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synced 2025-02-20 10:29:03 +00:00
273 lines
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273 lines
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{$keep 'DialogMgr'}
unit DialogMgr;
* Dialog Manager Interface File
* Other USES Files Needed: Common
* Other Tool Sets Needed: Tool Locator, Memory Manager,
* Miscellaneous Tool Set, Quick Draw II,
* Desk Manager, Event Manager, Window Manager,
* Control Manager, LineEdit Tool Set
* Notes: Any templates, because of their varying format,
* must be supplied by the user.
* Copyright 1987-1990
* By the Byte Works, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved
(* dialog scroll bar commands *)
getInitView = $0001; (* view size at creation *)
getInitTotal = $0002; (* total size at creation *)
getInitValue = $0003; (* value at creation *)
scrollLineUp = $0004; (* scroll one line up *)
scrollLineDown = $0005; (* scroll one line down *)
scrollPageUp = $0006; (* scroll one page up *)
scrollPageDown = $0007; (* scroll one page down *)
scrollThumb = $0008; (* scroll to thumb position *)
(* item types *)
buttonItem = $000A; (* standard button control *)
checkItem = $000B; (* standard check box control *)
radioItem = $000C; (* standard radio button control *)
scrollBarItem = $000D; (* special dialog scroll bar *)
userCtlItem = $000E; (* application-defined control *)
statText = $000F; (* static text - cannot be edited *)
longStatText = $0010; (* static text *)
editLine = $0011; (* text that can be edited *)
iconItem = $0012; (* an icon *)
picItem = $0013; (* a QuickDrawII picture *)
userItem = $0014; (* application-defined item *)
userCtlItem2 = $0015; (* application-defined control *)
longStatText2 = $0016; (* static text - text cannot be edited *)
(* and can contain embedded commands *)
itemDisable = $8000; (* added to any item to disable item *)
(* item type range *)
minItemType = $000A; (* minimum valid item type *)
maxItemType = $0016; (* maximum valid item type *)
(* item IDs *)
OK = $0001;
Cancel = $0002;
(* part codes *)
inButton = $0002; (* user clicked simple button *)
inCheckBox = $0003; (* user clicked check box *)
inRadioButton = $0004; (* user clicked radio button *)
inUpArrow = $0005; (* user clicked up arrow *)
inDownArrow = $0006; (* user clicked down arrow *)
inPageUP = $0007; (* user clicked page-up area *)
inPageDown = $0008; (* user clicked page-down area *)
inStatText = $0009; (* user clicked static text item *)
inGrow = $000A; (* user clicked size box *)
inEditLine = $000B; (* user clicked in text to edit *)
inUserItem = $000C; (* user clicked application item *)
inLongStatText = $000D; (* user clicked longStatText item *)
inIconItem = $000E; (* user clicked an icon *)
inLongStatText2 = $000F; (* user clicked longStatText2 item *)
inThumb = $0081; (* user clicked thumb of scroll item *)
(* stage bit flags *)
OKDefault = $0000; (* OK is default for alert *)
CancelDefault = $0040; (* Cancel is default for alert *)
AlertDrawn = $0080; (* draw alert *)
itemTemplate = record
itemID: integer;
itemRect: rect;
itemType: integer;
itemDescr: ptr;
itemValue: integer;
itemFlag: integer;
itemColor: colorTblPtr;
itemTempPtr = ^itemTemplate;
alertTemplate = record
atBoundsRect: rect;
atAlertID: integer;
atStage1: byte;
atStage2: byte;
atStage3: byte;
atStage4: byte;
(* This array should be set to reflect the number of items in the alert. *)
(* The last pointer in the array should be NIL to mark the end of the list *)
atItemList: array[1..10] of itemTempPtr;
dialogTemplate = record
dtBoundsRect: rect;
dtVisible: boolean;
dtRefCon: longint;
(* This array should be set to reflect the number of items in the dialog. *)
(* The last pointer in the array should be NIL to mark the end of the list *)
dtItemList: array[1..10] of itemTempPtr;
dialogTempPtr = ^dialogTemplate;
iconRecord = record
iconRect: rect;
iconImage: array [1..64] of integer; (* user can change size of array *)
userCtlItemPB = record
defProcParm: procPtr;
titleParm: ptr;
param2: integer;
param1: integer;
procedure DialogBootInit; tool ($15, $01); (* WARNING: an application should
NEVER make this call *)
procedure DialogStartup (UserID: integer); tool ($15, $02);
procedure DialogShutDown; tool ($15, $03);
function DialogVersion: integer; tool ($15, $04);
procedure DialogReset; tool ($15, $05); (* WARNING: an application should
NEVER make this call *)
function DialogStatus: boolean; tool ($15, $06);
