ORCA/Pascal 2.2 source from the Opus ][ CD

This commit is contained in:
mikew50 2018-03-11 20:21:14 -06:00
commit dbb32024b6
37 changed files with 98 additions and 0 deletions

LICENSE.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
ORCA/Pascal is released by the copyright holder under the terms of the original copyright.
The Byte Works, Inc. grants you the right to use this source code privately, fork it, and change it.
You may not redistribute the code in any form other than submission to this repository without the written permission of the copyright holder.
The copyright holder decided to do things this way for two reasons:
1. Reserve commercial distribution rights.
2. Ensure that any contributions and updates are available from a centralized source (this GitHib repository, for now).

README.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# ORCA-Pascal
Apple IIGS ORCA/Pascal Compiler, an ISO Pascal compiler for the 65816 with libraries for the Apple IIGS
__Binary downloads for the latest ORCA/Pascal release are on the [releases page][releases].__
[releases]: https://github.com/byteworksinc/ORCA-Pascal/releases
If you would like to make changes to this compiler and distribute them to others, feel free to submit them here. If the changes apply to compilation on and for an Apple IIGS, they will generally be approved for distribution on the master branch unless the changes deviate significantly from the ISO Pascal standard. For changes that deviate from ISO Pascal or changes that retarget the compiler to run on a different platform or generate code for a different platform, the project will either be forked or a new repository will be created, as appropriate.
The general conditions that must be met before a change is released on master are:
1. The modified compiler must compile under the currently released version of ORCA/M and ORCA/Pascal.
2. All samples from the original ORCA/Pascal distribution must compile and execute under the modified compiler, or the sample must be updated, too.
3. The compiler must pass the ORCA/Pascal test suite, or the test suite must be suitably modified, too. The test suite is based on a commercial product, so it cannot be uploaded here. Contributors should contact the Byte Works to inquire about acces to the test suite.
4. The compiler must work with the current ORCA/Pascal libraries, or the libraries must be modified, too.
Contact support@byteworks.us if you need contributor access.
A complete distribution of the ORCA languages, including installers and documentation, is available from the Juiced GS store at https://juiced.gs/store/category/software/. It is distributed as part of the Opus ][ package.
## Line Endings and File Types
The text and source files in this repository originally used CR line endings, as usual for Apple II text files, but they have been converted to use LF line endings because that is the format expected by Git. If you wish to move them to a real or emulated Apple II and build them there, you will need to convert them back to CR line endings.
If you wish, you can configure Git to perform line ending conversions as files are checked in and out of the Git repository. With this configuration, the files in your local working copy will contain CR line endings suitable for use on an Apple II. To set this up, perform the following steps in your local copy of the Git repository (these should be done when your working copy has no uncommitted changes):
1. Add the following lines at the end of the `.git/config` file:
[filter "crtext"]
clean = LC_CTYPE=C tr \\\\r \\\\n
smudge = LC_CTYPE=C tr \\\\n \\\\r
2. Add the following line to the `.git/info/attributes` file, creating it if necessary:
* filter=crtext
3. Run the following commands to convert the existing files in your working copy:
rm .git/index
git checkout HEAD -- .
Alternatively, you can keep the LF line endings in your working copy of the Git repository, but convert them when you copy the files to an Apple II. There are various tools to do this. One option is `udl`, which is [available][udl] both as a IIGS shell utility and as C code that can be built and used on modern systems.
[udl]: http://ftp.gno.org/pub/apple2/gs.specific/gno/file.convert/udl.114.shk
In addition to converting the line endings, you will also have to set the files to the appropriate file types before building ORCA/C on a IIGS. The included `settypes` script (for use under the ORCA shell) does this for the sources to the ORCA/C compiler itself, although it does not currently cover the test cases and headers.

