keep obj/time mcopy time.macros case on **************************************************************** * * Time - Time and date libraries for C * * This code implements the tables and subroutines needed to * support the standard C library TIME. * * January 1989 * Mike Westerfield * * Copyright 1989 * Byte Works, Inc. * * Note: Portions of this library appear in SysFloat * **************************************************************** * Time start dummy segment end **************************************************************** * * TimeCommon - common variables for the time library * **************************************************************** * TimeCommon privdata ; ; For conversion to/from seconds since 1970 ; year ds 4 year 0..99 month ds 4 month 1..12 day ds 4 day 1..31 hour ds 4 hour 0..23 minute ds 4 minute 0..59 second ds 4 second 0..59 count ds 4 seconds since 1 Jan 1970 t1 ds 4 work variable t2 ds 4 work variable end **************************************************************** * * char *asctime(struct tm *ts) * * Inputs: * ts - time record to create string for * * Outputs: * returns a pointer to the time string * **************************************************************** * asctime start csubroutine (4:ts),0 phb phk plb brl ~ctime2 end **************************************************************** * * clock_t clock() * * Outputs: * X-A - tick count * **************************************************************** * clock start pha pha _GetTick pla plx rtl end **************************************************************** * * char *ctime(timeptr) * time_t *timptr; * * Inputs: * timeptr - time to create string for * * Outputs: * returns a pointer to the time string * **************************************************************** * ctime start tm_sec equ 0 displacements into the time record tm_min equ 2 tm_hour equ 4 tm_mday equ 6 tm_mon equ 8 tm_year equ 10 tm_wday equ 12 csubroutine (4:timeptr),0 phb phk plb ph4 timeptr convert to a time record jsl localtime sta timeptr stx timeptr+2 ~ctime2 entry ldy #tm_wday convert the week day to a string lda [timeptr],Y asl a asl a tax lda weekDay,X sta str lda weekDay+1,X sta str+1 ldy #tm_mon convert the month to a string lda [timeptr],Y asl a asl a tax lda monthStr,X sta str+4 lda monthStr+1,X sta str+5 ldy #tm_mday convert the day to a string lda [timeptr],Y jsr mkstr bit #$00CF check for leading '0' bne lb1 and #$FFEF convert leading '0' to ' ' lb1 sta str+8 ldy #tm_hour convert the hour to a string lda [timeptr],Y jsr mkstr sta str+11 ldy #tm_min convert minutes to a string lda [timeptr],Y jsr mkstr sta str+14 ldy #tm_sec convert seconds to a string lda [timeptr],Y jsr mkstr sta str+17 ldy #tm_year convert the year to a string lda [timeptr],Y ldy #19 sec yr1 iny sbc #100 bpl yr1 clc yr2 dey adc #100 bmi yr2 jsr mkstr sta str+22 tya jsr mkstr sta str+20 lla timeptr,str plb creturn 4:timeptr weekDay dc c'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat' monthStr dc c'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec' str dc c'Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 1900',i1'10,0' ; ; mkstr - convert a number to a string ; mkstr ldx #-1 mk1 inx sec sbc #10 bcs mk1 clc adc #10 xba pha txa ora 1,S ora #$3030 plx rts end **************************************************************** * * factor - compute the seconds since 1 Jan 1970 from date * * Inputs: * year,month,day,hour,minute,second - time to convert * * Outputs: * count - seconds since 1 Jan 1970 * **************************************************************** * factor private using TimeCommon ; ; compute the # of days since 1 Jan 1970 ; mul4 year,#365,count count := 365*year + day + 31*(month-1) add4 count,day mul4 month,#31,t1 add4 count,t1 sub4 count,#31 move4 year,t2 t2 := year lda month if January or February then cmp #3 bge lb1 dec t2 year := year-1 bra lb2 else lb1 mul4 month,#4,t1 count := count - (month*4+23) div 10 add4 t1,#23 div4 t1,#10 sub4 count,t1 lb2 lda t2 count := count + year div 4 lsr A lsr A clc adc count sta count bcc lb3 inc count+2 lb3 add4 t2,#300 count := count - div4 t2,#100 ((300+year) div 100+1)*3 div 4 inc4 t2 mul4 t2,#3 div4 t2,#4 sub4 count,t2 sub4 count,#25516 subtract off days between 1 Jan 00 and ! 