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{$keep 'SFToolSet'}
unit SFToolSet;
* Standard File Operations Tool Set Interface File
* Other USES Files Needed: Common, Dialog Manager
* Other Tool Sets Needed: Tool Locator, Memory Manager,
* Miscellaneous Tool Set, QuickDraw II,
* Event Manager, Window Manager, Control Manager,
* Menu Manager, LineEdit Tool Set, Dialog Manager
* Copyright 1987-1990
* By the Byte Works, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved
Common, DialogMgr;
(* Filter procedure results. *)
noDisplay = $0000; (* don't display file *)
noSelect = $0001; (* display file, but don't allow selection *)
displaySelect = $0002; (* display file and allow selection *)
typeList = record
numEntries: byte;
fileType: array [1..10] of byte; (* Array can be expanded *)
typeListPtr = ^typeList;
replyRecord = record
good: boolean;
fileType: integer;
auxFileType: integer;
fileName: packed array [0..15] of char;
fullPathName: pathName;
replyRecord5_0 = record
good: integer;
fileType: integer;
auxFileType: longint;
nameVerb: integer;
nameRef: longint;
pathVerb: integer;
pathRef: longint;
typeRec = record
flags: integer;
fileType: integer;
auxType: longint;
typeList5_0 = record
numEntries: integer;
fileAndAuxTypes: array [1..10] of typeRec; (* change array size *)
end; (* as needed *)
typeList5_0Ptr = ^typeList5_0;
multiReplyRecord = record
good: integer;
namesHandle: handle;
procedure SFBootInit; tool ($17, $01); (* WARNING: an application should
NEVER make this call *)
procedure SFStartup (userID, dPageAddr: integer); tool ($17, $02);
procedure SFShutDown; tool ($17, $03);
function SFVersion: integer; tool ($17, $04);
procedure SFReset; tool ($17, $05); (* WARNING: an application should
NEVER make this call *)
function SFStatus: boolean; tool ($17, $06);
procedure SFAllCaps (allCapsFlag: boolean); tool ($17, $0D);
procedure SFGetFile (whereX, whereY: integer; prompt: univ pStringPtr;
filterProc: procPtr; theTypeList: typeListPtr;
var theReply: replyRecord); tool ($17, $09);
procedure SFGetFile2 (whereX, whereY, promptVerb: integer;
promptRef: univ longint; filterProcPtr: procPtr;
var theTypeList: typeList5_0;
var theReply: replyRecord5_0); tool ($17, $0E);
procedure SFMultiGet2 (whereX, whereY, promptVerb: integer;
promptRef: univ longint; filterProcPtr: procPtr;
var theTypeList: typeList5_0;
var theReply: multiReplyRecord); tool ($17, $14);
procedure SFPGetFile (whereX, whereY: integer; prompt: univ pStringPtr;
filterProc: procPtr; theTypeList: typeListPtr;
theDialogTemplate: dialogTempPtr; dialogHookPtr: procPtr;
var theReply: replyRecord); tool ($17, $0B);
procedure SFPGetFile2 (whereX, whereY: integer; itemDrawPtr: procPtr;
promptVerb: integer; promptRef: univ longint;
filterProcPtr: procPtr; var theTypeList: typeList5_0;
var dlgTemp: dialogTemplate; dialogHookPtr: procPtr;
var theReply: replyRecord5_0); tool ($17, $10);
procedure SFPMultiGet2 (whereX, whereY: integer; itemDrawPtr: procPtr;
promptVerb: integer; promptRef: univ longint;
filterProcPtr: procPtr;
var theTypeList: typeList5_0;
var dlgTemp: dialogTemplate; dialogHookPtr: procPtr;
var theReply: multiReplyRecord); tool ($17, $15);
procedure SFPPutFile (whereX, whereY: integer; prompt, origName: univ pStringPtr;
maxLen: integer; theDialogTemplate: dialogTempPtr;
dialogHookPtr: procPtr; var theReply: replyRecord);
tool ($17, $0C);
procedure SFPPutFile2 (whereX, whereY: integer; itemDrawPtr: procPtr;
promptVerb: integer; promptRef: univ longint;
origNameVerb: integer; origNameRef: univ longint;
var dlgTemp: dialogTemplate; dialogHookPtr: procPtr;
var theReply: replyRecord5_0); tool ($17, $11);
procedure SFPutFile (whereX, whereY: integer; prompt, origName: univ pStringPtr;
maxLen: integer; var theReply: replyRecord);
tool ($17, $0A);
procedure SFPutFile2 (whereX, whereY, promptVerb: integer;
promptRef: univ longint; origNameVerb: integer;
origNameRef: univ longint;
var theReply: replyRecord5_0); tool ($17, $0F);
procedure SFReScan (filterProcPtr: procPtr; var theTypeList: typeList);
tool ($17, $13);
function SFShowInvisible (invisibleState: boolean): boolean; tool ($17, $12);