{$optimize 7} {------------------------------------------------------------} { } { ORCA/Pascal 2 } { } { A native code compiler for the Apple IIGS. } { } { By Mike Westerfield } { } { Copyright March 1988 } { By the Byte Works, Inc. } { } {------------------------------------------------------------} unit parser; interface {$segment 'pascal'} {$LibPrefix '0/obj/'} uses PCommon, Scanner, CGI, Symbols, Call; var {structured constants:} {---------------------} blockbegsys: setofsys; {symbols that can start a block} statbegsys: setofsys; {------------------------------------------------------------} procedure DoConstant (fsys: setofsys; var fsp: stp; var fvalu: valu); { compile a constant term } { } { parameters: } { fsys - following symbols } { fsp - (output) constant type } { fvalu - (output) constant value } procedure Expression(fsys: setofsys; fprocp: ctp); {compile an expression} procedure InitScalars; {Initialize global scalars} procedure InitSets; {initialize structured set constants} procedure Selector (fsys: setofsys; fcp,fprocp: ctp; var isMethod: boolean); { handle indexing arrays, field selection, dereferencing of } { pointers, windowing files } { } { parameters: } { fsys - } { fcp - } { fprocp - identifier for program or program-level } { subroutine contining this statement } { isMethod - (returned) Did the selection resolve to a } { method call? If so, take no further action. } procedure Programme(fsys:setofsys); {Compile a program} {------------------------------------------------------------} implementation const digmax = 255; {maxcnt-1} workspace = 16; {# bytes of work space on stack frame} {-------------------------------------------------------------------------} type {case statement} {--------------} cip = ^caseinfo; caseinfo = packed record next: cip; csstart: unsigned; cslab: integer; end; var {counters:} {---------} lastline: integer; {last line seen by gen} firstlab: integer; {value for intlabel at start of segment} {switches:} {---------} inseg: boolean; {tells if a segment is active} inUses: boolean; {tells if a uses is being compiled} doingCast: boolean; {casting a type?} {pointers:} {---------} fextfilep: extfilep; {head of chain for external files} thisType: pStringPtr; {pointer to name of current type} {msc} {---} namFound: boolean; {has nam been found? {i.e., should line #'s be generated?} {objects} {-------} isMethod: boolean; {are we compiling a method?} objectcp: ctp; {last procedure or function identifier} objectName: pString; {object name (for methods)} objectType: stp; {type of method's object} {structured constants:} {---------------------} constbegsys,simptypebegsys,typebegsys,selectsys,facbegsys, typedels: setofsys; inputid,outputid,erroroutputid: pString; {commonly compared identifiers} {----Parser and Semantic Analysis-----------------------------------------} procedure DoConstant {fsys: setofsys; var fsp: stp; var fvalu: valu}; { compile a constant term } { } { parameters: } { fsys - following symbols } { fsp - (output) constant type } { fvalu - (output) constant value } var lsp: stp; lcp: ctp; sign: (none,pos,neg); lvp: csp; begin {DoConstant} lsp := nil; fvalu.ival := 0; if not(sy in constbegsys) then begin Error(22); Skip(fsys+constbegsys) end; {if} if sy in constbegsys then begin if sy = stringconst then begin if (sy = addop) and (op in [plus,minus]) then begin Error(34); InSymbol; end; {if} if lgth = 1 then lsp := charptr else begin lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); with lsp^ do begin aeltype := charptr; inxtype := nil; ispacked := pkpacked; hasSFile := false; size := lgth*packedcharsize; form := arrays; end; {with} end; {else} fvalu := val; InSymbol; end else begin sign := none; if (sy = addop) and (op in [plus,minus]) then begin if op = plus then sign := pos else sign := neg; InSymbol; end; {if} if sy = ident then begin searchid([konst],lcp); if lcp <> nil then with lcp^ do begin lsp := idtype; fvalu := values; end {with} else begin fvalu.ival := 0; lsp := intptr; end; {else} if sign = neg then if (lsp = intptr) or (lsp = byteptr) then fvalu.ival := -fvalu.ival else if lsp = longptr then begin lvp := pointer(Malloc(constantRec_longC)); lvp^.cclass := longC; lvp^.lval := -fvalu.valp^.lval; fvalu.valp := lvp; end {else if} else if IsReal(lsp) then begin lvp := pointer(Malloc(constantRec_reel)); lvp^.cclass := reel; lvp^.rval := -fvalu.valp^.rval; fvalu.valp := lvp; end; {else if} if sign <> none then if (lsp <> intptr) and (not IsReal(lsp)) and (lsp <> byteptr) and (lsp <> longptr) then Error(34); InSymbol; end {if} else if sy = intconst then begin if sign = neg then val.ival := -val.ival; lsp := intptr; fvalu := val; InSymbol; end {else if} else if sy = realconst then begin if sign = neg then val.valp^.rval := -val.valp^.rval; lsp := realptr; fvalu := val; InSymbol; end {else if} else if sy = longintconst then begin if sign = neg then val.valp^.lval := -val.valp^.lval; lsp := longptr; fvalu := val; InSymbol; end {else if} else begin Error(35); Skip(fsys); end {else if} end; {else} if not (sy in fsys) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys); end; {if} end; {if} fsp := lsp; end; {DoConstant} procedure CheckUses(var id: pString; sym: symbol); {make sure this name has not been used from another level} label 1; var p: lptr; {work pointer for traversing list} lcp: ctp; {work pointer for checking fwd ptrs} begin {CheckUses} p := display[top].labsused; while p <> nil do begin if CompNames(p^.name^,id) = 0 then begin Error(18); goto 1; end; p := p^.next; end; if sym <> typesy then begin lcp := fwptr; while lcp <> nil do begin if CompNames(lcp^.name^,id) = 0 then begin Error(18); goto 1; end; lcp := lcp^.next; end; end; 1: end; {CheckUses} procedure ExportUses; {uses from more than one level back are exported to the previous level} label 1; var p,q,r: lPtr; {for moveing used id list up} begin {ExportUses} p := display[top].labsused; {check all labels in curent list} while p <> nil do begin if p^.disx < top-1 then begin {if they are from more than one level } q := display[top-1].labsused; { back, they must be in the last list } while q <> nil do begin {skip if the label is already in the } if q^.name = p^.name then { last list } goto 1; q := q^.next; end; {while} new(r); {insert in the last list} r^.next := display[top-1].labsused; display[top-1].labsused := r; r^.name := p^.name; r^.disx := p^.disx; end; {if} p := p^.next; end; {while} 1: end; {ExportUses} procedure ProcDeclaration (fsy: symbol; fsys: setofsys; isObject, compilebody: boolean; var foundbody: boolean); forward; { Procedure/function declaration } procedure Typ (fsys: setofsys; var fsp: stp; var fsize: addrrange; isType: boolean); { compile a type definition } { } { parameters: } { fsys - follow symbols } { fsp - } { fsize - } { isType - is this the root level of a type declaration? } var lsp,lsp1,lsp2: stp; oldtop: disprange; {display level on entry} ttop: disprange; {temp display level} lcp, lcp2: ctp; lsize,disp1: addrrange; lmin,lmax: longint; ispacked: packedkinds; test: boolean; lvalu: valu; len: integer; {string length} l1,l2,l3: longint; {used to compute array size} lval: record {used to convert between types} case boolean of true : (long: longint); false: (lsw: integer; msw: integer); end; procedure Duplicate (var ncp: ctp; ocp: ctp); { Duplicate a field list } { } { parameters: } { ncp - (output) new (copied) identifier } { ocp - identifier to copy } begin {Duplicate} if ocp <> nil then begin ncp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); ncp^ := ocp^; Duplicate(ncp^.llink, ocp^.llink); Duplicate(ncp^.rlink, ocp^.rlink); end; {if} end; {Dulpicate} procedure SimpleType (fsys:setofsys; var fsp:stp; var fsize:addrrange); { Compile a simple type } { } { parameters: } { fsys - } { fsp - } { fsize - } var lsp,lsp1: stp; lcp,lcp1: ctp; ttop: disprange; lcnt: integer; lvalu: valu; len: integer; {string length} begin {SimpleType} fsize := 1; if not (sy in simptypebegsys) then begin Error(1); Skip(fsys + simptypebegsys); end; {if} if sy in simptypebegsys then begin {enumerations} if sy = lparent then begin ttop := top; {decl. consts local to innermost block} while display[top].occur <> blck do top := top - 1; lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); with lsp^ do begin size := intsize; form := scalar; hasSFile := false; scalkind := declared; end; {with} lcp1 := nil; lcnt := 0; repeat InSymbol; if sy = ident then begin lcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); with lcp^ do begin len := ord(id[0])+2; name := pointer(Malloc(len)); CopyString(name^,id,len); idtype := lsp; next := lcp1; values.ival := lcnt; klass := konst; hasIFile := idtype^.hasSFile; end; CheckUses(lcp^.name^,constsy); EnterId(lcp); lcnt := lcnt + 1; lcp1 := lcp; InSymbol end else Error(2); if not (sy in fsys + [comma,rparent]) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys + [comma,rparent]); end; until sy <> comma; lsp^.fconst := lcp1; top := ttop; Match(rparent,4); end {named types, subranges} else begin if sy = ident then begin SearchID([types,konst],lcp); if lcp^.name = thisType then Error(10); InSymbol; if lcp^.klass = konst then begin lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); with lsp^, lcp^ do begin rangetype := idtype; form := subrange; hasSFile := false; if rangetype = longptr then begin min := values.valp^.lval; size := longsize; end {if} else begin min := values.ival; size := intsize; end; {else} end; Match(dotdot,83); DoConstant(fsys,lsp1,lvalu); if lsp1 = longptr then lsp^.max := lvalu.valp^.lval else lsp^.max := lvalu.ival; if lsp^.rangetype <> lsp1 then if (lsp^.rangetype = intptr) and (lsp1 = longptr) then begin lsp^.rangetype := longptr; lsp^.size := longsize; end {if} else if (lsp^.rangetype <> longptr) or (lsp1 <> intptr) then Error(36); end else begin lsp := lcp^.idtype; if lsp <> nil then fsize := lsp^.size; if iso then if (lsp = longptr) or (lsp = byteptr) then Error(112); end end {sy = ident} else begin lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); DoConstant(fsys + [dotdot],lsp1,lvalu); with lsp^ do begin form := subrange; hasSFile := false; rangetype:=lsp1; if rangetype = longptr then begin min := lvalu.valp^.lval; size := longsize; end {if} else begin min := lvalu.ival; size := intsize; end; {else} end; Match(dotdot,83); DoConstant(fsys,lsp1,lvalu); if lsp1 = longptr then lsp^.max := lvalu.valp^.lval else lsp^.max := lvalu.ival; if lsp^.rangetype <> lsp1 then if (lsp^.rangetype = intptr) and (lsp1 = longptr) then begin lsp^.rangetype := longptr; lsp^.size := longsize; end {if} else if (lsp^.rangetype <> longptr) or (lsp1 <> intptr) then Error(36); end; if lsp <> nil then with lsp^ do if form = subrange then if rangetype <> nil then if IsReal(rangetype) or IsString(rangetype) then Error(73) else if min > max then Error(31) end; fsp := lsp; if not (sy in fsys) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys) end; {if} end else fsp := nil end; {SimpleType} procedure FieldList (fsys: setofsys; var frecvar: stp; var hasFile: boolean; isObject: boolean); { compile a field list } { } { parameters: } { fsys - following symbols } { frecvar - } { hasFile - } { isObject - is this an object? (or a record) } label 1; var lcp,lcp1,nxt,nxt1,inst: ctp; lsp,lsp1,lsp2,lsp3,lsp4: stp; minsize,maxsize,lsize: addrrange; lvalu: valu; numcase: longint; max,min: longint; tHasFile: boolean; {tracks files in the field list} len: integer; {length of a string} hasId: boolean; {does the case have an attached id?