1 Jan 70 ; ; Convert to seconds and add in time of day in seconds ; mul4 count,#24*60*60 convert to seconds mul4 hour,#3600,t1 add in hours*3600 add4 count,t1 mul4 minute,#60,t1 add in minutes*60 add4 count,t1 add4 count,second add in seconds rts end **************************************************************** * * struct tm *localtime(t) * time_t *t; * * Inputs: * t - # seconds since 1 Jan 1970 * * Outputs: * returns a pointer to a time record * **************************************************************** * localtime start gmtime entry using TimeCommon csubroutine (4:t),0 phb phk plb ldy #2 dereference the pointer lda [t],Y tax lda [t] sta t stx t+2 lda #69 find the year sta year lda #1 sta month sta day stz hour stz minute stz second lb1 inc year jsr factor lda count+2 cmp t+2 bne lb1a lda count cmp t lb1a ble lb1 dec year lb2 inc month find the month jsr factor lda count+2 cmp t+2 bne lb2a lda count cmp t lb2a ble lb2 dec month jsr factor recompute the factor lda year set the year sta tm_year lda month set the month dec A sta tm_mon sub4 t,count find the number of seconds move4 t,t1 div4 t,#60 mul4 t,#60,t2 sub4 t1,t2 lda t1 sta tm_sec move4 t,t1 find the number of minutes div4 t,#60 mul4 t,#60,t2 sub4 t1,t2 lda t1 sta tm_min move4 t,t1 find the number of hours div4 t,#24 mul4 t,#24,t2 sub4 t1,t2 lda t1 sta tm_hour lda t set the day inc A sta tm_mday ph4 #tm_sec set the day of week/year jsl mktime pha determine if it's daylight savings ph2 #$5E _ReadBParam pla lsr A and #$0001 eor #$0001 sta tm_isdst lla t,tm_sec plb creturn 4:t tm_sec ds 2 seconds 0..59 tm_min ds 2 minutes 0..59 tm_hour ds 2 hours 0..23 tm_mday ds 2 day 1..31 tm_mon ds 2 month 0..11 tm_year ds 2 year 70..200 (1900=0) tm_wday ds 2 day of week 0..6 (Sun = 0) tm_yday ds 2 day of year 0..365 tm_isdst ds 2 daylight savings? 1 = yes, 0 = no end **************************************************************** * * time_t mktime(tmptr) * struct tm *tmptr * * Inputs: * tmptr - poiner to a time record * * Outputs: * tmptr->wday - day of week * tmptr->yday - day of year * returns the ime in seconds since 1 Jan 1970 * **************************************************************** * mktime start using TimeCommon temp equ 1 temp variable temp2 equ 5 temp variable csubroutine (4:tmptr),8 phb phk plb lla temp,-1 assume we can't do it ldy #10 error if year < 70 lda [tmptr],Y sta year cmp #70 jlt lb1 dey set the other time parameters dey lda [tmptr],Y inc A sta month dey dey lda [tmptr],Y sta day dey dey lda [tmptr],Y sta hour dey dey lda [tmptr],Y sta minute lda [tmptr] sta second jsr factor compute seconds since 1970 move4 count,temp save the value for later return lda #1 compute the days since the start of the sta month year sta day jsr factor sub4 temp,count,count div4 count,#60*60*24 ldy #14 set the days lda count sta [tmptr],Y div4 temp,#60*60*24,temp2 compute the day of week add4 temp2,#4 mod4 temp2,#7 lda temp2 set the day of week ldy #12 sta [tmptr],Y lb1 plb creturn 4:temp end **************************************************************** * * time_t time(tptr) * time_t *tptr; * * Outputs: * tptr - if non-null, the value it points to is set * time - returns the value * **************************************************************** * time start using TimeCommon csubroutine (4:tptr),0 phb phk plb ; ; get the current time ; pha get the current time pha pha pha _ReadTimeHex lda 5,S set the day and #$00FF inc A sta day lda 5,S set the month and #$FF00 xba inc A sta month lda 3,S set the year and #$FF00 xba sta year lda 3,S set the hour and #$00FF sta hour lda 1,S set the minute xba and #$00FF sta minute pla set the second and #$00FF sta second pla clean up the stack pla pla jsr factor convert the seconds lda tptr if tptr <> nil then ora tptr+2 beq lb1 ldy #2 place the result there lda count sta [tptr] lda count+2 sta [tptr],Y lb1 move4 count,tptr plb creturn 4:tptr end