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2018-03-12 14:15:39 -04:00
mcopy dag.macros
* function udiv(x,y: longint): longint;
* Inputs:
* num1 - numerator
* num2 - denominator
* Outputs:
* ans - result
udiv start
ans equ 0 answer
rem equ 4 remainder
subroutine (4:num1,4:num2),8
; Initialize
stz rem rem = 0
stz rem+2
move4 num1,ans ans = num1
lda num2 check for division by zero
ora num2+2
beq dv9
lda num2+2 do 16 bit divides separately
ora ans+2
beq dv5
; 32 bit divide
ldy #32 32 bits to go
dv3 asl ans roll up the next number
rol ans+2
rol ans+4
rol ans+6
sec subtract for this digit
lda ans+4
sbc num1
lda ans+6
sbc num2+2
bcc dv4 branch if minus
stx ans+4 turn the bit on
sta ans+6
inc ans
dv4 dey next bit
bne dv3
bra dv9 go do the sign
; 16 bit divide
dv5 lda #0 initialize the remainder
ldy #16 16 bits to go
dv6 asl ans roll up the next number
rol a
sec subtract the digit
sbc num2
bcs dv7
adc num2 digit is 0
bne dv6
bra dv8
dv7 inc ans digit is 1
bne dv6
dv8 sta ans+4 save the remainder
; Return the result
dv9 return 4:ans move answer
* function umod(x,y: longint): longint;
* Inputs:
* num1 - numerator
* num2 - denominator
* Outputs:
* ans+4 - result
umod start
ans equ 0 answer
rem equ 4 remainder
subroutine (4:num1,4:num2),8
; Initialize
stz rem rem = 0
stz rem+2
move4 num1,ans ans = num1
lda num2 check for division by zero
ora num2+2
beq dv9
lda num2+2 do 16 bit divides separately
ora ans+2
beq dv5
; 32 bit divide
ldy #32 32 bits to go
dv3 asl ans roll up the next number
rol ans+2
rol ans+4
rol ans+6
sec subtract for this digit
lda ans+4
sbc num1
lda ans+6
sbc num2+2
bcc dv4 branch if minus
stx ans+4 turn the bit on
sta ans+6
inc ans
dv4 dey next bit
bne dv3
bra dv9 go do the sign
; 16 bit divide
dv5 lda #0 initialize the remainder
ldy #16 16 bits to go
dv6 asl ans roll up the next number
rol a
sec subtract the digit
sbc num2
bcs dv7
adc num2 digit is 0
bne dv6
bra dv8
dv7 inc ans digit is 1
bne dv6
dv8 sta ans+4 save the remainder
; Return the result
dv9 return 4:ans+4 move answer
* function umul(x,y: longint): longint;
* Inputs:
* num2,num1 - operands
* Outputs:
* ans - result
umul start
ans equ 0 answer
subroutine (4:num1,4:num2),8
; Initialize the sign and split on precision.
stz ans+4 set up the multiplier
stz ans+6
lda num1
sta ans
lda num1+2
sta ans+2
beq ml3 branch if the multiplier is 16 bit
; Do a 32 bit by 32 bit multiply.
ldy #32 32 bit multiply
jsr ml1
brl ml7
ml1 lda ans SYSS1*SYSS1+2+SYSS1+2 -> SYSS1,SYSS1+2
lsr a
bcc ml2
clc add multiplicand to the partial product
lda ans+4
adc num2
sta ans+4
lda ans+6
adc num2+2
sta ans+6
ml2 ror ans+6 shift the interem result
ror ans+4
ror ans+2
ror ans
dey loop til done
bne ml1
; Do and 16 bit by 32 bit multiply.
ml3 lda num2+2 branch if 16x16 is possible
beq ml4
ldy #16 set up for 16 bits
jsr ml1 do the multiply
lda ans+2 move the answer
sta ans
lda ans+4
sta ans+2
bra ml7
; Do a 16 bit by 16 bit multiply.
ml4 ldy #16 set the 16 bit counter
ldx ans move the low word
stx ans+2
ml5 lsr ans+2 test the bit
bcc ml6 branch if the bit is off
adc num2
ml6 ror a shift the answer
ror ans
dey loop
bne ml5
sta ans+2 save the high word
; Return the result.
ml7 return 4:ans fix the stack