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synced 2025-03-06 06:29:57 +00:00
721 lines
18 KiB
721 lines
18 KiB
mcopy scanner.macros
datachk off
* Convertsl - Convert a string to a long integer
* Inputs:
* str - pointer to the string
* Outputs:
* Returns the value.
* Notes:
* Assumes the string is valid.
Convertsl start scanner
val equ 0 return value
subroutine (4:str),4
stz val initialize the number to zero
stz val+2
lda [str] set X to the number of characters
and #$00FF
ldy #1 Y is the disp into the string
lb1 asl val val := val*10
rol val+2
ph2 val+2
lda val
asl val
rol val+2
asl val
rol val+2
adc val
sta val
adc val+2
sta val+2
lda [str],Y add in the new digit
and #$000F
adc val
sta val
bcc lb2
inc val+2
lb2 iny next character
bne lb1
return 4:val
* Convertsll - Convert a string to a long long integer
* Inputs:
* qval - pointer to location to save value
* str - pointer to the string
* Outputs:
* Saves the value to [qval].
* Notes:
* Assumes the string is valid.
Convertsll start scanner
disp equ 0 displacement into the string
count equ 2 number of characters remaining to read
subroutine (4:qval,4:str),4
lda [str] set count to length of string
and #$00FF
sta count
lda #1 start reading from character 1
sta disp
ph8 #0 initialize the number to zero
bra lb1a
lb1 ph8 #10 multiply by 10
jsl ~UMUL8
lb1a pea $0000
pea $0000
pea $0000
ldy disp
lda [str],Y add in the new digit
and #$000F
jsl ~ADD8
lb2 inc disp next character
dec count
bne lb1
pl8 [qval] save the value
* KeyPress - Has a key been pressed?
* If a key has not been pressed, this function returns
* false. If a key has been pressed, it clears the key
* strobe. If the key was an open-apple ., a terminal exit
* is performed; otherwise, the function returns true.
KeyPress start
KeyPressGS kpRec
lda kpAvailable
beq rts
ReadKeyGS rkRec
lda rkKey
cmp #'.'
bne lb1
lda rkModifiers
and #$0100
beq lb1
ph2 #4
jsl TermError
lb1 lda #1
rts rtl
kpRec dc i'3'
kpKey ds 2
kpModifiers ds 2
kpAvailable ds 2
rkRec dc i'2'
rkKey ds 2
rkModifiers ds 2
* NextCh - Read the next character from the file, skipping comments
* Outputs:
* ch - character read
NextCh start scanner
eofChar equ 0 end of file character
eolChar equ 13 end of line character
stackFrameSize equ 14 size of the work space
maxPath equ 255 max length of a path name
fp equ 1 file record pointer; work pointer
p1 equ 5 work pointer
p2 equ 9
cch equ 13
enum (illegal,ch_special,ch_dash,ch_plus,ch_lt,ch_gt,ch_eq,ch_exc),0
enum (ch_and,ch_bar,ch_dot,ch_white,ch_eol,ch_eof,ch_char,ch_string)
enum (ch_asterisk,ch_slash,ch_percent,ch_carot,ch_pound,ch_colon)
enum (ch_backslash,letter,digit)
tsc create stack frame
sbc #stackFrameSize
! {flag for preprocessor check}
! if lastWasReturn then
! lastWasReturn := charKinds[ord(ch)] in [ch_eol,ch_white]
! else
! lastWasReturn := charKinds[ord(ch)] = ch_eol;
lda ch
asl A
lda charKinds,X
ldy #1
cmp #ch_eol
beq pf2
ldx lastWasReturn
beq pf1
cmp #ch_white
beq pf2
pf1 dey
pf2 sty lastWasReturn
! 1:
lab1 anop
! if chPtr = eofPtr then begin {flag end of file if we're there}
lda chPtr
cmp eofPtr
bne la1
lda chPtr+2
cmp eofPtr+2
beq la2
la1 brl lb5
la2 anop
! if not lastWasReturn then begin
! lastWasReturn := true;
! needWriteLine := true;
! ch := chr(eolChar);
! goto le2;
! end; {if}
lda lastWasReturn
bne la3
lda #1
sta lastWasReturn
sta needWriteLine
lda #eolChar
sta ch
brl le2
! ch := chr(eofChar);
la3 stz ch
! if needWriteLine then begin {do eol processing}
! WriteLine;
! wroteLine := false;
! lineNumber := lineNumber+1;
! firstPtr := chPtr;
! end; {if}
lda needWriteLine
beq lb1
jsl WriteLine
stz wroteLine
inc lineNumber
move4 chPtr,firstPtr
lb1 anop
! if fileList = nil then begin
lda fileList
ora fileList+2
bne lb3
lb2 anop
! skipping := false;
sta skipping
! end {if}
brl le2
! else begin
lb3 anop
! {purge the current source file}
! with ffDCBGS do begin
! pCount := 5;
lda #5
sta ffDCBGS
! action := 7;
lda #7
sta ffDCBGS+2
! name := @includeFileGS.theString
lla ffDCBGS+12,includeFileGS+2
! end; {with}
! FastFileGS(ffDCBGS);
FastFileGS ffDCBGS
! fp := fileList; {open the file that included this one}
