mirror of
synced 2024-09-10 11:54:44 +00:00
This accords with its definition in the C standards. For the time being, the old form of three separate tokens is still accepted too, because the ... token may not be scanned correctly in the obscure case where there is a line continuation between the second and third dots. One observable effect of this is that there are no longer spaces between the dots in #pragma expand output.
5506 lines
185 KiB
5506 lines
185 KiB
{$optimize 7}
{ }
{ Scanner }
{ }
{ External Variables: }
{ }
{ ch - next character to process }
{ printMacroExpansions - print the token list? }
{ reportEOL - report eolsy as a token? }
{ token - next token to process }
{ }
{ External Subroutines: }
{ }
{ Error - flag an error }
{ IsDefined - see if a macro name is in the macro table }
{ InitScanner - initialize the scanner }
{ NextCh - Read the next character from the file, skipping }
{ comments. }
{ NextToken - read the next token from the file }
{ PutBackToken - place a token into the token stream }
{ TermScanner - Shut down the scanner. }
{ }
unit Scanner;
{$LibPrefix '0/obj/'}
uses CCommon, Table, CGI, MM, Charset;
{$segment 'SCANNER'}
pragmas = {kinds of pragmas}
{preprocessor types}
tokenListRecordPtr = ^tokenListRecord;
tokenListRecord = record {element of a list of tokens}
next: tokenListRecordPtr; {next element in list}
token: tokenType; {token}
expandEnabled: boolean; {can this token be macro expanded?}
tokenStart,tokenEnd: ptr; {token start/end markers}
macroRecordPtr = ^macroRecord;
macroRecord = record {preprocessor macro definition}
next: macroRecordPtr;
saved: boolean;
name: stringPtr;
parameters: integer;
isVarargs: boolean;
tokens: tokenListRecordPtr;
readOnly: boolean;
algorithm: integer;
macroTable = array[0..hashSize] of macroRecordPtr; {preprocessor macro list}
{path name lists}
pathRecordPtr = ^pathRecord;
pathRecord = record
next: pathRecordPtr;
path: stringPtr;
ch: char; {next character to process}
macros: ^macroTable; {preprocessor macro list}
pathList: pathRecordPtr; {additional search paths}
printMacroExpansions: boolean; {print the token list?}
suppressMacroExpansions: boolean; {suppress printing even if requested?}
reportEOL: boolean; {report eolsy as a token?}
token: tokenType; {next token to process}
{#pragma ignore flags}
allowLongIntChar: boolean; {allow long int char constants?}
allowSlashSlashComments: boolean; {allow // comments?}
allowTokensAfterEndif: boolean; {allow tokens after #endif?}
skipIllegalTokens: boolean; {skip flagging illegal tokens in skipped code?}
{Note: The following two are set together}
allowMixedDeclarations: boolean; {allow mixed declarations & stmts (C99)?}
c99Scope: boolean; {follow C99 rules for block scopes?}
looseTypeChecks: boolean; {loosen some standard type checks?}
{#pragma extensions flags}
extendedKeywords: boolean; {recognize ORCA/C-specific keywords?}
extendedParameters: boolean; {change all floating params to extended?}
procedure DoDefaultsDotH;
{ Handle the defaults.h file }
procedure Error (err: integer);
{ flag an error }
{ }
{ err - error number }
{procedure Error2 (loc, err: integer); {debug}
{ flag an error }
{ }
{ loc - error location }
{ err - error number }
procedure UnexpectedTokenError (expectedToken: tokenEnum);
{ flag an error for an unexpected token }
{ }
{ expectedToken - what was expected }
procedure InitScanner (start, endPtr: ptr);
{ initialize the scanner }
{ }
{ start - pointer to the first character in the file }
{ endPtr - points one byte past the last character in the file }
function IsDefined (name: stringPtr): boolean;
{ See if a macro name is in the macro table }
{ }
{ The returned value is true if the macro exists, else false. }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ name - name of the macro to search for }
procedure NextCh; extern;
{ Read the next character from the file, skipping comments. }
{ }
{ Globals: }
{ ch - character read }
{ currentChPtr - pointer to ch in source file }
procedure NextToken;
{ Read the next token from the file. }
procedure PutBackToken (var token: tokenType; expandEnabled: boolean);
{ place a token into the token stream }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ token - token to put back into the token stream }
{ expandEnabled - can macro expansion be performed? }
procedure TermScanner;
{ Shut down the scanner. }
procedure WriteLine;
{special key values}
BS = 8; {backspace}
FF = 12; {form feed}
HT = 9; {horizontal tab}
NEWLINE = 10; {newline}
RETURN = 13; {RETURN key code}
VT = 11; {vertical tab}
defaultName = '13:ORCACDefs:Defaults.h'; {default include file name}
maxErr = 10; {max errors on one line}
maxLint = 170; {maximum lint error code}
errorType = record {record of a single error}
num: integer; {error number}
line: integer; {line number}
col: integer; {column number}
{file inclusion}
filePtr = ^fileRecord;
fileRecord = record {NOTE: used in scanner.asm}
next: filePtr; {next file in include stack}
name: gsosOutString; {name of the file}
sname: gsosOutString; {name of the file for __FILE__}
lineNumber: integer; {line number at the #include}
disp: longint; {disp of next character to process}
getFileInfoOSDCB = record
pcount: integer;
pathName: gsosInStringPtr;
access: integer;
fileType: integer;
auxType: longint;
storageType: integer;
createDateTime: timeField;
modDateTime: timeField;
optionList: optionListPtr;
dataEOF: longint;
blocksUsed: longint;
resourceEOF: longint;
resourceBlocks: longint;
expandDevicesDCBGS = record
pcount: integer;
inName: gsosInStringPtr;
outName: gsosOutStringPtr;
{conditional compilation parsing}
ifPtr = ^ifRecord;
ifRecord = record
next: ifPtr; {next record in if stack}
status: {what are we doing?}
elseFound: boolean; {has an #else been found?}
onOffEnum = (on,off,default); {on-off values in standard pragmas}
charStrPrefix: charStrPrefixEnum; {prefix of character/string literal}
currentChPtr: ptr; {pointer to current character in source file}
customDefaultName: stringPtr; {name of custom pre-included default file}
dateStr: longStringPtr; {macro date string}
doingCommandLine: boolean; {are we processing the cc= command line?}
doingPPExpression: boolean; {are we processing a preprocessor expression?}
doingStringOrCharacter: boolean; {used to suppress comments in strings}
errors: array[1..maxErr] of errorType; {errors in this line}
eofPtr: ptr; {points one byte past the last char in the file}
fileList: filePtr; {include file list}
flagOverflows: boolean; {flag numeric overflows?}
gettingFileName: boolean; {are we in GetFileName?}
lastWasReturn: boolean; {was the last character an eol?}
lineStr: string[5]; {string form of __LINE__}
ifList: ifPtr; {points to the top prep. parse record}
includeChPtr: ptr; {chPtr at start of current token}
includeCount: 0..maxint; {nested include files (for EndInclude)}
macroFound: macroRecordPtr; {last macro found by IsDefined}
mergingStrings: boolean; {is NextToken trying to merge strings?}
needWriteLine: boolean; {is there a line that needs to be written?}
octHexEscape: boolean; {octal/hex escape in char/string?}
onOffValue: onOffEnum; {value of last on-off switch}
wroteLine: boolean; {has the current line already been written?}
numErr: 0..maxErr; {number of errors in this line}
oneStr: string[2]; {string form of __STDC__, etc.}
zeroStr: string[2]; {string form of __STDC_HOSTED__ when not hosted}
ispstring: boolean; {is the current string a p-string?}
saveNumber: boolean; {save the characters in a number?}
skipping: boolean; {skipping tokens?}
timeStr: longStringPtr; {macro time string}
tokenColumn: 0..maxint; {column number at start of this token}
tokenLine: 0..maxint; {line number at start of this token}
tokenList: tokenListRecordPtr; {token putback buffer}
tokenStart: ptr; {pointer to the first char in the token}
tokenEnd: ptr; {pointer to the first char past the token}
tokenExpandEnabled: boolean; {can token be macro expanded? (only for ident)}
versionStrL: longStringPtr; {macro version string}
workString: pstring; {for building strings and identifiers}
ucnString: string[10]; {string of a UCN}
lintErrors: set of 1..maxLint; {lint error codes}
spaceStr: string[2]; {string ' ' (used in stringization)}
quoteStr: string[2]; {string '"' (used in stringization)}
numericConstants: set of tokenClass; {token classes for numeric constants}
{-- External procedures; see expression evaluator for notes ----}
procedure EndInclude (chPtr: ptr); extern;
{ Saves symbols created by the include file }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ chPtr - chPtr when the file returned }
{ }
{ Notes: }
{ 1. Call this subroutine right after processing an }
