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{ }
{ SymbolTables }
{ }
{ This unit implements the symbol table for ORCA/Pascal. }
{ Also included are many of the declarations that tie the }
{ various units together. The specialized memory manager }
{ used to make symbol table disposal more efficient is also }
{ included in this module. }
{ }
{ The interfaces for the scanner and object module output }
{ units are in this unit. This eliminates the need for a }
{ common module that would have most of the pertinant }
{ symbol table type information. }
{ }
{ By Mike Westerfield }
{ }
{ Copyright August 1987 }
{ By the Byte Works, Inc. }
{ }
unit SymbolTables;
{$segment 'Pascal2'}
{$libprefix '0/obj/'}
uses PCommon, CGI, CGC, ObjOut, Native, Scanner;
boolptr,nilptr,textptr: stp; {pointers to entries of standard ids}
externIdentifier: ctp; {extern ID entry}
forwardIdentifier: ctp; {forward ID entry}
ufldptr,uprcptr,ufctptr, {pointers to entries for undeclared ids}
fwptr: ctp; {head of chain for forw decl type ids}
inptr,outptr,erroroutputptr: ctp; {standard I/O}
dummyString: stp; {index entry for string constants}
dummyField: ctp;
function CompObjects (fsp1, fsp2: stp): boolean;
{ See if two objects are assignment compatible }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fsp1 - object to assign to }
{ fsp2 - object to assign }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the structures are compatible, else false }
function CompTypes (fsp1, fsp2: stp): boolean;
{ determine if two structures are type compatible }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fsp1, fsp2 - structures to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the structures are compatible, else false }
procedure EnterStdTypes;
{ enter the base types }
procedure EntStdNames;
{ enter standard names in the program symbol table }
procedure EnterId (fcp: ctp); extern;
{ Enter an identifier at the current stack frame level }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fcp - identifier to enter }
procedure EnterUndecl;
{ enter fake identifiers for use when identifiers are }
{ undeclared }
procedure GenSymbols (sym: ctp; doGlobals: integer);
{ generate the symbol table }
{ }
{ Notes: Defined as extern in Native.pas }
procedure GetBounds (fsp: stp; var fmin,fmax: longint);
{ get internal bounds of subrange or scalar type }
{ (assume fsp<>longptr and fsp<>realptr) }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fsp - type to get the bounds for }
{ fmin, fmax - (output) bounds }
function GetType (tp: stp; isPacked: boolean): baseTypeEnum;
{ find the base type for a variable type }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - variable type }
{ isPacked - is the variable packed? }
{ }
{ returns: Variable base type }
function IsReal (fsp: stp): boolean;
{ determine if fsp is one of the real types }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fsp - structure to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if fsp is a real, else false }
function IsString (fsp: stp): boolean;
{ determine if fsp is a string }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fsp - structure to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if fsp is a string, else false }
procedure SearchSection (fcp: ctp; var fcpl: ctp); extern;
{ find record fields and forward declared procedure id's }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fcp - top of identifier tree }
{ fcpl - (outout) identifier }
procedure SearchId (fidcls: setofids; var fcp: ctp); extern;
{ find an identifier }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fidcls - kinds of identifiers to look for }
{ fcp - (output) identifier found }
function StrLen (tp: stp): integer;
{ Find the length of a string variable (for library calls) }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - string variable }
{ }
{ Returns: length of the string }
function CompObjects {fsp1, fsp2: stp): boolean};
{ See if two objects are assignment compatible }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fsp1 - object to assign to }
{ fsp2 - object to assign }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the structures are compatible, else false }
begin {CompObjects}
CompObjects := false;
if fsp1^.form = objects then begin
if fsp2^.form = objects then begin
while fsp2 <> nil do begin
if fsp1 = fsp2 then begin
fsp2 := nil;
CompObjects := true;
end {if}
fsp2 := fsp2^.objparent;
end; {while}
end {if}
else if fsp2 = nilptr then
CompObjects := true;
end; {if}
end; {CompObjects}
function CompTypes {fsp1,fsp2: stp): boolean};
