keep obj/toolglue mcopy toolglue.macros case on **************************************************************** * * ToolGlue - Glue routines for tools that return records * * June 1989 * Mike Westerfield * * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1992 * Byte Works, Inc. * **************************************************************** * * November 1992 * * Parameter orders corrected. * **************************************************************** * * August 1990 * * 1. Restart() has been corrected to expect a single * parameter. In the previous version of the library, * it expected the same parameter list as InitialLoad(). * * 2. All tool calls now store the tool error number returned * by the toolbox in ~toolError. * **************************************************************** * ToolGlue start dummy routine end **************************************************************** * * MiscTool - Miscellaneous tool kit * **************************************************************** * * FWEntry - Firmware Entry * * Inputs: * aRegValue, xRegValue, yRegValue - registers on entry * eModeEntryPt - call address * * Outputs: * Returns a pointer to a record with the following * structure: * * typedef struct FWRec { * int yRegExit; * int xRegExit; * int aRegExit; * int status; * } * **************************************************************** * FWEntry start addr equ 1 work pointer csubroutine (2:aRegValue,2:xRegValue,2:yRegValue,2:eModeEntryPt),4 pha pha pha pha ph2 aRegValue ph2 xRegValue ph2 yRegValue ph2 eModeEntryPt _FWEntry sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >yRegExit pl2 >xRegExit pl2 >aRegExit pl2 >status lla addr,yRegExit creturn 4:addr yRegExit ds 2 record returned xRegExit ds 2 aRegExit ds 2 status ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * GetAbsClamp - returns the absolute device clamp * * Outputs: * Returns a pointer to a record with the following * structure: * * typedef struct ClampRec { * int yMaxClamp; * int yMinClamp; * int xMaxClamp; * int xMinClamp; * } * **************************************************************** * GetAbsClamp start pha pha pha pha _GetAbsClamp sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >yMaxClamp pl2 >yMinClamp pl2 >xMaxClamp pl2 >xMinClamp lda #yMaxClamp ldx #^yMaxClamp rtl yMaxClamp ds 2 record returned yMinClamp ds 2 xMaxClamp ds 2 xMinClamp ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * GetMouseClamp - returns the mouse clamp * * Outputs: * Returns a pointer to a record with the following * structure: * * typedef struct ClampRec { * int yMaxClamp; * int yMinClamp; * int xMaxClamp; * int xMinClamp; * } * **************************************************************** * GetMouseClamp start pha pha pha pha _GetMouseClamp sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >yMaxClamp pl2 >yMinClamp pl2 >xMaxClamp pl2 >xMinClamp lda #yMaxClamp ldx #^yMaxClamp rtl yMaxClamp ds 2 record returned yMinClamp ds 2 xMaxClamp ds 2 xMinClamp ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * ReadMouse - return mouse statistics * * Outputs: * Returns a pointer to a record with the following * structure: * * typedef struct MouseRec { * char mouseMode; * char mouseStatus; * int yPos; * int xPos; * } * **************************************************************** * ReadMouse start pha pha pha _ReadMouse sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >mouseMode pl2 >yPos pl2 >xPos lda #mouseMode ldx #^mouseMode rtl mouseMode ds 1 mouseStatus ds 1 yPos ds 2 xPos ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * ReadTimeHex - returns the time in hex format * * Outputs: * Returns a pointer to a record with the following * structure: * * typedef struct TimeRec { * char second; * char minute; * char hour; * char year; * char day; * char month; * char extra; * char weekDay; * } * **************************************************************** * ReadTimeHex start pha pha pha pha _ReadTimeHex sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >second pl2 >hour pl2 >day pl2 >extra lda #second ldx #^second rtl second ds 1 minute ds 1 hour ds 1 year ds 1 day ds 1 month ds 1 extra ds 1 weekDay ds 1 end **************************************************************** * * IntMath - Integer Math Tool Kit * **************************************************************** * * extern LongDivRec LongDivide(); * * typedef struct LongDivRec { * Longint quotient; /* LongDivRec - Quotient from LongDiv*/ * Longint remainder; /* LongDivRec - remainder from LongDiv*/ * } * **************************************************************** * LongDivide start addr equ 1 csubroutine (4:dividend,4:divisor),4 tsc sec sbc #8 tcs ph4 dividend ph4 divisor _LongDivide sta >~TOOLERROR pl4 >quotient pl4 >remainder lla addr,quotient creturn 4:addr quotient ds 4 remainder ds 4 end **************************************************************** * * extern LongMulRec LongMul(); * * typedef struct LongMulRec { * Longint lsResult; /* LongMulRec - Low Long of result*/ * Longint msResult; /* LongMulRec - High long of result*/ * } * **************************************************************** * LongMul start addr equ 1 csubroutine (4:multiplicand,4:multiplier),4 tsc sec sbc #8 tcs ph4 multiplicand ph4 multiplier _LongMul sta >~TOOLERROR pl4 >lsResult pl4 >msResult lla addr,lsResult creturn 4:addr lsResult ds 4 msResult ds 4 end **************************************************************** * * extern IntDivRec SDivide(); * * typedef struct IntDivRec { * Integer quotient; /* IntDivRec - quotient from SDivide*/ * Integer remainder; /* IntDivRec - remainder from SDivide*/ * } IntDivRec, *IntDivRecPtr ; * **************************************************************** * SDivide start addr equ 1 csubroutine (2:dividend,2:divisor),4 pha pha ph2 dividend ph2 divisor _SDivide sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >quotient pl2 >remainder lla addr,quotient creturn 4:addr quotient ds 2 remainder ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * extern IntDivRec UDivide(); * * typedef struct IntDivRec { * Integer quotient; /* IntDivRec - quotient from SDivide*/ * Integer remainder; /* IntDivRec - remainder from SDivide*/ * } IntDivRec, *IntDivRecPtr ; * **************************************************************** * UDivide start addr equ 1 csubroutine (2:dividend,2:divisor),4 pha pha ph2 dividend ph2 divisor _UDivide sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >quotient pl2 >remainder lla addr,quotient creturn 4:addr quotient ds 2 remainder ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * Loader * **************************************************************** * * extern InitialLoadOutputRec InitialLoad(); * * typedef struct InitialLoadOutputRec { * Word userID; * Pointer startAddr; * Word dPageAddr; * Word buffSize; * } * **************************************************************** * InitialLoad start addr equ 1 csubroutine (2:uID,4:stAddr,2:dpAddr),4 tsc sec sbc #10 tcs ph2 uID ph4 stAddr ph2 dpAddr _InitialLoad sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >userID pl4 >startAddr pl2 >dPageAddr pl2 >buffSize lla addr,userID creturn 4:addr userID ds 2 startAddr ds 4 dPageAddr ds 2 buffSize ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * extern InitialLoadOutputRec InitialLoad2(); * * typedef struct InitialLoadOutputRec { * Word buffSize; * Word dPageAddr; * Pointer startAddr; * Word userID; * } * **************************************************************** * InitialLoad2 start addr equ 1 csubroutine (2:uID,4:buffAddr,2:flagWord,2:inputType),4 tsc sec sbc #10 tcs ph2 uID ph4 buffAddr ph2 flagWord ph2 inputType _InitialLoad2 sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >userID pl4 >startAddr pl2 >dPageAddr pl2 >buffSize lla addr,userID creturn 4:addr userID ds 2 startAddr ds 4 dPageAddr ds 2 buffSize ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * extern LoadSegNameOut LoadSegName(); * * typedef struct LoadSegNameOut { * Pointer segAddr; * Word userID; * Word fileNum; * Word segNum; * } * **************************************************************** * LoadSegName start addr equ 1 csubroutine (2:uID,4:fName,4:sName),4 tsc sec sbc #10 tcs ph2 uID ph4 fName ph4 sName _LoadSegName sta >~TOOLERROR pl4 >segAddr pl2 >userID pl2 >fileNum pl2 >segNum lla addr,segAddr creturn 4:addr segAddr ds 4 userID ds 2 fileNum ds 2 segNum ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * extern InitialLoadOutputRec Restart(); * * typedef struct InitialLoadOutputRec { * Word userID; * Pointer startAddr; * Word dPageAddr; * Word buffSize; * } * **************************************************************** * Restart start addr equ 1 csubroutine (2:uID),4 tsc sec sbc #10 tcs ph2 uID _Restart sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >userID pl4 >startAddr pl2 >dPageAddr pl2 >buffSize lla addr,userID creturn 4:addr userID ds 2 startAddr ds 4 dPageAddr ds 2 buffSize ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * extern UnloadSegOutRec UnloadSeg(); * * typedef struct UnloadSegOutRec { * Word userID; * Word fileNum; * Word segNum; * } UnloadSegOutRec, *UnloadSegOutRecPtr ; * **************************************************************** * UnloadSeg start addr equ 1 csubroutine (4:segaddr),4 pha pha pha ph4 segaddr _UnloadSeg sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >userID pl2 >fileNum pl2 >segNum lla addr,userID creturn 4:addr userID ds 2 fileNum ds 2 segNum ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * midiSynth - MIDI Synth Tool Kit * **************************************************************** * * extern LongDivRec LongDivide(); * * typedef struct LongDivRec { * Longint quotient; /* LongDivRec - Quotient from LongDiv*/ * Longint remainder; /* LongDivRec - remainder from LongDiv*/ * } * **************************************************************** * GetMSData start csubroutine (4:reserved,4:DP),0 tsc sec sbc #8 tcs _GetMSData sta >~TOOLERROR ldy #2 pla sta [DP] pla sta [DP],Y pla sta [reserved] pla sta [reserved],Y creturn end **************************************************************** * * Note Sequencer * **************************************************************** * * extern LocRec GetLoc(); * * typedef struct LocRec { * Word curPhraseItem; * Word curPattItem; * Word curLevel; * } LocRec, *LocRecPtr, **LocRecHndl; * **************************************************************** * GetLoc start pha pha pha _GetLoc sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >curLevel pl2 >curPattItem pl2 >curPhraseItem lda #curPhraseItem ldx #^curPhraseItem rtl curPhraseItem ds 2 curPattItem ds 2 curLevel ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * TextTools * **************************************************************** * * extern TxtMaskRec GetErrGlobals(); * * typedef struct TxtMaskRec { * Word orMask; * Word andMask; * } TxtMaskRec, *TxtMaskRecPtr, **TxtMaskRecHndl ; * **************************************************************** * GetErrGlobals start pha pha _GetErrGlobals sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >orMask pl2 >andMask lda #orMask ldx #^orMask rtl orMask ds 2 andMask ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * extern DeviceRec GetErrorDevice(); * * typedef struct DeviceRec { * LongWord ptrOrSlot; /* DeviceRec - slot number or jump table ptr*/ * Word deviceType; /* DeviceRec - type of input device*/ * } DeviceRec, *DeviceRecPtr, **DeviceRecHndl ; * **************************************************************** * GetErrorDevice start pha pha pha _GetErrorDevice sta >~TOOLERROR pl4 >ptrOrSlot pl2 >deviceType lda #ptrOrSlot ldx #^ptrOrSlot rtl ptrOrSlot ds 4 deviceType ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * extern TxtMaskRec GetInGlobals(); * * typedef struct TxtMaskRec { * Word orMask; * Word andMask; * } TxtMaskRec, *TxtMaskRecPtr, **TxtMaskRecHndl ; * **************************************************************** * GetInGlobals start pha pha _GetInGlobals sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >orMask pl2 >andMask lda #orMask ldx #^orMask rtl orMask ds 2 andMask ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * extern DeviceRec GetInputDevice(); * * typedef struct DeviceRec { * LongWord ptrOrSlot; /* DeviceRec - slot number or jump table ptr*/ * Word deviceType; /* DeviceRec - type of input device*/ * } DeviceRec, *DeviceRecPtr, **DeviceRecHndl ; * **************************************************************** * GetInputDevice start pha pha pha _GetInputDevice sta >~TOOLERROR pl4 >ptrOrSlot pl2 >deviceType lda #ptrOrSlot ldx #^ptrOrSlot rtl ptrOrSlot ds 4 deviceType ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * extern TxtMaskRec GetOutGlobals(); * * typedef struct TxtMaskRec { * Word orMask; * Word andMask; * } TxtMaskRec, *TxtMaskRecPtr, **TxtMaskRecHndl ; * **************************************************************** * GetOutGlobals start pha pha _GetOutGlobals sta >~TOOLERROR pl2 >orMask pl2 >andMask lda #orMask ldx #^orMask rtl orMask ds 2 andMask ds 2 end **************************************************************** * * extern DeviceRec GetOutputDevice(); * * typedef struct DeviceRec { * LongWord ptrOrSlot; /* DeviceRec - slot number or jump table ptr*/ * Word deviceType; /* DeviceRec - type of input device*/ * } DeviceRec, *DeviceRecPtr, **DeviceRecHndl ; * **************************************************************** * GetOutputDevice start pha pha pha _GetOutputDevice sta >~TOOLERROR pl4 >ptrOrSlot pl2 >deviceType lda #ptrOrSlot ldx #^ptrOrSlot rtl ptrOrSlot ds 4 deviceType ds 2 end