{ include file. }
{ 2. Fron Header.pas }
procedure ExpandDevicesGS (var parms: expandDevicesDCBGS); prodos ($0154);
procedure Expression (kind: expressionKind; stopSym: tokenSet); extern;
{ handle an expression }
function FindSymbol (var tk: tokenType; class: spaceType; oneLevel: boolean;
staticAllowed: boolean): identPtr; extern;
{ locate a symbol in the symbol table }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tk - token record for the identifier to find }
{ class - the kind of variable space to search }
{ oneLevel - search one level only? (used to check for }
{ duplicate symbols) }
{ staticAllowed - can we check for static variables? }
{ }
{ returns: }
{ A pointer to the symbol table entry is returned. If }
{ there is no entry, nil is returned. }
procedure FlagPragmas (pragma: pragmas); extern;
{ record the effects of a pragma }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ pragma - pragma to record }
{ }
{ Notes: }
{ 1. From Header.pas }
procedure GetFileInfoGS (var parms: getFileInfoOSDCB); prodos ($2006);
procedure StartInclude (name: gsosOutStringPtr); extern;
{ Marks the start of an include file }
{ }
{ Notes: }
{ 1. Call this subroutine right after opening an include }
{ file. }
{ 2. From Header.pas }
function StringType(prefix: charStrPrefixEnum): typePtr; extern;
{ returns the type of a string literal with specified prefix }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ prefix - the prefix }
procedure TermHeader; extern;
{ Stop processing the header file }
{ }
{ Note: This is called when the first code-generating }
{ subroutine is found, and again when the compile ends. It }
{ closes any open symbol file, and should take no action if }
{ called twice. }
function CnvLLX (val: longlong): extended; extern;
{ convert a long long to a real number }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ val - the long long value }
function CnvULLX (val: longlong): extended; extern;
{ convert an unsigned long long to a real number }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ val - the unsigned long long value }
{-- Scanner support --------------------------------------------}
procedure CheckDelimiters (var name: pString);
{ Check for delimiters, making sure they are ':' }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ name - path name to check }
label 1;
dc: char; {delimiter character}
i: 0..255; {loop/index variable}
begin {CheckDelimiters}
dc := ':'; {determine what the delimiter is}
for i := 1 to length(name) do
if name[i] in [':','/'] then begin
dc := name[i];
goto 1;
end; {if}
1: ;
if dc = '/' then {replace '/' delimiters with ':'}
for i := 1 to length(name) do
if name[i] = '/' then
name[i] := ':';
end; {CheckDelimiters}
procedure AddPath (name: pString);
{ Add a path name to the path name table }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ name - path name to add }
pp, ppe: pathRecordPtr; {work pointers}
begin {AddPath}
if length(name) <> 0 then begin
CheckDelimiters(name); {make sure ':' is used}
if name[length(name)] <> ':' then {make sure there is a trailing delimiter}
name := concat(name, ':');
{create the new path record}
pp := pathRecordPtr(GMalloc(sizeof(pathRecord)));
pp^.next := nil;
pp^.path := stringPtr(GMalloc(length(name)+1));
pp^.path^ := name;
if pathList = nil then {add the path to the path list}
pathList := pp
else begin
ppe := pathList;
while ppe^.next <> nil do
ppe := ppe^.next;
ppe^.next := pp;
end; {else}
end; {if}
end; {AddPath}
function Convertsl(var str: pString): longint; extern;
{ Return the integer equivalent of the string. Assumes a valid }
{ 4-byte integer string; supports unsigned values. }
procedure Convertsll(var qval: longlong; var str: pString); extern;
{ Save the integer equivalent of the string to qval. Assumes a }
{ valid 8-byte integer string; supports unsigned values. }
function ConvertHexFloat(var str: pString): extended; extern;
{ Return the extended equivalent of the hexadecimal floating- }
{ point string. }
procedure SetDateTime; extern;
{ set up the macro date/time strings }
function KeyPress: boolean; extern;
{ Has a key been pressed? }
{ }
{ If a key has not been pressed, this function returns }
{ false. If a key has been pressed, it clears the key }
{ strobe. If the key was an open-apple ., a terminal exit }
{ is performed; otherwise, the function returns true. }
function IsDefined {name: stringPtr): boolean};
{ See if a macro name is in the macro table }
{ }
{ The returned value is true if the macro exists, else false. }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ name - name of the macro to search for }
{ }
{ outputs: }
{ macroFound - pointer to the macro found }
label 1;
bPtr: ^macroRecordPtr; {pointer to hash bucket}
mPtr: macroRecordPtr; {for checking list of macros}
begin {IsDefined}
IsDefined := false;
bPtr := pointer(ord4(macros) + Hash(name));
mPtr := bPtr^;
while mPtr <> nil do begin
if mPtr^.name^ = name^ then begin
IsDefined := true;
goto 1;
end; {if}
mPtr := mPtr^.next;
end; {while}
macroFound := mPtr;
end; {IsDefined}
procedure PutBackToken {var token: tokenType; expandEnabled: boolean};
{ place a token into the token stream }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ token - token to put back into the token stream }
{ expandEnabled - can macro expansion be performed? }
tPtr: tokenListRecordPtr; {work pointer}
begin {PutBackToken}
tPtr^.next := tokenList;
tokenList := tPtr;
tPtr^.token := token;
tPtr^.expandEnabled := expandEnabled;
tPtr^.tokenStart := tokenStart;
tPtr^.tokenEnd := tokenEnd;
end; {PutBackToken}
procedure WriteLine;
{ Write the current line and any error messages to the screen. }
{ }
{ Global Variables: }
{ firstPtr - points to the first char in the line }
{ chPtr - points to the end of line character }
cl: integer; {column number loop index}
cp: ptr; {work pointer}
i: 1..maxErr; {error loop index}
msg: stringPtr; {pointer to the error message}
begin {WriteLine}
if list or (numErr <> 0) then begin
if not wroteLine and not doingCommandLine then begin
if numErr <> 0 then
if filenamesInErrors then
writeln('In ',sourceFileGS.theString.theString,':');
write(lineNumber:4, ' '); {write the line #}
cp := firstPtr; {write the characters in the line}
while (cp <> eofPtr) and (charKinds[ord(cp^)] <> ch_eol) do begin
cp := pointer(ord4(cp) + 1);
end; {while}
writeln; {write the end of line character}
wroteLine := true;
end; {if}
for i := 1 to numErr do {write any errors}
with errors[i] do begin
if line = lineNumber then begin
write(' ');
if lineNumber >= 10000 then
write(' ');
cp := firstPtr;
for cl := 1 to col-1 do begin
if cp^ = HT then
write(' ');
cp := pointer(ord4(cp) + 1);
end; {for}
write('^ ');
end {if}
else if doingCommandLine then
write(' Error in command line: ')
write(' Error in column ', col:1, ' of line ', line:1, ': ');
case num of
1 : msg := @'illegal character';
2 : msg := @'invalid character constant';
3 : msg := @'no end was found to the string';
4 : msg := @'further errors suppressed';
5 : msg := @'cannot redefine a macro';
6 : msg := @'integer overflow';
7 : msg := @'''8'' and ''9'' cannot be used in octal constants';
8 : msg := @'unknown preprocessor command';
9 : msg := @'identifier expected';
10: msg := @'cannot undefine standard macros';
11: msg := @'end of line expected';
12: msg := @''')'' expected';
13: msg := @'''('' expected';
14: msg := @'incorrect number of macro parameters';
15: msg := @'''>'' expected';
16: msg := @'file name is too long';
17: msg := @'keep must appear before any functions';
18: msg := @'integer constant expected';
19: msg := @'only one #else may be used per #if';
20: msg := @'there is no #if for this directive';
21: msg := @'an #if had no closing #endif';
22: msg := @''';'' expected';
23: msg := @'''}'' expected';
24: msg := @''']'' expected';
25: msg := @'the else has no matching if';
26: msg := @'type expected';
27: msg := @'''{'' expected';
28: msg := @'a function cannot be defined here';
29: msg := @''':'' expected';
30: msg := @'''while'' expected';
31: msg := @'undeclared identifier';
32: msg := @'the last if statement was not finished';
33: msg := @'the last do statement was not finished';
34: msg := @'the last compound statement was not finished';
35: msg := @'expression expected';
36: msg := @'expression syntax error';
37: msg := @'operand expected';
38: msg := @'operation expected';
39: msg := @'no matching ''?'' found for this '':'' operator';
40: msg := @'illegal type cast';
41: msg := @'illegal operand in a constant expression';
42: msg := @'duplicate symbol';
{43: msg := @'the function''s type must match the previous declaration';}
