2018-03-12 14:15:39 -04:00
mcopy scanner.macros
* GetCom - Common Data for Get Character Module
GetCom data
; Constants
autoGo gequ $06 auto-Go key code
breakPoint gequ $07 breakpoint key code
maxCnt gequ 256 # chars on a line + 1
maxPath gequ 255 max length of a path name
return equ $0D RETURN key code
tab equ $09 tab key code
; Size of pascal structures
constantSize equ 258 size of a constantRec
constantSize_longC equ 6
constantSize_reel equ 10
constantSize_pset equ 260
constantSize_chset equ 258
constantSize_strg equ 258
displaySize equ 28 size of an element of the display array
ltypeSize equ 10 size of an ltype record
; Displacements into records, by record-name_field-name
constant_rval equ 2 disp in constant of real value
constant_lval equ 2 disp in constant of longint value
constant_sval gequ 2 disp in constant of string characters
identifier_llink equ 4 disp in identifier of left link
identifier_rlink equ 8 disp in identifier of right link
identifier_klass equ 22 disp in identifier of klass record
display_ispacked equ 0 disp in display of ispacked field
display_labsused equ 2 disp in display of labsused
display_fname equ 6 disp in display of fname
ltype_next equ 0 disp in ltype of next
ltype_name equ 4 disp in ltype of name
ltype_disx equ 8 disp in ltype of disx
valu_ival equ 0 disp in valu of integer value
valu_valp equ 0 disp in valu of value pointer
; Variables
digit ds maxCnt string for building numeric constants
endOfUses ds 2 at end of a uses file?
test ds 2
tInSymbol ds 3 first 3 bytes of InSymbol
; Enumerations
bools enum (false,true),0
symbol enum (ident,intconst,realconst,stringconst,notsy,mulop,addop,relop),0
enum (lparent,rparent,lbrack,rbrack,comma,semicolon,period,arrow)
enum (colon,dotdot,becomes,labelsy,constsy,typesy,varsy,funcsy,progsy)
enum (procsy,setsy,packedsy,arraysy,recordsy,filesy,nilsy)
enum (beginsy,ifsy,casesy,repeatsy,whilesy,forsy,withsy)
enum (gotosy,endsy,elsesy,untilsy,ofsy,dosy,tosy,downtosy)
enum (thensy,othersy,otherwisesy,powersy,bitnot,usessy,stringsy)
enum (atsy,longintconst,unitsy,interfacesy,implementationsy)
enum (univsy,objectsy,inheritedsy)
operator enum (noop,mul,rdiv,andop,idiv,imod,plus,minus,orop,ltop,leop,geop),0
enum (gtop,neop,eqop,inop,band,bor,xor,rshift,lshift)
cstclass enum (reel,pset,strg,chset,long),0
chtp enum (letter,number,special,illegal,underLine),0
enum (chLComt,chStrQuo,chColon,chPeriod,chlt,chgt)
enum (chLParen,chSpace,chAsterisk,chDollar,chAt)
; Structured constants
charTp entry character types
dc 8i1'illegal'
dc i1'illegal,chSpace',6I1'illegal'
dc 8i1'illegal'
dc 8i1'illegal'
dc i1'chSpace,special,illegal,illegal,chDollar,illegal,special,chStrQuo'
dc i1'chLParen,special,chAsterisk,special,special,special,chPeriod,special'
dc 8i1'number'
dc i1'number,number,chColon,special,chlt,special,chgt,illegal'
dc i1'chAt',7I1'letter'
dc 8i1'letter'
dc 8i1'letter'
dc 3i1'letter',I1'special,illegal,special,special,underLine'
dc 8i1'illegal'
dc 8i1'illegal'
dc 8i1'illegal'
dc 3i1'illegal',I1'chLComt,special,illegal,special,illegal'
dc 8i1'letter' $80
dc 8i1'letter'
dc 8i1'letter' $90
dc 8i1'letter'
dc 7i1'illegal',i1'letter' $A0
dc 5i1'illegal',i1'special',2i1'letter'
dc 2i1'illegal',2i1'special',4i1'letter' $B0
dc i1'letter,letter,illegal,letter,letter,letter,letter,letter'
dc i1'illegal,illegal,illegal,illegal,letter,illegal,letter,special'
dc i1'special,illegal,chSpace',5i1'letter'
dc 6i1'illegal',i1'special',i1'illegal' $D0
dc i1'letter,illegal,illegal,illegal,illegal,illegal,letter,letter'
dc 8i1'illegal' $E0
dc 8i1'illegal'
dc 8i1'illegal' $F0
dc 8i1'illegal'
uppercase anop
dc i1'$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0E,$0F'
dc i1'$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$1A,$1B,$1C,$1D,$1E,$1F'
dc i1'$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$2A,$2B,$2C,$2D,$2E,$2F'
dc i1'$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F'
dc c'PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_'
dc c'PQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~',i1'$7F'
dc i1'$80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86,$87,$CB,$89,$80,$CC,$81,$82,$83,$8F'
dc i1'$90,$91,$92,$93,$94,$95,$84,$97,$98,$99,$85,$CD,$9C,$9D,$9E,$86'
dc i1'$A0,$A1,$A2,$A3,$A4,$A5,$A6,$A7,$A8,$A9,$AA,$AB,$AC,$AD,$AE,$AF'
dc i1'$B0,$B1,$B2,$B3,$B4,$B5,$C6,$B7,$B8,$B8,$BA,$BB,$BC,$BD,$AE,$AF'
dc i1'$C0,$C1,$C2,$C3,$C4,$C5,$C6,$C7,$C8,$C9,$CA,$CB,$CC,$CD,$CE,$CE'
dc i1'$D0,$D1,$D2,$D3,$D4,$D5,$D6,$D7,$D8,$D9,$DA,$DB,$DC,$DD,$DE,$DF'
dc i1'$E0,$E1,$E2,$E3,$E4,$E5,$E6,$E7,$E8,$E9,$EA,$EB,$EC,$ED,$EE,$EF'
dc i1'$F0,$F1,$F2,$F3,$F4,$F5,$F6,$F7,$F8,$F9,$FA,$FB,$FC,$FD,$FE,$FF'
; DCB's
st_dcb anop stop dcb
st_flag ds 2
* EndDigit - Flag the end of a digit
* Inputs:
* Y - disp in line
* X - disp in digit
