These print a floating-point number in a hexadecimal format, with several variations based on the conversion specification:
Upper or lower case letters (%A or %a)
Number of digits after decimal point (precision)
Use + sign for positive numbers? (+ flag)
Use leading space for positive numbers (space flag)
Include decimal point when there are no more digits? (# flag)
Pad with leading zeros after 0x? (0 flag)
If no precision is given, enough digits are printed to represent the value exactly. Otherwise, the value is correctly rounded based on the rounding mode.
The new m16.int64 file contains a new "negate8" macro (for 64-bit negation), as well as an improved version of "ph8". These have been added to the individual *.macros files, but if those are regenerated, m16.int64 should be used as an input to macgen ahead of m16.ORCA (which contains the original version of ph8).
The 'll' length modifier is now fully supported for the d, i, o, u, x, and X conversion specifiers. The 'n' conversion specifier can also store to a long long, but the value is still limited to 64k. The 'j' length modifier (for intmax_t) is also now treated as specifying a 64-bit value.