktop) */
WindowPtr icWind; /* window the icon is opened into */
iconObjHandle icDisk; /* disk iconObj which owns this icon */
long icFlag; /* see below */
word icFType; /* icon's file type */
long icFileInfo; /* file's auxtype or disk's file system */
char *icKind; /* pointer to Kind pstring, or NIL */
word icy; /* vertical position of bottom of icon */
word icx; /* horizontal position of center of icon */
word icTextY; /* icon's vertical position when viewed by text */
word icTitleLen; /* half the width of the icon's title */
char icName[34]; /* pstring name of icon */
word icLocalAccess; /* icon's current local access */
word icForked; /* bit 15 set if file is extended */
long icFBlocks; /* file's size in blocks, or number of used blocks on disk */
long icFBytes; /* file's size in bytes, or total blocks on disk */
TimeRec icCDate; /* create date/time */
TimeRec icMDate; /* last-modified date/time */
long icIcon; /* index into Finder's list of icon images */
long icSmallIcon; /* index into Finder's list of icon images */
Handle icRBundle; /* handle of rBundle which matched this icon, or NIL */
long icOneDocOffset; /* offset to oneDoc within rBundle handle */
WindowPtr icInfo; /* pointer to Icon Info window, or NIL */
word icDevNum; /* device number (valid for disk/device icons) */
word icDevInfo; /* device characteristics (valid for disk/device icons) */
word icOptionList; /* beginning of option list--length */
word icFST; /* FST ID (first data word of option list) */
char bodyOfOptionList[36]; /* next 36 bytes of option list */
long icNetworkAccess; /* access information if FST ID is $0D (AppleShare) */
} iconObj;
/* icFlag values */
#define ICSELECTED 0x00000001L
#define ICOPENED 0x00000002L
#define ICOFFLINE 0x00000004L
#define ICEXTENDED 0x00000008L
#define ICLOCKED 0x00000080L
#define ICFORECLR 0x00000f00L
#define ICBACKCLR 0x0000F000L
#define ICNETACCESS 0x000F0000L
#define ICNETWORK 0x01000000L
#define ICREADABLE 0x02000000L
typedef struct finderWindBlk {
iconObjHandle windIcons;
word windID;
word windView;
iconObjHandle windIc;
iconObjHandle windDiskIc;
word windItems;
long windUsed;
long windFree;
word windFST;
word windAccess;
word windDirty;
char windTitle[54];
word windMenuItem;
char windMenuText[52];
TimeRec windDate;
char windPath[991];
} finderWindBlk, *finderWindBlkPtr;
/* finderSays DataIn Structures */
typedef struct finderSaysHelloIn {
word pCount;
long versNum;
word finderUserID;
word iconObjectSize;
} finderSaysHelloIn, *finderSaysHelloInPtr;
typedef struct finderSaysMItemSelectedIn {
word pCount;
word menuItemID;
word menuID;
word modifiers;
} finderSaysMItemSelectedIn, *finderSaysMItemSelectedInPtr;
typedef struct finderSaysBeforeOpenIn {
word pCount;
pointer pathname;
RectPtr zoomRect;
word filetype;
long auxtype;
word modifiers;
iconObjHandle theIconObj;
word printFlag;
} finderSaysBeforeOpenIn, *finderSaysBeforeOpenInPtr,
finderSaysOpenFailedIn, *finderSaysOpenFailedInPtr;
typedef struct finderSaysBeforeCopyIn {
word pCount;
ptr sourcePathname;
ptr destinationPathname;
} finderSaysBeforeCopyIn, *finderSaysBeforeCopyInPtr;
typedef struct finderSaysBeforeRenameIn {
word pCount;
ptr oldPathname;
ptr newPathname;
word filetype;
long auxtype;
} finderSaysBeforeRenameIn, *finderSaysBeforeRenameInPtr;
typedef struct finderSaysKeyHitIn {
word pCount;
word message;
word modifiers;
} finderSaysKeyHitIn, *finderSaysKeyHitInPtr;
/* finderSays DataOut Structures */
typedef struct finderSaysMItemSelectedOut {
word recvCount;
word abortItFlag;
} finderSaysMItemSelectedOut, *finderSaysMItemSelectedOutPtr;
typedef struct finderSaysBeforeCopyOut {
word recvCount;
word abortFlag; /* 0 = continue, 1 = abort, 2 - $FFFF reserved */
} finderSaysBeforeCopyOut, *finderSaysBeforeCopyOutPtr;
typedef struct finderSaysBeforeRenameOut {
word recvCount;
word abortFlag; /* boolean, non-zero to abort rename */
} finderSaysBeforeRenameOut, *finderSaysBeforeRenameOutPtr;
/* tellFinder DataIn Structures */
typedef struct tellFinderLaunchThisIn {
word launchprint;
ptr pathname;
} tellFinderLaunchThisIn, *tellFinderLaunchThisInPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderMItemSelectedIn {
word menuItemID;
word modifiers;
word flags; /* bit 15 = hilite, all other bits reserved */
} tellFinderMItemSelectedIn, *tellFinderMItemSelectedInPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderMatchFileToIconIn {
word pCount; /* 11, minimum 10 */
word votingBits;
word whichMatch; /* we want 1 or higher */
word filetype;
long auxtype;
ptr matchFilenamePtr;
ptr createFileInfoPtr;
ptr modFileInfoPtr;
word localAccess;
word flags; /* bit 15 = extended file, all other bits reserved */
ptr optionListPtr;
long combinedEOF; /* resource and data fork EOF */
} tellFinderMatchFileToIconIn, *tellFinderMatchFileToIconInPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderAddBundleIn {
word addHow; /* bit 15 = to Desktop file, bit 14 = to memory */
