{$optimize 15} {---------------------------------------------------------------} { } { Scanner } { } {---------------------------------------------------------------} unit Scanner; {$segment 'Pascal2'} interface {$libprefix '0/obj/'} uses PCommon, CGI; {---------------------------------------------------------------} var {misc} {----} debugType: (stop,breakPoint,autoGo); {kind of debugging for this line} doingInterface: boolean; {compiling an interface?} partiallist: partialptr; {list of partial compile names} partial: boolean; {is this a partial compile?} {returned by InSymbol} {--------------------} sy: symbol; {last symbol} op: operator; {classification of last symbol} val: valu; {value of last constant} lgth: integer; {length of last string constant} id: pString; {last identifier} ch: char; {last character} eofl: boolean; {end of file flag} {---------------------------------------------------------------} procedure InSymbol; extern; { read the next token from the source stream } procedure Match (sym: symbol; ern: integer); extern; { insure that the next symbol is the one requested } { } { parameters: } { sym - symbol expected } { ern - error number; used if the symbol is not correct } procedure OpenUses; { copies the contents of a uses file } procedure Scanner_Init; extern; { initialize the scanner } procedure Scanner_Fini; { shut down the scanner } procedure Skip (fsys: setofsys); { skip input string until relavent symbol found } { } { parameters: } { fsys - symbol kind to skip to } {---------------------------------------------------------------} implementation type copyFilePtr = ^copyFileRecord; {copied file chain} copyFileRecord = record fnext: copyFilePtr; {next copied file record} fname: gsosOutString; {file name} fpos: longint; {disp in file} fuses: boolean; {doing uses?} flineCount: integer; {line count} end; var {misc} {----} didKeep: boolean; {have we found a $keep directive?} doingOption: boolean; {compiling an option?} eofDisable: boolean; {disable end of file error check?} eol: boolean; {end of line flag} fHeadGS: copyFilePtr; {copied file chain} langNum: integer; {language number} listFixed: boolean; {was the list option specified on the cl?} lString: pString; {last string} usesLength: longint; {# bytes in current uses buffer} usesPtr: ptr; {ptr to next byte in uses buffer} {- Private subroutines -----------------------------------------} procedure EndOfLine; extern; { Read in the next source line } procedure FakeInsymbol; extern; { install the uses file InSymbol patch } procedure GetPartialNames; { Form a linked list of partial compile names } function GetName: boolean; { Read a name from subsGS } { } { Returns: false if there are no more names, else true } var i: unsigned; {loop/index variable} pn: partialptr; {new partial compile entry} pname: pStringPtr; {work string} function GetCh: char; { Get a character } { } { returns: next character from subsGS } var ch: char; {work character} begin {GetCh} if subsGS.theString.size = 0 then GetCh := chr(0) else begin ch := subsGS.theString.theString[1]; if ch in ['a'..'z'] then ch := chr(ord(ch)-ord('a')+ord('A')); GetCh := ch; end; {else} end; {GetCh} procedure NextCh; { Remove the next character from subsGS } var i: unsigned; {loop/index variable} begin {NextCh} with subsGS.theString do if size <> 0 then begin for i := 2 to size do theString[i-1] := theString[i]; size := size-1; end; {with} end; {NextCh} begin {GetName} while GetCh = ' ' do NextCh; if subsGS.theString.size = 0 then GetName := false else begin GetName := true; i := 0; new(pn); new(pname); pn^.pname := pname; while not (GetCh in [' ', chr(0)]) do begin i := i+1; pname^[i] := GetCh; NextCh; end; {while} pname^[0] := chr(i); pn^.next := partialList; partialList := pn; end; {else} end; {GetName} begin {GetPartialNames} partialList := nil; {assume no list} partial := false; if subsGS.theString.size <> 0 then begin repeat until not GetName; partial := true; end; {if} end; {GetPartialNames} procedure InitFile; { get the command line and GetLInfo information } const {bit masks for GetLInfo flags} {----------------------------} flag_d = $10000000; {generate debug code?