backup Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
if "{#}" != "1" echo Form: backup [day] exit 65535 end set dest /library/mike/{1}/pascal set list make linkit count backup smac pascal.notes set list {list} pascal.pas pascal.rez set list {list} parser.pas set list {list} call.pas set list {list} symbols.pas symbols.asm symbols.macros set list {list} pcommon.pas pcommon.asm pcommon.macros set list {list} scanner.pas scanner.asm scanner.macros set list {list} cgi.pas cgi.comments cgi.asm set list {list} native.pas native.asm native.macros set list {list} objout.pas objout.asm objout.macros set list {list} dag.pas dag.asm dag.macros set list {list} cgc.pas cgc.asm cgc.macros set list {list} gen.pas unset exit create {dest} >.null >&.null for i in {list} newer {dest}/{i} {i} if {Status} != 0 copy -c {i} {dest}/{i} end end

call.pas Executable file

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cgc.asm Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
mcopy cgc.macros **************************************************************** * * CnvSX - Convert floating point to SANE extended * * Inputs: * rec - pointer to a record * **************************************************************** * CnvSX start rec equ 4 record containing values rec_real equ 0 disp to real value rec_ext equ 8 disp to extended (SANE) value tsc set up DP phd tcd ph4 rec push addr of real number clc push addr of SANE number lda rec adc #rec_ext tax lda rec+2 adc #0 pha phx fd2x convert TOS to extended move4 0,4 return pld pla pla rtl end

cgc.macros Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
macro &l move4 &m1,&m2 lclb &yistwo &l ~setm ~lda &m1 ~sta &m2 ~lda.h &m1 ~sta.h &m2 ~restm mend macro &l ph4 &n1 aif "&n1"="*",.f lclc &c &l anop &c amid &n1,1,1 aif "&c"="#",.d aif s:longa=1,.a rep #%00100000 .a aif "&c"<>"{",.b &c amid &n1,l:&n1,1 aif "&c"<>"}",.g &n1 amid &n1,2,l:&n1-2 ldy #2 lda (&n1),y pha lda (&n1) pha ago .e .b aif "&c"<>"[",.c ldy #2 lda &n1,y pha lda &n1 pha ago .e .c aif "&c"<>"<",.c1 &n1 amid &n1,2,l:&n1-1 pei &n1+2 pei &n1 ago .e .c1 lda &n1+2 pha lda &n1 pha ago .e .d &n1 amid &n1,2,l:&n1-1 pea +(&n1)|-16 pea &n1 ago .f .e aif s:longa=1,.f sep #%00100000 .f mexit .g mnote "Missing closing '}'",16 mend macro &l ~lda &op lclc &c &c amid "&op",1,1 aif "&c"<>"{",.b &c amid "&op",l:&op,1 aif "&c"="}",.a mnote "Missing closing '}'",2 &op setc &op} .a &op amid "&op",2,l:&op-2 &op setc (&op) .b &l lda &op mend macro &l ~lda.h &op &l anop lclc &c &c amid "&op",1,1 aif "&c"="[",.b aif "&c"<>"{",.d &c amid "&op",l:&op,1 aif "&c"="}",.a mnote "Missing closing '}'",2 &op setc &op} .a &op amid "&op",2,l:&op-2 &op setc (&op) .b aif &yistwo,.c &yistwo setb 1 ldy #2 .c &op setc "&op,y" lda &op mexit .d aif "&c"<>"#",.e &op amid "&op",2,l:&op-1 &op setc "#^&op" lda &op mexit .e lda 2+&op mend macro &l ~restm &l anop aif (&~la+&~li)=2,.i sep #32*(.not.&~la)+16*(.not.&~li) aif &~la,.h longa off .h aif &~li,.i longi off .i mend macro &l ~setm &l anop aif c:&~la,.b gblb &~la gblb &~li .b &~la setb s:longa &~li setb s:longi aif s:longa.and.s:longi,.a rep #32*(.not.&~la)+16*(.not.&~li) longa on longi on .a mend macro &l ~sta &op lclc &c &c amid "&op",1,1 aif "&c"<>"{",.b &c amid "&op",l:&op,1 aif "&c"="}",.a mnote "Missing closing '}'",2 &op setc &op} .a &op amid "&op",2,l:&op-2 &op setc (&op) .b &l sta &op mend macro &l ~sta.h &op &l anop lclc &c &c amid "&op",1,1 aif "&c"="[",.b aif "&c"<>"{",.d &c amid "&op",l:&op,1 aif "&c"="}",.a mnote "Missing closing '}'",2 &op setc &op} .a &op amid "&op",2,l:&op-2 &op setc (&op) .b aif &yistwo,.c &yistwo setb 1 ldy #2 .c &op setc "&op,y" sta &op mexit .d sta 2+&op mend MACRO &LAB FD2X &LAB PEA $010E LDX #$090A JSL $E10000 MEND MACRO &LAB FX2C &LAB PEA $0510 LDX #$090A JSL $E10000 MEND