{ determine if two structures are type compatible }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fsp1, fsp2 - structures to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if the structures are compatible, else false }
lmin1,lmin2: integer;
comp: boolean;
begin {CompTypes}
if fsp1 = fsp2 then
CompTypes := true
else if (fsp1 <> nil) and (fsp2 <> nil) then begin
if fsp1^.form = subrange then begin
if fsp2^.form = subrange then
CompTypes := CompTypes(fsp1^.rangetype,fsp2^.rangetype)
CompTypes := CompTypes(fsp1^.rangetype,fsp2);
end {if}
else if fsp2^.form = subrange then
CompTypes := CompTypes(fsp1,fsp2^.rangetype)
else if fsp1 = byteptr then
CompTypes := CompTypes(fsp2,intptr)
else if fsp2 = byteptr then
CompTypes := CompTypes(fsp1,intptr)
else if fsp1^.form = fsp2^.form then begin
if fsp1^.form = power then
CompTypes := CompTypes(fsp1^.elset,fsp2^.elset) and
((fsp1^.ispacked = pkeither) or (fsp2^.ispacked = pkeither) or
(fsp1^.ispacked = fsp2^.ispacked))
else if fsp1^.form = arrays then begin
comp := IsString(fsp1) and IsString(fsp2);
if iso then
comp := comp and (fsp1^.size = fsp2^.size);
CompTypes := comp;
end {else if}
else if fsp1^.form = pointerStruct then
CompTypes := (fsp1 = nilptr) or (fsp2 = nilptr)
CompTypes := IsReal(fsp1) and IsReal(fsp2);
end {else if}
else if fsp1^.form = objects then
CompTypes := fsp2 = nilptr
else if fsp2^.form = objects then
CompTypes := fsp1 = nilptr
CompTypes := false
CompTypes := true
end; {CompTypes}
procedure EnterStdTypes;
{ enter the base types }
begin {EnterStdTypes}
byteptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); {byte}
with byteptr^ do begin
size := bytesize;
ispacked := pkunpacked;
form := scalar;
scalkind := standard;
hasSFile := false;
end; {with}
intptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); {integer}
with intptr^ do begin
size := intsize;
ispacked := pkunpacked;
form := scalar;
scalkind := standard;
hasSFile := false;
end; {with}
longptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); {long}
with longptr^ do begin
size := longsize;
ispacked := pkunpacked;
form := scalar;
scalkind := standard;
hasSFile := false;
end; {with}
realptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); {real}
with realptr^ do begin
size := realsize;
ispacked := pkunpacked;
form := scalar;
scalkind := standard;
hasSFile := false;
end; {with}
doubleptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); {double}
with doubleptr^ do begin
size := doublesize;
ispacked := pkunpacked;
form := scalar;
scalkind := standard;
hasSFile := false;
end; {with}
compptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); {comp}
with compptr^ do begin
size := compsize;
ispacked := pkunpacked;
form := scalar;
scalkind := standard;
hasSFile := false;
end; {with}
extendedptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); {extended}
with extendedptr^ do begin
size := extendedsize;
ispacked := pkunpacked;
form := scalar;
scalkind := standard;
hasSFile := false;
end; {with}
charptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); {char}
with charptr^ do begin
size := charsize;
ispacked := pkunpacked;
form := scalar;
scalkind := standard;
hasSFile := false;
end; {with}
stringptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); {string}
with stringptr^ do begin
size := packedcharsize*2;
ispacked := pkpacked;
form := arrays;
hasSFile := false;
aeltype := charptr;
inxtype := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure)));
with inxtype^ do begin
size := intsize;
form := subrange;
rangetype := intptr;
min := 1;
max := 2;
end; {with}
end; {with}
boolptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); {bool}
with boolptr^ do begin
size := boolsize;
ispacked := pkunpacked;
form := scalar;
scalkind := declared;
hasSFile := false;
end; {with}
nilptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); {nil}
with nilptr^ do begin
eltype := nil;
size := ptrsize;
ispacked := pkunpacked;
form := pointerStruct;
hasSFile := false;
end; {with}
textptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure))); {text}
with textptr^ do begin
filtype := charptr;
filsize := packedcharsize*2;
size := ptrsize;
ispacked := pkunpacked;
form := files;
hasSFile := true;
end; {with}
end; {EnterStdTypes}
procedure EntStdNames;
{ enter standard names in the program symbol table }
cp,cp1: ctp;
i: integer;
begin {EntStdNames}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {integer}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'INTEGER';
idtype := intptr;
klass := types;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {byte}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'BYTE';
idtype := byteptr;