EndDigit private
using GetCom
stz digit,X
sty chCnt
jsl NextCh
* EndOfLine - Read in the next source line
* Inputs:
* chPtr - pointer to the next line to read
* Outputs:
* LINECOUNT - updated; # lines read
* chPtr - updated
* LINE - characters in this line
* ERRINX - # errors in this line; set to 0
* chCnt - # characters read from the line; set to 0
EndOfLine private
using GetCom
cPtr equ 1 local copy of chPtr
sub ,4
move4 chPtr,cPtr cPtr := chPtr
stop st_dcb if user flagged an abort then
lda st_flag TermError(0, nil);
beq st1
ph2 #0
ph4 #0
jsl TermError
st1 jsl ListLine ListLine;
inc LINECOUNT linecount := linecount+1;
clc <skip to end of old line>
lda cPtr
adc chCnt
sta cPtr
bcc lb1
inc cPtr+2
lb1 stz chCnt chCnt := 0;
stz debugType DEBUGTYPE := 0;
lda [cPtr] if cPtr^ in [autoGo,breakPoint] then
and #$00FF begin
cmp #breakPoint
beq lb2
cmp #autoGo
bne lb4 if cPtr^ = autoGo then
lda #2 debugType := 2
bra lb3 else
lb2 lda #1 debugType := 1;
lb3 sta debugType
inc4 cPtr cPtr := pointer(ord4(cPtr)+1);
lb4 anop end; {if}
move4 cPtr,chPtr chPtr := cPtr
* FakeInsymbol - install the uses file InSymbol patch
FakeInsymbol private
using GetCom
lda InSymbol set up fake InSymbol
sta tInSymbol
lda InSymbol+1
sta tInSymbol+1
lda jmp
sta InSymbol
lda jmp+1
sta InSymbol+1
jmp jmp UsesInSymbol
* InSymbol - Read the next symbol from the source file
* Outputs:
* SY - kind of symbol found
* OP - classification of symbol
* VAL - value of last constant
* LGTH - length of last string constant
* ID - last identifier
InSymbol start
using GetCom
rwLen equ 15 # bytes in a reserved word
cPtr equ 1 local copy of chPtr
lvp equ 5 constant record
count equ 9 loop counter
aindex equ 11 array index
k equ 13 temp index variable
sub ,14
lb1 lda endOfUses if endOfUses then
beq lab1
lda #othersy sy := othersy;
sta SY
stz endOfUses endOfUses := false;
brl end return;
lab1 anop 1:
lda CH while (charTp[ch] = chSpace) and
cmp #' ' not eofl do
beq lb2 nextch;
cmp #$CA
beq lb2
cmp #tab
bne lb4
lb2 lda EOFL
bne lb3
jsl NextCh
bra lb1
lb3 lda CH case charTp[ch] of
lb4 tax
lda charTp,X
and #$00FF
asl A
jmp (caseTable,X)
caseTable anop jump table for the case statement
dc a'lr1' letter
dc a'nm1' number
dc a'sp1' special
dc a'il1' illegal
dc a'un1' underLine
dc a'cm1' clLComt
dc a'qt1' chStrQuo
dc a'cl1' colon
dc a'dt1' period
dc a'lt1' chlt
dc a'gt1' chgt
dc a'lp1' chLParen
dc a'bl1' chSpace
dc a'as1' chAsterisk
dc a'dl1' chDollar
dc a'at1' chAt
; Flag and skip illegal characters
il1 anop illegal: begin
listerror #6 error(6);
jsl NextCh nextch;
brl lab1 goto 1;
; end;
; Skip leading white space
bl1 anop chSpace:
lda #otherSy sy := othersy;
sta SY
brl end
; Handle identifiers and reserved words
un1 anop underline,
lr1 anop letter: begin
move4 chPtr,cPtr
! k := 0;
! id[0] := chr(0);
stz id
ldy chCnt
ldx #0
short M
lr2 anop repeat
lda [cPtr],Y if iso then
cmp #'_' if (ch = '_')
beq lr2a
cmp #$80 or (ord(ch) > $7F) then
blt lr4
lr2a pha
lda ISO
beq lr3
long M error(112);
listerror #112
lda #0
short M
lr3 pla
! k := k+1;
lr4 stx k if k <= maxcnt then
tax id[k] := ch;
lda upperCase,X
lda charTp,X
cmp #letter
beq lr6
cmp #number
beq lr6
cmp #underLine
bne lr7
lr6 txa
ldx k
sta id+1,X
iny nextch;
bra lr2 until not
! (charTp[ch] in
! [letter,number,underscore]);
lr7 sty chCnt
lda k id[0] := chr(k);
sta id
long M
jsr LNextCh
lda k if k < rwLen then begin
cmp #rwLen
jge lr9a
lda id+1 index := ord(id[1])-ord('a');
and #$00FF
asl a
lda nrw-'A'*2,X for i := frw[index] to
jeq lr9a frw[index+1] - 1 do
sta count
lda arw-'A'*2,X
sta aindex
lr8 lda |0,X if rw[i] = id then begin
cmp id
bne lr9
and #$00FF
dec A
adc 1,S
short M
cp1 lda |1,X
cmp id+1,Y
bne lr9
bne cp1
long M
ldx aindex
lda |rwLen,X sy := rsy[i];
sta SY
lda |rwLen+2,X op := rop[i];
sta OP
lda ISO if not (iso and
beq lr8a
lda SY ((sy = otherwisesy)
cmp #otherwisesy
beq lr9a
cmp #stringsy or (sy = stringsy)
beq lr9a
cmp #unitsy or (sy = unitsy)
beq lr9a
cmp #interfacesy or (sy = interfacesy)
beq lr9a
cmp #implementationsy or (sy = implementationsy)
beq lr9a
cmp #univsy or (sy = univsy)
beq lr9a
cmp #usessy or (sy = usessy)))
beq lr9a
cmp #objectsy or (sy = objectsy)))
beq lr9a
cmp #inheritedsy or (sy = inheritedsy)))
beq lr9a then
lr8a brl end goto 2;
lr9 long M end;
lda aindex
adc #rwLen+4
sta aindex
dec count
jne lr8
! end;
lr9a lda #ident sy := ident;
sta SY
lda #noop op := noop;
sta OP
brl end 2: end;
; Handle numeric constants
nm1 anop number: begin
move4 chPtr,cPtr
lda #noop op := noop;
sta OP
ldy chCnt k := 0;
ldx #0
jsr SaveDigits2 repeat
! savedigit;
! until charTp[ch] <> number;
lda #intconst sy := intconst;
sta SY
lda [cPtr],Y if ((ch = '.') and
and #$00FF (line[chCnt+1] <> ')') and
cmp #'e' (line[chCnt+1] <> '.')) or
beq nm2 (ch = 'e') then begin
cmp #'E'
beq nm2
cmp #'.'
