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; File: ProDOS.h
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc.1986-90
; All Rights Reserved
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <TYPES.h>
#ifndef __PRODOS__
#define __PRODOS__
#ifdef __GSOS__
#undef GetSysPrefs
#undef BeginSession
#undef EndSession
#undef SessionStatus
#undef ResetCache
#undef ChangePath
#undef ClearBackupBit
#undef Close
#undef Create
#undef DControl
#undef Destroy
#undef DInfo
#undef DRead
#undef DStatus
#undef DWrite
#undef EraseDisk
#undef Flush
#undef Format
#undef GetBootVol
#undef GetDevNumber
#undef GetDirEntry
#undef GetEOF
#undef GetFileInfo
#undef GetFSTInfo
#undef GetLevel
#undef GetMark
#undef GetName
#undef GetPrefix
#undef GetVersion
#undef Newline
#undef Null
#undef Open
#undef Quit
#undef Read
#undef SetEOF
#undef SetFileInfo
#undef SetLevel
#undef SetMark
#undef SetPrefix
#undef UnbindInt
#undef Volume
#undef Write
#undef BindInt
#undef ChangePathRec
#undef CreateRec
#undef DAccessRec
#undef DevNumRec
#undef DInfoRec
#undef DIORec
#undef DirEntryRec
#undef EOFRec
#undef FileInfoRec
#undef FormatRec
#undef FSTInfoRec
#undef InterruptRec
#undef IORec
#undef LevelRec
#undef NameRec
#undef GetNameRec
#undef NewlineRec
#undef OpenRec
#undef PositionRec
#undef PrefixRec
#undef QuitRec
#undef RefNumRec
#undef SetPositionRec
#undef SysPrefRec
#undef VersionRec
#undef VolumeRec
/* Error Codes */
#define invalidCallNum 0x0001 /* invalid call number */
#define unclaimedIntErr 0x01 /* fatal error - unclaimed interrupt */
#define badPBlockPtr 0x05 /* call pointer out of bounds */
#define pdosActiveErr 0x06 /* ProDOS is active */
#define pdosBusyErr 0x07 /* ProDOS is busy */
#define vcbUnusable 0x0A /* fatal error - VCB unusable */
#define fcbUnusable 0x0B /* fatal error - FCB unusable */
#define badBlockZero 0x0C /* fatal error - block zero allocated illegally */
#define shdwInterruptErr 0x0D /* fatal error - interrupt occured while I/O shadowing off */
#ifndef devNotFound /* device not found */
#define devNotFound 0x10
#define badDevRefNum 0x11 /* invalid device reference number */
#define osVersionErr 0x11 /* Wrong OS version */
#define badReqCode 0x20 /* invalid request code */
#define intTableFull 0x25 /* interrupt table full */
#define invalidOperation 0x26 /* invalid operation */
#define ioError 0x27 /* I/O error */
#define noDevConnect 0x28 /* no device connected */
#define writeProtectErr 0x2B /* write protect error */
#define diskSwitchErr 0x2E /* disk switched error */
#define badPathname 0x40 /* invalid pathname syntax */
#define fcbFullErr 0x42 /* FCB full error */
#define badFileRefNum 0x43 /* invalid file reference number */
#ifndef pathNotFound /* path not found */
#define pathNotFound 0x44
#define volumeNotFound 0x45 /* volume not found */
#ifndef fileNotFound /* file not found */
#define fileNotFound 0x46
#define dupFileName 0x47 /* duplicate file name */
#define volumeFullErr 0x48 /* volume full error */
#define dirFullErr 0x49 /* directory full error */
#define versionErr 0x4A /* version error (incompatible file format) */
#ifndef badStoreType /* unsupported (or incorrect) storage type */
#define badStoreType 0x4B
#ifndef eofEncountered /* end-of-file encountered */
#define eofEncountered 0x4C
#define positionRangeErr 0x4D /* position out of range */
#define accessErr 0x4E /* access not allowed */
#define fileOpenErr 0x50 /* file is open */
#define dirDamaged 0x51 /* directory structure is damaged */
#define badVolType 0x52 /* unsupported volume type */
#ifndef paramRangeErr /* parameter out of range */
#define paramRangeErr 0x53
#define memoryFullErr 0x54 /* out of memory */
#define vcbFullErr 0x55 /* VCB full error */
#define dupVolumeErr 0x57 /* duplicate volume error */
#define notBlkDevErr 0x58 /* not a blocked device */
#ifndef invalidLevel /* invalid level */
#define invalidLevel 0x59
#define blkNumRangeErr 0x5A /* block number out of range */
#define notSameVolErr 0x5B /* different volumes found on ChangePath call */
#define notExecSysFile 0x5C /* not an executable system file */
#define osUnavailable 0x5D /* Operating System/file system not available */
#define deallocateRamErr 0x5E /* Cannot deallocate /RAM */
#ifndef stackOverflow /* Return stack overflow */
#define stackOverflow 0x5F
#define dataUnavailable 0x60 /* Data unavailable */
/* Other Constants */
#define endofDirectory 0x0061
#define P_READ_ENABLE 0x01
#define P_WRITE_ENABLE 0x02
#define P_DESTROY_ENABLE 0x80
#define P_RENAME_ENABLE 0x40
struct BlockRec {
Word blockDevNum; /* */
Ptr blockDataBuffer; /* */
Longint blockNum; /* */
} ;
typedef struct BlockRec BlockRec, *BlockRecPtr;
struct DevNumRec {
Ptr devName; /* */
Word devNum; /* */
} ;
typedef struct DevNumRec DevNumRec, *DevNumRecPtr;
struct DInfoRec {
Word devNum; /* */
Ptr devName; /* */
} ;
typedef struct DInfoRec DInfoRec, *DInfoRecPtr;
struct DirEntryRec {
Word refNum;
Word flags;
Word base;
Word displacement;
Pointer nameBuffer;
Word entryNum;
Word fileType;
Longint endOfFile;
LongWord blockCount;
TimeRec createTime;
TimeRec modTime;
Word access;
LongWord auxType;
Word fileSysID;
} ;