44: msg := @'too many initializers';
45: msg := @'the number of array elements must be greater than 0';
46: msg := @'you must initialize the individual elements of a struct, union, or non-char array';
47: msg := @'type conflict';
48: msg := @'pointer initializers must resolve to an integer, address or string';
49: msg := @'the size could not be determined';
50: msg := @'only parameters or types may be declared here';
51: msg := @'lint: undefined function';
52: msg := @'you cannot initialize a type';
53: msg := @'the struct, union, or enum has already been defined';
54: msg := @'bit fields must be less than 32 bits wide';
55: msg := @'a value cannot be zero bits wide';
{56: msg := @'bit fields in unions are not supported by ORCA/C';}
57: msg := @'compiler error';
58: msg := @'implementation restriction: too many local labels';
59: msg := @'file name expected';
60: msg := @'implementation restriction: string space exhausted';
61: msg := @'implementation restriction: run-time stack space exhausted';
62: msg := @'auto or register can only be used in a function body';
63: msg := @'token merging produced an illegal token';
64: msg := @'assignment to an array is not allowed';
65: msg := @'assignment to void is not allowed';
66: msg := @'the operation cannot be performed on operands of the type given';
67: msg := @'the last else clause was not finished';
68: msg := @'the last while statement was not finished';
69: msg := @'the last for statement was not finished';
70: msg := @'the last switch statement was not finished';
71: msg := @'switch expressions must evaluate to integers';
72: msg := @'case and default labels must appear in a switch statement';
73: msg := @'duplicate case label';
74: msg := @'only one default label is allowed in a switch statement';
75: msg := @'continue must appear in a while, do or for loop';
76: msg := @'break must appear in a while, do, for or switch statement';
77: msg := @'duplicate label';
78: msg := @'l-value required';
79: msg := @'illegal operand for the indirection operator';
80: msg := @'the selection operator must be used on a structure or union';
81: msg := @'the selected field does not exist in the structure or union';
82: msg := @'''('', ''['' or ''*'' expected';
83: msg := @'string constant expected';
84: msg := @'''dynamic'' expected';
85: msg := @'the number of parameters does not agree with the prototype';
86: msg := @''','' expected';
87: msg := @'invalid storage type for a parameter';
88: msg := @'you cannot initialize a parameter';
89: msg := @'''.'' expected';
90: msg := @'string too long';
91: msg := @'real constants cannot be unsigned';
92: msg := @'statement expected';
93: msg := @'assignment to const is not allowed';
94: msg := @'pascal qualifier is only allowed on functions';
95: msg := @'unidentified operation code';
96: msg := @'incorrect operand size';
97: msg := @'operand syntax error';
98: msg := @'invalid operand';
{99: msg := @'comp data type is not supported by the 68881';}
100: msg := @'integer constants cannot use the f designator';
101: msg := @'digits expected in the exponent';
{102: msg := @'extern variables cannot be initialized';}
103: msg := @'functions cannot return functions or arrays';
104: msg := @'lint: missing function type';
105: msg := @'lint: parameter list not prototyped';
106: msg := @'cannot take the address of a bit field';
107: msg := @'illegal use of forward declaration';
108: msg := @'unknown or invalid cc= option';
109: msg := @'illegal math operation in a constant expression';
110: msg := @'lint: unknown pragma';
{111: msg := @'the & operator cannot be applied to arrays';}
112: msg := @'segment buffer overflow';
113: msg := @'all parameters must have a name';
114: msg := @'a function call was made to a non-function';
115: msg := @'illegal bit field declaration';
116: msg := @'missing field name';
117: msg := @'field cannot have incomplete type';
118: msg := @'flexible array must be last member of structure';
119: msg := @'inline specifier is only allowed on functions';
120: msg := @'non-static inline functions are not supported';
121: msg := @'invalid digit for binary constant';
122: msg := @'arithmetic is not allowed on a pointer to an incomplete or function type';
123: msg := @'array element type may not be an incomplete or function type';
124: msg := @'lint: invalid format string or arguments';
125: msg := @'lint: format string is not a string literal';
126: msg := @'scope rules may not be changed within a function';
127: msg := @'illegal storage class for declaration in for loop';
128: msg := @'lint: integer overflow in expression';
129: msg := @'lint: division by zero';
130: msg := @'lint: invalid shift count';
131: msg := @'numeric constant is too long';
132: msg := @'static assertion failed';
133: msg := @'incomplete or function types may not be used here';
{134: msg := @'''long long'' types are not supported by ORCA/C';}
{135: msg := @'the type _Bool is not supported by ORCA/C';}
136: msg := @'complex or imaginary types are not supported by ORCA/C';
137: msg := @'atomic types are not supported by ORCA/C';
138: msg := @'unsupported alignment';
139: msg := @'thread-local storage is not supported by ORCA/C';
140: msg := @'unexpected token';
141: msg := @'_Noreturn specifier is only allowed on functions';
142: msg := @'_Alignas may not be used in this declaration or type name';
143: msg := @'only object pointer types may be restrict-qualified';
{144: msg := @'generic selection expressions are not supported by ORCA/C';}
145: msg := @'invalid universal character name';
146: msg := @'Unicode character cannot be represented in execution character set';
147: msg := @'lint: not all parameters were declared with a type';
148: msg := @'all parameters must have a complete type';
149: msg := @'invalid universal character name for use in an identifier';
150: msg := @'designated initializers are not supported by ORCA/C';
151: msg := @'lint: type specifier missing';
152: msg := @'lint: return with no value in non-void function';
153: msg := @'lint: return statement in function declared _Noreturn';
154: msg := @'lint: function declared _Noreturn can return or has unreachable code';
155: msg := @'lint: non-void function may not return a value or has unreachable code';
156: msg := @'invalid suffix on numeric constant';
157: msg := @'unknown or malformed standard pragma';
158: msg := @'_Generic expression includes two compatible types';
159: msg := @'_Generic expression includes multiple default cases';
160: msg := @'no matching association in _Generic expression';
161: msg := @'illegal operator in a constant expression';
162: msg := @'invalid escape sequence';
163: msg := @'pointer assignment discards qualifier(s)';
{164: msg := @'compound literals within functions are not supported by ORCA/C';}
165: msg := @'''\p'' may not be used in a prefixed string';
166: msg := @'string literals with these prefixes may not be merged';
167: msg := @'''L''-prefixed character or string constants are not supported by ORCA/C';
168: msg := @'malformed hexadecimal floating constant';
169: msg := @'struct or array may not contain a struct with a flexible array member';
170: msg := @'lint: no whitespace after macro name';
171: msg := @'use of an incomplete enum type is not allowed';
172: msg := @'macro replacement list may not start or end with ''##''';
173: msg := @'''#'' must be followed by a macro parameter';
174: msg := @'''__VA_ARGS__'' may only be used in a variadic macro';
175: msg := @'duplicate macro parameter name';
176: msg := @'declarator expected';
otherwise: Error(57);
end; {case}
if terminalErrors and (numErrors <> 0)
and (lintIsError or not (num in lintErrors)) then begin
if enterEditor then begin
if line = lineNumber then
ExitToEditor(msg, ord4(firstPtr)+col-ord4(bofPtr)-1)
ExitToEditor(msg, ord4(firstPtr)-ord4(bofPtr)-1);
end {if}
end; {if}
end; {with}
{handle pauses}
if ((numErr <> 0) and wait) or KeyPress then begin
while not KeyPress do {nothing};
end; {if}
numErr := 0; {no errors on next line...}
end {if}
if KeyPress then begin {handle pauses}
while not KeyPress do {nothing};
end; {if}
Spin; {twirl the spinner}
end; {WriteLine}
procedure PrintToken (token: tokenType);
{ Write a token to standard out }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ token - token to print }
label 1;
ch: char; {work character}
i: integer; {loop counter}
str: string[23]; {temp string}
c16ptr: ^integer; {pointer to char16_t value}
c32ptr: ^longint; {pointer to char32_t value}
procedure PrintHexDigits(i: longint; count: integer);