bne nm12a
lda [cPtr],Y
cmp #').'
beq nm12a
cmp #'..'
bne nm2
nm12a brl nm12
nm2 lda [cPtr],Y if ch = '.' then begin
and #$00FF
cmp #'.'
bne nm5
sta digit,X savedigit;
jsr SaveDigits if charTp[ch] <> number then
! error(103)
! else
! repeat
! savedigit
! until charTp[ch] <> number;
nm5 anop end;
lda [cPtr],Y if ch = 'e' then begin
and #$00FF
cmp #'e'
beq nm6
cmp #'E'
bne nm9
nm6 sta digit,X savedigit;
lda [cPtr],Y if (ch = '+') or (ch ='-')
and #$00FF
cmp #'+'
beq nm7
cmp #'-'
bne nm8
nm7 sta digit,X then savedigit;
nm8 jsr SaveDigits if charTp[ch] <> number then
! error(103)
! else
! repeat
! savedigit
! until charTp[ch] <> number;
! end;
nm9 jsr EndDigit {finish reading number}
ph2 #constantSize_reel new(lvp,reel);
jsl Malloc
sta lvp
stx lvp+2
lda #realconst sy:= realconst;
sta SY
lda #reel lvp^.cclass := reel;
sta [lvp]
ph4 #digit lvp^.rval := cnvsr(digit);
ph4 #index {convert from ascii to decform}
ph4 #decrec
ph4 #valid
stz index
stz index+2
lda valid {flag an error if SANE said to}
beq nm10
ldy index
lda digit,Y
and #$00FF
bne nm10
ph4 #decrec {convert decform to real}
ph4 #realvalue
bcs nm10
lda realvalue {save the result}
ldy #constant_rval
sta [lvp],Y
lda realvalue+2
sta [lvp],Y
lda realvalue+4
sta [lvp],Y
lda realvalue+6
sta [lvp],Y
bra nm11 if syserr then
nm10 listerror #105 error(105);
nm11 move4 lvp,VAL+valu_valp val.valp := lvp
bra nm15 end
nm12 anop else begin
ph4 #0 lval := cnvs4(digit);
ph4 #digit if syserr then
phx error(105);
jsr EndDigit {finish reading number}
ph2 #1
bcc nm13
listerror #105
nm13 lda 3,S if istwobyte(lval) then
lda 1,S
bpl nm14
nm14 txa
bne nm14a
pla ival := lval
sta VAL+valu_ival
bra nm15 else begin
nm14a ph2 #constantSize_longC lvp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(constantRec)));
jsl Malloc
sta lvp
stx lvp+2
lda #longintconst sy := longintconst;
sta SY
lda #long lvp^.cclass := long;
sta [lvp]
ldy #constant_lval
sta [lvp],Y
sta [lvp],Y
move4 lvp,VAL+valu_valp val.valp := lvp
! end;
! end;
nm15 lda CH if charTp[ch] = letter then
cmp #'A'
blt nm16
cmp #'Z'+1
bge nm16
listerror #103 error(103);
nm16 brl end end;
; Handle hex constants
dl1 anop number: begin
lda #noop op := noop;
sta OP
lda #intconst sy := intconst;
sta SY
jsl NextCh nextch;
pea 0 t := 0;
pea 0
ldy #0 chCnt := 0;
dl2 lda CH while isHex(ch) do
cmp #'0'
blt dl7
cmp #'F'+1
bge dl7
cmp #'9'+1
blt dl3
cmp #'A'
blt dl7
dl3 iny chCnt := chCnt+1;
lda 3,S if t > $FFFFFFF then begin
cmp #$1000
blt dl4
listError #105 error(105);
brl dl7 goto 1;
dl4 anop end;
ldx #4 t := t<<4 | hexVal(ch);
dl5 pla
asl a
lda 3,S
rol a
sta 3,S
bne dl5
lda CH
cmp #'A'
blt dl6
sbc #7
dl6 and #$000F
ora 1,S
sta 1,S
phy NextCh;
jsl NextCh
bra dl2 end;
dl7 cpy #5 if chCnt <= 4 then
bge dl8
lda 1,S if ord(t) < 0 then
bpl dl8
lda #$FFFF t := t | $FFFF0000;
sta 3,S
dl8 brl nm13
; Handle string and character constants
qt1 anop chStrQuo: begin
move4 chPtr,cPtr
lda #stringconst sy := stringconst;
sta SY
lda #noop op := noop;
sta OP
ldx #0 lgth := 0;
ldy chCnt
short M
qt2 anop repeat
qt3 anop repeat
iny nextch;
lda [cPtr],Y lgth := lgth + 1;
sta lString+1,X lString[lgth] := ch;
cmp #RETURN until (eol) or (ch = '''');
beq qt4
cmp #''''
bne qt3
! if not eol then
iny nextch
bra qt5 else
qt4 long M
phy error(104)
listerror #104
ldx #2
bra qt6
qt5 longa off
lda [cPtr],Y until ch <> '''';
cmp #''''
beq qt3
long M
qt6 dex
stx LGTH
sty chCnt
jsr LNextCh
! lgth := lgth - 1;
! {now lgth = nr of chars in string}
lda LGTH if (lgth = 0) and iso then begin
bne qt7
lda ISO
beq qt7
listerror #106 error(106);
lda #1 lgth := 1;
sta LGTH
qt7 anop end;
short M lString[0] := chr(lgth);
lda LGTH
sta lString
long M
jsl SaveString if lgth = 1 then
! val.ival := ord(lString[1])
! else begin
! new(lvp,strg);
! lvp^.cclass:=strg;
! lvp^.slgth := lgth;
! for i := 1 to lgth do
! lvp^.sval[i] := lString[i];
! val.valp := lvp;
! end
brl end end;
; Handle : and :=
cl1 anop chColon: begin
lda #noop op := noop;
sta OP
jsl NextCh nextch;
lda CH if ch = '=' then begin
cmp #'='
bne cl2
lda #becomes sy := becomes;
sta SY
jsl NextCh nextch;
brl end end
cl2 anop else
lda #colon sy := colon
sta SY
brl end end;
; Handle * and **
as1 anop chAsterisk: begin
jsl NextCh nextch;
lda CH if ch = '*' then begin
cmp #'*'
bne as2
lda #powersy sy := powersy;
sta SY
lda #noop op := noop;
sta OP
jsl NextCh nextch;
brl end end
as2 anop else
lda #mulop sy := mulop;
sta SY
lda #mul op := mul;
sta OP
brl end end;
; Handle ., .. and .) -- .) substitutes for ]
dt1 anop chPeriod: begin
lda #noop op := noop;
sta OP
jsl NextCh nextch;
lda CH if ch = '.' then begin
cmp #'.'
