keep obj/math2 mcopy math2.macros case on **************************************************************** * * Math2 - additional math routines * * This code provides additional functions from * (including internal helper functions used by macros), * supplementing the ones in SysFloat. * **************************************************************** math2 private dummy segment copy equates.asm end **************************************************************** * * MathCommon2 - common work areas for the math library * **************************************************************** * MathCommon2 privdata ; ; temporary work space/return value ; t1 ds 10 end **************************************************************** * * int __fpclassifyf(float x); * * Classify a float value * * Inputs: * val - the number to classify * * Outputs: * one of the FP_* classification values * **************************************************************** * __fpclassifyf start csubroutine (10:val),0 tdc clc adc #val ldy #0 phy pha phy pha phy pha FX2S FCLASSS txa and #$00FF cmp #$00FC bne lb1 inc a lb1 sta val creturn 2:val end **************************************************************** * * int __fpclassifyd(double x); * * Classify a double value * * Inputs: * val - the number to classify * * Outputs: * one of the FP_* classification values * **************************************************************** * __fpclassifyd start csubroutine (10:val),0 tdc clc adc #val ldy #0 phy pha phy pha phy pha FX2D FCLASSD txa and #$00FF cmp #$00FC bne lb1 inc a lb1 sta val creturn 2:val end **************************************************************** * * int __fpclassifyl(long double x); * * Classify a long double value * * Inputs: * val - the number to classify * * Outputs: * one of the FP_* classification values * **************************************************************** * __fpclassifyl start csubroutine (10:val),0 tdc clc adc #val pea 0 pha FCLASSX txa and #$00FF cmp #$00FC bne lb1 inc a lb1 sta val creturn 2:val end **************************************************************** * * int __signbit(long double x); * * Get the sign bit of a floating-point value * * Inputs: * val - the number * * Outputs: * 0 if positive, non-zero if negative * **************************************************************** * __signbit start csubroutine (10:val),0 lda val+8 and #$8000 sta val creturn 2:val end **************************************************************** * * int __fpcompare(long double x, long double y, short mask); * * Compare two floating-point values, not signaling invalid * if they are unordered. * * Inputs: * x,y - values to compare * mask - mask of bits as returned in X register from FCMP * * Outputs: * 1 if x and y have one of the relations specified by mask * 0 otherwise * **************************************************************** * __fpcompare start csubroutine (10:x,10:y,2:mask),0 tdc clc adc #x pea 0 pha tdc clc adc #y pea 0 pha FCMPX txa and mask beq lb1 lda #1 lb1 sta mask creturn 2:mask end **************************************************************** * * double cbrt(double x); * * Returns x^(1/3) (the cube root of x). * **************************************************************** * cbrt start cbrtf entry cbrtl entry using MathCommon2 phb place the number in a work area plx (except exponent/sign word) ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla get exponent/sign word phy phx pha save original sign and #$7FFF sta t1+8 force sign to + ph4 #onethird compute abs(x)^(1/3) ph4 #t1 FXPWRY pla if sign of x was - bpl ret lda t1+8 ora #$8000 sta t1+8 set sign of result to - ret plb ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl onethird dc e'0.33333333333333333333' end **************************************************************** * * double copysign(double x, double y); * * Returns a value with the magnitude of x and the sign of y. * **************************************************************** * copysign start copysignf entry copysignl entry using MathCommon2 phb place x in a work area... plx ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla asl a ...with the sign bit shifted off sta t1+8 pla remove y pla pla pla pla asl a get sign bit of y ror t1+8 give return value that sign phy phx plb ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * double exp2(double x); * * Returns 2^x. * **************************************************************** * exp2 start exp2f entry exp2l entry using MathCommon2 phb place the number in a work area plx ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla sta t1+8 phy phx plb ph4 #t1 compute the value FEXP2X ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * double expm1(double x); * * Returns e^x - 1. * **************************************************************** * expm1 start expm1f entry expm1l entry using MathCommon2 phb place the number in a work area plx ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla sta t1+8 phy phx plb ph4 #t1 compute the value FEXP1X ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * double fdim(double x, double y); * * Returns x - y if x > y, or +0 if x <= y. * **************************************************************** * fdim