{ Print a digit as a hex character }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ i: value to print in hexadecimal }
{ count: number of digits to print }
digit: integer; {hex digit value}
shift: integer; {amount to shift by}
begin {PrintHexDigits}
shift := 4 * (count-1);
while shift >= 0 do begin
digit := ord(i >> shift) & $000F;
if digit < 10 then
write(chr(digit | ord('0')))
write(chr(digit + ord('A') - 10));
shift := shift - 4;
end; {while}
end; {PrintHexDigits}
begin {PrintToken}
case token.kind of
ident: write(token.name^);
intconst: write(token.ival:1);
uintconst: write(token.ival:1,'U');
longConst: write(token.lval:1,'L');
ulongConst: write(token.lval:1,'UL');
longlongConst: begin
str := cnvds(CnvLLX(token.qval),1,1);
str[0] := chr(ord(str[0]) - 2);
ulonglongConst: begin
str := cnvds(CnvULLX(token.qval),1,1);
str[0] := chr(ord(str[0]) - 2);
doubleConst: write(token.rval:1);
floatConst: write(token.rval:1,'F');
extendedConst: write(token.rval:1,'L');
stringConst: begin
if token.prefix = prefix_u16 then begin
i := 1;
while i < token.sval^.length-2 do begin
c16Ptr := pointer(@token.sval^.str[i]);
PrintHexDigits(c16Ptr^, 4);
i := i + 2;
end; {while}
end {if}
else if token.prefix = prefix_U32 then begin
i := 1;
while i < token.sval^.length-4 do begin
c32Ptr := pointer(@token.sval^.str[i]);
PrintHexDigits(c32Ptr^, 8);
i := i + 4;
end; {while}
end {else if}
else begin
for i := 1 to token.sval^.length-1 do begin
ch := token.sval^.str[i];
if ch in [' '..'~'] then begin
if ch in ['"','\','?'] then
end {if}
else begin
write(((ord(ch)>>3) & $0007):1);
write((ord(ch) & $0007):1);
end; {else}
end; {for}
end; {else}
for i := minChar to maxChar do
if charSym[i] = token.kind then begin
goto 1;
end; {if}
lbrackch: if not token.isDigraph then
rbrackch: if not token.isDigraph then
lbracech: if not token.isDigraph then
rbracech: if not token.isDigraph then
poundch: if not token.isDigraph then
minusch: write('-');
plusch: write('+');
ltch: write('<');
gtch: write('>');
eqch: write('=');
excch: write('!');
andch: write('&');
barch: write('|');
percentch: write('%');
carotch: write('^');
asteriskch: write('*');
slashch: write('/');
dotch: write('.');
minusgtop: write('->');
plusplusop: write('++');
minusminusop: write('--');
ltltop: write('<<');
gtgtop: write('>>');
lteqop: write('<=');
gteqop: write('>=');
eqeqop: write('==');
exceqop: write('!=');
andandop: write('&&');
barbarop: write('||');
pluseqop: write('+=');
minuseqop: write('-=');
asteriskeqop: write('*=');
slasheqop: write('/=');
percenteqop: write('%=');
ltlteqop: write('<<=');
gtgteqop: write('>>=');
andeqop: write('&=');
caroteqop: write('^=');
bareqop: write('!=');
uminus: write('-');
uand: write('+');
uasterisk: write('*');
poundpoundop: if not token.isDigraph then
dotdotdotsy: write('...');
macroParm: write('$', token.pnum:1);
eofsy: ;
end; {case}
write(' ');
end; {PrintToken}
{ copy 'Scanner.debug'} {debug}
{-- The Preprocessor -------------------------------------------}
procedure CheckIdentifier; forward;
{ See if an identifier is a reserved word, macro or typedef }
procedure DoNumber (scanWork: boolean); forward;
{ The current character starts a number - scan it }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ scanWork - get characters from workString? }
{ }
{ Globals: }
{ ch - first character in sequence; set to first char }
{ after sequence }
{ workString - string to take numbers from }
function GetFileType (var name: pString): integer; forward;
{ Checks to see if a file exists }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ name - file name to check for }
{ }
{ Returns: File type if the file exists, or -1 if the file does }
{ not exist (or if GetFileInfo returns an error) }
function OpenFile (doInclude, default: boolean): boolean; forward;
{ Open a new file and start scanning it }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ doInclude - are we doing a #include? }
{ default - use the name <defaults.h>? }
{ }
{ Returns: result from GetFileName }
function FindMacro (name: stringPtr): macroRecordPtr;
{ If the current token is a macro, find the macro table entry }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ name - name of the suspected macro }
{ }
{ Returns: }
{ Pointer to macro table entry; nil for none }
label 1;
bPtr: ^macroRecordPtr; {pointer to hash bucket}
mPtr: macroRecordPtr; {pointer to macro entry}
begin {FindMacro}
FindMacro := nil;
bPtr := pointer(ord4(macros)+Hash(name));
mPtr := bPtr^;
while mPtr <> nil do begin
if mPtr^.name^ = name^ then begin
if mPtr^.parameters = -1 then
FindMacro := mPtr
else if tokenList = nil then begin
while charKinds[ord(ch)] in [ch_white, ch_eol] do begin
if printMacroExpansions and not suppressMacroExpansions then
if charKinds[ord(ch)] = ch_eol then
end; {while}
if ch = '(' then
FindMacro := mPtr;
end {else if}
else if tokenList^.token.kind = lparench then
FindMacro := mPtr;
goto 1;
end; {if}
mPtr := mPtr^.next;
end; {while}
end; {FindMacro}
procedure LongToPString (pstr: stringPtr; lstr: longStringPtr);
{ Convert a long string into a p string }
{ }
{ The long string is assumed to include a terminating null byte,}
{ which is not copied to the p-string. }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ pstr - pointer to the p-string }
{ lstr - pointer to the long string }
i: integer; {loop variable}
len: integer; {string length}
begin {LongToPString}
len := lstr^.length-1;
if len > 255 then
len := 255;
pstr^[0] := chr(len);
for i := 1 to len do
pstr^[i] := lstr^.str[i];
if len < 255 then
pstr^[len+1] := chr(0);
end; {LongToPString}
procedure ConvertString (var str: tokenType; prefix: charStrPrefixEnum);
{ Convert unprefixed string literal str to a prefixed one }
sPtr: longStringPtr; {new string}
i,j,k: integer; {loop counters}
codePoint: ucsCodePoint; {Unicode code point}
c16ptr: ^integer; {pointer to char16_t value}
c32ptr: ^longint; {pointer to char32_t value}
utf8: utf8Rec; {UTF-8 encoding of character}
utf16: utf16Rec; {UTF-16 encoding of character}
begin {ConvertString}
sPtr := pointer(Malloc(str.sval^.length*4));
k := 0;
for i := 1 to str.sval^.length do begin
codePoint := ConvertMacRomanToUCS(str.sval^.str[i]);
if prefix = prefix_u8 then begin
UTF8Encode(codePoint, utf8);
for j := 1 to utf8.length do begin
sPtr^.str[k+1] := chr(utf8.bytes[j]);
k := k+1;
end; {for}
end {if}
else if prefix = prefix_u16 then begin
UTF16Encode(codePoint, utf16);
c16Ptr := pointer(@sPtr^.str[k+1]);
c16Ptr^ := utf16.codeUnits[1];
k := k+2;
if utf16.length = 2 then begin
c16ptr := pointer(@sPtr^.str[k+1]);
c16Ptr^ := utf16.codeUnits[2];
k := k+2;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if prefix = prefix_U32 then begin
c32Ptr := pointer(@sPtr^.str[k+1]);
c32Ptr^ := codePoint;
k := k+4;
end; {else if}
end; {for}
sPtr^.length := k;
str.sval := sPtr;
str.prefix := prefix;
end; {ConvertString}
procedure Merge (var tk1: tokenType; tk2: tokenType);
{ Merge two tokens (implementing ##) }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ tk1 - first token; result is stored here }
{ tk2 - second token }
label 1;
class1,class2: tokenClass; {token classes}
i: integer; {loop variable}
kind1,kind2: tokenEnum; {token kinds}
lt: tokenType; {local copy of token}
str1,str2: stringPtr; {identifier strings}
begin {Merge}
kind1 := tk1.kind;
class1 := tk1.class;
kind2 := tk2.kind;
class2 := tk2.class;
if class1 in [identifier,reservedWord] then begin
if class1 = identifier then
str1 := tk1.name
str1 := @reservedWords[kind1];
if class2 = identifier then
str2 := tk2.name
else if class2 = reservedWord then
str2 := @reservedWords[kind2]
else if class2 in numericConstants then
str2 := tk2.numString
else if (class2 = stringConstant) and (tk2.prefix = prefix_none) then begin
if str1^ = 'u' then
ConvertString(tk2, prefix_u16)
else if str1^ = 'U' then
ConvertString(tk2, prefix_U32)
else if str1^ = 'u8' then
ConvertString(tk2, prefix_u8)
tk1 := tk2;
goto 1;
end {else if}
else begin
goto 1;
end; {else}
workString := concat(str1^, str2^);
for i := 1 to length(workString) do
if not (charKinds[ord(workString[i])] in [letter,digit]) then begin
goto 1;
end; {if}
lt := token;
token.kind := ident;
token.class := identifier;
token.numString := nil;
token.symbolPtr := nil;
token.name := pointer(Malloc(length(workString)+1));
CopyString(pointer(token.name), @workString);
tk1 := token;
token := lt;
goto 1;
end {class1 in [identifier,reservedWord]}
else if class1 in numericConstants then begin
if class2 in numericConstants then
str2 := tk2.numString
else if class2 = identifier then
str2 := tk2.name
else if class2 = reservedWord then
str2 := @reservedWords[kind2]
else if kind2 = dotch then
str2 := @'.'