klass := types;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {longint}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'LONGINT';
idtype := longptr;
klass := types;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {real}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'REAL';
idtype := realptr;
klass := types;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {double}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'DOUBLE';
idtype := doubleptr;
klass := types;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {comp}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'COMP';
idtype := compptr;
klass := types;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {extended}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'EXTENDED';
idtype := extendedptr;
klass := types;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {char}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'CHAR';
idtype := charptr;
klass := types;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {boolean}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'BOOLEAN';
idtype := boolptr;
klass := types;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {text}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'TEXT';
idtype := textptr;
klass := types;
hasIFile := true;
end; {with}
cp1 := nil;
for i := 1 to 2 do begin
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {false,true}
with cp^ do begin
name := na[i];
idtype := boolptr;
next := cp1;
values.ival := i-1;
klass := konst;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp1 := cp
end; {with}
boolptr^.fconst := cp;
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {forward}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'FORWARD';
next := nil;
klass := directive;
drkind := drforw;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
forwardIdentifier := cp;
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {extern}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'EXTERN';
next := nil;
klass := directive;
drkind := drextern;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
externIdentifier := cp;
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {external}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'EXTERNAL';
next := nil;
klass := directive;
drkind := drextern;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {override}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'OVERRIDE';
next := nil;
klass := directive;
drkind := droverride;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {prodos}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'PRODOS';
next := nil;
klass := directive;
drkind := drprodos;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {tool}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'TOOL';
next := nil;
klass := directive;
drkind := drtool1;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {usertool}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'USERTOOL';
next := nil;
klass := directive;
drkind := drtool2;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {vector}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'VECTOR';
next := nil;
klass := directive;
drkind := drvector;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {maxint}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'MAXINT';
idtype := intptr;
next := nil;
values.ival := maxint;
klass := konst;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {maxint4}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'MAXINT4';
idtype := longptr;
next := nil;
values.valp := pointer(Malloc(constantRec_longC));
values.valp^.lval := 2147483647;
values.valp^.cclass := longC;
klass := konst;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
for i := 3 to 4 do begin {input,output}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier)));
with cp^ do begin
name := na[i];
idtype := textptr;
klass := varsm;
vkind := actual;
next := nil;
vlev := 1;
vcontvar := false;
vrestrict := false;
fromUses := false;
hasIFile := true;
end; {with}
if i = 3 then inptr := cp else outptr := cp;
end; {with}
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {erroroutput}
with cp^ do begin
name := @'ERROROUTPUT';
idtype := textptr;
klass := varsm;
vkind := actual;
next := nil;
vlev := 1;
vcontvar := false;
vrestrict := false;
fromUses := false;
hasIFile := true;
end; {with}
erroroutputptr := cp;
for i := 5 to 23 do begin
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {std procs}
with cp^ do begin
name := na[i];
idtype := nil;
next := nil;
key := i-4;
klass := proc;
pfdeckind := standard;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
end; {with}
for i := 24 to 40 do begin