start fdimf entry fdiml entry using MathCommon2 phb phk plb tsc compare x and y clc adc #5 pea 0 pha adc #10 pea 0 pha FCMPX bmi x_le_y beq x_le_y tsc if x > y (or unordered) clc adc #5+10 pea 0 pha sbc #10-1 (carry is clear) pea 0 pha FSUBX x = x - y lda 5,s t1 = x sta t1 lda 5+2,s sta t1+2 lda 5+4,s sta t1+4 lda 5+6,s sta t1+6 lda 5+8,s sta t1+8 bra ret else x_le_y stz t1 t1 = +0.0 stz t1+2 stz t1+4 stz t1+6 stz t1+8 ret plx clean up stack ply tsc clc adc #20 tcs phy phx plb ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * int ilogb(double x); * * Returns the binary exponent of x (a signed integer value), * treating denormalized numbers as if they were normalized. * Handles inf/nan/0 cases specially. * **************************************************************** * ilogb start ilogbf entry ilogbl entry csubroutine (10:x),0 tdc check for special cases clc adc #x pea 0 pha FCLASSX ldy #$7FFF txa and #$FF cmp #$FE if x is INF beq special return INT_MAX lsr a beq do_logb if x is 0 or NAN iny return INT_MIN special sty x bra ret do_logb tdc compute logb(x) clc adc #x pea 0 pha FLOGBX tdc convert to integer clc adc #x pea 0 pha pea 0 pha FX2I ret creturn 2:x return it rtl end **************************************************************** * * double log1p(double x); * * Returns ln(1+x). * **************************************************************** * log1p start log1pf entry log1pl entry using MathCommon2 phb place the number in a work area plx ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla sta t1+8 phy phx plb ph4 #t1 compute the value FLN1X ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * double log2(double x); * * Returns log2(x) (the base-2 logarithm of x). * **************************************************************** * log2 start log2f entry log2l entry using MathCommon2 phb place the number in a work area plx ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla sta t1+8 phy phx plb ph4 #t1 compute the value FLOG2X ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * double logb(double x); * * Returns the binary exponent of x (a signed integer value), * treating denormalized numbers as if they were normalized. * **************************************************************** * logb start logbf entry logbl entry using MathCommon2 phb place the number in a work area plx ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla sta t1+8 phy phx plb ph4 #t1 compute the value FLOGBX ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * long lrint(double x); * * Rounds x to an integer using current rounding direction * and returns it as a long (if representable). * **************************************************************** * lrint start lrintf entry lrintl entry csubroutine (10:x),0 tdc convert to integer clc adc #x pea 0 pha pea 0 pha FX2L ret creturn 4:x return it rtl end **************************************************************** * * float modff(float x, float *iptr); * * Splits x into integer and fractional parts. Returns the * fractional part and stores integer part as a float in *iptr. * **************************************************************** * modff start using MathCommon2 csubroutine (10:x,4:iptr),0 phb phk plb lda x copy x to t1 sta t1 lda x+2 sta t1+2 lda x+4 sta t1+4 lda x+6 sta t1+6 lda x+8 sta t1+8 asl a check for infinity or nan cmp #32767|1 bne finite lda x+6 asl a ora x+4 ora x+2 ora x bne storeint if value is nan, return it as-is stz t1 if value is +-inf, fractional part is 0 stz t1+2 stz t1+4 stz t1+6 stz t1+8 bra storeint finite tdc truncate x to an integer clc adc #x pea 0 pha FTINTX tdc t1 := t1 - x clc adc #x pea 0 pha ph4 #t1 FSUBX storeint tdc copy x to *iptr, converting to float clc adc #x pea 0 pha pei iptr+2 pei iptr FX2S copysign asl t1+8 copy sign of x to t1 asl x+8 ror t1+8 lda #^t1 return t1 (fractional part) sta iptr+2 lda #t1 sta iptr plb creturn 4:iptr end **************************************************************** * * long double modfl(long double x, long double *iptr); * * Splits x into integer and fractional parts. Returns the * fractional part and stores the integer part in *iptr. * **************************************************************** * modfl start using MathCommon2 csubroutine (10:x,4:iptr),0 phb phk plb lda x copy x to *iptr and t1 sta [iptr] sta t1 ldy #2 lda x+2 sta [iptr],y sta t1+2 iny iny lda x+4 sta [iptr],y sta t1+4 iny iny lda x+6 sta [iptr],y sta t1+6 iny iny lda x+8 sta [iptr],y sta t1+8 asl a check for infinity or nan cmp #32767|1 bne finite lda x+6 asl a ora x+4 ora x+2 ora x bne ret if value is nan, return it as-is stz t1 if value is +-inf, fractional part is 0 stz t1+2 stz t1+4 stz t1+6 stz t1+8 bra copysign finite pei iptr+2 if value is finite pei iptr FTINTX truncate *iptr to an integer pei iptr+2 t1 := t1 - *iptr pei iptr ph4 #t1 FSUBX copysign asl t1+8 copy sign of x to t1 asl x+8 ror t1+8 ret lda #^t1 return t1 (fractional part) sta iptr+2 lda #t1 sta iptr plb creturn 4:iptr end **************************************************************** * * double nearbyint(double x); * * Rounds x to an integer using current rounding direction, * never raising the "inexact" exception. * **************************************************************** * nearbyint start nearbyintf entry nearbyintl entry using MathCommon2 phb place the number in a work area plx ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla sta t1+8 phy phx plb FGETENV save environment phx ph4 #t1 compute the value FRINTX FSETENV restore environment ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * double remainder(double x, double y); * * Returns x REM y as specified by IEEE 754: r = x - ny, * where n is the integer nearest to the exact value of x/y. * When x/y is halfway between two integers, n is even. * If r = 0, its sign is that of x. * **************************************************************** * remainder start remainderf entry remainderl entry using MathCommon2 phb place x in a work area plx ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla sta t1+8 phy phx tsc compute the value clc adc #5 pea 0 pha ph4 #t1 FREMX pla move return address sta 9,s pla sta 9,s tsc clc adc #6 tcs plb ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * double remquo(double x, double y, int *quo); * * Returns x REM y as specified by IEEE 754 (like remainder). * Also, sets *quo to a value whose sign is the same as x/y * and whose magnitude gives the low-order 7 bits of the * magnitude of the integer quotient x/y. * **************************************************************** * remquo start remquof entry remquol entry using MathCommon2 phb place x in a work area plx ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla sta t1+8 phy phx tsc compute the value clc adc #5 pea 0 pha ph4 #t1 FREMX phd php save sign flag tsc tcd txa calculate value to store in *quo and #$007F plp bpl setquo eor #$FFFF inc a setquo sta [18] store it pld pla move return address sta 13,s pla sta 13,s tsc clc adc #10 tcs plb ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * double rint(double x); * * Rounds x to an integer using current rounding direction. * **************************************************************** * rint start rintf entry rintl entry using MathCommon2 phb place the number in a work area plx ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla sta t1+8 phy phx plb ph4 #t1 compute the value FRINTX ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * double scalbln(double x, long n); * * Returns x * 2^n. * **************************************************************** * scalbln start scalblnf entry scalblnl entry using MathCommon2 csubroutine (10:x,4:n),0 phb phk plb lda x place x in a work area sta t1 lda x+2 sta t1+2 lda x+4 sta t1+4 lda x+6 sta t1+6 lda x+8 sta t1+8 loop cmp4 n,#32767+1 if n > INT_MAX blt notbig pea 32767 scale by INT_MAX pea 0 bra adjust_n notbig cmp4 n,#-32768 else if n < INT_MIN bge notsmall pea -32768+64 scale by INT_MIN pea -1 adjust_n sec if n is out of range of int lda n subtract scale factor from n sbc 3,s sta n lda n+2 sbc 1,s sta n+2 pla bra do_scalb else notsmall pei n scale by n stz n remaining amount to scale by is 0 stz n+2 do_scalb ph4 #t1 scale the number FSCALBX lda n if no more scaling to do ora n+2 beq done we are done ph4 #t1 else if value is nan/inf/zero FCLASSX txa and #$FE bne done stop: more scaling would not change it brl loop else scale by remaining amount done lda #^t1 return a pointer to the result sta n+2 lda #t1 sta n plb creturn 4:n end **************************************************************** * * double scalbn(double x, int n); * * Returns x * 2^n. * **************************************************************** * scalbn start scalbnf entry scalbnl entry using MathCommon2 phb place x in a work area plx ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla sta t1+8 pla get n phy phx pha compute the value ph4 #t1 FSCALBX plb ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * double trunc(double x); * * Truncates x to an integer (discarding fractional part). * **************************************************************** * trunc start truncf entry truncl entry using MathCommon2 phb place the number in a work area plx ply phk plb pla sta t1 pla sta t1+2 pla sta t1+4 pla sta t1+6 pla sta t1+8 phy phx plb ph4 #t1 compute the value FTINTX ldx #^t1 return a pointer to the result lda #t1 rtl end **************************************************************** * * float and long double versions of functions in SysFloat * **************************************************************** * acosf start acosl entry jml acos end asinf start asinl entry jml asin end atanf start atanl entry jml atan end atan2f start atan2l entry jml atan2 end ceilf start ceill entry jml ceil end cosf start cosl entry jml cos end coshf start coshl entry jml cosh end expf start expl entry jml exp end fabsf start fabsl entry jml fabs end floorf start floorl entry jml floor end fmodf start fmodl entry jml fmod end frexpf start frexpl entry jml frexp end ldexpf start ldexpl entry jml ldexp end logf start logl entry jml log end log10f start log10l entry jml log10 end powf start powl entry jml pow end sinf start sinl entry jml sin end sinhf start sinhl entry jml sinh end sqrtf start sqrtl entry jml sqrt end tanf start tanl entry jml tan end tanhf start tanhl entry jml tanh end