move4 fileList,fp
! fileList := fp^.next;
ldy #2
lda [fp]
sta fileList
lda [fp],Y
sta fileList+2
! includeFileGS := fp^.name;
! sourceFileGS := fp^.sname;
add4 fp,#4,p1
add4 fp,#4+maxPath+4,p2
short M
ldy #maxPath+3
lb4 lda [p1],Y
sta includeFileGS,Y
lda [p2],Y
sta sourceFileGS,Y
bpl lb4
long M
! lineNumber := fp^.lineNumber;
ldy #4+maxPath+4+maxPath+4
lda [fp],Y
sta lineNumber
! ReadFile;
jsl ReadFile
! eofPtr := pointer(ord4(bofPtr) + ffDCBGS.fileLength);
add4 bofPtr,ffDCBGS+46,eofPtr
! chPtr := pointer(ord4(bofPtr) + fp^.disp);
! includeChPtr := chPtr;
! firstPtr := chPtr;
ldy #4+maxPath+4+maxPath+4+2
lda bofPtr
adc [fp],Y
sta chPtr
sta firstPtr
sta includeChPtr
lda bofPtr+2
adc [fp],Y
sta chPtr+2
sta firstPtr+2
sta includeChPtr+2
! needWriteLine := false;
stz needWriteLine
! dispose(fp);
ph4 fp
jsl ~Dispose
! includeCount := includeCount + 1;
inc includeCount
! goto 1;
brl lab1
! end; {if}
! end {if}
! else begin
lb5 anop
! ch := chr(chPtr^); {fetch the character}
move4 chPtr,p1
lda [p1]
and #$00FF
sta ch
! if needWriteLine then begin {do eol processing}
! WriteLine;
! wroteLine := false;
! lineNumber := lineNumber+1;
! firstPtr := chPtr;
! end; {if}
lda needWriteLine
beq lb6
jsl WriteLine
stz wroteLine
inc lineNumber
move4 chPtr,firstPtr
lb6 anop
! needWriteLine := charKinds[ord(ch)] = ch_eol;
stz needWriteLine
lda ch
asl A
lda charKinds,X
cmp #ch_eol
bne lb7
inc needWriteLine
lb7 anop
! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr) + 1);
inc4 chPtr
! 2: if (ch = '\') and (charKinds[chPtr^] = ch_eol) then begin
! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr) + 1);
! DebugCheck;
! needWriteLine := true;
! goto 1;
! end; {if}
lab2 lda ch
cmp #'\'
bne lb8
move4 chPtr,p1
lda [p1]
and #$00FF
asl A
lda charKinds,X
cmp #ch_eol
bne lb8
inc4 chPtr
jsr DebugCheck
lda #1
sta needWriteLine
brl lab1
lb8 anop
! {check for debugger code}
! if needWriteLine then
! DebugCheck;
lda needWriteLine
beq lb9
jsr DebugCheck
lb9 anop
! {if it's a comment, skip the comment }
! {characters and return a space. }
! if (not doingStringOrCharacter) and (ch = '/') and (chPtr <> eofPtr)
! and ((chr(chPtr^) = '*')
! or ((chr(chPtr^) = '/') and allowSlashSlashComments))then begin
lda doingStringOrCharacter
jne lc6
lda ch
cmp #'/'
jne lc7
lda chPtr
cmp eofPtr
bne lc1
lda chPtr+2
cmp eofPtr+2
jeq lc6
lc1 move4 chPtr,p1
lda [p1]
and #$00FF
cmp #'*'
beq lc1a
cmp #'/'
jne lc6
ldx allowSlashSlashComments
jeq lc6
! cch := chr(chPtr^);
lc1a sta cch
! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr)+1); {skip the '*' or '/'}
inc4 chPtr
! done := false;
! repeat
lc2 anop
! if chPtr = eofPtr then {if at eof, we're done}
! done := true
lda chPtr
cmp eofPtr
bne lc2a
lda chPtr+2
cmp eofPtr+2
jeq lc5
! else if (cch = '/') and (chPtr^ = return) then begin
lc2a lda cch
cmp #'/'
bne lc2b
! if charKinds[ord(ch)] = ch_eol then
! done := true
! else
! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr)+1);
move4 chPtr,p1
lda [p1]
and #$00FF
asl A
lda charKinds,X
cmp #ch_eol
jeq lc5
inc4 chPtr
bra lc2
! end {else if}
! else begin
! ch := chr(chPtr^); {check for terminating */}
lc2b move4 chPtr,p1
lda [p1]
and #$00FF
sta ch
! if charKinds[ord(ch)] = ch_eol then begin
! WriteLine;
! wroteLine := false;
! lineNumber := lineNumber+1;
! firstPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr)+1);
! end; {if}
asl A
lda charKinds,X
cmp #ch_eol
bne lc3
jsl WriteLine
stz wroteLine
inc lineNumber
add4 chPtr,#1,firstPtr
lc3 anop
! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr)+1);
inc4 chPtr
! if ch = '*' then
! if (chr(chPtr^) = '/') and (chPtr <> eofPtr) then begin
! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr)+1);
! done := true;
! end; {if}
lda ch
cmp #'*'
jne lc2
lda chPtr
cmp eofPtr
bne lc4
lda chPtr+2
cmp eofPtr+2
jeq lc2
lc4 move4 chPtr,p1
lda [p1]
and #$00FF
cmp #'/'
jne lc2
inc4 chPtr
! end; {else}
! until done;
lc5 anop
! {return a space as the result}
! ch := ' ';
lda #' '
sta ch
! end {if}
brl le2
! else if (ch = '?') and (chPtr <> eofPtr) and (chr(chPtr^) = '?') then begin
lc6 lda ch
lc7 cmp #'?'