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {std funcs}
with cp^ do begin
name := na[i];
idtype := nil;
next := nil;
key := i-23;
klass := func;
pfdeckind := standard;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
end; {with}
for i := 41 to 50 do begin
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {more std procs}
with cp^ do begin
name := na[i];
idtype := nil;
next := nil;
key := i-21;
klass := proc;
pfdeckind := standard;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
end; {with}
for i := 51 to 77 do begin
cp := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier))); {more std funcs}
with cp^ do begin
name := na[i];
idtype := nil;
next := nil;
key := i-33;
klass := func;
pfdeckind := standard;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
end; {with}
end; {EntStdNames}
procedure EnterUndecl;
{ enter fake identifiers for use when identifiers are }
{ undeclared }
begin {EnterUndecl}
utypptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier)));
with utypptr^ do begin
name := @' ';
idtype := nil;
klass := types;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
ucstptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier)));
with ucstptr^ do begin
name := @' ';
idtype := nil;
next := nil;
values.ival := 0;
klass := konst;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
uvarptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier)));
with uvarptr^ do begin
name := @' ';
idtype := nil;
vkind := actual;
next := nil;
vlev := 0;
vlabel := 1;
vcontvar := false;
vrestrict := false;
klass := varsm;
fromUses := false;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
ufldptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier)));
with ufldptr^ do begin
name := @' ';
idtype := nil;
next := nil;
fldaddr := 0;
klass := field;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
uprcptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier)));
with uprcptr^ do begin
name := @' ';
idtype := nil;
pfdirective := drnone;
next := nil;
pflev := 0;
pfname := GenLabel;
fldvar := false;
klass := proc;
pfdeckind := declared;
pfkind := actual;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
ufctptr := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier)));
with ufctptr^ do begin
name := @' ';
idtype := nil;
next := nil;
pfdirective := drnone;
pflev := 0;
pfname := GenLabel;
klass := func;
pfdeckind := declared;
pfkind := actual;
hasIFile := false;
end; {with}
dummyString := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(structure)));
with dummyString^ do begin
size := 2;
ispacked := pkpacked;
form := subrange;
hasSFile := false;
rangetype := intptr;
min := 1;
max := 2;
end; {with}
dummyField := pointer(Malloc(sizeof(identifier)));
with dummyField^ do begin
name := @'FIELD';
idtype := intptr;
next := nil;
fldaddr := 0;
klass := field;
hasIFile := false;
llink := nil;
rlink := nil;
fldaddr := 0;
end; {with}
end; {EnterUndecl}
procedure GenSymbols {sym: ctp; doGlobals: integer};
{ generate the symbol table }
{ }
{ Notes: Defined as extern in Native.pas }
noDisp = -1; {disp returned by GetTypeDisp if the type was not found}
tpPtr = ^tpRecord; {type list displacements}
tpRecord = record
next: tpPtr;
tp: stp;
disp: integer;
tpList,tp2: tpPtr; {type displacement list}
function GetTypeDisp (tp: stp): integer;
{ Look for an existing entry for this type }
{ }
{ Parameters: }
{ tp - type to look for }
{ }
{ Returns: Disp to a variable of the same type, or 0 if }
{ there is no such entry. }
{ }
{ Notes: If the type is not in the type list, it is entered }
{ in the list by this call. }
tp1, tp2: tpPtr; {used to manipulate type list}
begin {GetTypeDisp}
tp1 := tpList; {look for the type}
tp2 := nil;
while tp1 <> nil do
if tp1^.tp = tp then begin
tp2 := tp1;
tp1 := nil;
end {if}
tp1 := tp1^.next;
if tp2 <> nil then
GetTypeDisp := tp2^.disp {return disp to entry}
else begin
GetTypeDisp := noDisp; {no entry}
new(tp1); {create a new entry}
tp1^.next := tpList;
tpList := tp1;
tp1^.tp := tp;
tp1^.disp := symLength - 12;
end; {else}
end; {GetTypeDisp}
procedure GenSymbol (sym: ctp; maybeLast: boolean);
{ generate one symbol entry }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ sym - identifier to generate }
{ maybelast - true if this may be the last node in a }
{ record or object tree, false if not; unused for }
{ variables }
disp: integer; {disp to symbol of same type}
idtype: stp;
procedure WriteAddress (sym: ctp);
{ Write the address and DP flag }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ sym - identifier }
{ maybeLast - true if this might be the last entry, }
{ else false }
size: longint; {used to break apart longints}