cgc.pas Executable file

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cgi.asm Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
**************************************************************** * * InitLabels - initialize the labels array * * Outputs: * labelTab - initialized * intLabel - initialized * **************************************************************** * InitLabels start maxLabel equ 2400 ! with labelTab[0] do begin lda #-1 val := -1; sta labelTab+6 sta labelTab+8 stz labelTab defined := false; stz labelTab+2 chain := nil; stz labelTab+4 ! end; {with} ldx #labelTab for i := 1 to maxLabel do ldy #labelTab+10 labelTab[i] := labelTab[0]; lda #maxLabel*10-1 mvn labelTab,labelTab stz intLabel intLabel := 0; rtl end

cgi.comments Executable file

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cgi.pas Executable file

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count Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
echo Pascal: set list cg.pas stage3.pas stage3.save stage3.gentree set list {list} cg.writecode native.pas set list {list} pascal.pas pascal.exp pascal.body set list {list} symbols.pas cgi.pas call.pas wc -l {list} echo Assembly: set list sc.asm sc.insymbol sc.options ob.asm symbols.asm wc -l {list} echo Special Macros: set list sc.smac sym.smac wc -l {list} echo Link and Make files: set list lk backup make msym mcg count msc mcall mpascal wc -l {list} echo Macros: set list sc.macros ob.macros sym.macros wc -l {list}

dag.asm Executable file

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dag.macros Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
MACRO &lab subroutine &parms,&work &lab anop aif c:&work,.a lclc &work &work setc 0 .a gbla &totallen gbla &worklen &worklen seta &work &totallen seta 0 aif c:&parms=0,.e lclc &len lclc &p lcla &i &i seta c:&parms .b &p setc &parms(&i) &len amid &p,2,1 aif "&len"=":",.c &len amid &p,1,2 &p amid &p,4,l:&p-3 ago .d .c &len amid &p,1,1 &p amid &p,3,l:&p-2 .d &p equ &totallen+3+&work &totallen seta &totallen+&len &i seta &i-1 aif &i,^b .e tsc sec sbc #&work tcs inc a phd tcd mend MACRO &lab return &r &lab anop lclc &len aif c:&r,.a lclc &r &r setc 0 &len setc 0 ago .h .a &len amid &r,2,1 aif "&len"=":",.b &len amid &r,1,2 &r amid &r,4,l:&r-3 ago .c .b &len amid &r,1,1 &r amid &r,3,l:&r-2 .c aif &len<>2,.d ldy &r ago .h .d aif &len<>4,.e ldx &r+2 ldy &r ago .h .e aif &len<>10,.g aif &totallen=0,.f lda &worklen+1 sta &worklen+&totallen+1 lda &worklen sta &worklen+&totallen .f pld tsc clc adc #&worklen+&totallen tcs phb plx ply lda &r+8 pha lda &r+6 pha lda &r+4 pha lda &r+2 pha lda &r pha phy phx plb rtl mexit .g mnote 'Not a valid return length',16 mexit .h aif &totallen=0,.i lda &worklen+1 sta &worklen+&totallen+1 lda &worklen sta &worklen+&totallen .i pld tsc clc adc #&worklen+&totallen tcs aif &len=0,.j tya .j rtl mend MACRO &LAB MOVE4 &F,&T &LAB ~SETM LDA 2+&F STA 2+&T LDA &F STA &T ~RESTM MEND MACRO &LAB ~SETM &LAB ANOP AIF C:&~LA,.B GBLB &~LA GBLB &~LI .B &~LA SETB S:LONGA &~LI SETB S:LONGI AIF S:LONGA.AND.S:LONGI,.A REP #32*(.NOT.&~LA)+16*(.NOT.&~LI) LONGA ON LONGI ON .A MEND MACRO &LAB ~RESTM &LAB ANOP AIF (&~LA+&~LI)=2,.I SEP #32*(.NOT.&~LA)+16*(.NOT.&~LI) AIF &~LA,.H LONGA OFF .H AIF &~LI,.I LONGI OFF .I MEND