} begin {FieldList} lsp := nil; hasFile := false; if not (sy in fsys+[ident,casesy]) then begin Error(19); Skip(fsys + [ident,casesy]); end; while sy = ident do begin nxt := nil; nxt1 := nil; repeat if sy = ident then begin lcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); with lcp^ do begin len := ord(id[0])+2; name := pointer(Malloc(len)); CopyString(name^,id,len); idtype := nil; next := nil; klass := field; fldvar := false; hasIFile := false; end; if nxt1 <> nil then nxt1^.next := lcp; nxt1 := lcp; if nxt = nil then nxt := lcp; EnterId(lcp); InSymbol; end else Error(2); if not (sy in [comma,colon]) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys + [comma,colon,semicolon,casesy]) end; {if} test := sy <> comma; if not test then InSymbol; until test; Match(colon,5); Typ(fsys + [casesy,semicolon], lsp, lsize, false); hasFile := hasFile or lsp^.hasSFile; while nxt <> nil do with nxt^ do begin idtype := lsp; fldaddr := disp1; nxt := next; disp1 := disp1 + lsize; end; while sy = semicolon do begin InSymbol; if not (sy in fsys + [ident,casesy,semicolon]) then begin Error(19); Skip(fsys + [ident,casesy]); end; end; end; {while sy = ident} if sy = casesy then begin if isObject then Error(123); hasId := false; lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); with lsp^ do begin tagfieldp := nil; fstvar := nil; form := tagfld; hasSFile := false; end; frecvar := lsp; InSymbol; if sy = ident then begin lcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); with lcp^ do begin len := ord(id[0])+2; name := pointer(Malloc(len)); CopyString(name^,id,len); idtype := nil; klass:=field; next := nil; fldaddr := disp1; fldvar := true; hasIFile := false; end; InSymbol; if sy = colon then begin InSymbol; hasId := true; if sy <> ident then begin Error(2); Skip(fsys + [ofsy,lparent]); goto 1; end; {if sy <> ident} EnterId(lcp); end else begin id := lcp^.name^; if sy <> ofsy then Error(8); end; SearchID([types], lcp1); lsp1 := lcp1^.idtype; if lsp1 <> nil then begin lcp^.fldaddr := disp1; if hasId then disp1 := disp1+lsp1^.size; if lsp1^.form <= subrange then begin if IsReal(lsp1) then Error(39) else if (lsp1 = intptr) or (lsp1 = longptr) then begin Error(111); numcase := maxint; end else begin GetBounds(lsp1,min,max); if (max >= 0) and (min <= 0) then if max < (maxint+min) then numcase := max-min+1 else begin Error(111); numcase := maxint; end else numcase := max-min+1 end; lcp^.idtype := lsp1; lsp^.tagfieldp := lcp; end else Error(39); end; if sy = ident then InSymbol; end else begin Error(2); Skip(fsys + [ofsy,lparent]); end; 1: lsp^.size := disp1; Match(ofsy,8); lsp1 := nil; minsize := disp1; maxsize := disp1; repeat lsp2 := nil; if not (sy in fsys + [semicolon]) then begin repeat DoConstant(fsys + [comma,colon,lparent],lsp3,lvalu); if lsp^.tagfieldp <> nil then if not CompTypes(lsp^.tagfieldp^.idtype,lsp3) then Error(40); lsp3 := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); numcase := numcase-1; with lsp3^ do begin nxtvar := lsp1; subvar := lsp2; varval := lvalu.ival; form := variant; hasSFile := false; end; lsp4 := lsp1; while lsp4 <> nil do with lsp4^ do begin if varval = lvalu.ival then Error(94); lsp4 := nxtvar; end; lsp1 := lsp3; lsp2 := lsp3; test := sy <> comma; if not test then InSymbol; until test; Match(colon,5); Match(lparent,9); FieldList(fsys + [rparent, semicolon], lsp2, tHasFile, false); hasFile := hasFile or tHasFile; if disp1 > maxsize then maxsize := disp1; while lsp3 <> nil do begin lsp4 := lsp3^.subvar; lsp3^.subvar := lsp2; lsp3^.size := disp1; lsp3 := lsp4; end; Match(rparent,4); if not (sy in fsys + [semicolon]) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys + [semicolon]); end; end; test := sy <> semicolon; if not test then begin disp1 := minsize; InSymbol; end; until test; if numcase <> 0 then Error(98); disp1 := maxsize; lsp^.fstvar := lsp1; frecVar^.hasSFile := hasFile; end else frecvar := nil; end; {FieldList} procedure ProcList (fsys: setofsys); { compile a field list } { } { parameters: } { fsys - following symbols } var foundBody: boolean; {dummy var for ProcDeclaration} lsy: symbol; {for recording type of subroutine} begin {ProcList} {make sure the initial symbol is valid} if not (sy in fsys+[procsy,funcsy]) then begin Error(19); Skip(fsys + [procsy,funcsy]); end; {if} {process all procedures and functions} while sy in [procsy,funcsy] do begin nextLocalLabel := 1; lsy := sy; InSymbol; nextLocalLabel := 1; ProcDeclaration(lsy, fsys+[procsy,funcsy], true, true, foundbody); if objectcp^.pfdirective = droverride then objectcp^.pfdirective := drforw else begin objectcp^.pfaddr := disp1; disp1 := disp1 + ptrsize; end; {else} while sy = semicolon do begin InSymbol; if not (sy in fsys + [procsy,funcsy,semicolon]) then begin Error(19); Skip(fsys + [procsy,funcsy]); end; {if} end; {while} end; {while} end; {ProcList} begin {Typ} if not (sy in typebegsys) then begin Error(10); Skip(fsys+typebegsys); end; if sy in typebegsys then begin if sy in simptypebegsys then SimpleType(fsys,fsp,fsize) {^} else if sy = arrow then begin lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); fsp := lsp; with lsp^ do begin eltype := nil; size := ptrsize; form := pointerStruct; hasSFile := false; end; {with} InSymbol; if sy = ident then begin SearchSection(display[top].fname,lcp); if lcp <> nil then if lcp^.klass <> types then lcp := nil; if lcp = nil then begin {forward reference type id} lcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); with lcp^ do begin len := ord(id[0])+2; name := pointer(Malloc(len)); CopyString(name^,id,len); idtype := lsp; next := fwptr; klass := types; hasIFile := lsp^.hasSFile; end; {with} fwptr := lcp; end {if} else with lcp^,lsp^ do begin if {lcp^.}idtype <> nil then begin {lsp^.}eltype := {lcp^.}idtype; {lsp^.}hasSFile := {lcp^.}hasIFile; end; {if} if {lcp^.}name = thisType then Error(10); end; {with} InSymbol; end {if} else Error(2); end {else if} else begin if sy = packedsy then begin InSymbol; ispacked := pkpacked; if not (sy in (typedels + [objectsy])) then begin Error(10); Skip(fsys + (typedels + [objectsy])); end {if} end {if} else ispacked := pkunpacked; {array} if sy = arraysy then begin InSymbol; Match(lbrack,11); lsp1 := nil; repeat lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); with lsp^ do begin aeltype := lsp1; inxtype := nil; form := arrays; hasSFile := lsp1^.hasSFile; end; lsp^.ispacked := ispacked; lsp1 := lsp; SimpleType(fsys + [comma,rbrack,ofsy],lsp2,lsize); lsp1^.size := lsize; if lsp2 <> nil then if lsp2^.form <= subrange then begin if IsReal(lsp2) then begin Error(38); lsp2 := nil; end else if lsp2 = longptr then begin Error(74); lsp2 := nil; end; {else if} lsp^.inxtype := lsp2 end {if} else begin Error(41); lsp2 := nil; end; {else} test := sy <> comma; if test then Match(rbrack,12) else InSymbol; until test; Match(ofsy,8); Typ(fsys, lsp, lsize, false); if lsp1^.ispacked = pkpacked then if CompTypes(lsp,charptr) or CompTypes(lsp,boolptr) then lsize := packedcharsize; repeat with lsp1^ do begin lsp2 := aeltype; aeltype := lsp; hasSFile := lsp^.hasSFile; if inxtype <> nil then begin GetBounds(inxtype,lmin,lmax); lsize := (lmax-lmin+1)*lsize; size := lsize; end; {if} end; {with} lsp := lsp1; lsp1 := lsp2; until lsp1 = nil; if lsize > $010000 then if SmallMemoryModel then Error(122); end {stringsy} else if sy = stringsy then begin InSymbol; lmin := 80; {default string length is 80} if sy = lbrack then begin InSymbol; DoConstant(fsys+[rbrack],lsp1,lvalu); if lsp1 = intptr then lmin := lvalu.ival else Error(15); Match(rbrack,12); end; lsp1 := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); with lsp1^ do begin size := 2; form := subrange; hasSFile := false; rangetype := intptr; min := 0; if lmin > 255 then min := 1; max := lmin; end; lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); with lsp^ do begin aeltype := charptr; inxtype := lsp1; form := arrays; hasSFile := false; size := (lmin-lsp1^.min+1)*packedcharsize; ispacked := pkpacked; end; end {record} else if sy = recordsy then begin InSymbol; oldtop := top; if top < displimit then begin top := top+1; with display[top] do begin fname := nil; flabel := nil; labsused := nil; occur := rec; end end else Error(107); disp1 := 0; lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); FieldList(fsys-[semicolon]+[endsy], lsp1, lsp^.hasSFile, false); if disp1 > $010000 then if SmallMemoryModel then Error(122); with lsp^ do begin fstfld := display[top].fname; recvar := lsp1; size := disp1; form := records; end; {with} lsp^.ispacked := ispacked; ExportUses; top := oldtop; Match(endsy,13); end {object} else if sy = objectsy then begin InSymbol; {make sure we are declaring a type} if not isType then Error(127); {set up a new display} oldtop := top; if top < displimit then begin top := top+1; with display[top] do begin fname := nil; flabel := nil; labsused := nil; occur := rec; end end else Error(107); disp1 := 6; {set up the type} lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); with lsp^ do begin form := objects; objname := nil; objsize := 6; objlevel := 1; objparent := nil; size := ptrsize; hasSFile := false; end; {with} {handle inheritance} if sy = lparent then begin InSymbol; if sy = ident then begin SearchId([types], lcp2); if lcp2 <> nil then begin if lcp2^.idtype <> nil then if lcp2^.idtype^.form = objects then begin Duplicate(display[top].fname, lcp2^.idtype^.objfld); disp1 := lcp2^.idtype^.objsize; lsp^.objparent := lcp2^.idtype; lsp^.objlevel := lcp2^.idtype^.objlevel + 1; end {if} else Error(129); end {if} else Error(33); InSymbol; end {if} else Error(128); Match(rparent,4); end; {if} {compile the fields and methods} if sy in typebegsys then FieldList(fsys-[semicolon]+[endsy,procsy,funcsy], lsp1, lsp^.hasSFile, true); objectType := lsp; ttop := top; top := oldtop; EnterId(objectcp); top := ttop; objectcp^.idtype := lsp; ProcList(fsys-[semicolon]+[endsy]); if disp1 > $010000 then if SmallMemoryModel then Error(122); lsp^.objfld := display[top].fname; lsp^.objsize := disp1; lsp^.ispacked := ispacked; ExportUses; top := oldtop; Match(endsy,13); end {else if} {set} else if sy = setsy then begin InSymbol; Match(ofsy,8); SimpleType(fsys,lsp1,lsize); if lsp1 <> nil then if lsp1^.form > subrange then begin Error(43); lsp1 := nil; end else if IsReal(lsp1) then begin Error(42); lsp1 := nil; end else if (lsp1 = intptr) or (lsp1 = longptr) then begin Error(90); lsp1 := nil; end else begin GetBounds(lsp1,lmin,lmax); if (lmin < setlow) or (lmax > sethigh) then Error(90); lmax := lmax div 8 + 1; if lmax = 1 then lmax := 2 else if lmax = 3 then lmax := 4; end; lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); with lsp^ do begin elset := lsp1; size := lmax; form := power; hasSFile := false; end; lsp^.ispacked := ispacked; end {file} else if sy = filesy then begin InSymbol; Match(ofsy,8); Typ(fsys, lsp1, lsize, false); if lsp1^.hasSFile then Error(117); fsize := lsize; if (lsp1 = charptr) or (lsp1 = boolptr) then fsize := packedcharsize; lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); with lsp^ do begin size := ptrsize; form := files; hasSFile := true; filtype := lsp1; filsize := lsize; end; lsp^.ispacked := ispacked; end; fsp := lsp end; if not (sy in fsys) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys) end; {if} end else fsp := nil; if fsp = nil then fsize := 1 else fsize := fsp^.size; end {Typ} ; procedure labeldeclaration(fsys: setofsys); {Declare a user-defined label} var llp: lbp; redef: boolean; i: integer; test: boolean; begin {labeldeclaration} repeat if sy = intconst then with display[top] do begin llp := flabel; redef := false; while (llp <> nil) and not redef do if llp^.labval <> val.ival then llp := llp^.nextlab else begin redef := true; Error(88); end; if not redef then begin llp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(labl))); with llp^ do begin labval := val.ival; labname := GenLabel; if top = 1 then firstlab := labname+1; defined := false; nextlab := flabel; lstlevel := 0; end; if (val.ival < 0) or (val.ival > 9999) then Error(105); flabel := llp end; InSymbol; end else Error(15); if not ( sy in fsys + [comma, semicolon] ) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys+[comma,semicolon]) end; test := sy <> comma; if not test then InSymbol until test; Match(semicolon,14); end; {labeldeclaration} procedure ConstDeclaration(fsys: setofsys); {compile a constant} var lcp: ctp; lsp: stp; lvalu: valu; len: integer; {string length} begin {ConstDeclaration} if sy <> ident then begin Error(2); Skip(fsys + [ident]); end; while sy = ident do begin lcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); with lcp^ do begin len := ord(id[0])+2; name := pointer(Malloc(len)); CopyString(name^,id,len); idtype := nil; next := nil; klass:=konst; hasIFile := false; end; InSymbol; if (sy = relop) and (op = eqop) then InSymbol else Error(16); DoConstant(fsys + [semicolon],lsp,lvalu); EnterId(lcp); with lcp^ do begin CheckUses({lcp^.}name^,constsy); {lcp^.}idtype := lsp; {lcp^.}values := lvalu; end; Match(semicolon,14); if not (sy in fsys+[ident,implementationsy]) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys + [ident,implementationsy]); end; end; end; {ConstDeclaration} procedure FwPtrCheck; {Check all forward declared pointers to be sure they are resolved} var lcp: ctp; begin {FwPtrCheck} while fwptr <> nil do begin id := fwptr^.name^; prterr := false; SearchId([types],lcp); prterr := true; if lcp = nil then begin write('**** The pointer ',id,' cannot be resolved'); FlagError; end else if lcp^.idtype <> nil then with fwptr^.idtype^, lcp^ do begin eltype := idtype; hasSFile := hasIFile; end; fwptr := fwptr^.next; end; end; {FwPtrCheck} procedure TypeDeclaration (fsys: setofsys); { compile a type declaration } { } { parameters: } { fsys - } var lcp: ctp; lsp: stp; lsize: addrrange; len: integer; {string length} begin {TypeDeclaration} if sy <> ident then begin {check for a bogus start} Error(2); Skip(fsys + [ident]); end; {if} while sy = ident do begin {scan all declarations} {process the identifier} lcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); with lcp^ do begin len := ord(id[0])+2; name := pointer(Malloc(len)); CopyString(name^,id,len); thisType := name; klass := types; end; {with} InSymbol; {check for '='} if (sy = relop) and (op = eqop) then InSymbol else Error(16); objectName := lcp^.name^; objectCp := lcp; Typ(fsys+[semicolon], lsp, lsize, true); {get the type} if lsp^.form = objects then lsp^.objname := lcp^.name; thisType := nil; if lsp^.form <> objects then {enter in symbol table} EnterId(lcp); with lcp^ do begin {lcp^.}idtype := lsp; {lcp^.}hasIFile := lsp^.hasSFile; CheckUses({lcp^.