} flag_e = $08000000; {abort to editor on terminal error?} flag_l = $00100000; {list source lines?} flag_m = $00080000; {memory based compile?} flag_o = $00020000; {optimize?} flag_p = $00010000; {print progress info?} flag_s = $00002000; {list symbol tables?} flag_t = $00001000; {treat all errors as terminal?} flag_w = $00000200; {wait when an error is found?} var i: unsigned; {loop/index variable} begin {InitFile} fNameGS.maxSize := maxPath+4; fNameGS.theString.size := 0; for i := 1 to maxPath do fNameGS.theString.theString[i] := chr(0); kNameGS := fNameGS; subsGS := fNameGS; ldInfoGS := fNameGS; with liDCBGS do begin pCount := 11; sFile := @fNameGS; dFile := @kNameGS; namesList := @subsGS; iString := @ldInfoGS; end; {with} GetLInfoGS(liDCBGS); with liDCBGS do begin if pFlags & flag_l <> 0 then begin {set up source listing flags} list := true; listFixed := true; end else if mFlags & flag_l <> 0 then listFixed := true else listFixed := false; wait := pFlags & flag_w <> 0; {wait when an error is found?} allTerm := pFlags & flag_t <> 0; {all errors terminal?} gotoEditor := pFlags & flag_e <> 0; {enter editor on terminal errors?} debugFlag := pFlags & flag_d <> 0; {generate debug code?} profileFlag := debugFlag; {generate profile code?} memoryFlag := pflags & flag_m <> 0; {memory based compile?} progress := mflags & flag_p = 0; {write progress info?} printSymbols := pflags & flag_s <> 0; {print the symbol table?} cLineOptimize := pFlags & flag_o <> 0; {turn optimizations on?} end; {liDCB} if list then {we don't need both...} progress := false; keepFlag := liDCBGS.kFlag; {set up the code generator} codeGeneration := keepFlag <> 0; end; {InitFile} procedure ListLine; extern; { List the current line and any errors found } procedure NextCh; extern; { Fetch the next source character } procedure OpenGS; { Open a source file } var ffDCBGS: fastFileDCBGS; {for FastFile load} erRec: errorDCBGS; {for reporting shell error} begin {OpenGS} with ffDCBGS do begin {read the source file} pCount := 14; action := 0; flags := $C000; pathName := @fNameGS.theString; option := nil; end; {with} FastFileGS(ffDCBGS); if ToolError <> 0 then begin erRec.pcount := 1; erRec.error := ToolError; ErrorGS(erRec); TermError(4, nil); end; {if} if langNum <> 0 then begin {check the language number} if ffDCBGS.auxType <> langNum then TermError(2, nil); end {if} else langNum := long(ffDCBGS.auxType).lsw; filePtr := ffDCBGS.fileHandle^; {set beginning of file pointer} chEndPtr := pointer(ord4(filePtr)+ffDCBGS.fileLength);; chPtr := pointer(ord4(chEndPtr)-1); {make sure the file ends with a CR} if chPtr^ <> 13 then TermError(11, nil); chPtr := filePtr; {set the character pointer} end; {OpenGS} procedure OpenUses; { Open a file for the uses statement } var exRec: ExpandDevicesDCBGS; {ExpandDevices record} ffRec: FastFileDCBGS; {FastFile record} i: unsigned; {loop/index variable} lNameGS: gsosOutString; {work string for forming path name} separator: char; {separator character} begin {OpenUses} if intPrefixGS.theString.size = 0 then begin lNameGS.theString.theString := concat('13:ORCAPascalDefs:', id, '.int'); lNameGS.theString.size := length(lNameGS.theString.theString); if GetFileType(lNameGS) = -1 then