bne dt2
lda #dotdot sy := dotdot;
sta SY
jsl NextCh nextch;
brl end end
dt2 cmp #')' else if ch = ')' then begin
bne dt3
lda #rbrack sy := rbrack;
sta SY
jsl NextCh nextch;
brl end end
dt3 anop else
lda #period sy := period;
sta SY
brl end end;
; Handle <, <<, <= and <>
lt1 anop chlt: begin
jsl NextCh nextch;
lda #relop sy := relop;
sta SY
lda CH if ch = '=' then begin
cmp #'='
bne lt2
lda #leop op := leop;
sta OP
jsl NextCh nextch;
brl end end
lt2 cmp #'>' else if ch = '>' then begin
bne lt3
lda #neop op := neop;
sta OP
jsl NextCh nextch;
brl end end
lt3 cmp #'<' else if ch = '<' then begin
bne lt4
lda #mulop sy := mulop;
sta SY
lda #lshift op := lshift;
sta OP
jsl NextCh nextch;
brl end end
lt4 anop else
lda #ltop op := ltop;
sta OP
brl end end;
; Handle >, >> and >=
gt1 anop chgt: begin
jsl NextCh nextch;
lda #relop sy := relop;
sta SY
lda CH if ch = '=' then begin
cmp #'='
bne gt2
lda #geop op := geop;
sta OP
jsl NextCh nextch;
brl end end
gt2 cmp #'>' else if ch = '>' then begin
bne gt3
lda #mulop sy := mulop;
sta SY
lda #rshift op := rshift;
sta OP
jsl NextCh nextch;
brl end end
gt3 anop else
lda #gtop op := gtop;
sta OP
brl end end;
; Handle comments and ( and (. tokens -- (. substitutes for [
lp1 anop chLComt,chLParen: begin
! if charTp[ch] = chLParen then
jsl NextCh nextch
! else
! ch := '*';
lda CH if ch = '*' then begin
cmp #'*'
bne cm6
cm1 jsl NextCh nextch;
lda CH if ch = '$' then
cmp #'$'
bne cm2
jsl options options;
lsr A
bcs cm2
lda #' ' {for append, copy, don't}
sta CH {scan for end of comment}
brl lab1
cm2 jsl SkipComment skipcomment;
brl lab1 goto 1
cm6 anop end;
cmp #'.' if ch = '.' then begin
bne cm7
jsl NextCh nextch;
lda #lbrack sy := lbrack;
bra cm8 end
cm7 anop else
lda #lparent sy := lparent;
cm8 sta SY
lda #noop op := noop;
sta OP
brl end end;
; Handle the @ character.
at1 anop begin
jsl NextCh NextCh;
lda ISO if iso then
beq at2
lda #arrow sy := arrow
bra at3 else
at2 lda #atsy sy := atsy;
at3 sta SY
lda #noop op := noop;
sta OP
brl end end;
; Set the symbol and operation for special symbols from two arrays.
sp1 anop special: begin
lda ISO if iso then
beq sp2
lda CH if ord(ch) >= 128 then
and #$0080
beq sp2
listerror #112 error(112);
sp2 lda CH sy := ssy[ch];
lda ssy-' ',X
and #$00FF
sta SY
lda sop-' ',X op := sop[ch];
and #$00FF
sta OP
jsl NextCh nextch;
! end;
end anop end {case}
; If in an interface file, write the token to it
lda DOINGINTERFACE if doingInterface
beq if0 and not doingOption then begin
lda doingOption
beq if0a
if0 brl if7
if0a ph2 SY TokenOut(sy);
jsl TokenOut
lda SY if sy in [mulop,addop,relop] then
cmp #mulop
beq if0b
cmp #addop
beq if0b
cmp #relop
bne if0c
if0b ph2 OP TokenOut(op);
jsl TokenOut
brl if7
if0c cmp #ident else if sy = ident then begin
bne if2
ldx #0 for i := 1 to length(id) do
lda id
and #$00FF
if1 lda id+1,X TokenOut(ord(id[i]));
and #$00FF
jsl TokenOut
bne if1
pea ' ' TokenOut(' ');
jsl TokenOut
brl if7 end
if2 cmp #intconst else if sy = intconst then begin
bne if3
ph2 VAL+valu_ival TokenOut(ival);
jsl TokenOut
lda VAL+valu_ival TokenOut(ival >> 8);
jsl TokenOut
brl if7 end
if3 cmp #longintconst else if sy = longintconst then begin
bne if4
ldy #constant_lval TokenOut(lvp^.lval);
lda [lvp],Y TokenOut(lvp^.lval >> 8);
jsl TokenOut
jsl TokenOut
ldy #constant_lval+2 TokenOut(lvp^.lval >> 16);
lda [lvp],Y TokenOut(lvp^.lval >> 24);
jsl TokenOut
jsl TokenOut
bra if7 end
if4 cmp #realconst else if sy = realconst then begin
bne if5
ph2 realvalue for i := 0 to 7 do begin
jsl TokenOut ptr := pointer(@realvalue+i);
ph2 realvalue+1 TokenOut(ptr^);
jsl TokenOut end;
ph2 realvalue+2
jsl TokenOut
ph2 realvalue+3
jsl TokenOut
ph2 realvalue+4
jsl TokenOut
ph2 realvalue+5
jsl TokenOut
ph2 realvalue+6
jsl TokenOut