dag.pas Executable file

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gen.pas Executable file

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linkit Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
set list obj/pascal obj/call obj/parser obj/native obj/cgi obj/symbols set list {list} obj/scanner obj/dag obj/cgc obj/gen obj/objout obj/pcommon echo link {parameters} {list} keep=obj/pascal link {parameters} {list} keep=obj/pascal echo filetype obj/pascal exe $DB01 filetype obj/pascal exe $DB01

make Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
unset exit set flags +t +e Newer obj/pascal pascal.rez if {status} != 0 set exit on echo compile -e pascal.rez keep=obj/Pascal compile -e pascal.rez keep=obj/Pascal unset exit end if {#} == 0 then Newer obj/gen.a gen.pas if {Status} != 0 set gen gen set dag dag end Newer obj/cgc.a cgc.pas cgc.asm cgc.macros if {Status} != 0 set cgc cgc set dag dag set gen gen set objout objout set native native set symbols symbols end Newer obj/dag.a dag.pas dag.asm dag.macros if {Status} != 0 set dag dag end Newer obj/pascal.a pascal.pas if {Status} != 0 set pascal pascal end Newer obj/parser.a parser.pas if {Status} != 0 set parser parser set pascal pascal end Newer obj/call.a call.pas if {Status} != 0 set call call set parser parser end Newer obj/objout.a objout.pas objout.asm objout.macros if {Status} != 0 set objout objout set symbols symbols set native native set gen gen end Newer obj/native.a native.pas native.asm native.pas if {Status} != 0 set native native set symbols symbols set gen gen end Newer obj/cgi.a cgi.pas cgi.asm if {Status} != 0 set cgi cgi set call call set native native set scanner scanner set symbols symbols set parser parser set pascal pascal set dag dag set cgc cgc set gen gen set objout objout end Newer obj/scanner.a scanner.pas scanner.asm scanner.macros if {Status} != 0 set scanner scanner set symbols symbols set call call set parser parser set pascal pascal end Newer obj/symbols.a symbols.pas symbols.asm symbols.macros if {Status} != 0 set symbols symbols set call call set parser parser set pascal pascal end Newer obj/pcommon.a pcommon.pas pcommon.asm pcommon.macros if {Status} != 0 set pcommon pcommon set call call set symbols symbols set cgi cgi set native native set objout objout set parser parser set dag dag set cgc cgc set gen gen end set exit on set list {pcommon} {cgi} {cgc} {objout} {native} {gen} {dag} {scanner} {symbols} {call} {parser} {pascal} for i in {list} echo compile {flags} {i}.pas keep=obj/{i} compile {flags} {i}.pas keep=obj/{i} end else set exit on for i in {parameters} echo compile {flags} {i}.pas keep=obj/{i} compile {flags} {i}.pas keep=obj/{i} end end * echo purge * purge >.null echo linkit linkit echo copy -c obj/pascal 16/Pascal copy -c obj/pascal 16/Pascal