lNameGS.theString.theString := concat('8:', id, '.int'); end {if} else begin i := 0; separator := ' '; while (i < intPrefixGS.theString.size) and (separator = ' ') do begin if intPrefixGS.theString.theString[i] in [':', '/'] then separator := intPrefixGS.theString.theString[i]; i := i+1; end; {while} if separator = ' ' then separator := ':'; lNameGS.theString := intPrefixGS.theString; if intPrefixGS.theString.size < maxPath then lNameGS.theString.theString[intPrefixGS.theString.size] := chr(0); if intPrefixGS.theString.theString[intPrefixGS.theString.size-1] <> separator then lNameGS.theString.theString := concat(lNameGS.theString.theString, separator); lNameGS.theString.theString := concat(lNameGS.theString.theString, id); lNameGS.theString.theString := concat(lNameGS.theString.theString, '.int'); end; {else} lNameGS.theString.size := length(lNameGS.theString.theString); exRec.pcount := 2; {expand devices} exRec.inName := @lNameGS.theString; exRec.outName := @usesFileNameGS; usesFileNameGS.maxSize := maxPath+4; ExpandDevicesGS(exRec); if ToolError <> 0 then usesFileNameGS := lNameGS; ffRec.pcount := 14; {read the file} ffRec.action := 0; ffRec.flags := $C000; ffRec.pathName := @usesFileNameGS.theString; ffRec.option := nil; FastFileGS(ffRec); if ToolError <> 0 then TermError(6, nil); usesPtr := ffRec.fileHandle^; {save the file pointer} usesLength := ffRec.fileLength; {save the file length} if ffRec.fileType = DVU then begin {skip the version number} usesPtr := pointer(ord4(usesPtr)+1); usesLength := usesLength-1; end; {if} FakeInsymbol; {set up the InSymbol patch} end; {OpenUses} procedure SkipComment; { Skip to the end of a comment } begin {SkipComment} repeat while not ((ch = '*') or (ch = '}')) and not eofl do NextCh; if ch = '*' then NextCh; until (ch = ')') or (ch = '}') or eofl; NextCh; end; {SkipComment} function Options: boolean; { Compile compiler directives } { } { Returns: True if the parser should continue to scan for an } { end of comment, else false } const nameLen = 12; {max length of a directive name} var dName: string[nameLen]; {directive name} function IsAlpha (ch: char): boolean; { See if a character is alphabetic } { } { parameters: } { ch - character to check } { } { Returns: True for an alphabetic character, else false } begin {IsAlpha} IsAlpha := ch in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z']; end; {IsAlpha} procedure SkipBlanks; { skip to the next non-blank character } const tab = 9; {tab key code} begin {SkipBlanks} while (ch in [' ', chr(tab), chr($CA)]) and (not eofl) do NextCh; end; {SkipBlanks} function ToUpper (ch: char): char; { Return an uppercase character } { } { parameters: } { ch - character to check } { } { Returns: Uppercase equivalent of ch } begin {ToUpper} if ch in ['a'..'z'] then ch := chr(ord(ch)-ord('a')+ord('A')); ToUpper := ch; end; {ToUpper} procedure Expand (var name: pString); { Expands a name to a full pathname } { } { parameters: } { name - file name to expand } var exRec: expandDevicesDCBGS; {expand devices} begin {Expand} exRec.pcount := 2; new(exRec.inName); exRec.inName^.theString := name; exRec.inName^.size := length(name); new(exRec.outName); exRec.outName^.maxSize := maxPath+4; ExpandDevicesGS(exRec); if toolerror = 0 then with exRec.outName^.theString do begin if size < maxPath then theString[size+1] := chr(0); name := theString; end; {with} dispose(exRec.inName); dispose(exRec.outName); end; {Expand} function GetIdent: pStringPtr; { Read an identifier } { } { Returns: pointer to the identifier, or nil } var disp: integer; {characters in the string} sPtr: pStringPtr; {dynamic string pointer} str: pString; {work buffer} begin {GetIdent} SkipBlanks; sPtr := nil; disp := 0; if IsAlpha(ch) then begin while ch in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_'] do begin if disp < maxLine then disp := disp+1; str[disp] := ch; NextCh; end; {while} str[0] := chr(disp); sPtr := pStringPtr(Malloc(length(str)+1)); sPtr^ := str; end; {if} GetIdent := sPtr; end; {GetIdent} function GetInteger: integer; { Read an (possibly signed) integer value } { } { Returns: Value read } var sign: boolean; {is the value negative?