ph2 realvalue+7
jsl TokenOut
bra if7 end
if5 cmp #stringconst else if sy = stringconst then begin
bne if7
ph2 lgth TokenOut(lgth);
jsl TokenOut
ldx #0 for i := 1 to lgth do
if6 lda lString+1,X TokenOut(ord(lString[i]));
jsl TokenOut
cpx lgth
bne if6
! end;
if7 anop end;
ret end; {insymbol}
; LNextCh - call NextCh, then reset cPtr
LNextCh jsl NextCh
move4 chPtr,cPtr
; Local data areas
ssy anop special character symbol definitions
dc i1'0,addop,0,0,0,0,mulop,0'
dc i1'lparent,rparent,0,addop,comma,addop,0,mulop'
dc 8i1'0'
dc i1'0,0,0,semicolon,0,relop,0,0'
dc i1'0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0'
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0'
dc i1'0,0,0,lbrack,0,rbrack,arrow,0'
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0'
dc i1'0,0,0,0,addop,0,bitnot,0'
dc 8i1'0' $80
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0' $90
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0' $A0
dc i1'0,0,0,0,0,relop,0,0'
dc i1'0,0,relop,relop,0,0,0,0' $B0
dc 8i1'0'
dc i1'0,0,0,0,0,0,0,mulop' $C0
dc i1'mulop,0,0,0,0,0,0,0'
dc i1'0,0,0,0,0,0,mulop,0' $D0
; dc 8i1'0'
sop dc i1'0,xor,0,0,0,0,band,0'
dc i1'0,0,0,plus,0,minus,0,rdiv'
dc 8i1'0'
dc i1'0,0,0,0,0,eqop,0,0'
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0'
dc i1'0,0,0,0,bor,0,0,0'
dc 8i1'0' $80
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0' $90
dc 8i1'0'
dc 8i1'0' $A0
dc i1'0,0,0,0,0,neop,0,0'
dc i1'0,0,leop,geop,0,0,0,0' $B0
dc 8i1'0'
dc i1'0,0,0,0,0,0,0,lshift' $C0
dc i1'rshift,0,0,0,0,0,0,0'
dc i1'0,0,0,0,0,0,idiv,0' $D0
; dc 8i1'0'
nrw dc i'2,1,2,3,2,3,1,0,5,0' number of reserved words starting with
dc i'0,1,1,2,4,3,0,2,2,3' each letter of the alphabet
dc i'4,1,2,0,0,0'
arw dc a'rwa,rwb,rwc,rwd,rwe' address of first reserved word for each
dc a'rwf,rwg,rwh,rwi,rwj' letter of the alphabet
dc a'rwk,rwl,rwm,rwn,rwo'
dc a'rwp,rwq,rwr,rws,rwt'
dc a'rwu,rwv,rww,rwx,rwy'
dc a'rwz'
rwa dc i1'3',c'AND ',i'mulop,andop' reserved words, old rsy &
dc i1'5',c'ARRAY ',i'arraysy,0' rop arrays
rwb dc i1'5',c'BEGIN ',i'beginsy,0'
rwc dc i1'4',c'CASE ',i'casesy,0'
dc i1'5',c'CONST ',i'constsy,0'
rwd dc i1'2',c'DO ',i'dosy,0'
dc i1'3',c'DIV ',i'mulop,idiv'
dc i1'6',c'DOWNTO ',i'downtosy,0'
rwe dc i1'3',c'END ',i'endsy,0'
dc i1'4',c'ELSE ',i'elsesy,0'
rwf dc i1'3',c'FOR ',i'forsy,0'
dc i1'8',c'FUNCTION ',i'funcsy,0'
dc i1'4',c'FILE ',i'filesy,0'
rwg dc i1'4',c'GOTO ',i'gotosy,0'
rwh anop
rwi dc i1'2',c'IF ',i'ifsy,0'
dc i1'2',c'IN ',i'relop,inop'
dc i1'9',c'INTERFACE ',i'interfacesy,0'
dc i1'14',c'IMPLEMENTATION',i'implementationsy,0'
dc i1'9',c'INHERITED ',i'inheritedsy,0'
rwj anop
rwk anop
rwl dc i1'5',c'LABEL ',i'labelsy,0'
rwm dc i1'3',c'MOD ',i'mulop,imod'
rwn dc i1'3',c'NIL ',i'nilsy,0'
dc i1'3',c'NOT ',i'notsy,0'
rwo dc i1'2',c'OF ',i'ofsy,0'
dc i1'2',c'OR ',i'addop,orop'
dc i1'9',c'OTHERWISE ',i'otherwisesy,0'
dc i1'6',c'OBJECT ',i'objectsy,0'
rwp dc i1'9',c'PROCEDURE ',i'procsy,0'
dc i1'6',c'PACKED ',i'packedsy,0'
dc i1'7',c'PROGRAM ',i'progsy,0'
rwq anop
rwr dc i1'6',c'REPEAT ',i'repeatsy,0'
dc i1'6',c'RECORD ',i'recordsy,0'
rws dc i1'3',c'SET ',i'setsy,0'
dc i1'6',c'STRING ',i'stringsy,0'
rwt dc i1'4',c'THEN ',i'thensy,0'
dc i1'2',c'TO ',i'tosy,0'
dc i1'4',c'TYPE ',i'typesy,0'
rwu dc i1'5',c'UNTIL ',i'untilsy,0'
dc i1'4',c'USES ',i'usessy,0'
dc i1'4',c'UNIT ',i'unitsy,0'
dc i1'4',c'UNIV ',i'univsy,0'
rwv dc i1'3',c'VAR ',i'varsy,0'
rww dc i1'4',c'WITH ',i'withsy,0'
dc i1'5',c'WHILE ',i'whilesy,0'
rwx anop
rwy anop
rwz anop
index ds 4 index into string
decrec ds 33 decimal record for conversion
valid ds 4 valid prefix flag
realvalue ds 8 binary format real number
* ListLine - List the current line and any errors found
* Inputs:
* LIST - source listing on?
