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2017-10-02 00:00:58 +00:00
keep stdio mcopy stdio.macros case on **************************************************************** * * StdIO - Standard I/O Library * * This code implements the tables and subroutines needed to * support the standard C library STDIO. * * November 1988 * Mike Westerfield * * Copyright 1988 * Byte Works, Inc. * * Note: Portions of this library appear in SysFloat. * **************************************************************** * StdIO start dummy segment copy equates.asm end **************************************************************** * * void clearerr(stream) * FILE *stream; * * Clears the error flag for the givin stream. * * Inputs: * stream - file to clear * **************************************************************** * clearerr start stream equ 4 input stream tsc phd tcd ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream bcs lb1 ldy #FILE_flag clear the error flag lda [stream],Y and #$FFFF-_IOERR-_IOEOF sta [stream],Y lb1 pld lda 2,S sta 6,S pla sta 3,S pla rtl end **************************************************************** * * int fclose(stream) * FILE *stream; * * Inputs: * stream - pointer to the file buffer to close * * Outputs: * A - EOF for an error; 0 if there was no error * **************************************************************** * fclose start nameBuffSize equ 8*1024 pathname buffer size err equ 1 return value p equ 3 work pointer stdfile equ 7 is this a standard file? csubroutine (4:stream),8 phb phk plb lda #EOF assume we will get an error sta err ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream jcs rts ph4 stream do any pending I/O jsl fflush tax jne rts stz stdfile not a standard file lda stream+2 bypass file disposal if the file is cmp #^stdin+4 one of the standard ones bne cl0 lda stream cmp #stdin+4 beq lb1 cmp #stdout+4 beq lb1 cmp #stderr+4 bne cl0 lb1 inc stdfile bra cl3a cl0 lla p,stderr+4 find the file record that points to this ldy #2 one cl1 lda [p] ora [p],Y jeq rts lda [p],Y tax lda [p] cmp stream bne cl2 cpx stream+2 beq cl3 cl2 stx p+2 sta p bra cl1 cl3 lda [stream] remove stream from the file list sta [p] lda [stream],Y sta [p],Y cl3a ldy #FILE_flag if the file was opened by tmpfile then lda [stream],Y and #_IOTEMPFILE beq cl3d ph4 #nameBuffSize p = malloc(nameBuffSize) jsl malloc grPathname = p sta p dsPathname = p+2 stx p+2 sta grPathname stx grPathname+2 clc adc #2 bcc cl3b inx cl3b sta dsPathname stx dsPathname+2 lda #nameBuffSize p->size = nameBuffSize sta [p] ldy #FILE_file clRefnum = grRefnum = stream->_file lda [stream],Y beq cl3e sta grRefnum GetRefInfoGS gr GetRefInfoGS(gr) bcs cl3c lda grRefnum OSClose(cl) sta clRefNum OSClose cl DestroyGS ds DestroyGS(ds) cl3c ph4 p free(p) jsl free bra cl3e else cl3d ldy #FILE_file close the file lda [stream],Y beq cl3e sta clRefNum OSClose cl cl3e ldy #FILE_flag if the buffer was allocated by fopen then lda [stream],Y and #_IOMYBUF beq cl4 ldy #FILE_base+2 dispose of the file buffer lda [stream],Y pha dey dey lda [stream],Y pha jsl free cl4 lda stdfile if this is not a standard file then bne cl5 ph4 stream dispose of the file buffer jsl free bra cl7 else cl5 add4 stream,#sizeofFILE-4,p reset the standard out stuff ldy #sizeofFILE-2 cl6 lda [p],Y sta [stream],Y dey dey cpy #2 bne cl6 cl7 stz err no error found rts plb creturn 2:err cl dc i'1' parameter block for OSclose clRefNum ds 2 gr dc i'3' parameter block for GetRefInfoGS grRefnum ds 2 ds 2 grPathname ds 4 ds dc i'1' parameter block for DestroyGS dsPathname ds 4 end **************************************************************** * * int feof(stream) * FILE *stream; * * Inputs: * stream - file to check * * Outputs: * Returns _IOEOF if an end of file has been reached; else * 0. * **************************************************************** * feof start stream equ 4 input stream tsc phd tcd ph4 stream verify that stream exists jsl ~VerifyStream ldx #_IOEOF bcs lb1