native.asm Executable file

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native.macros Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
MACRO &lab subroutine &parms,&work &lab anop aif c:&work,.a lclc &work &work setc 0 .a gbla &totallen gbla &worklen &worklen seta &work &totallen seta 0 aif c:&parms=0,.e lclc &len lclc &p lcla &i &i seta c:&parms .b &p setc &parms(&i) &len amid &p,2,1 aif "&len"=":",.c &len amid &p,1,2 &p amid &p,4,l:&p-3 ago .d .c &len amid &p,1,1 &p amid &p,3,l:&p-2 .d &p equ &totallen+3+&work &totallen seta &totallen+&len &i seta &i-1 aif &i,^b .e tsc sec sbc #&work tcs inc a phd tcd mend MACRO &lab return &r &lab anop lclc &len aif c:&r,.a lclc &r &r setc 0 &len setc 0 ago .h .a &len amid &r,2,1 aif "&len"=":",.b &len amid &r,1,2 &r amid &r,4,l:&r-3 ago .c .b &len amid &r,1,1 &r amid &r,3,l:&r-2 .c aif &len<>2,.d ldy &r ago .h .d aif &len<>4,.e ldx &r+2 ldy &r ago .h .e aif &len<>10,.g aif &totallen=0,.f lda &worklen+1 sta &worklen+&totallen+1 lda &worklen sta &worklen+&totallen .f pld tsc clc adc #&worklen+&totallen tcs phb plx ply lda &r+8 pha lda &r+6 pha lda &r+4 pha lda &r+2 pha lda &r pha phy phx plb rtl mexit .g mnote 'Not a valid return length',16 mexit .h aif &totallen=0,.i lda &worklen+1 sta &worklen+&totallen+1 lda &worklen sta &worklen+&totallen .i pld tsc clc adc #&worklen+&totallen tcs aif &len=0,.j tya .j rtl mend

native.pas Executable file

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objout.asm Executable file

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objout.macros Executable file

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objout.pas Executable file

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parser.pas Executable file

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pascal.notes Executable file

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pascal.pas Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{$optimize -1} {$stacksize $4000} {------------------------------------------------------------} { } { ORCA/Pascal 2.2 } { } { A native code compiler for the Apple IIGS. } { } { By Mike Westerfield } { } { Copyright March 1988 } { By the Byte Works, Inc. } { } {------------------------------------------------------------} { } { Version 2.2 prepared in March, 1996 } { Version 2.1 prepared in July, 1994 } { Version 2.0.1 prepared in June, 1993 } { Version 2.0.0 prepared in March, 1993 } { Version 1.4.2 prepared in October, 1992 } { Version 1.4.1 prepared in October, 1991 } { Version 1.4 prepared in September, 1991 } { Version 1.3 prepared in September, 1990 } { } {------------------------------------------------------------} program pascal (output); {$segment 'pascal'} {$LibPrefix '0/obj/'} uses PCommon, CGI, Scanner, Symbols, Parser; begin {initialization:} MMInit; {memory manager} InitPCommon; {common module} InitScalars; {global variables} InitSets; CodeGenScalarInit; scanner_init; enterstdtypes; stdnames; entstdnames; EnterUndecl; if progress or list then begin writeln('ORCA/Pascal 2.2.0'); {write banner} writeln('Copyright 1987,1988,1991,1993,1994,1996, Byte Works, Inc.'); writeln; end; {if} level := 1; {set the top symbol level} top := 1; {compile:} InSymbol; {get the first symbol} programme(blockbegsys+statbegsys-[casesy]); {compile the program} {termination:} if codeGeneration then CodeGenFini; {shut down code generator} scanner_fini; {shut down scanner} StopSpin; end.

pascal.rez Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
#include "types.rez" resource rVersion(1) { { 2, /* Major revision */ 2, /* Minor revision */ 0, /* Bug version */ release, /* Release stage */ 0, /* Non-final release # */ }, verUS, /* Region code */ "ORCA/Pascal", /* Short version number */ "Copyright 1996, Byte Works, Inc." /* Long version number */ };

pcommon.asm Executable file

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pcommon.macros Executable file

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pcommon.pas Executable file

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scanner.asm Executable file

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scanner.macros Executable file