begin {WriteAddress}
if sym^.klass = field then begin
size := sym^.fldaddr;
CnOut(ord(not(maybeLast and (sym^.rlink = nil))));
end {if}
else if sym^.vlev = 1 then begin
RefName(sym^.name, 0, 4, 0);
end {else if}
else begin
end; {else}
end; {WriteAddress}
procedure WriteName (sym: ctp);
{ Write the name field for an identifier }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ sym - identifier }
len: 0..maxint; {string length}
j: 0..maxint; {loop/index variable}
begin {WriteName}
Purge; {generate the address of the variable }
Out(235); Out(4); { name }
LabelSearch(maxLabel, 4, 0, 0);
if stringsize <> 0 then begin
Out2(stringsize); Out2(0);
end; {if}
len := length(sym^.name^); {place the name in the string buffer}
if maxstring-stringsize >= len+1 then begin
stringspace[stringsize+1] := chr(len);
for j := 1 to len do
stringspace[j+stringsize+1] := sym^.name^[j];
stringsize := stringsize+len+1;
end {if}
end; {WriteName}
procedure WriteScalarType (tp: stp; modifiers, subscripts: integer);
{ Write a scalar type and subscipt field }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - type pointer }
{ modifiers - value to or with the type code }
{ subscripts - number of subscripts }
val: integer; {type value}
begin {WriteScalarType}
case GetType(tp, tp^.isPacked) of
cgByte: val := $40;
cgUByte: val := $00;
cgWord: val := $01;
cgUWord: val := $41;
cgLong: val := $02;
cgULong: val := $42;
cgReal: val := $03;
cgDouble: val := $04;
cgComp: val := $0A;
cgExtended: val := $05;
otherwise: val := $01;
end; {case}
CnOut(val | modifiers); {write the format byte}
CnOut2(subscripts); {write the # of subscripts}
end; {WriteScalarType}
procedure WritePointerType (tp: stp; subscripts: integer);
{ write a pointer type field }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - pointer type }
{ subscripts - number of subscript fields }
begin {WritePointerType}
case tp^.eltype^.form of
scalar: WriteScalarType(tp^.eltype, $80, subscripts);
subrange: WriteScalarType(tp^.eltype^.rangetype, $80, subscripts);
otherwise: begin
end; {case}
end; {WritePointerType}
procedure ExpandPointerType (tp: stp); forward;
procedure ExpandRecordType (tp: stp);
{ write the type entries for a record or object }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - record/object type }
ip: ctp; {used to trace the field list}
begin {ExpandRecordType}
if tp^.form = records then
ip := tp^.fstfld
ip := tp^.objfld;
if ip = nil then ip := dummyField;
GenSymbol(ip, true);
end; {ExpandRecordType}
procedure WriteArrays (tp: stp);
{ handle an array type }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - array type }
count: unsigned; {# of subscripts}
lmin, lmax: addrrange; {index range}
tp2: stp; {used to trace array type list}
tp3: stp;
begin {WriteArrays}
count := 0; {count the subscripts}
tp2 := tp;
tp3 := nil;
while tp2^.form = arrays do begin
count := count+1;
tp3 := tp2;
tp2 := tp2^.aeltype;
end; {while}
if tp2^.form = scalar then begin {write the type code}
{ cstring = packed array[1..x] of char }
{ pstring = packed array[0..x] of char }
if (boolean(tp2^.isPacked)) and (tp2 = charptr) then begin
GetBounds(tp3^.inxtype, lmin, lmax);
if (lmin = 0) or (lmin = 1) then begin
count := count-1;
{ 6 = cstring, 7 = pstring }
CnOut(7 - ord(lmin));
end {if}
else WriteScalarType(tp2, 0, count);
end {if}
WriteScalarType(tp2, 0, count);
end {if}
else if tp2^.form = subrange then
WriteScalarType(tp2^.rangetype, 0, count)
else if tp2^.form = pointerStruct then
WritePointerType(tp2, count)
else begin
end; {else if}
while count <> 0 do begin {write the subscript entries}
GetBounds(tp^.inxtype, lmin, lmax);
CnOut2(long(lmin).lsw); CnOut2(long(lmin).msw);
CnOut2(long(lmax).lsw); CnOut2(long(lmax).msw);
CnOut2(0); CnOut2(0);
symLength := symLength+12;
tp := tp^.aeltype;
count := count-1;
end; {while}
if tp2^.form = pointerStruct then {expand complex types}
else if tp2^.form in [records,objects] then
end; {WriteArrays}
procedure ExpandPointerType {tp: stp};
{ write the type entries for complex pointer types }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - pointer type }
disp: integer; {disp to symbol of same type}
begin {ExpandPointerType}
if tp^.eltype <> nil then
if tp^.eltype^.form in [pointerStruct,arrays,records,objects] then
symLength := symLength+12;
CnOut2(0); CnOut2(0);
CnOut2(0); CnOut2(0);
case tp^.eltype^.form of
pointerStruct: begin
WritePointerType(tp^.eltype, 0);
arrays: WriteArrays(tp^.aeltype);
objects: begin
disp := GetTypeDisp(tp^.eltype);
if disp = noDisp then begin
if tp^.eltype^.form = records then
end {if}
else begin
end; {else}
end; {case}
end; {if}
end; {ExpandPointerType}