} temp: integer; {temp val.ival} begin {GetInteger} temp := val.ival; SkipBlanks; sign := false; if ch = '-' then begin NextCh; sign := true; end; {if} InSymbol; if sy = longintconst then if val.valp^.lval >> 16 = 0 then begin val.ival := ord(val.valp^.lval); sy := intconst; end; {if} if sy <> intconst then Error(15); if sign then val.ival := -val.ival; GetInteger := val.ival; val.ival := temp; end; {GetInteger} function GetString: boolean; { read a string } { } { Returns: True if a string was found, else false } { } { Notes: } { 1. If a string is found, it is placed in lString } { 2. If a string is not found, no error is reported } begin {GetString} SkipBlanks; GetString := ch = ''''; if ch = '''' then InSymbol else Error(6); end; {GetString} function SetOption: boolean; { Check for a +/- options flag } { } { Returns: True for +, false for - } begin {SetOption} SetOption := true; if ch in ['+','-'] then begin SetOption := ch = '+'; NextCh; end {if} else Error(6); end; {SetOption} procedure DoAppend; { Append } var ffRec: FastFileDCBGS; {FastFile record} begin {DoAppend} if GetString then begin {get the source name} EndOfLine; {read the next source line} PurgeSource; {purge the current source file} eol := false; {don't reprint the line} Expand(lString); {set the new path name} fNameGS.theString.theString := lString; fNameGS.theString.size := length(lString); if not eofDisable then begin OpenGS; {open the file} lineCount := 1; end; {if} end {if} else begin eofl := true; Error(37); end; {else} Options := false; {we won't scan for end of comment} doingOption := false; end; {DoAppend} procedure DoCDev; { CDev } begin {DoCDev} if progFound or isNewDeskAcc or isClassicDeskAcc or isCDev or rtl or isXCMD or isNBA then Error(100); isCDev := true; openName := GetIdent; end; {DoCDev} procedure DoClassicDesk; { ClassicDesk } begin {DoClassicDesk} if progFound or isNewDeskAcc or isClassicDeskAcc or isCDev or rtl or isXCMD or isNBA then Error(100); isClassicDeskAcc := true; if GetString then menuLine := lString else Error(131); openName := GetIdent; closeName := GetIdent; end; {DoClassicDesk} procedure DoCopy; { Copy } var ffRec: FastFileDCBGS; {FastFile record} fRec: copyFilePtr; {copy file record} begin {DoCopy} new(fRec); {create a copy record} fRec^.fnext := fHeadGS; fHeadGS := fRec; fRec^.fName := fNameGS; {fill in the current file name} if GetString then begin {get the source name} SkipComment; {skip to the end of the directive} {save the file position} fRec^.fpos := ord4(chPtr) + chCnt - ord4(filePtr); fRec^.fuses := false; {not doing a uses} fRec^.flineCount := lineCount+1; {save the new line count} EndOfLine; {read the next source line} PurgeSource; {purge the current source file} eol := false; {don't reprint the line} Expand(lString); {set the new path name} fNameGS.theString.theString := lString; fNameGS.theString.size := length(lString); OpenGS; {open the file} lineCount := 1; end {if} else begin eofl := true; Error(37); end; {else} Options := false; {we won't scan for end of comment} doingOption := false; end; {DoCopy} procedure DoDataBank; { DataBank } begin {DoDataBank} dataBank := SetOption; end; {DoDataBank} procedure DoDebug; { Debug } var val: unsigned; {debug flag word} begin {DoDebug} val := GetInteger; debugFlag := odd(val); profileFlag := (val & $0002) <> 0; end; {DoDebug} procedure DoEject; { Eject } begin {DoEject} if printer then if list then begin write(chr(12)); lCnt := 0; if length(title) <> 0 then begin write(title); LineFeed; LineFeed; end; {if} end; {if} end; {DoEject} procedure DoFloat; { Float } begin {DoFloat} floatCard := GetInteger; end; {DoFloat} procedure DoISO; { ISO } begin {DoISO} iso := SetOption; if iso then debug := true; end; {DoISO} procedure DoKeep; { Keep } begin {DoKeep} if progFound or didKeep then Error(100) else if GetString then begin codeGeneration := true; Expand(lString); kNameGS.theString.theString := lString; kNameGS.theString.size := length(lString); keepFlag := 1; didKeep := true; end; {else if} end; {DoKeep} procedure DoLibPrefix; { LibPrefix } var i: unsigned; {loop/index variable} len: unsigned; {length(lString)} separator: char; {path separaotr character} begin {DoLibPrefix} if GetString then begin len := length(lString); if len = 0 then intPrefixGS.theString.size := 0 else begin separator := ' '; i := 1; while i < len do if lString[i] in [':','/'] then begin separator := lString[i]; i := maxint; end {if} else i := i+1; if separator = ' ' then separator := ':'; if lString[len] <> separator then lString := concat(lString, separator); intPrefixGS.theString.theString := lString; intPrefixGS.theString.size := length(lString); end; {else} end {if} else Error(37); end; {DoLibPrefix} procedure DoList; { List } var llist: boolean; {local list} begin {DoList} llist := SetOption; if not listFixed then list := llist; end; {DoList} procedure DoMemoryModel; { MemoryModel } begin {DoMemoryModel} if progFound then Error(100); smallMemoryModel := GetInteger = 0; end; {DoMemoryModel} procedure DoNames; { Names } begin {DoNames} traceBack := SetOption; end; {DoNames} procedure DoNBA; { NBA } begin {DoNBA} if progFound or isNewDeskAcc or isClassicDeskAcc or isCDev or rtl or isXCMD or isNBA then Error(100); isNBA := true; openName := GetIdent; end; {DoNBA} procedure DoNewDeskAcc; { NewDeskAcc } begin {DoNewDeskAcc} if progFound or isNewDeskAcc or isClassicDeskAcc or isCDev or rtl or isXCMD or isNBA then Error(100); isNewDeskAcc := true; openName := GetIdent; closeName := GetIdent; actionName := GetIdent; initName := GetIdent; refreshPeriod := GetInteger; eventMask := GetInteger; if GetString then menuLine := lString else Error(131); end; {DoNewDeskAcc} procedure DoOptimize; { Optimize } var val: unsigned; {optimize flag word} begin {DoOptimize} val := GetInteger; peepHole := odd(val); nPeepHole := (val & $0002) <> 0; registers := (val & $0004) <> 0; commonSubexpression := (val & $0008) <> 0; loopOptimizations := (val & $0010) <> 0; jslOptimizations := (val & $0020) <> 0; end; {DoOptimize} procedure DoRangeCheck; { RangeCheck } begin {DoRangeCheck} debug := SetOption; rangeCheck := debug; end; {DoRangeCheck} procedure DoRTL; { RTL } begin {DoRTL} if isNewDeskAcc or isClassicDeskAcc or isCDev or rtl then Error(100); rtl := true; end; {DoRTL} procedure DoSegment; { Segment } var i: unsigned; {loop/index variable} seg: segNameType; {segment name} begin {DoSegment} if GetString then begin seg := lString; for i := length(seg)+1 to 10 do seg[i] := ' '; DefaultSegName(seg); isDynamic := false; end {if} else Error(6); end; {DoSegment} procedure DoDynamic; { Dynamic } begin {DoDynamic} DoSegment; isDynamic := true; end; {DoDynamic} procedure DoStackSize; { StackSize } begin {DoStackSize} if progFound then Error(100); stackSize := GetInteger; end; {DoStackSize} procedure DoToolParms; { ToolParms } begin {DoToolParms} toolParms := SetOption; end; {DoToolParms} procedure DoTitle; { Title } begin {DoTitle} if GetString then title := lString else title := ''; end; {DoTitle} procedure DoXCMD; { XCMD } begin {DoXCMD} if progFound or isNewDeskAcc or isClassicDeskAcc or isCDev or rtl or isXCMD or isNBA then Error(100); isXCMD := true; openName := GetIdent; end; {DoXCMD} begin {Options} Options := true; {assume we will scan for end of comment} doingOption := true; {processing an option} repeat NextCh; if (ch <> '*') and (ch <> '}') then begin dName[0] := chr(0); {get a directive name} SkipBlanks; while IsAlpha(ch) and (ord(dName[0]) < nameLen) do begin dName[0] := succ(dName[0]); dName[ord(dName[0])] := ToUpper(ch); NextCh; end; {while} {call the correct handler} if dName = 'MEMORYMODEL' then DoMemoryModel else if dName = 'APPEND' then DoAppend else if dName = 'COPY' then DoCopy else if dName = 'DEBUG' then DoDebug else if dName = 'EJECT' then DoEject else if dName = 'FLOAT' then DoFloat else if dName = 'ISO' then DoISO else if dName = 'KEEP' then DoKeep else if dName = 'LIST' then DoList else if dName = 'NAMES' then DoNames else if dName = 'RANGECHECK' then DoRangeCheck else if dName = 'STACKSIZE' then DoStackSize else if dName = 'TITLE' then DoTitle else if dName = 'RTL' then DoRTL else if dName = 'NEWDESKACC' then DoNewDeskAcc else if dName = 'OPTIMIZE' then DoOptimize else if dName = 'SEGMENT' then DoSegment else if dName = 'DYNAMIC' then DoDynamic else if dName = 'TOOLPARMS' then DoToolParms else if dName = 'DATABANK' then DoDataBank else if dName = 'LIBPREFIX' then DoLibPrefix else if dName = 'CLASSICDESK' then DoClassicDesk else if dName = 'CDEV' then DoCDev else if dName = 'XCMD' then DoXCMD else if dName = 'NBA' then DoNBA else doingOption := false; end {if} else doingOption := false; if doingOption then begin {check for another one} SkipBlanks; doingOption := ch = ','; end; {if} until not doingOption; end; {Options} {- Public subroutines ------------------------------------------} procedure Scanner_Fini; { Shut down the scanner } var i: unsigned; {loop/index variable} tp: partialPtr; {work pointer} begin {Scanner_Fini} PurgeSource; {purge the last source file} fNameGS.theString.size := 0; {handle a trailing append} eofDisable := true; InSymbol; if fNameGS.theString.size <> 0 then begin liDCBGS.sFile := @fNameGS; liDCBGS.namesList := @subsGS; subsGS.theString.size := 0; while partialList <> nil do begin tp := partialList; partialList := tp^.next; for i := 1 to length(tp^.pname^) do begin subsGS.theString.size := subsGS.theString.size+1; subsGS.theString.theString[subsGS.theString.size] := tp^.pname^[i]; end; {for} dispose(tp); if partialList <> nil then begin subsGS.theString.size := subsGS.theString.size+1; subsGS.theString.theString[subsGS.theString.size] := ' '; end; {if} end; {while} if keepFlag <> 0 then liDCBGS.kFlag := 3; end {if} else begin {no append; the compile is over} liDCBGS.lOps := liDCBGS.lOps & $FFFE; if keepFlag <> 0 then liDCBGS.kFlag := 3 else liDCBGS.lOps := 0; liDCBGS.sFile := @kNameGS; end; {else} with liDCBGS do begin {pass info back to the shell} sFile := pointer(ord4(sFile)+2); dFile := pointer(ord4(dFile)+2); namesList := pointer(ord4(namesList)+2); iString := pointer(ord4(iString)+2); end; {with} SetLInfoGS(liDCBGS); StopSpin; {stop the spinner} ListLine; {finish the listing} if list or progress then begin LineFeed; writeln(errorOutput, numErr:1, ' errors found'); end; {if} end; {Scanner_Fini} procedure Skip {fsys: setofsys}; { skip input string until relavent symbol found } { } { parameters: } { fsys - symbol kind to skip to } begin {Skip} if not eofl then begin while not (sy in fsys) and (not eofl) do InSymbol; if not (sy in fsys) then InSymbol; end; {if} end; {Skip} end. {$append 'scanner.asm'}