else begin
goto 1;
end; {else}
workString := concat(tk1.numString^, str2^);
lt := token;
tk1 := token;
token := lt;
goto 1;
end {else if class1 in numericConstants}
else if kind1 = dotch then begin
if class2 in numericConstants then begin
workString := concat(tk1.numString^, tk2.numString^);
lt := token;
tk1 := token;
token := lt;
goto 1;
end; {if}
end {else if class1 in numericConstants}
else if kind1 = poundch then begin
if (kind2 = poundch) and (tk1.isDigraph = tk2.isDigraph) then begin
tk1.kind := poundpoundop;
goto 1;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = minusch then begin
if kind2 = gtch then begin
tk1.kind := minusgtop;
goto 1;
end {if}
else if kind2 = minusch then begin
tk1.kind := minusminusop;
goto 1;
end {else if}
else if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := minuseqop;
goto 1;
end; {else if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = plusch then begin
if kind2 = plusch then begin
tk1.kind := plusplusop;
goto 1;
end {else if}
else if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := pluseqop;
goto 1;
end; {else if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = ltch then begin
if kind2 = ltch then begin
tk1.kind := ltltop;
goto 1;
end {if}
else if kind2 = lteqop then begin
tk1.kind := ltlteqop;
goto 1;
end {else if}
else if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := lteqop;
goto 1;
end {else if}
else if kind2 = colonch then begin
tk1.kind := lbrackch;
tk1.isDigraph := true;
goto 1;
end {else if}
else if kind2 = percentch then begin
tk1.kind := lbracech;
tk1.isDigraph := true;
goto 1;
end; {else if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = ltltop then begin
if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := ltlteqop;
goto 1;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = gtch then begin
if kind2 = gtch then begin
tk1.kind := gtgtop;
goto 1;
end {if}
else if kind2 = gteqop then begin
tk1.kind := gtgteqop;
goto 1;
end {else if}
else if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := gteqop;
goto 1;
end; {else if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = gtgtop then begin
if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := gtgteqop;
goto 1;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = eqch then begin
if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := eqeqop;
goto 1;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = excch then begin
if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := exceqop;
goto 1;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = andch then begin
if kind2 = andch then begin
tk1.kind := andandop;
goto 1;
end {if}
else if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := andeqop;
goto 1;
end; {else if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = barch then begin
if kind2 = barch then begin
tk1.kind := barbarop;
goto 1;
end {if}
else if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := bareqop;
goto 1;
end; {else if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = percentch then begin
if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := percenteqop;
goto 1;
end {if}
else if kind2 = gtch then begin
tk1.kind := rbracech;
tk1.isDigraph := true;
goto 1;
end {else if}
else if kind2 = colonch then begin
tk1.kind := poundch;
tk1.isDigraph := true;
goto 1;
end; {else if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = carotch then begin
if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := caroteqop;
goto 1;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = asteriskch then begin
if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := asteriskeqop;
goto 1;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = slashch then begin
if kind2 = eqch then begin
tk1.kind := slasheqop;
goto 1;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else if kind1 = colonch then begin
if kind2 = gtch then begin
tk1.kind := rbrackch;
tk1.isDigraph := true;
goto 1;
end; {if}
end; {else if}
end; {Merge}
procedure MergeStrings (var tk1: tokenType; tk2: tokenType);
{ Merge two string constant tokens }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ tk1 - first token; result is stored here }
{ tk2 - second token }
cp: longstringPtr; {pointer to work string}
i: integer; {loop variable}
len,len1: integer; {length of strings}
lt: tokenType; {local copy of token}
elementType: typePtr; {string element type}
begin {MergeStrings}
if tk1.prefix = tk2.prefix then
{OK - nothing to do}
else if tk1.prefix = prefix_none then
ConvertString(tk1, tk2.prefix)
else if tk2.prefix = prefix_none then
ConvertString(tk2, tk1.prefix)
elementType := StringType(tk1.prefix)^.aType;
len1 := tk1.sval^.length - ord(elementType^.size);
len := len1+tk2.sval^.length;
cp := pointer(Malloc(len+2));
for i := 1 to len1 do
cp^.str[i] := tk1.sval^.str[i];
for i := 1 to len-len1 do
cp^.str[i+len1] := tk2.sval^.str[i];
cp^.length := len;
if tk1.ispstring then
cp^.str[1] := chr(len-2);
tk1.sval := cp;
end; {MergeStrings}
procedure BuildStringToken (cp: ptr; len: integer; rawSourceCode: boolean);
{ Create a string token from a string }
{ }
{ Used to stringize macros. }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ cp - pointer to the first character }
{ len - number of characters in the string }
{ rawSourceCode - process trigraphs & line continuations? }
label 1;
i: integer; {loop variable}
ch: char; {work character}
begin {BuildStringToken}
token.kind := stringconst;
token.class := stringConstant;
token.ispstring := false;
token.sval := pointer(GMalloc(len+3));
token.prefix := prefix_none;
if rawSourceCode then begin
i := 1;
1: while i <= len do begin
ch := chr(cp^);
if ch = '?' then {handle trigraphs}
if i < len-1 then
if chr(ptr(ord4(cp)+1)^) = '?' then
if chr(ptr(ord4(cp)+2)^) in
['=','(','/',')','''','<','!','>','-'] then begin
case chr(ptr(ord4(cp)+2)^) of
'(': ch := '[';
'<': ch := '{';
'/': ch := '\';
'''': ch := '^';
'=': ch := '#';
')': ch := ']';
'>': ch := '}';
'!': ch := '|';
'-': ch := '~';
end; {case}
len := len-2;
cp := pointer(ord4(cp)+2);
end; {if}
if ch = '\' then {handle line continuations}
if i < len then
if charKinds[ptr(ord4(cp)+1)^] = ch_eol then begin
if i < len-1 then
if ptr(ord4(cp)+2)^ in [$06,$07] then begin
len := len-1; {skip debugger characters}
cp := pointer(ord4(cp)+1);
end; {if}
len := len-2;
cp := pointer(ord4(cp)+2);
goto 1;
token.sval^.str[i] := ch;
cp := pointer(ord4(cp)+1);
i := i+1;
end; {while}
end {if}
for i := 1 to len do begin
token.sval^.str[i] := chr(cp^);
cp := pointer(ord4(cp)+1);
end; {for}
token.sval^.str[len+1] := chr(0);
token.sval^.length := len+1;
PutBackToken(token, true);
end; {BuildStringToken}
procedure DoInclude (default: boolean);
{ #include }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ default - open <defaults.h>? }
fp: filePtr; {pointer to an include file}