begin {GenSymbol}
if sym^.llink <> nil then
GenSymbol(sym^.llink, false);
if sym^.klass in [varsm,field] then begin
idtype := sym^.idtype;
if idtype <> nil then
if idtype^.form in
[scalar,subrange,pointerStruct,arrays,records,objects] then begin
symLength := symLength+12; {update length of symbol table}
WriteName(sym); {write the name field}
WriteAddress(sym); {write the address field}
if (sym^.klass = varsm) and (sym^.vkind = formal) then begin
{ add an extra pointer to var parameters. }
idtype^.form := pointerStruct;
idtype^.eltype := sym^.idtype;
case idtype^.form of
scalar: WriteScalarType(idtype, 0, 0);
subrange: WriteScalarType(idtype^.rangetype, 0, 0);
pointerStruct: begin
WritePointerType(idtype, 0);
arrays: WriteArrays(idtype);
objects: begin
disp := GetTypeDisp(idtype);
if disp = noDisp then begin
if idtype^.form = records then
end {if}
else begin
end; {else}
end; {case}
if idtype <> sym^.idtype then dispose(idtype);
end; {if}
end; {if}
if sym^.rlink <> nil then
GenSymbol(sym^.rlink, maybeLast);
end; {GenSymbol}
begin {GenSymbols}
tpList := nil; {no types so far}
if sym <> nil then {generate the symbols}
GenSymbol(sym, false);
while tpList <> nil do begin {dispose of type list}
tp2 := tpList;
tpList := tp2^.next;
end; {while}
end; {GenSymbols}
procedure GetBounds {fsp: stp; var fmin,fmax: longint};
{ get internal bounds of subrange or scalar type }
{ (assume fsp<>longptr and fsp<>realptr) }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fsp - type to get the bounds for }
{ fmin, fmax - (output) bounds }
begin {GetBounds}
fmin := 0;
fmax := 0;
if fsp <> nil then
with fsp^ do
if form = subrange then begin
fmin := min;
fmax := max;
end {if}
else if fsp = charptr then begin
fmin := ordminchar;
fmax := ordmaxchar;
end {else if}
else if fsp = intptr then begin
fmin := -maxint;
fmax := maxint;
end {else if}
else if fsp = byteptr then
fmax := 255
else if fconst <> nil then
fmax := fconst^.values.ival
end; {GetBounds}
function GetType {tp: stp; isPacked: boolean): baseTypeEnum};
{ find the base type for a variable type }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - variable type }
{ isPacked - is the variable packed? }
{ }
{ returns: Variable base type }
begin {GetType}
case tp^.form of
if tp=intptr then GetType := cgWord
else if (tp=boolptr) or (tp=charptr) then
if isPacked then
GetType := cgUByte
GetType := cgUWord
else if tp^.scalkind = declared then GetType := cgUWord
else if tp=realptr then GetType := cgReal
else if tp=byteptr then GetType := cgUByte
else if tp=longptr then GetType := cgLong
else if tp=doubleptr then GetType := cgDouble
else if tp=extendedptr then GetType := cgExtended
else if tp=compptr then GetType := cgComp
else begin
GetType := cgWord;
end; {else}
subrange: begin
if tp^.rangetype = intptr then
if tp^.min >= 0 then
GetType := cgUWord
GetType := cgWord
else if tp^.rangetype = longptr then
if tp^.min >= 0 then
GetType := cgULong
GetType := cgLong
GetType := GetType(tp^.rangetype, isPacked);
GetType := cgULong;
GetType := cgSet;
GetType := cgString;
otherwise: begin
GetType := cgWord;
end; {case}
end; {GetType}
function IsReal {fsp: stp): boolean};
{ determine if fsp is one of the real types }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fsp - structure to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if fsp is a real, else false }
begin {IsReal}
if fsp = realptr then
IsReal := true
else if fsp = doubleptr then
IsReal := true
else if fsp = extendedptr then
IsReal := true
else if fsp = compptr then
IsReal := true
IsReal := false;
end; {IsReal}
function IsString {fsp: stp): boolean};
{ determine if fsp is a string }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ fsp - structure to check }
{ }
{ Returns: True if fsp is a string, else false }
low,hi: longint; {range of index variable}
begin {IsString}
IsString := false;
if fsp <> nil then
with fsp^ do
if form = arrays then
if aeltype = charptr then
if CompTypes(inxtype,intptr) then
if ispacked = pkpacked then
if inxtype = nil then
{string constants have nil index types}
IsString := true
else begin
IsString := ((low = 1) or ((low = 0) and (not iso)))
and (hi > 1);
end; {else}
end; {IsString}
function StrLen {tp: stp): integer};
{ Find the length of a string variable (for library calls) }
{ }
{ parameters: }
{ tp - string variable }
{ }
{ Returns: length of the string }
low,hi: longint; {range of index variable}
begin {StrLen}
if tp <> nil then
with tp^ do
if (inxType = dummyString) or (inxType = nil) then
StrLen := long(size).lsw
else begin
if low = 0 then
StrLen := -long(hi).lsw
StrLen := long(hi).lsw;
end; {else}
end; {StrLen}
{$append 'symbols.asm'}