* ERRINX - # errors in this line
* LINE - source line to list
* errList - array of error numbers
ListLine private
using GetCom
errtype_nmr equ 0 disps in errtype record
errtype_pos equ 2
i equ 1
k equ 3
cPtr equ 5 local copy of chPtr
r0 equ 9 work register
lch equ 11 temp character
sub ,12
jsl KeyPress if <a key has been pressed> then begin
beq kp1
jsl DrawHourglass DrawHourglass;
kp0 jsl Keypress repeat
beq kp0 until KeyPress;
jsl ClearHourglass ClearHourglass;
kp1 anop end;
lda LIST if (list or (errinx > 0)) and
ora ERRINX linecount then begin
jeq lb9
jeq lb9
put2 LINECOUNT,#4 write(linecount:4,' ');
putc #' '
move4 chPtr,cPtr while line[i] <> return do begin
ldy #0
lb1 lda [cPtr],Y
and #$00FF
cmp #return
beq lb2
phy write(line[i]);
sta lch
putc lch
iny i := i+1;
bra lb1 end;
lb2 jsl LineFeed LineFeed;
ldx #1 for i := 1 to errinx do begin
stx i
lb3 lda i
jgt lb8
puts #'****' write('****');
lda i for k := 1 to errlist[i].pos-1 do
asl A
asl A
lda errList-4+errtype_pos,X
dec a
beq lb5
bmi lb5
cmp #maxcnt
bge lb5
sta k
lb4 putc #' ' write(' ');
dbne k,lb4
lb5 puts #'^ ' write('^ ');
lla r0,msgs <find error message>
lda i
asl A
asl A
lda errList-4+errtype_nmr,X
sta k
lb6 dbeq k,lb7
lda (r0)
and #$00FF
adc r0
sta r0
bra lb6
lb7 dec r0 <write the error message>
puts {r0}
inc r0
jsl LineFeed LineFeed;
lda allTerm if allTerm then
beq lb7a
lda i chCnt := errlist[i].pos-2;
asl A
asl A
lda errList-4+errtype_pos,X
dec a
dec a
sta chCnt
ph2 #0 TermError(0, r0);
ph2 #msgs|(-16)
ph2 r0
jsl TermError
lb7a inc i end;
brl lb3
lb8 lda ERRINX if (errinx > 0) and
beq lb9 (not printer) then
lda printer
bne lb9
jsl WaitForKeyPress WaitForKeyPress;
lb9 anop end;
jsl Spin Spin;
msgs dw 'error in simple type' 1
dw 'identifier expected'
dw '''program'' expected'
dw ''')'' expected'
dw ''':'' expected'
dw 'illegal symbol'
dw 'error in parameter list'
dw '''of'' expected'
dw '''('' expected'
dw 'error in type' 10
dw '''['' expected'
dw ''']'' expected'
dw '''end'' expected'
dw ''';'' expected'
dw 'integer expected'
dw '''='' expected'
dw '''begin'' expected'
dw 'error in declaration part'
dw 'error in field-list'
dw ''','' expected' 20
dw '''.'' expected'
dw 'error in constant'
dw ''':='' expected'
dw '''then'' expected'
dw '''until'' expected'
dw '''do'' expected'
dw '''to'' expected'
dw 'error in factor'
dw 'error in variable'
dw 'identifier declared twice' 30
dw 'low bound exceeds high bound'
dw 'identifier is not of appropriate class'
dw 'identifier not declared'
dw 'sign not allowed'
dw 'number expected'
dw 'incompatible subrange types'
dw 'quoted file name expected'
dw 'type must not be real'
dw 'tagfield type must be scalar or subrange'
dw 'incompatible with tagfield type' 40
dw 'index type must be scalar or subrange'
dw 'base type must not be real'
dw 'base type must be scalar or subrange'
dw 'error in type of standard procedure parameter'
dw 'forward declared; repitition of parameter list not allowed'
dw 'function result type must be scalar, subrange or pointer'
dw 'file value parameter not allowed'
dw 'forward declared function; cannot repeat type'
dw 'missing result type in function declaration'
dw 'F-format for real only' 50
dw 'error in type of standard function parameter'
dw 'number of parameters does not agree with declaration'
dw 'result type of function does not agree with declaration'
dw 'type conflict of operands'
dw 'expression is not of set type'
dw 'only tests on equality allowed'
dw 'strict inclusion not allowed'
dw 'file comparison not allowed'
dw 'illegal type of operand(s)'
dw 'type of operand must be boolean' 60
dw 'set element type must be scalar or subrange'
dw 'set element types not compatible'
dw 'type of variable is not array'
dw 'index type is not compatible with declaration'
dw 'type of variable is not record'
dw 'type of variable must be file or pointer'
dw 'illegal parameter substitution'
dw 'illegal type of loop control variable'
dw 'illegal type of expression'
dw 'type conflict' 70
dw 'assignment of files not allowed'
dw 'label type incompatible with selecting expression'
dw 'subrange bounds must be scalar'
dw '74'
dw 'assignment to standard function is not allowed'
dw 'assignment to formal function is not allowed'
dw 'no such field in this record'
dw 'actual parameter must be a variable'
dw 'control var must be declared at this level'
dw 'multidefined case label' 80
dw 'only extern, forward, ProDOS or tool allowed in uses'
dw 'missing corresponding variant declaration'
dw '''..'' expected'
dw 'previous declaration was not forward'
dw 'again forward declared'
dw 'parameter size must be constant'
dw 'multidefined label'
dw 'multideclared label'
dw 'undeclared label'
dw 'error in base set' 90
dw 'missing ''input'' in program heading'
dw 'missing ''output'' in program heading'
dw 'assignment to function identifier not allowed here'
dw 'multidefined record variant'
dw 'cannot use as formal parameter'
dw 'no assignment to function found'
dw 'cannot modify control variable'
dw 'wrong number of selectors'
dw 'illegal goto'
dw 'misplaced directive' 100
dw 'extern allowed at program level only'
dw 'label space exhausted'
dw 'digit expected'
dw 'string constant must not exceed source line'
dw 'integer constant exceeds range'
dw 'zero string not allowed'
dw 'too many nested scopes of identifiers'
dw 'too many nested procedures and/or functions'
dw 'further errors supressed'
dw 'element expression out of range' 110
dw 'implementation restriction'
dw 'not iso standard'
dw 'compiler error'
dw '114'
dw 'uses allowed at program level only'
dw 'error in uses'
dw 'file cannot contain another file'
dw '''implementation'' expected'
dw '''interface'' expected'
dw 'body must appear in implementation part' 120
dw 'casted expression must be scalar or pointer'
dw 'use memory model 1 for memory blocks larger than 64K'
dw 'objects cannot have a variant part'
dw 'undeclared method'
dw 'not a known object'
dw 'methods must be declared at the program level'
dw 'objects must be declared as a named type'
dw 'object expected'
dw 'type of variable must be object'
dw 'there is no method to inherit' 130
dw 'string expected'
dw 'implementation restriction: string space exhausted'
dw 'Unexpected end of file'
* Match - Insure that the next symbol is the one requested
* Inputs:
* sym - symbol to match
* ern - number of error of there is no match
Match start
using GetCom
sub (2:sym,2:ern),0
lda sym if sy = sym then
cmp SY
bne lb1
jsl InSymbol insymbol
bra lb2 else
lb1 lda ern error(ern);
jsl Error
lb2 ret
* NextCH - Get Next Character
* Inputs:
* EOFL - at end of file?