begin {DoInclude}
new(fp); {get a file record for the current file}
fp^.next := fileList;
fileList := fp;
fp^.name := includeFileGS;
fp^.sname := sourceFileGS;
if default then
fp^.lineNumber := lineNumber
fp^.lineNumber := lineNumber+1;
if OpenFile(true, default) then begin {open a new file and proceed from there}
lineNumber := 1;
if ifList <> nil then
if fp^.next = nil then
end {if}
else begin {handle a file name error}
fileList := fp^.next;
end; {else}
end; {DoInclude}
procedure Expand (macro: macroRecordPtr);
{ Expand a preprocessor macro }
{ }
{ Expands a preprocessor macro by putting tokens from the macro }
{ definition into the scanner's putback buffer. }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ macro - pointer to the macro to expand }
{ }
{ Globals: }
{ macroList - scanner putback buffer }
parameterPtr = ^parameterRecord;
parameterRecord = record {parameter list element}
next: parameterPtr; {next parameter}
tokens: tokenListRecordPtr; {token list}
tokenStart,tokenEnd: ptr; {source pointers (for stringization)}
bPtr: ^macroRecordPtr; {pointer to hash bucket}
done: boolean; {used to check for loop termination}
expandEnabled: boolean; {can the token be expanded?}
i: integer; {loop counter}
inhibit: boolean; {inhibit parameter expansion?}
lexpandMacros: boolean; {local copy of expandMacros}
lSuppressMacroExpansions: boolean; {local copy of suppressMacroExpansions}
mPtr: macroRecordPtr; {for checking list of macros}
newParm: parameterPtr; {for building a new parameter entry}
tlPtr, tPtr, tcPtr, lastPtr: tokenListRecordPtr; {work pointers}
paramCount: integer; {# of parameters found in the invocation}
parenCount: integer; {paren count; for balancing parenthesis}
parmEnd: parameterPtr; {for building a parameter list}
parms: parameterPtr; {points to the list of parameters}
pptr: parameterPtr; {work pointer for tracing parms list}
sp: longStringPtr; {work pointer}
stringization: boolean; {are we stringizing a parameter?}
endParmTokens: tokenSet; {tokens that end a parameter}
begin {Expand}
lSuppressMacroExpansions := suppressMacroExpansions; {inhibit token printing}
suppressMacroExpansions := true;
lexpandMacros := expandMacros; {prevent expansion of parameters}
expandMacros := false;
saveNumber := true; {save numeric strings}
parms := nil; {no parms so far}
if macro^.parameters >= 0 then begin {find the values of the parameters}
NextToken; {get the '(' (we hope...)}
if token.kind = lparench then begin
NextToken; {skip the '('}
paramCount := 0; {process the parameters}
parmEnd := nil;
endParmTokens := [rparench,commach];
done := true;
parenCount := 0;
paramCount := paramCount+1;
if macro^.isVarargs then
if paramCount = macro^.parameters then
endParmTokens := endParmTokens - [commach];
newParm^.next := nil;
if parmEnd = nil then
parms := newParm
parmEnd^.next := newParm;
parmEnd := newParm;
newParm^.tokens := nil;
while (token.kind <> eofsy)
and ((parenCount <> 0)
or (not (token.kind in endParmTokens))) do begin
tPtr^.next := newParm^.tokens;
newParm^.tokens := tPtr;
tPtr^.token := token;
tPtr^.tokenStart := tokenStart;
tPtr^.tokenEnd := tokenEnd;
tPtr^.expandEnabled := tokenExpandEnabled;
if token.kind = lparench then
parenCount := parenCount+1
else if token.kind = rparench then
parenCount := parenCount-1;
end; {while}
if token.kind = commach then begin
done := false;
end; {if}
until done;
if paramCount = 1 then
if macro^.parameters = 0 then
if parms^.tokens = nil then
paramCount := 0;
if paramCount <> macro^.parameters then
if token.kind <> rparench then begin {insist on a closing ')'}
if not gettingFileName then {put back the source stream token}
PutBackToken(token, true);
end; {if}
end {if}
else begin
if not gettingFileName then {put back the source stream token}
PutBackToken(token, true);
end; {else}
end; {if}
if macro^.readOnly then begin {handle special macros}
case macro^.algorithm of
1: begin {__LINE__}
token.kind := intconst;
token.numString := @lineStr;
token.class := intconstant;
token.ival := lineNumber;
lineStr := cnvis(token.ival);
tokenStart := @lineStr[1];
tokenEnd := pointer(ord4(tokenStart)+length(lineStr));
2: begin {__FILE__}
token.kind := stringConst;
token.class := stringConstant;
token.ispstring := false;
token.prefix := prefix_none;
sp := pointer(Malloc(3+sourceFileGS.theString.size));
sp^.length := sourceFileGS.theString.size+1;
for i := 1 to sourceFileGS.theString.size do
sp^.str[i] := sourceFileGS.theString.theString[i];
sp^.str[i+1] := chr(0);
token.sval := sp;
tokenStart := @sp^.str;
tokenEnd := pointer(ord4(tokenStart)+sp^.length);
3: begin {__DATE__}
token.kind := stringConst;
token.class := stringConstant;
token.ispstring := false;
token.prefix := prefix_none;
token.sval := dateStr;
tokenStart := @dateStr^.str;
tokenEnd := pointer(ord4(tokenStart)+dateStr^.length);
TermHeader; {Don't save stale value in sym file}
4: begin {__TIME__}
token.kind := stringConst;
token.class := stringConstant;
token.ispstring := false;
token.prefix := prefix_none;
token.sval := timeStr;
tokenStart := @timeStr^.str;
tokenEnd := pointer(ord4(tokenStart)+timeStr^.length);
TermHeader; {Don't save stale value in sym file}
5: begin {__STDC__}
token.kind := intConst; {__ORCAC__}
token.numString := @oneStr; {__STDC_NO_...__}
token.class := intConstant; {__ORCAC_HAS_LONG_LONG__}
token.ival := 1; {__STDC_UTF_16__}
oneStr := '1'; {__STDC_UTF_32__}
tokenStart := @oneStr[1];
tokenEnd := pointer(ord4(tokenStart)+1);
6: begin {__VERSION__}
token.kind := stringConst;
token.class := stringConstant;
token.ispstring := false;
token.prefix := prefix_none;
token.sval := versionStrL;
tokenStart := @versionStrL^.str;
tokenEnd := pointer(ord4(tokenStart)+versionStrL^.length);
7: begin {__STDC_HOSTED__}
if isNewDeskAcc or isClassicDeskAcc or isCDev or isNBA or isXCMD then
token.kind := intConst;
token.numString := @zeroStr;
token.class := intConstant;
token.ival := 0;
zeroStr := '0';
tokenStart := @zeroStr[1];
tokenEnd := pointer(ord4(tokenStart)+1);
end {if}
else begin
token.kind := intConst;
token.numString := @oneStr;
token.class := intConstant;
token.ival := 1;
oneStr := '1';
tokenStart := @oneStr[1];
tokenEnd := pointer(ord4(tokenStart)+1);
end {else}
otherwise: Error(57);
end; {case}
PutBackToken(token, true);
end {if}
else begin
{expand the macro}
tlPtr := macro^.tokens; {place the tokens in the buffer...}
lastPtr := nil;
while tlPtr <> nil do begin
if tlPtr^.token.kind = macroParm then begin
pptr := parms; {find the correct parameter}
for i := 1 to tlPtr^.token.pnum do
if pptr <> nil then
pptr := pptr^.next;
if pptr <> nil then begin
{see if the macro is stringized}
stringization := false;
if tlPtr^.next <> nil then
stringization := tlPtr^.next^.token.kind = poundch;
{handle macro stringization}
if stringization then begin
tcPtr := pptr^.tokens;
if tcPtr = nil then