typedef struct DirEntryRec DirEntryRec, *DirEntryRecPtr;
struct EOFRec {
Word eofRefNum; /* */
Longint eofPosition; /* */
} ;
typedef struct EOFRec EOFRec, *EOFRecPtr;
struct FileIORec {
Word fileRefNum; /* */
Ptr dataBuffer; /* */
Longint requestCount; /* */
Longint transferCount; /* */
} ;
typedef struct FileIORec FileIORec, *FileIORecPtr;
struct FileRec {
Ptr pathname; /* */
Word fAccess; /* */
Word fileType; /* */
Longint auxType; /* */
Word storageType; /* */
Word createDate; /* */
Word createTime; /* */
Word modDate; /* */
Word modTime; /* */
Longint blocksUsed; /* */
} ;
typedef struct FileRec FileRec, *FileRecPtr;
struct FormatRec {
Ptr devName; /* device name pointer */
Ptr volName; /* device name pointer */
Word fileSysID; /* file system ID */
} ;
typedef struct FormatRec FormatRec, *FormatRecPtr;
struct EraseDiskRec {
Ptr devName; /* device name pointer */
Ptr volName; /* device name pointer */
Word fileSysID; /* file system ID */
} ;
typedef struct EraseDiskRec EraseDiskRec, *EraseDiskRecPtr;
struct InterruptRec {
Word intNum; /* */
Ptr intCode; /* */
} ;
typedef struct InterruptRec InterruptRec, *InterruptRecPtr;
struct MarkRec {
Word markRefNum; /* */
LongWord position; /* */
} ;
typedef struct MarkRec MarkRec, *MarkRecPtr;
struct NewLineRec {
Word newLRefNum; /* */
Word enableMask; /* */
Word newlineChar; /* */
} ;
typedef struct NewLineRec NewLineRec, *NewLineRecPtr;
struct OpenRec {
Word openRefNum; /* */
Ptr openPathname; /* */
Handle ioBuffer; /* */
} ;
typedef struct OpenRec OpenRec, *OpenRecPtr;
struct PathNameRec {
Ptr pathname; /* */
Ptr newPathname; /* */
} ;
typedef struct PathNameRec PathNameRec, *PathNameRecPtr;
struct PrefixRec {
Word prefixNum; /* */
Ptr prefix; /* */
} ;
typedef struct PrefixRec PrefixRec, *PrefixRecPtr;
struct QuitRec {
Ptr quitPathname; /* */
Word flags; /* */
} ;
typedef struct QuitRec QuitRec, *QuitRecPtr;
struct VolumeRec {
Ptr deviceName; /* */
Ptr volName; /* */
LongWord totalBlocks; /* */
LongWord freeBlocks; /* */
Word fileSysID; /* */
} ;
typedef struct VolumeRec VolumeRec, *VolumeRecPtr;
#ifndef PDosInt
extern pascal void PDosInt(unsigned, void *);
#define ALLOC_INTERRUPT(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0031,pBlockPtr)
#define CHANGE_PATH(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0004,pBlockPtr)
#define CLEAR_BACKUP_BIT(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x000B,pBlockPtr)
#define CLOSE(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0014,pBlockPtr)
#define CREATE(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0001,pBlockPtr)
#define D_INFO(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x002C,pBlockPtr)
#define DEALLOC_INTERRUPT(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0032,pBlockPtr)
#define DESTROY(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0002,pBlockPtr)
#define ERASE_DISK(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0025,pBlockPtr)
#define FLUSH(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0015,pBlockPtr)
#define FORMAT(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0024,pBlockPtr)
#define GET_BOOT_VOL(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0028,pBlockPtr)
#define GET_DEV_NUM(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0020,pBlockPtr)
#define GET_DIR_ENTRY(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x001C,pBlockPtr)
#define GET_EOF(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0019,pBlockPtr)
#define GET_FILE_INFO(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0006,pBlockPtr)
#define GET_LAST_DEV(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0021,pBlockPtr)
#define GET_LEVEL(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x001B,pBlockPtr)
#define GET_MARK(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0017,pBlockPtr)
#define GET_NAME(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0027,pBlockPtr)
#define GET_PREFIX(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x000A,pBlockPtr)
#define GET_VERSION(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x002A,pBlockPtr)
#define NEWLINE(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0011,pBlockPtr)
#define OPEN(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0010,pBlockPtr)
#define QUIT(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0029,pBlockPtr)
#define READ_BLOCK(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0022,pBlockPtr)
#define READ(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0012,pBlockPtr)
#define SET_EOF(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0018,pBlockPtr)
#define SET_FILE_INFO(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0005,pBlockPtr)
#define SET_LEVEL(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x001A,pBlockPtr)
#define SET_MARK(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0016,pBlockPtr)
#define SET_PREFIX(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0009,pBlockPtr)
#define VOLUME(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0008,pBlockPtr)
#define WRITE_BLOCK(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0023,pBlockPtr)
#define WRITE(pBlockPtr) PDosInt(0x0013,pBlockPtr)