ptr pathnamePtr;
ptr desktopPathnamePtr;
long rBundleID; /* NIL if adding to memory only */
} tellFinderAddBundleIn, *tellFinderAddBundleInPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderCheckDatabaseIn {
word update; /* high bit set if update should take place if match found */
ptr updatePathnamePtr; /* ptr to use for update, NIL if no update */
ptr rVersionPtr; /* must lock this resource */
} tellFinderCheckDatabaseIn, *tellFinderCheckDatabaseInPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderSpecialPreferencesIn {
word pCount; /* minimum 1 */
word dragHDtoTrash; /* 0=disallow, 1=allow */
} tellFinderSpecialPreferencesIn, *tellFinderSpecialPreferencesInPtr;
/* tellFinder DataOut Structures */
typedef struct tellFinderGetDebugInfoOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
word pCount;
word directPage;
handle deskIcon;
handle nameChainH;
pointer filetypeBlock;
pointer deviceBlock;
handle masterChainH;
handle rFPListHandle;
word rFPCount;
long reserved[64];
} tellFinderGetDebugInfoOut, *tellFinderGetDebugInfoOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderAreYouThereOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
} tellFinderAreYouThereOut, *tellFinderAreYouThereOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderOpenWindowOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
WindowPtr window;
} tellFinderOpenWindowOut, *tellFinderOpenWindowOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderCloseWindowOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
} tellFinderCloseWindowOut, *tellFinderCloseWindowOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderGetSelectedIconsOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
WindowPtr iconWindowPtr;
Handle stringListHandle;
} tellFinderGetSelectedIconsOut, *tellFinderGetSelectedIconsOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderSetSelectedIconsOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
} tellFinderSetSelectedIconsOut, *tellFinderSetSelectedIconsOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderLaunchThisOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
} tellFinderLaunchThisOut, *tellFinderLaunchThisOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderShutDownOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
} tellFinderShutDownOut, *tellFinderShutDownOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderMItemSelectedOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
} tellFinderMItemSelectedOut, *tellFinderMItemSelectedOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderMatchFileToIconOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
long oneDocOffset; /* NIL if no match */
Handle rBundleHandle; /* NIL if no match */
Handle smallIconHandle; /* Never NIL */
Handle largeIconHandle; /* Never NIL */
Handle rFInderPathHandle; /* NIL if no one owns icon */
} tellFinderMatchFileToIconOut, *tellFinderMatchFileToIconOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderAddBundleOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
} tellFinderAddBundleOut, *tellFinderAddBundleOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderAboutChangeOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
} tellFinderAboutChangeOut, *tellFinderAboutChangeOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderCheckDatabaseOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
word match; /* 0 if no match found, non-zero if match found */
} tellFinderCheckDatabaseOut, *tellFinderCheckDatabaseOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderColorSelectionOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
} tellFinderColorSelectionOut, *tellFinderColorSelectionOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderAddToExtrasOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
word menuItemID;
word menuID;
} tellFinderAddToExtrasOut, *tellFinderAddToExtrasOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderIdleHowLongOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
long tickCount;
} tellFinderIdleHowLongOut, *tellFinderIdleHowLongOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderGetWindowIconsOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
Handle stringListHandle;
} tellFinderGetWindowIconsOut, *tellFinderGetWindowIconsOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderGetWindowInfoOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
word windowType;
word windView;
word windFST;
char *windTitle;
ptr windPath;
long reserved1;
long reserved2;
} tellFinderGetWindowInfoOut, *tellFinderGetWindowInfoOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderRemoveFromExtrasOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
} tellFinderRemoveFromExtrasOut, *tellFinderRemoveFromExtrasOutPtr;
typedef struct tellFinderSpecialPreferencesOut {
word recvCount;
word finderResult;
} tellFinderSpecialPreferencesOut, *tellFinderSpecialPreferencesOutPtr;