jne le2
lda chPtr
cmp eofPtr
bne lc8
lda chPtr+2
cmp eofPtr+2
jeq le2
lc8 move4 chPtr,p1
lda [p1]
and #$00FF
cmp #'?'
jne le2
! chPtr2 := pointer(ord4(chPtr) + 1);
inc4 p1
! if (chPtr2 <> eofPtr)
lda p1
cmp eofPtr
bne ld1
lda p1+2
cmp eofPtr+2
beq le2
ld1 anop
! and (chr(chPtr2^) in ['(','<','/','''','=',')','>','!','-']) then begin
! case chr(chPtr2^) of
! '(': ch := '[';
lda [p1]
and #$00FF
cmp #'('
bne ld2
lda #'['
bra le1
! '<': ch := '{';
ld2 cmp #'<'
bne ld3
lda #'{'
bra le1
! '/': ch := '\';
ld3 cmp #'/'
bne ld4
lda #'\'
bra le1
! '''': ch := '^';
ld4 cmp #''''
bne ld5
lda #'^'
bra le1
! '=': ch := '#';
ld5 cmp #'='
bne ld6
lda #'#'
bra le1
! ')': ch := ']';
ld6 cmp #')'
bne ld7
lda #']'
bra le1
! '>': ch := '}';
ld7 cmp #'>'
bne ld8
lda #'}'
bra le1
! '!': ch := '|';
ld8 cmp #'!'
bne ld9
lda #'|'
bra le1
! '-': ch := '~';
ld9 cmp #'-'
bne le2
lda #'~'
! end; {case}
le1 sta ch
! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr2) + 1);
add4 chPtr,#2
! goto 2;
brl lab2
! end; {if}
! end; {if}
! end; {else}
le2 anop
adc #stackFrameSize
! end; {NextCh}
; Local subroutine
enum (stop,break,autogo),0 line number debug types
! procedure DebugCheck;
! {Check for debugger characters; process if found }
! begin {DebugCheck}
DebugCheck anop
! if chPtr = eofPtr then
! debugType := stop
lda chPtr
ldx chPtr+2
cmp eofPtr
bne db1
cpx eofPtr+2
bne db1
stz debugType
bra db5
! else if ord(chPtr^) = $07 then begin
db1 sta p1
stx p1+2
lda [p1]
and #$00FF
cmp #$07
bne db2
! debugType := break
lda #break
sta debugType
bra db3
! else if ord(chPtr^) = $06 then
db2 cmp #$06
bne db4
! debugType := autoGo;
lda #autoGo
sta debugType
! chPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr) + 1);
db3 inc4 chPtr
! end {if}
bra db5
! else
! debugType := stop;
db4 stz debugType
! end; {DebugCheck}
db5 rts
* SetDateTime - set up the date/time strings
* Outputs:
* dateStr - date
* timeStr - time string
SetDateTime private
pha get the date/time
lda 1,S set the minutes
jsr convert
sta time+5
pla set the seconds
jsr convert
sta time+8
lda 1,S set the hour
jsr convert
sta time+2
pla set the year
and #$00FF
ldy #19
yearloop sec
sbc #100
bmi yeardone
bra yearloop
yeardone clc
adc #100
jsr convert
sta date+11
jsr convert
sta date+9
lda 1,S set the day
inc A
jsr convert
short M
cmp #'0'
bne dateOK
lda #' '
dateOK long M
sta date+6
pla set the month
and #$00FF
asl A
asl A
lda month,X
sta date+2
lda month+1,X
sta date+3
lla timeStr,time set the addresses
lla dateStr,date
month dc c'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'
date dc i'12',c'mmm dd YYyy',i1'0'
time dc i'9',c'hh:mm:ss',i1'0'
convert and #$00FF
ldx #0
cv1 sec
sbc #10
bcc cv2
bra cv1
cv2 clc
adc #10
ora #'0'
ora #'0'
ora 1,S