BuildStringToken(nil, 0, false);
while tcPtr <> nil do begin
if tcPtr^.token.kind = stringconst then begin
BuildStringToken(@quoteStr[1], 1, false);
tcPtr^.token.sval^.length-1, false);
BuildStringToken(@quoteStr[1], 1, false);
end {if}
else begin
if tcPtr <> pptr^.tokens then
if charKinds[tcPtr^.tokenEnd^] = ch_white then
BuildStringToken(@spaceStr[1], 1, false);
{hack because stringconst may not have proper tokenEnd}
if tcPtr^.next <> nil then
if tcPtr^.next^.token.kind = stringconst then
if charKinds[ptr(ord4(tcPtr^.tokenStart)-1)^] = ch_white then
BuildStringToken(@spaceStr[1], 1, false);
tcPtr := tcPtr^.next;
end; {while}
tlPtr := tlPtr^.next;
end {if}
{expand a macro parameter}
else begin
tcPtr := pptr^.tokens;
if tcPtr = nil then begin
if tlPtr^.next <> nil then
if tlPtr^.next^.token.kind = poundpoundop then
tlPtr^.next := tlPtr^.next^.next;
if lastPtr <> nil then
if lastPtr^.token.kind = poundpoundop then
if tokenList <> nil then
if tokenList^.token.kind = poundpoundop then
tokenList := tokenList^.next;
end; {if}
while tcPtr <> nil do begin
tokenStart := tcPtr^.tokenStart;
tokenEnd := tcPtr^.tokenEnd;
if tcPtr^.token.kind = ident then begin
mPtr := FindMacro(tcPtr^.token.name);
inhibit := false;
if tlPtr^.next <> nil then
if tlPtr^.next^.token.kind = poundpoundop then
inhibit := true;
if lastPtr <> nil then
if lastPtr^.token.kind = poundpoundop then
inhibit := true;
if not tcPtr^.expandEnabled then
inhibit := true;
if tcPtr = pptr^.tokens then
if (mPtr <> nil) and (mPtr^.parameters > 0) then
inhibit := true;
if (mPtr <> nil) and (not inhibit) then
else begin
expandEnabled := tcPtr^.expandEnabled;
if expandEnabled then
if tcPtr^.token.name^ = macro^.name^ then
expandEnabled := false;
PutBackToken(tcPtr^.token, expandEnabled);
end; {else}
end {if}
PutBackToken(tcPtr^.token, true);
tcPtr := tcPtr^.next;
end; {while}
end; {else}
end; {if pptr <> nil}
end {if tlPtr^.token.kind = macroParm}
else begin
{place an explicit parm in the token list}
expandEnabled := true;
if tlPtr^.token.kind = ident then
if tlPtr^.token.name^ = macro^.name^ then
expandEnabled := false;
tokenStart := tlPtr^.tokenStart;
tokenEnd := tlPtr^.tokenEnd;
PutBackToken(tlPtr^.token, expandEnabled);
end; {else}
lastPtr := tlPtr;
tlPtr := tlPtr^.next;
end; {while}
end; {else}
while parms <> nil do begin {dispose of the parameter list}
tPtr := parms^.tokens;
while tPtr <> nil do begin
tlPtr := tPtr^.next;
tPtr := tlPtr;
end; {while}
parmEnd := parms^.next;
parms := parmEnd;
end; {while}
expandMacros := lexpandMacros; {restore the flags}
suppressMacroExpansions := lSuppressMacroExpansions;
saveNumber := false; {stop saving numeric strings}
end; {Expand}
function GetFileName (mustExist: boolean): boolean;
{ Read a file name from a directive line }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ mustExist - should we look for an existing file? }
{ }
{ Returns true if successful, false if not. }
{ }
{ Note: The file name is placed in workString. }
SRC = $B0; {source file type}
i,j: integer; {string index & loop vars}
tempString: stringPtr;
procedure Expand (var name: pString);
{ Expands a name to a full pathname }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ name - file name to expand }
exRec: expandDevicesDCBGS; {expand devices}
begin {Expand}
exRec.pcount := 2;
exRec.inName^.theString := name;
exRec.inName^.size := length(name);
exRec.outName^.maxSize := maxPath+4;
if toolerror = 0 then
with exRec.outName^.theString do begin
if size < maxPath then
theString[size+1] := chr(0);
name := theString;
end; {with}
end; {Expand}
function GetLibraryName (var name: pstring): boolean;
{ See if a library pathname is available }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ name - file name; set to pathname if result is true }
{ }
{ Returns: True if a name is available, else false }
lname: pString; {local copy of name}
begin {GetLibraryName}
lname := concat('13:ORCACDefs:', name);
if GetFileType(lname) = SRC then begin
name := lname;
GetLibraryName := true;
end {if}
GetLibraryName := false;
end; {GetLibraryName}
function GetLocalName (var name: pstring): boolean;
{ See if a local pathname is available }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ name - file name; set to pathname if result is true }
{ }
{ Returns: True if a name is available, else false }
lname: pstring; {work string}
pp: pathRecordPtr; {used to trace the path list}
begin {GetLocalName}
lname := name;
if GetFileType(lname) = SRC then begin
GetLocalName := true;
name := lname;
end {if}
else begin
GetLocalName := false;
pp := pathList;
while pp <> nil do begin
lname := concat(pp^.path^, name);
if GetFileType(lname) = SRC then begin
GetLocalName := true;
name := lname;
pp := nil;
end {if}
pp := pp^.next;
end; {while}
end; {else}
end; {GetLocalName}
procedure MakeLibraryName (var name: pstring);
{ Create the library path name for an error message }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ name - file name; set to pathname }
begin {MakeLibraryName}
name := concat('13:ORCACDefs:', name);
end; {MakeLibraryName}
procedure MakeLocalName (var name: pstring);
{ Create the local path name for an error message }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ name - file name; set to pathname }
begin {MakeLocalName}
end; {MakeLocalName}
begin {GetFileName}
GetFileName := true;
gettingFileName := true; {in GetFileName}
while charKinds[ord(ch)] = ch_white do {finish processing the current line}
if ch = '<' then begin {process a library file...}
NextToken; {skip the '<'}
token.kind := stringconst; {convert a <> style name to a string}
token.class := stringConstant;
token.ispstring := false;
token.prefix := prefix_none;
i := 0;
while not (charKinds[ord(ch)] in [ch_eol,ch_gt]) do begin
i := i+1;
if (i = maxLine) then begin
GetFileName := false;
i := 0;
workString[i] := ch;
end; {while}
workString[0] := chr(i);
if mustExist then begin
if not GetLibraryName(workString) then
if not GetLocalName(workString) then
end {if}
if ch = '>' then
else begin
GetFileName := false;
end; {else}
end {if}
else begin
{handle file names that are strings or macro expansions}
expandMacros := true; {allow macros to be used in the name}
NextToken; {skip the command name}
if (token.kind = stringConst) and (token.prefix = prefix_none) then begin
LongToPString(@workString, token.sval);
if mustExist then begin
if not GetLocalName(workString) then
if not GetLibraryName(workString) then
end {if}
end {if}
else if token.kind = ltch then begin
{expand a macro to create a <filename> form name}
tempString^[0] := chr(0);
(token.class in ([reservedWord] + numericConstants))
or (token.kind in [dotch,ident]) do begin
if token.kind = ident then
tempString^ := concat(tempString^, token.name^)
else if token.kind = dotch then
tempString^ := concat(tempString^, '.')