}name^,typesy); end; {with} Match(semicolon,14); {get ready for another one} if not (sy in fsys + [ident,implementationsy]) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys + [ident,implementationsy]); end; {if} end; {while} FwPtrCheck; {make sure forward declarations were resolved} end; {TypeDeclaration} procedure VarDeclaration(fsys: setofsys); {declare variables} var isExtern: boolean; {is this an external variable declaration?} lcp,nxt: ctp; lsp: stp; lsize: addrrange; test: boolean; len: integer; {string length} begin {VarDeclaration} nxt := nil; repeat {loops over type part} repeat {loops over all variable names} if sy = ident then begin {declare a new variable} lcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); with lcp^ do begin len := ord(id[0])+2; name := pointer(Malloc(len)); CopyString(name^,id,len); next := nxt; klass := varsm; vcontvar := false; vrestrict := false; idtype := nil; vkind := actual; vlev := level; fromUses := inUses; vPrivate := doingUnit and (not doingInterface); end; EnterId(lcp); nxt := lcp; InSymbol; end else Error(2); if not (sy in fsys + [comma,colon] + typedels) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys+[comma,colon,semicolon]+typedels) end; test := sy <> comma; if not test then InSymbol; until test; Match(colon,5); {see if the variable is extern} isExtern := false; if not iso then if sy = ident then if (id = 'EXTERN') or (id = 'EXTERNAL') then begin InSymbol; isExtern := true; end; {if} {get the type for the variable list} Typ(fsys + [semicolon] + typedels, lsp, lsize, false); FwPtrCheck; {loop over the variable list, filling in type based info} while nxt <> nil do with nxt^ do begin CheckUses(name^,varsy); idtype := lsp; fromUses := fromUses or isExtern; hasIFile := lsp^.hasSFile; if level <> 1 then vlabel := GetLocalLabel; nxt := next; end; Match(semicolon,14); if not (sy in fsys + [ident,implementationsy]) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys + [ident,implementationsy]); end; until (sy <> ident) and not (sy in typedels); end; {VarDeclaration} procedure DoBlock (fsys: setofsys; fsy: symbol; fprocp: ctp; isProgram: boolean); forward; {compile a block} procedure ProcDeclaration {fsy: symbol; fsys: setofsys; isObject, compilebody: boolean; var foundbody: boolean}; { Procedure/function declaration } { } { parameters: } { fsy - procedure or function symbol } { fsys - follow symbols } { isObject - is this declaration in an object? } { compilebody - Compile the body? (used for partial compile)} { foundbody - Was the body found (used for partial compile) } var forw: boolean; i: integer; lcp,lcp1,lcp2: ctp; len: integer; {string length} lisMethod: boolean; {copy of isMethod} lpsize: integer; {for saving psize (nested declarations)} lsp, lsp1: stp; lvalu: valu; {constant from a directive} needSemicolon: boolean; {for parsing interface files} oldlev: 0..maxlevel; oldtop: disprange; override: boolean; {true if override is the only legal possibility} procedure ParameterList (ssy: setofsys; var fpar: ctp; forw,dummy: boolean); { Compile the parameter list } { } { parameters: } { ssy - } { fpar - list of parameter symbols } { forw - } { dummy - } var list,lcp,lcp1: ctp; lsp: stp; lkind: idkind; lsize: unsigned; item: integer; test: boolean; len: integer; {string length} universal: boolean; {is the parm universal?} procedure FunProcParm (forp: idclass; var lcp: ctp; fsys: setofsys); { Compile a procedure or function parameter } { } { parameters: } { forp - function or procedure symbol } { lcp - } { fsys - } var lpsize: integer; {for saving psize} len: integer; {string length} begin {FunProcParm} InSymbol; if sy = ident then begin {create a symbol table entry} lcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); with lcp^ do begin len := ord(id[0])+2; name := pointer(Malloc(len)); CopyString(name^,id,len); hasIFile := false; idtype := nil; pflev := level; klass := forp; pfdeckind := declared; psize := psize+procsize; pflabel := GetLocalLabel; pfparms := nil; pfkind := formal; pfnext := nil; next := nil; end; {with} if not dummy then EnterId(lcp); InSymbol; item := item+1; if list <> nil then list^.next := lcp; list := lcp; if fpar = nil then fpar := list; lpsize := psize; with lcp^ do if forp = proc then begin if not (sy in [semicolon,rparent]) then ParameterList([semicolon,rparent], pfnext, false, true); end else if sy <> colon then ParameterList([colon], pfnext, false, true); psize := lpsize; end {if} else Error(2); end; {FunProcParm} begin {ParameterList} list := nil; fpar := nil; item := 1; if isObject or (sy = lparent) then psize := 0; {define parameters as offsets from 0} {declare the 'self' parameter for methods} if isObject then begin lcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); with lcp^ do begin name := @'SELF'; idtype := objectType; next := nil; hasIFile := false; klass := varsm; vkind := actual; vlev := level; vitem := item; vlabel := GetLocalLabel; vcontvar := false; fromUses := false; vrestrict := false; vUniv := false; vPrivate := true; end; {with} EnterId(lcp); list := lcp; fpar := list; psize := {psize +} ptrsize; item := 2 {item+1}; end; {if} {handle standard parameters} if not (sy in ssy+[lparent]) then begin Error(7); Skip(fsys+ssy+[lparent]) end; {if} if sy = lparent then begin if forw or override then Error(45); InSymbol; if not (sy in [ident,varsy,funcsy,procsy]) then begin Error(7); Skip(fsys+[ident,rparent]); end; {if} while sy in [ident,varsy,funcsy,procsy] do begin if sy = procsy then begin FunProcParm(proc, lcp, fsys+[comma,semicolon,rparent]); lcp^.idtype := nilptr; end {if} else if sy = funcsy then begin FunProcParm(func, lcp, fsys+[comma,semicolon,rparent,colon]); Match(colon,5); if sy = ident then begin SearchId([types],lcp1); lsp := lcp1^.idtype; if lsp <> nil then if not (lsp^.form in [scalar,subrange,pointerStruct,objects]) then begin Error(46); lsp := nil; end; {if} lcp^.idtype := lsp; InSymbol; end else Error(2); end {else if} {'normal' parameter} else begin {handle var declarations} if sy = varsy then begin lkind := formal; InSymbol; end else lkind := actual; {process the list of names} lcp1 := nil; repeat if sy = ident then begin lcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); with lcp^ do begin len := ord(id[0])+2; name := pointer(Malloc(len)); CopyString(name^,id,len); idtype := nil; klass := varsm; vkind := lkind; next := nil; vlev := level; vcontvar := false; vrestrict := false; vitem := item; fromUses := inUses; end; {with} if not dummy then EnterId(lcp); if list <> nil then list^.next := lcp; list := lcp; if fpar = nil then fpar := list; if lcp1 = nil then lcp1 := list; InSymbol; end {if} else Error(2); if not (sy in [comma,colon]+fsys) then begin Error(7); Skip(fsys+[comma,semicolon,rparent]); end; test := sy <> comma; if not test then InSymbol; until test; Match(colon,5); {see if the symbol is universal} if sy = univsy then begin if iso then Error(112); universal := true; InSymbol; end {if} else universal := false; {process the parameter type} if sy = ident then begin {find and check the type} SearchId([types],lcp); lsp := lcp^.idtype; if lsp <> nil then if lkind = actual then if lsp^.form = files then Error(47); {record the type size} lsize := ParmSize(lsp,lkind); {scan the variables, adding type info} while lcp1 <> nil do begin with lcp1^ do begin idtype := lsp; psize := psize+lsize; vlabel := GetLocalLabel; vuniv := universal; hasIFile := false; end; {with} {allocate local space for value parms passed as pointers} if lsp <> nil then if (lkind = actual) and (lsp^.form > power) then if (lsp^.form <> records) or (lsp^.size > 4) then lcp1^.vlabel := GetLocalLabel; lcp1 := lcp1^.next; end; {while} InSymbol; end {if} else Error(2); item := item+1; end; {else} if not (sy in fsys+[semicolon,rparent]) then begin Error(7); Skip(fsys+[ident,rparent]); end; {if} if sy = semicolon then begin InSymbol; if not (sy in fsys+[ident,varsy,procsy,funcsy]) then begin Error(7); Skip(fsys+[ident,rparent]); end; {if} end; {if} end; {while} Match(rparent,4); if not (sy in ssy+fsys) then begin Error(6); Skip(ssy+fsys); end; {if} end; {if} display[top].labsused := nil; end; {ParameterList} begin {ProcDeclaration} lpsize := psize; psize := 0; forw := false; {see if this is the object name for a method} override := false; isMethod := false; if sy = ident then begin prterr := false; SearchID([types], lcp); prterr := true; if lcp <> nil then if lcp^.idtype <> nil then if lcp^.idtype^.form = objects then begin isMethod := true; lisMethod := true; objectName := id; InSymbol; Match(period, 21); end; {if} end; {if} if sy = ident then begin {check for forward declarations} if isMethod then begin if level <> 1 then Error(126); if lcp^.idtype = nil then lcp := nil else SearchSection(lcp^.idtype^.objfld, lcp); if lcp = nil then Error(124) else if lcp^.pfdirective = drnone then Error(30); end {if} else SearchSection(display[top].fname, lcp); if lcp <> nil then with lcp^ do begin if isObject then override := true else if klass = proc then forw := ((pfdirective=drforw) or isMethod) and (fsy=procsy) and (pfkind=actual) else if klass = func then forw:= ((pfdirective=drforw) or isMethod) and (fsy=funcsy) and (pfkind=actual) else forw := false; if not (forw or override) then Error(84); end; {with} {if not forward, create a new identifier} if override then begin {override an ancestor method} lcp^.pfoname := pointer(Malloc(length(objectName)+length(lcp^.name^)+2)); lcp^.pfoname^ := concat(objectName, '~', lcp^.name^); objectcp := lcp; {change the 'SELF' parameter type} lcp2 := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); lcp2^ := lcp^.pfparms^; lcp^.pfparms := lcp2; lcp2^.idtype := objectType; end {if} else if not forw then begin lcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); with lcp^ do begin len := ord(id[0])+2; name := pointer(Malloc(len)); CopyString(name^,id,len); idtype := nilptr; pflev := level; pfname := GenLabel; if isObject then begin pfoname := pointer(Malloc(length(objectName)+length(name^)+2)); pfoname^ := concat(objectName, '~', name^); end {if} else pfoname := name; pfparms := nil; pfdeckind := declared; pfkind := actual; pfPrivate := doingUnit and (not doingInterface); if fsy = procsy then klass := proc else klass := func; hasIFile := false; end; {if} CheckUses(lcp^.name^, procsy); EnterId(lcp); objectcp := lcp; end {if} else begin {forward - reset location counter} psize := lcp^.pfactualsize; {reset label counter} lcp1 := lcp^.pfparms; while lcp1 <> nil do begin if lcp1^.klass = varsm then begin if lcp1^.vlabel >= nextLocalLabel then nextLocalLabel := lcp1^.vlabel + 1; end {if} else if lcp1^.klass in [proc,func] then if lcp1^.pflabel >= nextLocalLabel then nextLocalLabel := lcp1^.pflabel + 1; lcp1 := lcp1^.next; end; {while} end; {else} InSymbol; {check for unexpected method} if sy = period then begin Error(125); InSymbol; if sy = ident then InSymbol; end; {if} end {if} else begin {missing function identifier} Error(2); lcp := ufctptr; end; {else} {create a new stack frame level} oldlev := level; oldtop := top; if level < maxlevel then level := level + 1 else Error(108); if top < displimit then begin top := top+1; with display[top] do begin if forw then fname := lcp^.pfparms else fname := nil; flabel := nil; labsused := nil; occur := blck; ispacked := false; end; {with} end {if} else Error(107); {assign function labels} with lcp^ do if klass = func then pflabel := GetLocalLabel else pflabel := 0; {compile the parameters} if fsy = procsy then begin ParameterList([semicolon], lcp1, forw, false); if not (forw or override) then with lcp^ do begin pfparms := lcp1; pfactualsize := psize; end; {with} end {if} else begin ParameterList([semicolon,colon], lcp1, forw, false); if not (forw or override) then with lcp^ do begin pfparms := lcp1; pfactualsize := psize; end; {with} if sy = colon then begin InSymbol; if sy = ident then begin if forw or override then Error(48); SearchId([types], lcp1); lsp := lcp1^.idtype; lcp^.idtype := lsp; if lsp <> nil then if not (lsp^.form in [scalar,subrange,pointerStruct,objects]) then begin Error(46); lcp^.idtype := nil; end; {if} InSymbol; end {if} else begin Error(2); Skip(fsys + [semicolon]) end; {else} end {if} else if not (forw or override) then Error(49) end; {else} Match(semicolon,14); {handle directives} if (sy = ident) or doingInterface or inUses or isObject then begin foundBody := false; if sy <> ident then begin {special assumptions for uses, } if inUses and (not isObject) then { interface files, methods } lcp2 := externIdentifier else lcp2 := forwardIdentifier; if override then Error(30); needSemicolon := false; end {if} else begin {normal identifier section} SearchId([directive],lcp2); {find the identifier type} InSymbol; needSemicolon := true; end; {else} lcp^.pfdirective := lcp2^.drkind; if override then begin if lcp2^.drkind <> droverride then Error(30); end {if} else if lcp2^.drkind = droverride then Error(124); with lcp^ do case pfdirective of drforw,droverride: if forw then Error(85); drextern: if level <> 2 then Error(101); drprodos: begin if sy = lparent then InSymbol; if (sy = intconst) then begin pfcallnum := val.ival; InSymbol; end {if} else Error(15); if sy = rparent then InSymbol; end; drtool1,drtool2: begin if sy = lparent then InSymbol; DoConstant(fsys+[comma], lsp1, lvalu); if lsp1 = intptr then pftoolnum := lvalu.ival else Error(15); Match(comma,20); DoConstant(fsys+[rparent], lsp1, lvalu); if lsp1 = intptr then pfcallnum := lvalu.ival else Error(15); if sy = rparent then InSymbol; end; drvector: begin if sy = lparent then InSymbol; DoConstant(fsys+[comma], lsp1, lvalu); if lsp1 = longptr then pfaddr := lvalu.valp^.lval else if lsp1 = intptr then pftoolnum := lvalu.ival else Error(15); Match(comma,20); DoConstant(fsys+[rparent], lsp1, lvalu); if lsp1 = intptr then pfcallnum := lvalu.ival else Error(15); if sy = rparent then InSymbol; end; otherwise: Error(6); end; {case} if needSemicolon then Match(semicolon,14); if not (sy in fsys) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys); end; {if} end {if} else with lcp^ do begin {if list is off, write the proc name} foundBody := true; if (not list) and progress and compilebody then writeln(' ':level, {lcp^.