function Alert (var theAlertTemplate: alertTemplate;
filterProc: procPtr): integer; tool ($15, $17);
function CautionAlert (var theAlertTemplate: alertTemplate;
filterProc: procPtr): integer; tool ($15, $1A);
procedure CloseDialog (theDialog: grafPortPtr); tool ($15, $0C);
function DefaultFilter (theDialog: grafPortPtr; var theEvent: eventRecord;
var itemHitPtr: ptr): boolean; tool ($15, $36);
function DialogSelect (var theEvent: eventRecord; var resultPtr: grafPortPtr;
var itemHit: integer): boolean; tool ($15, $11);
procedure DisableDItem (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer); tool ($15, $39);
procedure DlgCopy (theDialog: grafPortPtr); tool ($15, $13);
procedure DlgCut (theDialog: grafPortPtr); tool ($15, $12);
procedure DlgDelete (theDialog: grafPortPtr); tool ($15, $15);
procedure DlgPaste (theDialog: grafPortPtr); tool ($15, $14);
procedure DrawDialog (theDialog: grafPortPtr); tool ($15, $16);
procedure EnableDItem (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer); tool ($15, $3A);
procedure ErrorSound (soundProcPtr: procPtr); tool ($15, $09);
function FindDItem (theDialog: grafPortPtr; var thePoint: point): integer;
tool ($15, $24);
function GetAlertStage: integer; tool ($15, $34);
function GetControlDItem (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer): ctlRecHndl;
tool ($15, $1E);
function GetDefButton (theDialog: grafPortPtr): integer; tool ($15, $37);
procedure GetDItemBox (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer;
var itemBoxPtr: rect); tool ($15, $28);
function GetDItemType (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer): integer;
tool ($15, $26);
function GetDItemValue (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer): integer;
tool ($15, $2E);
function GetFirstDItem (theDialog: grafPortPtr): integer; tool ($15, $2A);
procedure GetIText (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer; resultPtr:
univ pStringPtr); tool ($15, $1F);
procedure GetNewDItem (theDialog: grafPortPtr;
var theItemTemplate: itemTemplate); tool ($15, $33);
function GetNewModalDialog (var theDialogTemplate: dialogTemplate): grafPortPtr;
tool ($15, $32);
function GetNextDItem (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer): integer;
tool ($15, $2B);
procedure HideDItem (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer); tool ($15, $22);
function IsDialogEvent (var theEvent: eventRecord): boolean; tool ($15, $10);
function ModalDialog (filterProc: procPtr): integer; tool ($15, $0F);
(* ModalDialog2 returns 2 integers: the lo word = item; hi word = part code *)
function ModalDialog2 (filterProc: procPtr): longint; tool ($15, $2C);
procedure NewDItem (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer; var itemRect: rect;
itemType: integer; itemDescr: univ longint;
itemValue, itemFlag: integer; itemColor: univ ptr);
tool ($15, $0D);
function NewModalDialog (var dBoundsRect: rect; dVisibleFlag: boolean;
dRefCon: longint): grafPortPtr; tool ($15, $0A);
function NewModelessDialog (var dBoundsRect: rect; dTitle: pStringPtr;
dBehind: grafPortPtr; dFlag: integer;
dRefCon: longint; var dFullSize: rect): grafPortPtr;
tool ($15, $0B);
function NoteAlert (var theAlertTemplate: alertTemplate; filterProc: procPtr):
integer; tool ($15, $19);
procedure ParamText (param0, param1, param2, param3: pStringPtr);
tool ($15, $1B);
procedure RemoveDItem (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer); tool ($15, $0E);
procedure ResetAlertStage; tool ($15, $35);
procedure SelectIText (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID, startSel,
endSel: integer); tool ($15, $21);
procedure SetDAFont (theFontHandle: fontHndl); tool ($15, $1C);
procedure SetDefButton (defButtonID: integer; theDialog: grafPortPtr);
tool ($15, $38);
procedure SetDItemBox (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer;
var itemBox: rect); tool ($15, $29);
procedure SetDItemType (itemType: integer; theDialog: grafPortPtr;
itemID: integer); tool ($15, $27);
procedure SetDItemValue (itemValue: integer; theDialog: grafPortPtr;
itemID: integer); tool ($15, $2F);
procedure SetIText (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer;
theString: pStringPtr); tool ($15, $20);
procedure ShowDItem (theDialog: grafPortPtr; itemID: integer); tool ($15, $23);
function StopAlert (var theAlertTemplate: alertTemplate; filterProc: procPtr):
integer; tool ($15, $18);
procedure UpdateDialog (theDialog: grafPortPtr; updateRgn: rgnHandle);
tool ($15, $25);