else if token.class = reservedWord then
tempString^ := concat(tempString^, reservedWords[token.kind])
else {if token.class in numericConstants then}
tempString^ := concat(tempString^, token.numstring^);
end; {while}
workString := tempString^;
if mustExist then begin
if not GetLibraryName(workString) then
if not GetLocalName(workString) then
end {if}
if token.kind <> gtch then begin
GetFileName := false;
end; {if}
end {else if}
else begin
GetFileName := false;
end; {else}
end; {else}
while charKinds[ord(ch)] = ch_white {finish processing the current line}
do NextCh;
if charKinds[ord(ch)] <> ch_eol then {check for extra stuff on the line}
GetFileName := false;
end; {if}
gettingFileName := false; {not in GetFileName}
end; {GetFileName}
function GetFileType {var name: pString): integer};
{ Checks to see if a file exists }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ name - file name to check for }
{ }
{ Returns: File type if the file exists, or -1 if the file does }
{ not exist (or if GetFileInfo returns an error) }
pathname: gsosInString; {GS/OS style name}
giRec: getFileInfoOSDCB; {GetFileInfo record}
begin {GetFileType}
giRec.pcount := 3;
giRec.pathName := @pathname;
pathname.theString := name;
pathname.size := length(name);
if ToolError = 0 then
GetFileType := giRec.fileType
GetFileType := -1;
end; {GetFileType}
function OpenFile {doInclude, default: boolean): boolean};
{ Open a new file and start scanning it }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ doInclude - are we doing a #include? }
{ default - use the name <defaults.h>? }
{ }
{ Returns: result from GetFileName }
gotName: boolean; {did we get a file name?}
begin {OpenFile}
if default then begin {get the file name}
if customDefaultName <> nil then
workString := customDefaultName^
workString := defaultName;
gotName := true;
end {if}
gotName := GetFileName(true);
if gotName then begin {read the file name from the line}
OpenFile := true; {we opened it}
if doInclude and progress then {note our progress}
writeln('Including ', workString);
WriteLine; {write the source line}
wroteLine := false;
lineNumber := lineNumber+1;
firstPtr := pointer(ord4(chPtr)+2);
needWriteLine := false;
if doInclude then {set the disp in the file}
fileList^.disp := ord4(chPtr)-ord4(bofPtr);
with ffDCBGS do begin {purge the source file}
pCount := 5;
action := 7;
pathName := @includeFileGS.theString;
end; {with}
oldincludeFileGS := includeFileGS; {set the file name}
includeFileGS.theString.theString := workString;
includeFileGS.theString.size := length(workString);
sourceFileGS := includeFileGS;
changedSourceFile := true;
ReadFile; {read the file}
chPtr := bofPtr; {set the start, end pointers}
currentChPtr := bofPtr;
eofPtr := pointer(ord4(bofPtr)+ffDCBGS.fileLength);
firstPtr := chPtr; {first char in line}
ch := chr(RETURN); {set the initial character}
if languageNumber <> long(ffDCBGS.auxType).lsw then begin
switchLanguages := true; {switch languages}
chPtr := eofPtr;
if doInclude then
if fileList <> nil then
end; {if}
end {if}
OpenFile := false; {we failed to opened it}
end; {OpenFile}
procedure PreProcess;
{ Handle preprocessor commands }
label 2;
lSuppressMacroExpansions: boolean; {local copy of suppressMacroExpansions}
lReportEOL: boolean; {local copy of reportEOL}
tSkipping: boolean; {temp copy of the skipping variable}
val: integer; {expression value}
nextLineNumber: integer; {number for next line}
function Defined: boolean;
{ See if a macro is defined }
begin {Defined}
expandMacros := false; {block expansions}
NextToken; {skip the command name}
if token.class in [reservedWord,identifier] then begin
Defined := IsDefined(token.name); {see if the macro is defined}
expandMacros := true; {enable expansions}
NextToken; {skip the macro name}
if token.kind <> eolsy then {check for extra stuff on the line}
end {if}
end; {Defined}
procedure NumericDirective;
{ Process a constant expression for a directive that has a }
{ single number as the operand. }
{ }
{ Notes: The expression evaluator returns the value in the }
{ global variable expressionValue. }
begin {NumericDirective}
doingPPExpression := true;
NextToken; {skip the directive name}
Expression(preprocessorExpression, []); {evaluate the expression}
doingPPExpression := false;
end; {NumericDirective}
procedure OnOffSwitch;
{ Process an of-off-switch, as used in standard pragmas. }
flaggedError: boolean; {did we flag an error already?}
begin {OnOffSwitch}
onOffValue := off;
flaggedError := false;
NextToken; {skip the standard pragma name}
if token.kind = typedef then
token.kind := ident;
if token.kind <> ident then begin
flaggedError := true;
end {if}
else if token.name^ = 'ON' then
onOffValue := on
else if token.name^ = 'OFF' then
onOffValue := off
else if token.name^ = 'DEFAULT' then
onOffValue := default
else begin
flaggedError := true;
end; {else}
if not flaggedError then begin
if token.kind <> eolsy then
end; {if}
end; {OnOffSwitch}
procedure ProcessIf (skip: boolean);
{ handle the processing for #if, #ifdef and #ifndef }
{ }
{ parameter: }
{ skip - should we skip to the #else }
ip: ifPtr; {used to create a new if record}
begin {ProcessIf}
if token.kind <> eolsy then {check for extra stuff on the line}
if not tSkipping then
new(ip); {create a new if record}
ip^.next := ifList;
ifList := ip;
if tSkipping then {set the status of the record}
ip^.status := skippingToEndif
else if skip then
ip^.status := skippingToElse
ip^.status := processing;
ip^.elseFound := false; {no else has been found...}
tSkipping := ip^.status <> processing; {decide if we should be skipping}
end; {ProcessIf}
procedure DoAppend;
{ #append }
tbool: boolean; {temp boolean}
begin {DoAppend}
tbool := OpenFile(false, false); {open a new file and proceed from there}
lineNumber := 1;
end; {DoAppend}
procedure DoCDA;
{ #pragma cda NAME START SHUTDOWN }
begin {DoCDA}
isClassicDeskAcc := true;
NextToken; {skip the command name}
if token.kind = stringconst then {get the name}
LongToPString(@menuLine, token.sval);
end {if}
else begin
isClassicDeskAcc := false;
end; {else}
if token.kind = ident then begin {get the start name}
openName := token.name;
end {if}
else begin
isClassicDeskAcc := false;
end; {else}
if token.kind = ident then begin {get the shutdown name}
closeName := token.name;
end {if}
else begin
isClassicDeskAcc := false;
end; {else}
if token.kind <> eolsy then {make sure there is nothing else on the line}
end; {DoCDA}
procedure DoCDev;
{ #pragma cdev START }
begin {DoCDev}
isCDev := true;
NextToken; {skip the command name}
if token.kind = ident then begin {get the start name}
openName := token.name;
end {if}
else begin
isCDev := false;
end; {else}
if token.kind <> eolsy then {make sure there is nothing else on the line}
end; {DoCDev}
procedure DoDefine;
{ #define }
{ }
{ The way parameters are handled is a bit obtuse. Parameters }
{ have their own token type, with the token having an }
{ associated parameter number, pnum. Pnum is the number of }
{ parameters to skip to get to the parameter in the parameter }
{ list. }
{ }
{ In the macro record, parameters indicates how many }
{ parameters there are in the definition. -1 indicates that }
{ there is no parameter list, while 0 indicates that a list }
{ must exist, but that there are no parameters in the list. }
label 1,2,3;
stringListPtr = ^stringList;
stringList = record {for the parameter list}
next: stringListPtr;
str: pString;
bPtr: ^macroRecordPtr; {pointer to head of hash bucket}
done: boolean; {used to test for loop termination}
i: integer; {loop variable}
mf: macroRecordPtr; {pointer to existing macro record}
mPtr: macroRecordPtr; {pointer to new macro record}
np: stringListPtr; {new parameter}
parameterList: stringListPtr; {list of parameter names}
parameters: integer; {local copy of mPtr^.parameters}
ple: stringListPtr; {pointer to the last element in parameterList}
pnum: integer; {for counting parameters}
tPtr,tk1,tk2: tokenListRecordPtr; {pointer to a token}
begin {DoDefine}
expandMacros := false; {block expansions}
saveNumber := true; {save characters in numeric tokens}
parameterList := nil; {no parameters yet}
NextToken; {get the token name}
{convert reserved words to identifiers}
if token.class = reservedWord then begin
token.name := @reservedWords[token.kind];
token.kind := ident;
token.class := identifier;
end {if}
else if token.kind = typedef then
token.kind := ident;
if token.kind = ident then begin {we have a name...}
mPtr := pointer(GMalloc(sizeof(macroRecord))); {create a macro record}
mPtr^.name := token.name; {record the name}
mPtr^.saved := false; {not saved in symbol file}
mPtr^.tokens := nil; {no tokens yet}
mPtr^.isVarargs := false; {not varargs (yet)}
charKinds[ord('#')] := ch_pound; {allow # as a token}
if ch = '(' then begin {scan the parameter list...}
NextToken; {done with the name token...}
NextToken; {skip the opening '('}
parameters := 0; {no parameters yet}
ple := nil;
repeat {get the parameter names}
done := true;
if token.class = reservedWord then begin
token.name := @reservedWords[token.kind];
token.kind := ident;
token.class := identifier;
end {if}
else if token.kind = typedef then
token.kind := ident;
if token.kind = ident then begin
np^.next := nil;
np^.str := token.name^;
if ple = nil then
parameterList := np
ple^.next := np;
ple := parameterList;
while ple <> np do begin
if ple^.str = token.name^ then begin
np^.str[1] := '?';
end; {if}
ple := ple^.next;
end; {while}
parameters := parameters+1;
if token.kind = commach then begin
done := false;
end; {if}