* eol - at end of line?
* fHeadGS - head of copied files list
* chCnt - number of character read from the line so far
* Outputs:
* EOFL - set if at end of file
* eol - set if at end of line
* chCnt - updated
* CH - next character to process
NextCH private
using GetCom
cPtr equ 1 local copy of chPtr
fPtr equ 5 local copy of fHeadGS
sub ,8
move4 chPtr,cPtr cPtr := chPtr;
lda EOFL if not eofl then begin
beq ef1
lda #' '
sta CH
brl ret
ef1 lda eol if eol then begin
jeq lb8
lab1 clc 1: if eof(prd) then begin
lda chCnt
adc cPtr
lda cPtr+2
adc #0
cmp chEndPtr+2
bne ef2
cpx chEndPtr
ef2 jlt lb5
lb0 jsl PurgeSource <purge the file>;
lda fHeadGS if fHeadGS = nil then begin
ora fHeadGS+2
bne lb1
lda eofDisable if not eofDisable then begin
bne lb0a
ph2 #133 <flag the error>;
jsl Error
inc NUMERR numerr := numerr+1
lb0a anop end;
la EOFL,true eofl := true;
stz TEST test := false;
lda #' ' ch := ' ';
sta CH
brl ret else
lb1 add4 fHeadGS,#4,cPtr with fHeadGS^ do begin
short M fName := name;
ldy #maxPath+4-1
lb2 lda [cPtr],Y
sta fNameGS,Y
dbpl Y,lb2
long M
jsl OpenGS <open the file>;
move4 fHeadGS,fPtr
ldy #maxPath+4+4 seek(prd,pos);
lda [fPtr],Y
adc filePtr
sta cPtr
lda [fPtr],Y
adc filePtr+2
sta cPtr+2
stz chCnt
ldy #maxPath+4+4+4 <push uses flag>
lda [fPtr],Y
ldy #maxPath+4+4+4+2 lineCount := fHeadGS^.lineCount;
lda [fPtr],Y
sta lineCount
ldy #2 fHeadGS := fHeadGS^.next;
lda [fPtr],Y
sta fHeadGS+2
lda [fPtr]
sta fHeadGS
dispose fPtr dispose(fPtr);
pla {if this is a uses, mark it}
beq lb3
lda #' '
sta CH
lda #true
sta endOfUses
stz eol
bra ret
lb3 brl lab1 goto 1;
; end;
; end
lb5 anop else begin
move4 cPtr,chPtr EndOfLine;
jsl EndOfLine
move4 chPtr,cPtr
lb5a ldy #0 while (line[chCnt+1]<>return) and
short M (charTp[line[chCnt+1]]=chSpace) do
lb6 lda [cPtr],Y chCnt := chCnt+1;
cmp #' '
beq lb6A
cmp #tab
beq lb6A
cmp #$CA
bne lb6B
lda #' '
lb6A iny
bra lb6
lb6B long M
sta chCnt
lb7 anop end;
lb8 anop end;
lda #0
short M
ldy chCnt eol := line[chCnt] = return;
lda [cPtr],Y
cmp #return
bne lb9
lda #' '
lb9 stx eol
tax ch := line[chCnt];
lda upperCase,X if (ch >= 'a') and (ch <= 'z') then
sta CH ch := chr(ord(ch)-ord('a')+ord('A');
stz CH+1
long M
inc chCnt chCnt := chCnt+1;
lb11 anop
anop end;
ret move4 cPtr,chPtr
* SaveDigits - Save a sequence of digits
* Inputs:
* X - disp in digit
* Y - disp in input line
* Outputs:
* digit - contains any digits read
* Notes:
* Entry at SaveDigits2 skips the check that insures
* some digits exist.
* Assumes cPtr has been set up in a valid DP area at 1
SaveDigits private
using GetCom
cPtr equ 1 copy of chPtr
lda [cPtr],Y if charTp[ch] <> number then
and #$00FF
cmp #'0'
blt lb1
cmp #'9'+1
blt SaveDigits2
lb1 phx error(103)
listerror #103
SaveDigits2 entry else
short M
anop repeat
lda [cPtr],Y savedigit
lb2 sta digit,X
lda [cPtr],Y until charTp[ch] <> number;
cmp #'0'
blt lb3
cmp #'9'+1
blt lb2
lb3 long M
rts end;
* SaveString - does the work for InSymbol and UsesInsymbol
* Notes: Assumes that a constant record is a word followed by
* a p-string.