}pfoname^); {lcp^.}pfdirective := drnone; {lcp^.}pfset := false; if compilebody then begin if level <= 2 then begin mark({lcp^.}pfmark); Gen2Name(dc_str, $4000*ord({lcp^.}pfPrivate)+$8000*ord(isDynamic), 0, {lcp^.}pfoname); inseg := true; end; {if} DoBlock(fsys,semicolon,lcp,false); Match(semicolon,14); if not (sy in [endsy,beginsy,procsy,funcsy]) then begin Error(6); Skip([beginsy,procsy,funcsy]); end; {if} if ({lcp^.}klass = func) and (not {lcp^.}pfset) then Error(96); end; {if} end; {with} ExportUses; level := oldlev; top := oldtop; psize := lpsize; end; {ProcDeclaration} procedure UsesDeclaration(fsys: setofsys); {compile a uses statement} var done: boolean; {for detecting end of loop} foundBody: boolean; {dummy var for ProcDeclaration} lfsys: setofsys; {temp fsys} lsy: symbol; {for recording type of subroutine} begin {UsesDeclaration} if level <> 1 then Error(115); {must be at program level} repeat if sy = ident then begin inUses := true; {mark as in a uses file} OpenUses; {open the uses file} InSymbol; {get the first symbol in the uses file} fsys := fsys+[implementationsy]; {allow implementation} {compile the file} while sy = usessy do begin {skip uses - assumes correct syntax,} repeat { but will not hang if fooled } InSymbol; until (sy = semicolon) or eofl; InSymbol; end; if sy = constsy then begin InSymbol; ConstDeclaration(fsys); end; if sy = typesy then begin InSymbol; TypeDeclaration(fsys); end; if sy = varsy then begin InSymbol; VarDeclaration(fsys); end; {handle procedure, function declarations} while sy in [procsy,funcsy] do begin lsy := sy; InSymbol; nextLocalLabel := 1; ProcDeclaration(lsy, fsys, false, true, foundbody); if foundBody then Error(81); end; if sy <> implementationsy then begin Error(116); Skip([implementationsy]); end else InSymbol; inUses := false; {mark as out of uses file} end else Error(2); done := sy <> comma; if not done then InSymbol; until done or eofl; Match(semicolon,14); end; {UsesDeclaration} procedure Selector {fsys: setofsys; fcp,fprocp: ctp; var isMethod: boolean}; { handle indexing arrays, field selection, dereferencing of } { pointers, windowing files } { } { parameters: } { fsys - } { fcp - } { fprocp - identifier for program or program-level } { subroutine contining this statement } { isMethod - (returned) Did the selection resolve to a } { method call? If so, take no further action. } var isFunction: boolean; {are we dereferencing a function?} lattr: attr; {copy of an attribute} lcp,lcp1: ctp; lmin,lmax: longint; lsize: addrrange; lispacked: boolean; procedure ArrayIndex; { Handles subscripting an array } var bt: baseTypeEnum; {index base type} begin {ArrayIndex} {track array packing} gispacked := gispacked or lispacked; {loop over subscripts, possibly separated by commas} repeat {get the type, and make sure it's an array} lattr := gattr; lcp1 := glcp; with lattr do if typtr <> nil then if typtr^.form <> arrays then begin Error(63); typtr := nil; end; {if} LoadAddress; InSymbol; {get the array subscript value} Expression(fsys + [comma,rbrack],fprocp); Load; glcp := lcp1; if gattr.typtr <> nil then if gattr.typtr^.form <> scalar then Error(41); if lattr.typtr <> nil then with lattr.typtr^ do begin {if needed, promote the index to long} if CompTypes(inxtype, longptr) then if CompTypes(gattr.typtr, intptr) then begin Gen2(pc_cnv, ord(cgWord), ord(cgLong)); gattr.typtr := longptr; end; {if} {check the type of the subscript} if CompTypes(inxtype,gattr.typtr) then begin if inxtype <> nil then begin {check the range of the subscript} GetBounds(inxtype,lmin,lmax); if debug then if GetType(inxtype, false) in [cgLong,cgULong] then GenL2t(pc_chk, lmin, lmax, cgULong) else Gen2t(pc_chk, ord(lmin), ord(lmax), cgWord); {handle non-zero stating indexes for the array} if lmin <> 0 then if lmin > maxint then begin GenLdcLong(lmin); Gen0(pc_sbl); end {if} else Gen1t(pc_dec, ord(lmin), GetType(inxtype, false)); end; end else Error(64); {set up the result type, after indexing} bt := GetType(gattr.typtr, false); with gattr do begin typtr := aeltype; isPacked := false; kind := varbl; access := indrct; idplmt := 0; end; {index into the array} if gattr.typtr <> nil then begin lsize := gattr.typtr^.size; if ((gattr.typtr = charptr) or (gattr.typtr = boolptr)) and (ispacked = pkpacked) then begin lsize := packedcharsize; gattr.isPacked := true; end; {if} if (size < $010000) and (inxtype^.size <= intsize) then begin Gen1t(pc_ldc, long(lsize).lsw, cgUWord); Gen0(pc_umi); Gen0t(pc_ixa, cgUWord); end {if} else begin if not (bt in [cgLong,cgULong]) then Gen2(pc_cnv,ord(bt),ord(cgULong)); GenLdcLong(lsize); Gen0(pc_uml); Gen0(pc_adl); end; {else} end; {if} end; {with} until sy <> comma; {make sure there is a matching ']'} Match(rbrack,12); end; {ArrayIndex} procedure FieldSelection; { Compile a field selection } var form: structform; {records or objects (kind of variable)} disp: addrrange; {disp in object for method} begin {FieldSelection} gispacked := gispacked or lispacked; with gattr do begin {get the variable kind} if typtr <> nil then begin form := typtr^.form; if not (form in [records,objects]) then begin Error(65); typtr := nil; end; {if} end {if} else form := records; {get the field id} if sy = ident then begin if typtr <> nil then begin {find the field} if form = records then SearchSection(typtr^.fstfld, lcp) else SearchSection(typtr^.objfld, lcp); if lcp = nil then begin Error(77); typtr := nil; end {if} else begin {dereference the field} glcp := lcp; with lcp^ do begin typtr := idtype; lispacked := typtr^.ispacked = pkpacked; case access of drct: begin if form = objects then begin typtr := longptr; Load; if debug then GenL2t(pc_chk, 1, maxaddr, cgULong); typtr := idtype; isPacked := lispacked; kind := varbl; access := indrct; if klass = field then idplmt := fldaddr else idplmt := pfaddr; end {if} else begin dpdisp := dpdisp + fldaddr; if dpdisp > maxint then {use indirect access} LoadAddress; end; {else} end; indrct: if form = objects then begin typtr := longptr; Load; if debug then GenL2t(pc_chk, 1, maxaddr, cgULong); typtr := idtype; isPacked := lispacked; kind := varbl; access := indrct; if klass = field then idplmt := fldaddr else idplmt := pfaddr; end {if} else idplmt := idplmt + fldaddr; inxd: Error(113) end; {case} end; {with} {skip the field name} InSymbol; {check for method calls} if glcp^.klass = proc then begin disp := gattr.idplmt; gattr.idplmt := 0; LoadAddress; Gen0t(pc_stk, cgULong); CallNonStandard(fsys, glcp, fprocp, disp, cMethod); isMethod := true; end {if} else if glcp^.klass = func then begin disp := gattr.idplmt; gattr.idplmt := 0; LoadAddress; Gen0t(pc_stk, cgULong); isFunction := true; CallNonStandard(fsys, glcp, fprocp, disp, cMethod); isMethod := true; if sy <> arrow then gattr.kind := expr; if sy in [period,lbrack] then Error(23); end; {else if} end; {else} end {if} else {skip the field name} InSymbol; end {sy = ident} else Error(2) end; {with gattr} end; {FieldSelection} begin {Selector} isFunction := false; isMethod := false; if not doingCast then begin {access the identifier} with fcp^, gattr do begin typtr := idtype; isPacked := false; kind := varbl; case klass of varsm: if vkind = actual then begin {for actual variables, pass back the info} access := drct; vlevel := vlev; dpdisp := 0; if vlevel = 1 then aname := name else dplab := vlabel; end else begin {for formal variables, load their addr and indicate indirection} Gen3t(pc_lod, vlabel, 0, level-vlev, cgULong); access := indrct; idplmt := 0 end; field: with display[disx] do if occur = crec {field is directly accessable} then begin access := drct; vlevel := clev; if vlevel = 1 then aname := cname; dpdisp := cdspl+fldaddr; dplab := clab; end {if} else {field must be accessed indirectly} begin {for with only - access temp global variable from stack frame} Gen3t(pc_lod, vdsplab, 0, 0, cgULong); access := indrct; idplmt := fldaddr end; func: begin isFunction := true; Call(fsys, fcp, fprocp); if sy <> arrow then gattr.kind := expr; if sy in [period,lbrack] then Error(23); end; otherwise:; end; {case} end; {with} if not (sy in selectsys + fsys) then begin Error(29); Skip(selectsys + fsys); end; lispacked := false; if glcp <> nil then with glcp^ do if {glcp^.}idtype <> nil then lispacked := {glcp^.}idtype^.ispacked = pkpacked; {handle selections} end; {with} {do selections} while sy in selectsys do begin {[} if sy = lbrack then {indexes} ArrayIndex {.} else if sy = period then begin {record or object fields} InSymbol; FieldSelection; end {else if} {^} else begin gispacked := false; if gattr.typtr <> nil then with gattr,typtr^ do if form in [pointerStruct,files] then begin if not isFunction then Load; if form = pointerStruct then typtr := eltype else typtr := filtype; lispacked := typtr^.ispacked = pkpacked; if debug then GenL2t(pc_chk, 1, maxaddr, cgULong); with gattr do begin isPacked := false; kind := varbl; access := indrct; idplmt := 0; end; end else Error(66); InSymbol; end; if not (sy in fsys + selectsys) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys + selectsys); end; {if} end {while} end; {Selector} procedure InheritedCall (fsys: setofsys; fprocp: ctp); { Compile an inherited call } { } { parameters: } { fsys - follow symbols } { fprocp - identifier for program or program-level } { subroutine contining this statement } var lcp, lcp2, lcp3: ctp; {work identifiers} loc: unsigned; {position of '~' in object.method name} lsp: stp; {superclass object type} begin {InheritedCall} if sy = ident then begin {find the current method's object} SearchId([proc,func], lcp); if lcp <> nil then begin id := lcp^.pfoname^; loc := Pos('~', id); if loc <> 0 then id[0] := chr(loc-1); SearchId([types], lcp2); {find the parent object} if lcp2 <> nil then if lcp2^.idtype <> nil then if lcp2^.idtype^.objparent <> nil then begin lsp := lcp2^.idtype^.objparent; {find the method to be inherited} id := lcp^.name^; SearchSection(lsp^.objfld, lcp2); if lcp2 = nil then Error(130) else begin {set up the 'SELF' parameter} id := 'SELF'; SearchId([varsm,field], lcp3); if lcp3 <> nil then if (lcp3^.idtype <> nil) and (lcp3^.klass = varsm) then begin gattr.typtr := lcp3^.idtype; gattr.isPacked := false; gattr.kind := varbl; gattr.access := drct; gattr.vlevel := lcp3^.vlev; gattr.dplab := lcp3^.vlabel; gattr.dpdisp := 0; gattr.aname := lcp3^.name; Load; Gen0t(pc_stk, cgULong); end; {if} {call the inherited method} InSymbol; CallNonStandard(fsys, lcp2, fprocp, 0, cInherited); end; {else} end; {if} end; {if} end {if} else begin Error(2); Skip(fsys); end; {else} end; {InheritedCall} procedure Expression {fsys: setofsys; fprocp: ctp}; { compile an expression } { } { parameters: } { fsys - follow symbols } { fprocp - identifier for program or program-level } { subroutine contining this statement } var lattr: attr; lop: operator; typind: basetypeenum; lsize,rsize: integer; {size of string operands} procedure FloatCheck(var first, second: stp); {insure that both operands are real} begin {FloatCheck} if (second = intptr) or (second = byteptr) then begin Gen2(pc_cnv,ord(cgWord),ord(cgReal)); second := realptr; end else if second = longptr then begin Gen2(pc_cnv,ord(cgLong),ord(cgReal)); second := realptr; end else if IsReal(second) then second := realptr; if (first = intptr) or (first = byteptr) then begin Gen2(pc_cnn,ord(cgWord),ord(cgReal)); first := realptr; end else if first = longptr then begin Gen2(pc_cnn,ord(cgLong),ord(cgReal)); first := realptr; end else if IsReal(first) then first := realptr; end; {FloatCheck} procedure MatchOpnd(var first, second: stp); {insure that the operand types match} begin {MatchOpnd} {eliminate need for redundant checking} if second = byteptr then second := intptr else if IsReal(second) then second := realptr; if first = byteptr then first := intptr else if IsReal(first) then first := realptr; {match second operand to first if first is of higher type} if second = intptr then begin if first = longptr then begin Gen2(pc_cnv,ord(cgWord),ord(cgLong)); second := longptr; end else if first = realptr then begin Gen2(pc_cnv,ord(cgWord),ord(cgReal)); second := realptr; end; end else if second = longptr then if first = realptr then begin Gen2(pc_cnv,ord(cgLong),ord(cgReal)); second := realptr; end; {match first operand to second if second is of higher type} if first = intptr then begin if second = longptr then begin Gen2(pc_cnn,ord(cgWord),ord(cgLong)); first := longptr; end else if second = realptr then begin Gen2(pc_cnn,ord(cgWord),ord(cgReal)); first := realptr; end; end else if first = longptr then if second = realptr then begin Gen2(pc_cnn,ord(cgLong),ord(cgReal)); first := realptr; end; end; {MatchOpnd} procedure SimpleExpression(fsys: setofsys); {compile a simple expression} var lattr: attr; lop: operator; signed,foundSign: boolean; procedure Term (fsys: setofsys); { compile a term } { } { parameters: } { fsys - follow symbols } var lattr: attr; lop: operator; procedure Factor (fsys: setofsys); { compile a factor } { } { parameters: } { fsys - follow symbols } var isMethod: boolean; {dummy for selector call} lvp: csp; varpart: boolean; cstmax: setlow..sethigh; lsp: stp; lowrange,i: integer; test: boolean; lcp: ctp; {used to form addresses via atsy} cstpart: ^settype; castType: stp; {type to cast to (for type casting)} castSize: addrrange; {sizes (for type casting)} begin {Factor} if not (sy in facbegsys) then begin Error(28); Skip(fsys + facbegsys); gattr.typtr := nil; end; {if} while sy in facbegsys do begin case sy of {id} ident: begin SearchId([types,konst,varsm,field,func],glcp); with glcp^ do begin InSymbol; if klass = types then begin {handle a type cast} if iso then Error(112); castType := {glcp^.