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scanner.pas Executable file

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smac Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
MACRO &LAB ENUM &LIST,&START &LAB ANOP AIF C:&~ENUM,.A GBLA &~ENUM .A AIF C:&START=0,.B &~ENUM SETA &START .B LCLA &CNT &CNT SETA 1 .C &LIST(&CNT) EQU &~ENUM &~ENUM SETA &~ENUM+1 &CNT SETA &CNT+1 AIF &CNT<=C:&LIST,^C MEND MACRO &LAB SUBR &PARMS &LAB PHD LDA MY_DP TCD AIF C:&PARMS=0,.F LCLC &PARM LCLA &P LCLA &LEN LCLA &TOTALLEN LCLC &C &P SETA 1 .A &PARM SETC &PARMS(&P) &C AMID &PARM,1,1 &PARM AMID &PARM,3,L:&PARM-2 &LEN SETA &C &PARM EQU &TOTALLEN &TOTALLEN SETA &TOTALLEN+&C &P SETA &P+1 AIF &P<=C:&PARMS,^A AIF &TOTALLEN<>2,.B LDA 6,S STA 0 LDA 4,S STA 6,S LDA 2,S STA 4,S PLA STA 1,S MEXIT .B AIF &TOTALLEN<>4,.C LDA 6,S STA 0 LDA 8,S STA 2 LDA 4,S STA 8,S LDA 2,S STA 6,S PLA STA 3,S PLA MEXIT .C PHB PLA STA R0 PLA STA R2 PLA STA R4 AIF (&TOTALLEN/2*2)<>&TOTALLEN,.D LDX #0 ~&SYSCNT PLA STA 0,X INX INX CPX #&TOTALLEN BNE ~&SYSCNT AGO .E .D SEP #$20 LDX #0 ~&SYSCNT PLA STA 0,X INX CPX #&TOTALLEN BNE ~&SYSCNT REP #$20 .E LDA R4 PHA LDA R2 PHA LDA R0 PHA PLB .F MEND MACRO &LAB RETURN &VAL AIF C:&VAL<>0,.A &LAB PLD RTL MEXIT .A AIF "&VAL"<>"2",.B &LAB PLD TAX RTL MEXIT .B MNOTE 'Return values not implemented yet.',16 MEND MACRO &LAB PASCAL &LAB TSC PLD PLB TCS MEND MACRO &LAB ASSEMBLY &LAB PHK PLB LDA MY_DP TCD MEND MACRO &LAB MOVE4 &A,&B &LAB LDA &A STA &B LDA 2+&A STA 2+&B MEND MACRO &LAB TERR &ERR &LAB LDA &ERR PHA JSL TERMERROR MEND MACRO &LAB LISTERROR &ERR &LAB LDA 0 PHA PH2 &ERR JSL ERROR PLA STA 0 MEND macro &lab FastFile &DCB &lab ~setm jsl $E100A8 dc i2'$010E' dc i4'&DCB' ~restm mend macro &lab sub &p,&w &lab anop lcla &pc lclc &n lclc &s lclc &pr gbla &disp gbla &ws &ws seta &w &pc seta 1 &disp seta 3+&w .a &pr setc &p(&pc) &s amid &pr,1,1 &n amid &pr,3,l:&pr-2 &n equ &disp &disp seta &disp+&s &pc seta &pc+1 aif &pc<=c:&p,^a tdc tax tsc sec sbc #&w-1 tcd dec a tcs phx mend macro &lab return &lab lda &ws sta &disp-3 lda &ws+1 sta &disp-2 clc tdc adc #&disp-4 plx tcs txa tcd rtl mend macro &lab enum &list,&start &lab anop aif c:&~enum,.a gbla &~enum .a aif c:&start=0,.b &~enum seta &start .b lcla &cnt &cnt seta 1 .c &list(&cnt) equ &~enum &~enum seta &~enum+1 &cnt seta &cnt+1 aif &cnt<=c:&list,^c mend macro &lab terr &err &lab lda &err brl termerror mend macro &lab move4 &a,&b &lab lda &a sta &b lda 2+&a sta 2+&b mend

symbols.asm Executable file

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symbols.macros Executable file

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symbols.pas Executable file

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