SaveString private
using GetCom
aif constant_sval=2,.OK
mnote 'constant_sval assumed to be 2',16
lvp equ 1 new constant record pointer
sub ,4
lda LGTH if lgth = 1 then
dec a
bne qt8
lda lString+1 val.ival := ord(lString[1])
and #$00FF
sta VAL+valu_ival
bra end else begin
qt8 lda lgth lvp := pointer(Malloc(lgth+5)));
clc {extra 2 bytes leave room for
adc #5 possible expansion in LoadString}
jsl Malloc
sta lvp
stx lvp+2
lda #strg lvp^.cclass:=strg;
sta [lvp]
lda lgth lvp^.sval := lString;
and #$00FF
ldy #constant_sval
short M
sta [lvp],Y
cpx #0
beq lb2
lb1 iny
lda lString-constant_sval,Y
sta [lvp],Y
bne lb1
lb2 long M
move4 lvp,VAL+valu_valp val.valp := lvp;
! end; {else}
end ret
* Scanner_Init - Initialize the scanner
Scanner_Init start
using GetCom
; Initialize volitile variables
stz title+1 delete any old title
stz intPrefixGS+2 wipe out old interface prefix
stz chCnt no characters read from current line
lda #true at end of line
sta eol
stz LIST listing defaults to off
stz doingOption not compiling an option (directive)
stz fHeadGS fHeadGS := nil
stz fHeadGS+2
stz lCnt no lines on printed page
stz langNum language number not yet determined
stz eofDisable enable eofl error check
stz endOfUses not at end of a uses
stz didKeep no $keep found, yet
; Find out how long a page is.
la pageSize,60 assume a size of 60
ReadVariableGS rvRec read the actual size, if any
bcs pl1
lda variable+2 if there is a variable then
beq pl1
ph2 #0 find its value
ph4 #variable+2
ph2 variable+2
ph2 #0
sta pageSize save the value
pl1 anop endif
; Set printer to true if output has been redirected.
direction dr_dcb
lda direction
sta printer
; Get the inputs and open the initial file.
jsl InitFile get shell interface stuff
jsl OpenGS open the file
; Set up the partial compile name list.
jsl GetPartialNames
; Read the first character.
jsl NextCh
; Local data
rvRec dc i'3' ReadVariableGS record
dc a4'name,variable'
ds 2
name dosw PrinterLines name of the printer line variable
variable dc i'9,0',c' ' value of PrinterLines
dr_dcb anop direction dcb
dc i'1' find direction of standard out
direction ds 2 direction of standard out
* UsesInSymbol - returns a symbol from an interface file
* Inputs:
* tInSymbol - bytes to restore InSymbol with after the
* file is processed
* usesLength - bytes remaining in file
* usesPtr - pointer to next byte in file
* Outputs:
* sy - symbol
* op - operator
* id - identifier name
* val - constant value
UsesInSymbol start
using GetCom
uPtr equ 1 local copy of usesPtr
lvp equ 5 constant pointer
sub ,8
jsl Spin Spin;
move4 usesPtr,uPtr uPtr := usesPtr;
lda [uPtr] SY := uPtr^;
and #$00FF
sta SY
inc4 uPtr ++uPtr;
dec4 usesLength --usesLength;
stz OP op := noop;
lda SY if sy in [addop,mulop,relop] then begin
cmp #addop
beq la1
cmp #mulop
beq la1
cmp #relop
bne la2
la1 lda [uPtr] OP := uPtr^;
and #$00FF
sta OP
inc4 uPtr ++uPtr;
dec4 usesLength --usesLength;
la2 anop end;
lda SY if sy = ident then begin
cmp #ident
bne lb2
ldy #0 y := 0;
lb1 anop while X >= 0 do begin
lda [uPtr] id[y+1] := uPtr^;
and #$00FF
cmp #' '
beq lb1a
short M
sta id+1,Y
long M
iny y := y+1;
inc4 uPtr uPtr++;
dec4 usesLength usesLength--;
bpl lb1 end
lb1a short I id[0] := chr(y);
sty id
long I
inc4 uPtr uPtr++;
dec4 usesLength usesLength--;
brl lb7 end
lb2 cmp #intconst else if sy = intconst then begin
bne lb3
lda [uPtr] val.ival := uPtr^;
sta VAL+valu_ival
add4 uPtr,#2 uPtr += 2;
sub4 usesLength,#2 usesLength -= 2;
brl lb7 end
lb3 cmp #longintconst else if sy = longintconst then begin
bne lb4
ph2 #constantSize_longC lvp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(constantRec)));
jsl Malloc
sta lvp
stx lvp+2
lda #long lvp^.cclass := long;
sta [lvp]
ldy #2 lvp^.lval := uPtr^;
lda [uPtr],Y
ldy #constant_lval+2
sta [lvp],Y
lda [uPtr]
sta [lvp],Y
move4 lvp,VAL+valu_valp val.valp := lvp;
add4 uPtr,#4 uPtr += 4;
sub4 usesLength,#4 usesLength -= 4;
brl lb7 end
lb4 cmp #realconst else if sy = realconst then begin
bne lb5
ph2 #constantSize_reel lvp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(constantRec)));
jsl Malloc
sta lvp
stx lvp+2
lda #reel lcp^.cclass := reel;
sta [lvp]
move4 lvp,VAL+valu_valp val.valp := lvp;
add4 lvp,#valu_valp lvp^.rval := uPtr^;
ldy #2
lda [uPtr]
sta [lvp]
lda [uPtr],Y
sta [lvp],Y
lda [uPtr],Y
sta [lvp],Y
lda [uPtr],Y
sta [lvp],Y
add4 uPtr,#8 uPtr += 8;
sub4 usesLength,#8 usesLength -= 8;
bra lb7 end
lb5 cmp #stringconst else if sy = stringconst then begin
bne lb7
lda [uPtr] lgth := uPtr^;
and #$00FF
sta lgth
ldx #0 for x := 1 to lgth do begin
lb6 lda [uPtr] lString[x] := uPtr^;
and #$00FF
sta lString,X
inc4 uPtr uPtr++;
dec4 usesLength usesLength--;
inx end;
bpl lb6
jsl SaveString if lgth = 1 then
; val.ival := lString[1]
; else begin
; new(lvp,strg);
; lvp^.cclass := strg;
; lvp^.slgth := lgth;
; for i := 1 to lgth do
; lvp^.sval[i] := lString[i];
; val.valp := lvp;
; end;
; end;
lb7 lda usesLength+2 if usesLength <= 0 then
bmi lb8
ora usesLength
bne lb9
lb8 lda tInSymbol <fix InSymbol>
sta InSymbol
lda tInSymbol+1
sta InSymbol+1
lla ffPathname,usesFileNameGS purge the uses file
FastFileGS ffDCB
lb9 anop end;
move4 uPtr,usesPtr usesPtr := uPtr;
ffDCB anop
dc i'5' pCount
dc i'7' action
dc i'0' index
dc i'$C000' flags
dc a4'0' fileHandle
ffPathName ds 4 pathName