}idtype; castSize := castType^.size; Match(lparent,9); Expression(fsys + [rparent],fprocp); if (gattr.typtr^.form in [power,arrays,records,files,tagfld,variant]) or (castType^.form in [power,files,tagfld,variant]) then Error(121); if castSize <> gattr.typtr^.size then begin {type conversion} Load; gattr.typtr := castType; if castSize = 2 then Gen2(pc_cnv,ord(cgLong),ord(cgWord)) else Gen2(pc_cnv,ord(cgWord),ord(cgLong)); Match(rparent,4); end else begin {treat space as another type} gattr.typtr := castType; Match(rparent,4); doingCast := true; Selector(fsys, glcp, fprocp, isMethod); doingCast := false; end; end else if klass = konst then with gattr do begin typtr := {glcp^.}idtype; isPacked := false; kind := cst; cval := {glcp^.}values; end else Selector(fsys, glcp, fprocp, isMethod); end; end; {inherited} inheritedsy: begin InSymbol; InheritedCall(fsys, fprocp); if sy <> arrow then gattr.kind := expr; if sy in [period,lbrack] then Error(23); end; {nil} nilsy: begin with gattr do begin typtr := nilptr; isPacked := false; kind := cst; cval.ival := 0; InSymbol; end; end; {atsy} atsy: begin InSymbol; if sy = ident then begin SearchId([konst,varsm,field,func,proc],lcp); InSymbol; if lcp^.klass in [func,proc] then Gen0Name(pc_lad,lcp^.name) else if lcp^.klass = konst then begin if IsString(lcp^.idtype) then begin val := lcp^.values; lgth := length(val.valp^.sval); LoadString(lengthString); LoadAddress; end {if} else Error(32); end {else if} else begin if lcp^.klass = varsm then begin if lcp^.vcontvar then Error(97); if lcp^.vlev <> level then lcp^.vrestrict := true; end; Selector(fsys, lcp, fprocp, isMethod); LoadAddress; end; end else if sy = stringconst then begin LoadString(lengthString); InSymbol; LoadAddress; end else Error(2); gattr.kind := expr; gattr.typtr := nilptr; end; {cst} intconst: begin with gattr do begin typtr := intptr; isPacked := false; kind := cst; cval := val; end; InSymbol; end; longintconst: begin with gattr do begin typtr := longptr; isPacked := false; kind := cst; cval := val; end; InSymbol; end; realconst: begin with gattr do begin typtr := realptr; isPacked := false; kind := cst; cval := val; end; InSymbol; end; stringconst: begin with gattr do begin if lgth = 1 then typtr := charptr else begin lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); with lsp^ do begin aeltype := charptr; form := arrays; hasSFile := false; ispacked := pkpacked; inxtype := dummystring; size := lgth*packedcharsize; end; {with} typtr := lsp end; {else} isPacked := false; kind := cst; cval := val; end; {with} InSymbol; end; {(} lparent: begin InSymbol; Expression(fsys + [rparent],fprocp); Load; Match(rparent,4); end; {not} notsy: begin InSymbol; Factor(fsys); Load; Gen0(pc_not); if gattr.typtr <> nil then if gattr.typtr <> boolptr then begin Error(60); gattr.typtr := nil; end; end; {~} bitnot: begin InSymbol; Factor(fsys); Load; if gattr.typtr <> nil then if (gattr.typtr = intptr) or (gattr.typtr = byteptr) then Gen0(pc_bnt) else if gattr.typtr = longptr then Gen0(pc_bnl) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr := nil; end; end; {[} lbrack: begin new(cstPart); InSymbol; cstpart^ := [ ]; varpart := false; lsp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); cstmax := setlow; with lsp^ do begin ispacked := pkeither; hasSFile := false; form := power; elset := nil; end; if sy = rbrack then begin lsp^.size := cstmax div 8 + 1; with gattr do begin typtr := lsp; isPacked := false; kind := cst end; InSymbol; end else begin repeat Expression(fsys + [comma,rbrack,dotdot],fprocp); if gattr.typtr <> nil then if not (gattr.typtr^.form in [scalar,subrange]) then begin Error(61); gattr.typtr := nil; end else if CompTypes(lsp^.elset,gattr.typtr) then begin if gattr.kind = cst then begin if (gattr.cval.ival < setlow) or (gattr.cval.ival > sethigh) then Error(110); if sy = dotdot then begin InSymbol; lowrange := gattr.cval.ival; Expression(fsys+[comma,rbrack],fprocp); if gattr.typtr <> nil then if not (gattr.typtr^.form in [scalar,subrange]) then begin Error(61); gattr.typtr := nil; end else if CompTypes(lsp^.elset,gattr.typtr) then begin if gattr.kind = cst then begin if gattr.cval.ival>sethigh then Error(110); for i := lowrange to gattr.cval.ival do cstpart^ := cstpart^+[i]; if gattr.cval.ival > cstmax then cstmax := gattr.cval.ival; end else begin Gen1t(pc_ldc, lowRange, cgWord); Load; if debug then Gen2t(pc_chk, setlow, sethigh, cgUWord); Gen0(pc_sgs); if varpart then Gen0(pc_uni) else varpart := true end; end else Error(62); end else begin cstpart^ := cstpart^+[gattr.cval.ival]; if gattr.cval.ival > cstmax then cstmax := gattr.cval.ival; end end else begin Load; if debug then Gen2t(pc_chk, setlow, sethigh, cgUWord); if sy = dotdot then begin InSymbol; Expression(fsys+[comma,rbrack],fprocp); if gattr.typtr <> nil then if not (gattr.typtr^.form in [scalar,subrange]) then begin Error(61); gattr.typtr := nil; end else if CompTypes(lsp^.elset,gattr.typtr) then begin Load; if debug then Gen2t(pc_chk, setlow, sethigh, cgUWord); end else Error(62); end else Gen1t(pc_ldc, $8000, cgUWord); Gen0(pc_sgs); if varpart then Gen0(pc_uni) else varpart := true end; lsp^.elset := gattr.typtr; gattr.typtr := lsp end else Error(62); test := sy <> comma; if not test then InSymbol until test; Match(rbrack,12); end; if varpart then begin if cstpart^ <> [ ] then begin lvp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(constantRec))); with lvp^ do begin cclass := pset; pval := cstpart^; pmax := cstmax; end; GenLdcSet(lvp^); Gen0(pc_uni); gattr.kind := expr; end end else begin lvp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(constantRec))); with lvp^ do begin cclass := pset; pval := cstpart^; pmax := cstmax; end; gattr.cval.valp := lvp; gattr.isPacked := false; gattr.kind := cst; end; dispose(cstPart); end end; {case} if not (sy in (fsys+[powersy])) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys + facbegsys); end; {if} end; {while} if sy = powersy then begin Load; if (gattr.typtr = intptr) or (gattr.typtr = byteptr) then Gen2(pc_cnv,ord(cgWord),ord(cgReal)) else if gattr.typtr = longptr then Gen2(pc_cnv,ord(cgLong),ord(cgReal)) else if not IsReal(gattr.typtr) then Error(59); InSymbol; Factor(fsys); Load; if (gattr.typtr = intptr) or (gattr.typtr = byteptr) then Gen2(pc_cnv,ord(cgWord),ord(cgReal)) else if gattr.typtr = longptr then Gen2(pc_cnv,ord(cgLong),ord(cgReal)) else if not IsReal(gattr.typtr) then Error(59); Gen0(pc_pwr); gattr.typtr := realptr; end; end; {Factor} begin {Term} Factor(fsys + [mulop,powersy]); while sy = mulop do begin Load; lattr := gattr; lop := op; InSymbol; Factor(fsys + [mulop]); Load; if (lattr.typtr <> nil) and (gattr.typtr <> nil) then case lop of {*} mul: begin MatchOpnd(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr); if lattr.typtr = intptr then Gen0(pc_mpi) else if lattr.typtr = longptr then Gen0(pc_mpl) else if lattr.typtr = realptr then Gen0(pc_mpr) else if(lattr.typtr^.form=power) and CompTypes(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr)then Gen0(pc_int) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr:=nil; end; end; {/} rdiv: begin FloatCheck(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr); if lattr.typtr = realptr then Gen0(pc_dvr) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr := nil; end; end; {div} idiv: begin MatchOpnd(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr); if lattr.typtr = intptr then Gen0(pc_dvi) else if lattr.typtr = longptr then Gen0(pc_dvl) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr := nil; end; end; {mod} imod: begin MatchOpnd(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr); if lattr.typtr = intptr then Gen0(pc_mod) else if lattr.typtr = longptr then Gen0(pc_mdl) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr := nil; end; end; {and} andop: if (lattr.typtr = boolptr) and (gattr.typtr = boolptr) then Gen0(pc_and) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr := nil; end; {<<} lshift: begin MatchOpnd(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr); if lattr.typtr=intptr then Gen0(pc_shl) else if lattr.typtr = longptr then Gen0(pc_sll) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr:=nil; end; end; {>>} rshift: begin MatchOpnd(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr); if lattr.typtr=intptr then Gen0(pc_shr) else if lattr.typtr = longptr then Gen0(pc_slr) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr:=nil; end; end; {&} band: begin MatchOpnd(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr); if lattr.typtr=intptr then Gen0(pc_bnd) else if lattr.typtr = longptr then Gen0(pc_bal) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr:=nil; end; end; end {case} else gattr.typtr := nil; end; {while} end; {Term} begin {SimpleExpression} signed := false; foundSign := false; if (sy = addop) and (op in [plus,minus]) then begin signed := op = minus; InSymbol; foundSign := true; end; Term(fsys + [addop]); if signed then begin Load; if (gattr.typtr = intptr) or (gattr.typtr = byteptr) then Gen0(pc_ngi) else if gattr.typtr = longptr then Gen0(pc_ngl) else if IsReal(gattr.typtr) then Gen0(pc_ngr) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr := nil; end; end else if foundSign then if (gattr.typtr <> intptr) and (not IsReal(gattr.typtr)) and (gattr.typtr <> byteptr) and (gattr.typtr <> longptr) then Error(34); while sy = addop do begin Load; lattr := gattr; lop := op; InSymbol; Term(fsys + [addop]); Load; if (lattr.typtr <> nil) and (gattr.typtr <> nil) then case lop of {+} plus: begin MatchOpnd(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr); if lattr.typtr = intptr then Gen0(pc_adi) else if lattr.typtr = longptr then Gen0(pc_adl) else if lattr.typtr = realptr then Gen0(pc_adr) else if (lattr.typtr^.form=power) and CompTypes(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr) then Gen0(pc_uni) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr:=nil; end; end; {-} minus: begin MatchOpnd(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr); if lattr.typtr = intptr then Gen0(pc_sbi) else if lattr.typtr = longptr then Gen0(pc_sbl) else if lattr.typtr = realptr then Gen0(pc_sbr) else if (lattr.typtr^.form = power) and CompTypes(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr) then Gen0(pc_dif) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr := nil; end; end; {or} orop: if (lattr.typtr = boolptr) and (gattr.typtr = boolptr) then Gen0(pc_ior) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr := nil; end; {|} bor: begin MatchOpnd(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr); if lattr.typtr = intptr then Gen0(pc_bor) else if lattr.typtr = longptr then Gen0(pc_blr) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr:=nil; end; end; {!} xor: begin MatchOpnd(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr); if lattr.typtr = intptr then Gen0(pc_bxr) else if lattr.typtr = longptr then Gen0(pc_blx) else begin Error(59); gattr.typtr:=nil; end; end; end {case} else gattr.typtr := nil end; {while} end; {SimpleExpression} begin {Expression} SimpleExpression(fsys + [relop]); if sy = relop then begin if gattr.typtr <> nil then if gattr.typtr^.form in [scalar..power,objects] then Load else LoadAddress; lattr := gattr; lop := op; InSymbol; SimpleExpression(fsys); {set the size of the left operand} if lattr.typtr <> nil then if IsString(lattr.typtr) then lsize := StrLen(lattr.typtr); if gattr.typtr <> nil then begin if IsString(gattr.typtr) then if lattr.typtr = charptr then begin lattr.typtr := stringptr; lsize := -1; end; if gattr.typtr^.form in [scalar..power,objects] then Load else LoadAddress; end; {set the size of the right operand} if IsString(gattr.typtr) then rsize := StrLen(gattr.typtr) else begin if lattr.typtr <> nil then if IsString(lattr.typtr) then if gattr.typtr = charptr then begin gattr.typtr := stringptr; rsize := -1; end; {if} end; {else} if (lattr.typtr <> nil) and (gattr.typtr <> nil) then if lop = inop then if lattr.typtr^.form nil then with fcp^ do begin if klass = func then begin {function assignment} pfset := true; if pfdeckind = standard then begin Error(75); gattr.typtr := nil; end else begin if pfkind = formal then Error(76) else if pflev+1 > level then Error(93); with gattr do begin typtr := idtype; isPacked := false; kind := varbl; access := drct; vlevel := pflev+1; dplab := pflabel; dpdisp := 0; end; {with} end; goto 1; end {if} else if klass = varsm then begin {variable (non-function) assignment} if vcontvar then Error(97); if vlev <> level then vrestrict := true; end; {else if} end; {with} Selector(fsys + [becomes], fcp, fprocp, isMethod); {handle the right-hand side} 1: if not isMethod then if sy = becomes then begin if gattr.typtr <> nil then begin stringAssignment := IsString(gattr.typtr); if (gattr.access<>drct) or (gattr.typtr^.form in [arrays,records,files]) then begin LoadAddress; if stringAssignment then Gen0t(pc_stk, cgULong); end; {if} if stringAssignment then begin Gen1t(pc_ldc, StrLen(gattr.typtr), cgWord); Gen0t(pc_stk, cgWord); Gen0t(pc_bno, cgWord); end; {if} end; {if} lattr := gattr; InSymbol; Expression(fsys,fprocp); tattr := gattr; if gattr.typtr <> nil then if gattr.typtr^.form = objects then begin Load; if debug then GenL2t(pc_chk, 1, maxaddr, cgULong); end {if} else if gattr.typtr^.form in [scalar,subrange,pointerStruct,power] then Load else LoadAddress; if (lattr.typtr <> nil) and (gattr.typtr <> nil) then begin if CompTypes(realptr, lattr.typtr) then begin {convert a non-real rhs to a real before storing} if (gattr.typtr = intptr) or (gattr.typtr = bytePtr) then begin Gen2(pc_cnv, ord(cgWord), ord(cgReal)); gattr.typtr := realptr; end else if gattr.typtr = longptr then begin Gen2(pc_cnv, ord(cgLong), ord(cgReal)); gattr.typtr := realptr; end; end else if CompTypes(longptr, lattr.typtr) then {convert a non-long rhs to a long before storing} if (gattr.typtr = intptr) or (gattr.typtr = bytePtr) then begin Gen2(pc_cnv, ord(cgWord), ord(cgLong)); gattr.typtr := longptr; end; {if} {convert a char rhs to a string before storing} if gattr.typtr = charptr then begin if IsString(lattr.typtr) then begin stringAssignment := true; gattr.typtr := stringptr; Gen0t(pc_stk, cgUWord); GenLdcLong(-1); Gen0t(pc_stk, cgULong); Gen0t(pc_bno, cgULong); Gen0t(pc_bno, cgULong); end; end else if IsString(tattr.typtr) then begin if tattr.kind <> expr then begin Gen0t(pc_stk, cgULong); Gen1t(pc_ldc, StrLen(tattr.typtr), cgWord); Gen0t(pc_stk, cgWord); Gen0t(pc_bno, cgWord); end; {if} Gen0t(pc_bno, cgULong); end; {do the assignment} if CompTypes(lattr.typtr, gattr.typtr) then begin case lattr.typtr^.form of scalar,subrange: begin CheckBnds(lattr.typtr); Store(lattr); end; pointerStruct, power, objects: Store(lattr); arrays,records: if stringAssignment then Gen1(pc_csp,91{mvs}) else Gen2(pc_mov, long(lattr.typtr^.size).msw, long(lattr.typtr^.size).lsw); files: ; end; {case} if gattr.typtr^.hasSFile then if lattr.typtr^.form <> pointerStruct then Error(71); end {if} else if CompObjects(lattr.typtr, gattr.typtr) then Store(lattr) else Error(54); end {if} end {sy = becomes} else Error(23); end; {Assignment} procedure GotoStatement; {Compile a goto statement} label 1; var llp: lbp; ttop: disprange; i: integer; fcp: ctp; begin {GotoStatement} if sy = intconst then begin ttop := level; repeat llp := display[ttop].flabel; while llp <> nil do with llp^ do if labval = val.ival then begin for i := ttop to level-1 do Gen0(pc_prs); if labname >= firstlab then Gen1(pc_ujp, labname) else begin MakeLab(fcp,labname); Gen0Name(pc_ujp, fcp^.name); end; if defined then begin if lstlevel > stlevel then Error(99) else begin for i := 1 to lstlevel-1 do if starray[i] <> lstarray[i] then begin Error(99); goto 1; end; end; end else begin if ttop<>level then lstlevel := 1 else if lstlevel = 0 then begin lstlevel := stlevel; lstarray := starray; end else begin if lstlevel > stlevel then lstlevel := stlevel; for i := 1 to lstlevel do if lstarray[i] <> starray[i] then begin lstlevel := i; goto 1; end; end; end; goto 1; end else llp := nextlab; ttop := ttop-1; until ttop = 0; Error(89); 1: InSymbol end else Error(15) end; {GotoStatement} procedure StartStruct; begin {StartStruct} if stlevel < maxgoto then starray[stlevel] := starray[stlevel]+1; stlevel := stlevel+1; end; {StartStruct} procedure EndStruct; begin {EndStruct} if stlevel < maxgoto then starray[stlevel] := 0; stlevel := stlevel-1; end; {EndStruct} procedure CompoundStatement; {compile a compound statement} var test: boolean; begin {CompoundStatement} StartStruct; repeat repeat Statement(fsys + [semicolon,endsy],fprocp,stlevel,starray); until not (sy in statbegsys); test := sy <> semicolon; if not test then InSymbol until test; Match(endsy,13); EndStruct; end; {CompoundStatement} procedure IfStatement; var lcix1,lcix2: integer; begin {IfStatement} Expression(fsys + [thensy],fprocp); lcix1 := GenLabel; checkbool; Gen1(pc_fjp, lcix1); Match(thensy,24); StartStruct; Statement(fsys + [elsesy],fprocp,stlevel,starray); EndStruct; if sy = elsesy then begin lcix2 := GenLabel; Gen1(pc_ujp, lcix2); Gen1(dc_lab, lcix1); InSymbol; StartStruct; Statement(fsys,fprocp,stlevel,starray); EndStruct; Gen1(dc_lab, lcix2) end else Gen1(dc_lab, lcix1) end {IfStatement} ; procedure CaseStatement; {compile a case statement} label 1; const sparse = 5; {label to tableSize ratio for sparse table} var foundlab: boolean; {was a label found?} fstptr,lpt1,lpt2,lpt3: cip; isotherwise: boolean; {was the last label 'otherwise'?} laddr, lcix, lcix1: integer; lcount: unsigned; {number of case labels} lmin, lmax: integer; {low, high case label} llb: unsigned; {used to allocate temporary space} lsp,lsp1: stp; lval: valu; otherlab: unsigned; {otherwise label number} test: boolean; begin {CaseStatement} {evaluate the case expression} otherlab := 0; Expression(fsys + [ofsy,comma,colon],fprocp); Load; llb := GetTemp(intsize); Gen3t(pc_str, llb, 0, 0, cgWord); lcix := GenLabel; lsp := gattr.typtr; if lsp <> nil then if (lsp^.form <> scalar) or IsReal(lsp) then begin Error(69); lsp := nil; end; {if} Gen1(pc_ujp, lcix); Match(ofsy,8); fstptr := nil; laddr := GenLabel; {collect the labeled statements} lmax := -maxint; lcount := 0; repeat StartStruct; lpt3 := nil; lcix1 := GenLabel; foundlab := false; if not(sy in [semicolon,endsy]) then begin repeat if sy = otherwisesy then begin if otherlab <> 0 then Error(80) else begin foundlab := true; otherlab := lcix1; end; InSymbol; isotherwise := true; end {if} else begin isotherwise := false; DoConstant(fsys + [comma,colon],lsp1,lval); if lval.ival > lmax then lmax := lval.ival; if lsp <> nil then if CompTypes(lsp,lsp1) then begin lpt1 := fstptr; lpt2 := nil; while lpt1 <> nil do with lpt1^ do begin if cslab >= lval.ival then begin if cslab = lval.ival then Error(80); goto 1; end; {if} lpt2 := lpt1; lpt1 := next; end; {with} 1: lpt3 := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(caseInfo))); foundlab := true; with lpt3^ do begin next := lpt1; cslab := lval.ival; csstart := lcix1; end; {with} lcount := lcount+1; if lpt2 = nil then fstptr := lpt3 else lpt2^.next := lpt3 end {if} else Error(72); end; test := sy <> comma; if not test then InSymbol; until test; if sy = colon then InSymbol else if not isotherwise then Error(5); Gen1(dc_lab, lcix1); repeat Statement(fsys + [semicolon],fprocp,stlevel,starray); until not (sy in statbegsys); if foundlab then Gen1(pc_ujp, laddr); end; test := sy <> semicolon; if not test then InSymbol; EndStruct; until test; {generate the branch code} Gen1(dc_lab, lcix); if fstptr <> nil then begin {if there are labels...} lmin := fstptr^.cslab; if (lmax - lmin) div lcount > sparse then begin {use if-else for sparse case statements} while fstptr <> nil do begin Gen1t(pc_ldc, fstptr^.cslab, cgWord); Gen3t(pc_lod, llb, 0, 0, cgWord); Gen0t(pc_equ, cgWord); Gen1(pc_tjp, fstptr^.csstart); fstptr := fstptr^.next; end; {while} {handle untrapped values} if otherlab <> 0 then Gen1(pc_ujp, otherlab) else begin Gen0(pc_nop); Gen1tName(pc_cup, 0, cgVoid, @'~XJPERROR'); end; {if} end {if} else begin {use a jump table for compact case statements} Gen3t(pc_lod, llb, 0, 0, cgWord); {do the indexed jump} Gen1t(pc_dec, lmin, cgWord); Gen1(pc_xjp, lmax-lmin+1); repeat {generate the jump table} with fstptr^ do begin while cslab > lmin do begin {generate default labels for gaps in } Gen1(pc_add, otherlab); { the table } lmin := lmin+1; end; {while} Gen1(pc_add, csstart); {generate an entry for a label that } fstptr := next; {was specified } lmin := lmin+1; end; {with} until fstptr = nil; Gen1(pc_add, otherlab); {generate a label for overflows} end; {else} Gen1(dc_lab, laddr); {for branching around the table} end; {if} Match(endsy,13); FreeTemp(llb, intsize); {free the temp label} end; {CaseStatement} procedure RepeatStatement; var laddr: integer; begin {RepeatStatement} laddr := GenLabel; Gen1(dc_lab, laddr); StartStruct; repeat Statement(fsys + [semicolon,untilsy],fprocp,stlevel,starray); if sy in statbegsys then Error(14) until not(sy in statbegsys); while sy = semicolon do begin InSymbol; repeat Statement(fsys + [semicolon,untilsy],fprocp,stlevel,starray); if sy in statbegsys then Error(14) until not (sy in statbegsys); end; Match(untilsy,25); Expression(fsys,fprocp); checkbool; Gen1(pc_fjp, laddr); EndStruct; end {RepeatStatement} ; procedure WhileStatement; var laddr, lcix: integer; begin {WhileStatement} laddr := GenLabel; Gen1(dc_lab, laddr); StartStruct; Expression(fsys + [dosy],fprocp); lcix := GenLabel; checkbool; Gen1(pc_fjp, lcix); Match(dosy,26); Statement(fsys,fprocp,stlevel,starray); Gen1(pc_ujp, laddr); Gen1(dc_lab, lcix); EndStruct; end; {WhileStatement} procedure ForStatement; {compile a for loop} var firstExpr: boolean; {was the first thing an expression?} lattr,lattr2: attr; {local attributes for start, stop} ldattr: attr; {lattr without subranges removed} lsy: symbol; {preserve symbol past InSymbol call} lab1, lab2: integer; {top, bottom labels} llb,llb2: unsigned; {used to allocate temporary space} llb1Used,llb2Used: boolean; {was work space used?} lcp,cvlcp: ctp; {temp ptr to identifier} sattr: attr; {attr for start expr} isunsigned: boolean; {is the loop variable unsigned?} startConst,endConst: boolean; {are start,stop points constant?} startVal,endVal: integer; { if so, these are the values} begin {ForStatement} {no work space reserved yet} llb1Used := false; llb2Used := false; firstExpr := false; {set up the top and bottom loop points} lab1 := GenLabel; lab2 := GenLabel; {set up a default control variable} with lattr do begin typtr := nil; isPacked := false; kind := varbl; aName := pointer(ord4(@' ')+1); access := drct; vlevel := level; dpdisp := 0; end; {find and check the control variable} isunsigned := false; if sy = ident then begin SearchId([varsm],lcp); if lcp <> nil then if lcp^.idtype <> nil then if lcp^.idtype^.form = subrange then isunsigned := lcp^.idtype^.min >= 0; with lattr do begin isPacked := false; kind := varbl; with lcp^ do begin typtr := idtype; if vcontvar or vrestrict then Error(97); {prohibit use of this var as a control var} vcontvar := true; if vkind = actual then if vlev = level then begin access := drct; aname := name; vlevel := level; dpdisp := 0; if level <> 1 then dplab := vlabel; end else begin Error(79); typtr := nil; end else begin Error(95); typtr := nil; end;{else} end; {with} end; {with} cvlcp := lcp; ldattr := lattr; if lattr.typtr <> nil then if (lattr.typtr^.form > subrange) or CompTypes(realptr,lattr.typtr) or CompTypes(longptr,lattr.typtr) then begin Error(68); lattr.typtr := nil; end; InSymbol; end else begin Error(2); Skip(fsys + [becomes,tosy,downtosy,dosy]); end; {evaluate the start value for the loop} if sy = becomes then begin InSymbol; Expression(fsys + [tosy,downtosy,dosy],fprocp); if gattr.typtr <> nil then begin if gattr.typtr^.form = subrange then gattr.typtr := gattr.typtr^.rangetype; if gattr.typtr^.form <> scalar then Error(69) else if CompTypes(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr) then begin lattr2 := lattr; if gattr.kind = cst then begin startConst := true; startVal := gattr.cval.ival; end {if} else begin startConst := false; with gattr do if (kind = expr) or ((kind = varbl) and (access <> drct)) then begin Load; llb := GetTemp(intsize); llb1Used := true; Gen3t(pc_str, llb, 0, 0, cgWord); isPacked := false; kind := varbl; access := drct; vlevel := level; dplab := llb; firstExpr := true; end; {with} end; {else} sattr := gattr; end {else if} else Error(70); end; {if} {evaluate the loop condition and stop point} if sy in [tosy,downtosy] then begin lsy := sy; InSymbol; Expression(fsys + [dosy],fprocp); if gattr.typtr <> nil then begin if gattr.typtr^.form = subrange then gattr.typtr := gattr.typtr^.rangetype; if gattr.typtr^.form <> scalar then Error(69) else if CompTypes(lattr.typtr,gattr.typtr) then begin if gattr.kind = cst then begin endConst := true; endVal := gattr.cval.ival; end else begin endConst := false; Load; {make room for the end value on the stack frame} llb2 := GetTemp(intsize); llb2Used := true; Gen3t(pc_str, llb2, 0, 0, cgWord); end; {initialize the loop variable} gattr := sattr; if firstExpr then Gen3t(pc_lod, gattr.dplab, 0, 0, cgWord) else Load; Store(lattr); if (not startConst) or (not endConst) then begin {check for a skip of the entire body} gattr := ldattr; Load; if endConst then Gen1t(pc_ldc, endVal, cgWord) else Gen3t(pc_lod, llb2, 0, 0, cgWord); if lsy = downtosy then if isunsigned then Gen0t(pc_geq, cgUWord) else Gen0t(pc_geq, cgWord) else if isunsigned then Gen0t(pc_leq, cgUWord) else Gen0t(pc_leq, cgWord); Gen1(pc_fjp, lab2); end {if} else if lsy = tosy then begin if endVal < startVal then Gen1(pc_ujp, lab2); end {else if} else if endVal > startVal then Gen1(pc_ujp, lab2); Gen1(dc_lab, lab1); end {else if} else Error(70); end {if} end else begin Error(27); Skip(fsys + [dosy]); end; {else} {must find the closing do} Match(dosy,26); {compile the body of the loop} StartStruct; Statement(fsys,fprocp,stlevel,starray); EndStruct; if endConst then begin {handle a constant stop condition} {update the control var} gattr := lattr; Load; if lsy = tosy then Gen1t(pc_inc, 1, cgWord) else Gen1t(pc_dec, 1, cgWord); Store(lattr); {branch if not done} gattr := lattr; Load; if lsy = tosy then Gen1t(pc_ldc, endVal+1, cgWord) else Gen1t(pc_ldc, endVal-1, cgWord); Gen0t(pc_equ, cgWord); Gen1(pc_fjp, lab1); end else begin {handle a constant end condition} {branch if done} gattr := lattr; Load; Gen3t(pc_lod, llb2, 0, 0, cgWord); Gen0t(pc_neq, cgWord); Gen1(pc_fjp, lab2); {update the control var} gattr := lattr; Load; if lsy = tosy then Gen1t(pc_inc, 1, cgWord) else Gen1t(pc_dec, 1, cgWord); Store(lattr); {back to the top} Gen1(pc_ujp, lab1); end; Gen1(dc_lab, lab2); {remove the end value's space from the used part of the stack frame} if llb1Used then FreeTemp(llb, intsize); if llb2Used then FreeTemp(llb2, intsize); {allow reuse of this var as a control var} cvlcp^.vcontvar := false; end else begin Error(23); Skip(fsys + [semicolon]); end; end; {ForStatement} procedure WithStatement; {compile the with statement} var form: structform; {kind of with (records or objects)} isMethod: boolean; {dummy for selector call} lcp: ctp; llb: unsigned; {for reserving work space} llbUsed: boolean; {was llc used?} name: pStringPtr; {name of the record being with-ed} test: boolean; {test for loop termination} len: integer; {string length} oldtop: integer; {old top value} begin {WithStatement} llbUsed := false; oldtop := top; repeat if sy = ident then begin len := ord(id[0])+2; name := pointer(Malloc(len)); CopyString(name^,id,len); SearchId([varsm,field],lcp); InSymbol; end else begin Error(2); lcp := uvarptr; name := nil; end; Selector(fsys + [comma,dosy], lcp, fprocp, isMethod); if gattr.typtr <> nil then begin form := gattr.typtr^.form; if form in [records,objects] then if top < displimit then begin top := top+1; with display[top] do begin cname := pointer(ord4(@' ')+1); if form = records then fname := gattr.typtr^.fstfld else fname := gattr.typtr^.objfld; flabel := nil; ispacked := gattr.typtr^.ispacked = pkpacked; end; {with} if (gattr.access = drct) and (form = records) then with display[top] do begin occur := crec; labsused := nil; clev := gattr.vlevel; if display[disx].occur = crec then cname := display[disx].cname else cname := name; name := nil; cdspl := gattr.dpdisp; clab := gattr.dplab; end else begin if gattr.access = drct {and (form = objects)} then Load else LoadAddress; llb := GetTemp(ptrsize); llbUsed := true; if level <= 1 then Gen3t(pc_str, llb, 0, level-1, cgULong) else Gen3t(pc_str, llb, 0, 0, cgULong); with display[top] do begin labsused := nil; occur := vrec; vdsplab := llb; end; {with} end; {else} end {if} else Error(107) else Error(65); end; {if} test := sy <> comma; if not test then InSymbol; until test; Match(dosy,26); StartStruct; Statement(fsys,fprocp,stlevel,starray); EndStruct; if llbUsed then FreeTemp(llb, ptrsize); top := oldtop; end; {WithStatement} begin {Statement} if sy = intconst then begin {define a label for gotos} llp := display[level].flabel; while llp <> nil do with llp^ do if labval = val.ival then begin if defined then Error(87); if labname > firstlab then Gen1(dc_lab, labname) else begin MakeLab(fcp,labname); Gen0name(dc_lab, fcp^.name); end; defined := true; if lstlevel <> 0 then if stlevel > lstlevel then Error(99) else for i := 1 to stlevel-1 do if starray[i] <> lstarray[i] then begin Error(99); goto 1; end; lstlevel := stlevel; lstarray := starray; goto 1; end else llp := nextlab; Error(89); 1: InSymbol; Match(colon,5); end; if not (sy in fsys + [ident]) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys); end; {if trace names are enabled and a line # is due, generate it} if debugFlag or traceBack then if lastline<>linecount then if namFound then begin lastline := linecount; Gen2(pc_lnm, linecount, ord(debugType)); end; if sy in statbegsys + [ident] then begin case sy of beginsy: begin InSymbol; CompoundStatement; end; gotosy: begin InSymbol; GotoStatement; end; ifsy: begin InSymbol; IfStatement; end; casesy: begin InSymbol; CaseStatement; end; whilesy: begin InSymbol; WhileStatement; end; repeatsy: begin InSymbol; RepeatStatement; end; forsy: begin InSymbol; ForStatement; end; withsy: begin InSymbol; WithStatement; end; inheritedsy: begin InSymbol; InheritedCall(fsys, fprocp); end; ident: begin SearchId([varsm,field,func,proc], lcp); InSymbol; if lcp^.klass = proc then Call(fsys, lcp, fprocp) else Assignment(lcp); end; end; {if the string heap was used, purge it} if stringHeap then begin stringHeap := false; Gen0(pc_nop); Gen1(pc_csp,92{dsh}); end; {make sure the next token is legal} if not (sy in [semicolon,endsy,elsesy,untilsy]) then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys); end; end; end; {Statement} procedure Body (fsys: setofsys; fprocp: ctp); { Compile the body of a procedure, function or program } { } { parameters: } { fsys - follow symbols } { fprocp - identifier for program or program-level } { subroutine contining this statement } var llcp: ctp; saveId: pStringPtr; {program identifier name} i: integer; llbl: unsigned; lcp: ctp; llp: lbp; fcp: csp; fsp: stp; plabel: unsigned; {largest parameter label number} size: unsigned; {temp size} stlevel: integer; starray: starrtype; test: boolean; hasFiles: boolean; {are there any files in the block?} procedure GenLocals (lcp: ctp; pLab: unsigned); { define non-array global variables } { } { parameters: } { lcp - symbol table node } { pLab - largest parameter label } begin {GenLocals} if lcp <> nil then with lcp^ do begin GenLocals(rlink, pLab); GenLocals(llink, pLab); if klass = varsm then if vlabel > pLab then Gen2(dc_loc, vlabel, long(idtype^.size).lsw); end; {with} end; {GenLocals} procedure OpenFiles (lcp: ctp); { open all files in the block } { } { parameters: } { lcp - symbol table node } begin {OpenFiles} if lcp <> nil then with lcp^ do begin OpenFiles(rlink); OpenFiles(llink); if hasIFile then if klass = varsm then begin hasFiles := true; Gen1t(pc_ldc, ord(idtype^.size), cgUWord); Gen0t(pc_stk, cgWord); with gattr do begin typtr := idtype; access := drct; isPacked := false; kind := varbl; vlevel := vlev; dpdisp := 0; if vlev <> 1 then dplab := vlabel; aname := name; end; {with} LoadAddress; Gen0t(pc_stk, cgULong); Gen0t(pc_bno, cgULong); Gen1(pc_csp,35{clr}); end; {if} end; {with} end; {OpenFiles} procedure WithSelf; { Fake a "with self do begin" for methods } var form: structform; {kind of with (records or objects)} lid: pString; {copy of id} lcp: ctp; {object type} begin {WithSelf} lid := id; id := 'SELF'; SearchId([varsm,field],lcp); if lcp <> nil then if lcp^.idtype <> nil then begin form := lcp^.idtype^.form; if form in [records,objects] then if top < displimit then begin top := top+1; with display[top] do begin isPacked := lcp^.idtype^.ispacked = pkpacked; labsused := nil; if form = records then fname := lcp^.idtype^.fstfld else fname := lcp^.idtype^.objfld; flabel := nil; occur := vrec; vdsplab := lcp^.vlabel; end; {with} end {if} else Error(107) else Error(65); end; {if} id := lid; end; {WithSelf} begin {Body} namFound := false; {turn line #s off} for stlevel := 1 to maxgoto do starray[stlevel] := 0; stlevel := 1; if level = 1 {program block} then begin Gen2Name(dc_str, $4000+$8000*ord(isDynamic), 0, fprocp^.name); inseg := true; end else if level = 2 {entry of level 1 procedure} then Gen0(dc_pin) else {imbeded procedure} Gen1(dc_lab, fprocp^.pfname); Gen0(pc_ent); {create a stack frame} ResetTemp; {forget old temporary variables} lcp := fprocp^.pfparms; {generate code for passed parameters} plabel := 0; while lcp <> nil do with lcp^ do begin if klass = varsm then begin if idtype <> nil then if idtype^.form > power then begin {handle variables always passed as pointers} if vkind = actual then begin if (idtype^.form = records) and (idtype^.size <= 4) then begin {short records are passed by value} if idtype^.size <= 2 then size := 2 else size := 4; psize := psize-size; Gen3(dc_prm, vlabel, size, psize); end {if} else if idtype^.form = objects then begin psize := psize-ptrsize; Gen3(dc_prm, vlabel, ptrsize, psize); end {else if} else begin psize := psize-ptrsize; size := long(idtype^.size).lsw; Gen3(dc_prm, vlabel-1, ptrsize, psize); Gen2(dc_loc, vlabel, size); Gen3(pc_lda, vlabel, 0, 0); Gen3t(pc_lod, vlabel-1, 0, 0, cgULong); Gen2(pc_mov, 0, size); end; {else} end {if} else begin psize := psize-ptrsize; Gen3(dc_prm, vlabel, ptrsize, psize); end; {else} end {else if} else if vkind = actual then begin if IsReal(idtype) then begin psize := psize-extSize; Gen3(dc_prm, vlabel, extSize, psize); if GetType(idtype, false) <> cgExtended then Gen1t(pc_fix, vlabel, GetType(idtype, false)); end else if idtype = byteptr then begin psize := psize-intSize; Gen3(dc_prm, vlabel, intSize, psize); end {else if} else begin size := long(idtype^.size).lsw; psize := psize-size; Gen3(dc_prm, vlabel, size, psize); end; {else} end else begin psize := psize-ptrsize; Gen3(dc_prm, vlabel, ptrsize, psize); end; {else} if vlabel > plabel then plabel := vlabel; end {if} else if klass in [proc,func] then begin psize := psize-procsize; Gen3(dc_prm, pflabel, procsize, psize); if pflabel > plabel then plabel := pflabel; end; {else if} lcp := lcp^.next; end; {with} if fprocp^.klass = func then begin {generate the function label} case GetType(fprocp^.idtype, false) of cgByte,cgUByte, cgWord,cgUWord: size := cgWordSize; cgLong,cgULong: size := cgLongSize; cgReal: size := cgRealSize; cgDouble: size := cgDoubleSize; cgComp: size := cgCompSize; cgExtended: size := cgExtendedSize; otherwise: size := 0; end; {case} Gen2(dc_fun, fprocp^.pflabel, size); if fprocp^.pflabel > plabel then plabel := fprocp^.pflabel; end; {if} if level <> 1 then {generate space for local variables} GenLocals(display[top].fname, plabel); {record the current procedure name} if debugFlag or profileFlag or traceBack then begin fcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(constantRec))); with fcp^ do begin cclass := strg; sval := fprocp^.name^; end; {with} GenPS(pc_nam, fprocp^.pfoname); namFound := true; {turn line #s on} end; {if} {give the symbol table to the code } { generator. } if debugFlag then Gen1Name(dc_sym, 0, pointer(display[top].fname)); if fprocp^.klass = prog then begin new(saveId); saveId^ := id; while fextfilep <> nil do begin with fextfilep^ do if not ((CompNames(filename^,inputid) = 0) or (CompNames(filename^,outputid) = 0) or (CompNames(filename^,erroroutputid) = 0)) then begin id := filename^; SearchSection(display[1].fname,llcp); if llcp = nil then begin write('**** Undeclared external variable: ', filename^); FlagError; end else if llcp^.klass in [proc,func] then begin write('**** External variable cannot be procedure or function: ', filename^); FlagError; end; end; fextfilep := fextfilep^.nextfile; end; id := saveId^; dispose(saveId); end; if isMethod then {do "with self do begin"} WithSelf; hasFiles := false; {initialize all file variables} OpenFiles(display[top].fname); if hasFiles then begin {create a new file record level} Gen0(pc_nop); Gen1(pc_csp,96{orc}); end; repeat {compile the statements in the body} repeat Statement(fsys+[semicolon,endsy],fprocp,stlevel,starray); until not (sy in statbegsys); test := sy <> semicolon; if not test then InSymbol; until test; Match(endsy,13); llp := display[top].flabel; {test for undefined labels} while llp <> nil do with llp^ do begin if not defined then begin write('**** undefined label: ',labval:1); FlagError; end; llp := nextlab; end; if hasFiles then begin {close all files opened in this block} Gen0(pc_nop); Gen1(pc_csp,97{crc}); end; if fprocp^.klass <> func then {return to caller} Gen0t(pc_ret, cgVoid) else Gen0t(pc_ret, GetType(fprocp^.idtype, false)); if level <= 2 then begin {finish the segment} Gen0(dc_enp); intlabel := firstlab; inseg := false; if fprocp^.klass in [proc,func] then begin release(fprocp^.pfmark); code := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(intermediate_code))); end; end; if isMethod then {do "end" for "with self do begin"} top := top-1; end; {Body} procedure DoBlock {fsys: setofsys; fsy: symbol; fprocp: ctp; isProgram: boolean}; {compile a block} label 1; const returnSize = 3; {size of a return address} var actuallc: addrrange; {used when updating actual parm locs} lsy: symbol; {temp symbol} foundBody: boolean; {dummy var for ProcDeclaration} lisMethod: boolean; {copy of isMethod} lcp: ctp; {work pointer} procName: pStringPtr; {name of proc being compiled} procedure CheckForw(lcp: ctp); begin {CheckForw} if lcp<>nil then with lcp^ do begin CheckForw(rlink); CheckForw(llink); if (klass in [proc,func]) and (pfkind = actual) then if pfdirective = drforw then begin write('**** forward ref not resolved: ', name^); FlagError; end; end; end; {CheckForw} function ShouldBeCompiled(fsy: symbol): boolean; {check to see if a level 1 proc should be compiled; skip if not} var foundBody: boolean; {did the proc have a body} llist: boolean; {local list flag} function InPartialList(var name: pString): boolean; { see if a name is in the partial compile list } { } { parameters: } { name - name to check } { } { returns: True if the name is in the list, else false } { } { Note: name is var to save space - it is not changed } label 1; var ptr,lptr: partialptr; begin {InPartialList} InPartialList := true; ptr := partialList; lptr := nil; while ptr <> nil do begin with ptr^ do if CompNames(name, pname^) = 0 then goto 1; lptr := ptr; ptr := ptr^.next; end; {while} InPartialList := false; 1: end; {InPartialList} procedure SkipProc; {skip a procedure or function} var cnt: integer; {# ends needed} lcp: ctp; {work pointer for skipping forwards} begin {SkipProc} {skip to the first function or procedure, or the body} while (not eofl) and (not(sy in [beginsy,procsy,funcsy])) do InSymbol; {skip all of the procedure and function declarations} while sy in [procsy,funcsy] do begin {skip to the parameter list or the end of the header} while (not eofl) and (not (sy in [lparent,semicolon])) do InSymbol; {if there is a header, skip it} if sy = lparent then begin InSymbol; cnt := 1; while (cnt > 0) and (not eofl) do begin if sy = lparent then cnt := cnt+1 else if sy = rparent then cnt := cnt-1; InSymbol; end; end; {skip the function return type, if any} while (sy <> semicolon) and (not eofl) do InSymbol; InSymbol; {if the declaration has no block, skip the identifiers (forward, etc)} if sy = ident then begin SearchId([directive],lcp); InSymbol; if sy = lparent then begin while (sy <> rparent) and (not eofl) do InSymbol; InSymbol; end; Match(semicolon,14); end {for procedures with a block, skip it here} else SkipProc; end; {skip the body} Match(beginsy,17); cnt := 1; while (cnt > 0) and (not eofl) do begin if sy in [beginsy,casesy] then cnt := cnt+1 else if sy = endsy then cnt := cnt-1; InSymbol; end; Match(semicolon,14); end; {SkipProc} begin {ShouldBeCompiled} if InPartialList(id) then ShouldBeCompiled := true else begin ShouldBeCompiled := false; {compile the header} ProcDeclaration(fsy, fsys, false, false, foundBody); {if there is a body, skip it} if foundBody then begin llist := list; list := false; SkipProc; list := llist; end; end; end; {ShouldBeCompiled} procedure Remove(var name: pString); { remove a name from the partial compile list } { } { parameters: } { name - name to remove } { } { Note: name is var to save space - it is not changed } label 1; var ptr,lptr: partialptr; begin {Remove} ptr := partialList; lptr := nil; while ptr <> nil do begin with ptr^ do if CompNames(name,pname^) = 0 then begin if lptr = nil then partialList := next else lptr^.next := next; goto 1; end; {if} lptr := ptr; ptr := ptr^.next; end; {while} 1: end; {Remove} begin {DoBlock} {save the methods object, if any} lisMethod := isMethod; {handle declarations} repeat while sy = usessy do begin InSymbol; UsesDeclaration(fsys); end; {while} if sy = labelsy then begin InSymbol; LabelDeclaration(fsys); if isProgram then noGlobalLabels := false; end; {if} if sy = constsy then begin InSymbol; ConstDeclaration(fsys); end; {if} if sy = typesy then begin InSymbol; TypeDeclaration(fsys); end; {if} if sy = varsy then begin InSymbol; VarDeclaration(fsys); end; {if} {handle procedure, function declarations} while sy in [procsy,funcsy] do begin if level = 1 then nextLocalLabel := 1; lsy := sy; InSymbol; new(procName); procName^ := id; if (level > 1) or (not partial) then ProcDeclaration(lsy, fsys, false, true, foundBody) else if ShouldBeCompiled(lsy) then begin {compile the header} ProcDeclaration(lsy, fsys, false, true, foundBody); {remove the name from the list of names to compile} if foundBody and (not isMethod) then Remove(procName^); if partialList = nil then begin eofl := true; sy := period; goto 1; end; end; dispose(procName); end; CheckForw(display[top].fname); if not ((sy = beginsy) or (doingUnit and (sy = endsy))) then begin Error(18); Skip(fsys); end; until (sy in statbegsys) or (doingUnit and (sy = endsy)) or eofl; {compile the body of the block} if (not doingUnit) or (level > 1) then begin if level = 1 then nextLocalLabel := 1; Match(beginsy,17); repeat isMethod := lisMethod; Body(fsys + [casesy],fprocp); if sy <> fsy then begin Error(6); Skip(fsys); end; until (sy = fsy) or (sy in blockbegsys) or eofl; end; {if} 1: end; {DoBlock} procedure Programme{fsys:setofsys}; {Compile a program} var fp,extfp,nextfp: extfilep; lcp: ctp; idname: pStringPtr; {segment name} noStart: boolean; {has a start been generated?} len: integer; {string length} procedure DoGlobals; {declare the ~globals and ~arrays segments} var didone: boolean; {did we generate at least one label?} procedure GenArrays(lcp: ctp); { define global arrays } { } { parameters: } { lcp - stack frame to check for arrays } var size: addrrange; {size of the array} begin {GenArrays} if lcp <> nil then with lcp^ do begin GenArrays(rlink); GenArrays(llink); if klass = varsm then if idtype^.form in [arrays,records] then if not fromUses then begin if noStart then begin idName := @'~ARRAYS'; if smallMemoryModel then NextSegName(' ') else NextSegName('~ARRAYS '); Gen2Name(dc_str, $4000, 1, idname); noStart := false; end; Gen2Name(dc_glb, 0, ord(vPrivate), name); size := idtype^.size; while size > maxint do begin Gen1(dc_dst, $4000); size := size-$4000; end; {while} Gen1(dc_dst, long(size).lsw); end; end; end; {GenArrays} procedure GenGlobals(lcp: ctp); {define non-array global variables} begin {GenGlobals} if lcp <> nil then with lcp^ do begin GenGlobals(rlink); GenGlobals(llink); if klass = varsm then if not (idtype^.form in [arrays,records]) then if not fromUses then begin Gen2Name(dc_glb, long(idtype^.size).lsw, ord(vPrivate), name); didone := true; end; {if} end; end; {GenGlobals} begin {DoGlobals} {declare the ~globals segment, which holds non-array data types} idName := @'~GLOBALS'; if smallMemoryModel then NextSegName(' ') else NextSegName('~GLOBALS '); Gen2Name(dc_str, $4000, 0, idname); didone := false; GenGlobals(display[1].fname); if not didone then if not smallMemoryModel then Gen2Name(dc_glb, 1{byte}, 1{private}, @'~'); Gen0(dc_enp); {declare the ~arrays segment, which holds global arrays} noStart := true; GenArrays(display[1].fname); if not noStart then Gen0(dc_enp); end; {DoGlobals} procedure InterfacePart; {compile the interface part of a unit} var lsy: symbol; {temp symbol} foundBody: boolean; {dummy var for ProcDeclaration} begin {InterfacePart} repeat {handle declarations} while sy = usessy do begin InSymbol; UsesDeclaration(fsys); end; if sy = constsy then begin InSymbol; ConstDeclaration(fsys); end; if sy = typesy then begin InSymbol; TypeDeclaration(fsys); end; if sy = varsy then begin InSymbol; VarDeclaration(fsys); end; {handle procedure, function declarations} while sy in [procsy,funcsy] do begin lsy := sy; InSymbol; {compile the header} nextLocalLabel := 1; ProcDeclaration(lsy, fsys+[implementationsy], false, true, foundBody); if foundBody then Error(120); end; if sy <> implementationsy then begin Skip([period]); InSymbol; end; until (sy = implementationsy) or eofl; end; {InterfacePart} begin {Programme} progfound := true; {create the main program name} lcp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); with lcp^ do begin name := @'~_PASMAIN'; idtype := nil; next := nil; klass := prog; pfname := 0; pfoname := name; pfactualsize := 0; pfparms := nil; hasIFile := false; end; EnterId(lcp); if sy = progsy then begin {compilation of a program} if kNameGS.theString.size <> 0 then {start output files} CodeGenInit(kNameGS, keepflag, partial); InSymbol; Match(ident,2); {compile the program's parameter list} if sy = lparent then begin nextfp := nil; repeat InSymbol; if sy = ident then begin extfp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(filerec))); with extfp^ do begin len := ord(id[0])+2; filename := pointer(Malloc(len)); CopyString(filename^,id,len); nextfile := nil; end; fp := fextfilep; while fp <> nil do begin if CompNames(fp^.filename^,id) = 0 then Error(30); fp := fp^.nextfile; end; if nextfp <> nil then nextfp^.nextfile := extfp; nextfp := extfp; if fextfilep = nil then fextfilep := extfp; if CompNames(id,inputid) = 0 then noinput := false; if CompNames(id,outputid) = 0 then nooutput := false; if CompNames(id,erroroutputid) = 0 then noerroroutput := false; InSymbol; if not (sy in [comma,rparent]) then Error(20); end else Error(2); until sy <> comma; if sy <> rparent then Error(4); InSymbol; end; Match(semicolon,14); {compile the block} repeat DoBlock(fsys,period,lcp,true); if sy <> period then Error(21); until (sy = period) or eofl; end else begin {compilation of a unit} noInput := false; {allow all I/O} noOutput := false; noErrorOutput := false; doingUnit := true; {note that this is a unit} if kNameGS.theString.size <> 0 then {start output files} CodeGenInit(kNameGS, keepflag, partial); Match(unitsy,3); {compile the header} Match(ident,2); Match(semicolon,14); doingInterface := true; {compile the interface part} Match(interfacesy,119); InterfacePart; doingInterface := false; CloseToken; Match(implementationsy,118); {compile the implementation part} DoBlock(fsys,period,lcp,true); if not ((sy = period) and eofl) then begin Match(endsy,13); if sy <> period then begin Error(21); if allTerm then while (errinx <> 0) and (not eofl) do InSymbol; end; {if} end; end; DoGlobals; {declare the global variables} end; {Programme} {----Initialization-------------------------------------------------------} procedure InitScalars; {Initialize global scalars} var i: integer; begin {InitScalars} level := 0; top := 0; {set up level 0 frame} with display[0] do begin fname := nil; flabel := nil; labsused := nil; occur := blck; ispacked := false; end; {with} display[1] := display[0]; code := pointer(Calloc(sizeof(intermediate_code))); {code^.lab := nil;} fwptr := nil; fextfilep := nil; thisType := nil; {not declaring a type} tempList := nil; {no temp variables} nextLocalLabel := 1; {reset local label count} numerr := 0; {no errors found} errinx := 0; intlabel := 0; linecount := 0; {no lines processed} lastline := 0; firstlab := 0; eofl := false; {not at end of file} iso := false; {don't enforce iso} progfound := false; {program symbol not found} inseg := false; debug := false; {don't generate check code} inUses := false; stringHeap := false; namFound := false; isDynamic := false; {segments are not dynamic} isMethod := false; {not doing a method} doingInterface := false; {not doing interface part} doingUnit := false; {not doing a unit} doingCast := false; {not casting an expression} noGlobalLabels := true; {no program level labels found so far} prterr := true; noinput := true; nooutput := true; noerroroutput := true; psize := 0; {no parameters at the program level} ch := ' '; code^.optype := cgWord; gattr.aname := pointer(Malloc(maxCnt+1)); inputid := 'INPUT'; outputid := 'OUTPUT'; erroroutputid := 'ERROROUTPUT'; end; {InitScalars} procedure InitSets; {initialize structured set constants} begin {InitSets} constbegsys := [addop,intconst,realconst,stringconst,ident,nilsy, longintconst]; simptypebegsys := [lparent] + constbegsys; typebegsys:=[stringsy,arrow,packedsy,arraysy,recordsy,setsy,filesy,objectsy] +simptypebegsys; typedels := [arraysy,recordsy,setsy,filesy]; blockbegsys := [labelsy,constsy,typesy,varsy,procsy,funcsy,beginsy]; selectsys := [arrow,period,lbrack]; facbegsys := [intconst,realconst,stringconst,ident,lparent,bitnot, nilsy,lbrack,notsy,atsy,longintconst,inheritedsy]; statbegsys := [beginsy,gotosy,ifsy,whilesy,repeatsy,forsy,withsy,casesy, inheritedsy]; end {InitSets}; end.