Stephen Heumann 84f471474a Use newer, more efficient ph2/ph4 macros throughout ORCALib.
These push DP values with pei, rather than lda+pha as in the old versions of the macros.
2022-06-30 19:01:47 -05:00

885 lines
24 KiB

keep obj/fcntl
mcopy fcntl.macros
case on
* fcntl - UNIX primitive input/output facilities
* This code implements the tables and subroutines needed to
* support a subset of the UNIX library FCNTL.
* October 1989
* Mike Westerfield
* Copyright 1989
* Byte Works, Inc.
FCNTL start dummy segment
copy equates.asm
strSize gequ 255 max size of a GS/OS path name
* ctoosstr - convert a C string to a GS/OS input string
* Inputs:
* cstr - pointer to the c string
* Outputs:
* returns a pointer to the OS string
* Notes:
* If the C string is longer than strSize bytes, the
* string is truncated without warning.
ctoosstr private
osptr equ 1 os string pointer
csubroutine (4:cstr),4
phb use a local B reg
short M copy over the characters
ldy #0
lb1 lda [cstr],Y
beq lb2
sta osstr+2,Y
cpy #strSize
bne lb1
lb2 sty osstr set the string length
long M
lla osptr,osstr set the address of the string
plb restore caller's B
creturn 4:osptr return osptr
osstr ds 2+strSize GS/OS string buffer
* int chmod(char *path, int mode);
* Changes the access bits.
* Inputs:
* path - name of the file
* mode - zero or more flags to set:
* 0x0100 - read
* 0x0080 - write
* 0x1000 - delete
* 0x2000 - rename
* 0x4000 - backup
* 0x8000 - invisible
* Outputs:
* returns 0 if successful; else -1
* errno - set if an error occurred
chmod start
err equ 1 error return code
csubroutine (4:path,2:mode),2
phb use local B
stz err err = 0 {no error}
lda mode convert mode to ProDOS format
jsr unixtoprodos
sta siAccess
ph4 <path set the path name
jsl ctoosstr
sta siPathname
stx siPathname+2
OSSet_File_Info siRec set the access bits
bcs lb1
lda siAccess if the backup bit is clear then
and #$0020
bne lb2
move4 siPathname,cbPathname clear the backup bit
OSClear_Backup cbRec
bcc lb2
lb1 lda #ENOENT flag an error
sta >errno
dec err
lb2 plb
creturn 2:err
cbRec dc i'1' ClearBackup record
cbPathname ds 4
siRec dc i'2' SetFileInfo record
siPathname ds 4
siAccess ds 2
* int close(int filds);
* Close a file.
* Inputs:
* filds - file ID of the file to close
* Outputs:
* returns 0 if successful; else -1
* errno - set if an error occurred
close start
err equ 1 error return code
csubroutine (2:filds),2
stz err err = 0 {no error}
lda filds error if there are too many open files
bmi lb2
bge lb2
asl A get the file reference number
asl A
lda >files,X
beq lb2
sta >clRefnum
lda #0 free the file record
sta >files,X
ldx #OPEN_MAX*4-4 for each file record do
lda >clRefnum if the file is a duplicate then
lb1 cmp >files,X
beq lb3 skip the close
bpl lb1
OSClose clRec close the file
bcc lb3
lb2 lda #EBADF an error occurred - set errno
sta >errno
dec err err = -1
lb3 creturn 2:err
clRec dc i'1' close record
clRefnum ds 2
* int creat(char *path, int mode);
* Create a file.
* Inputs:
* path - name of the file
* mode - zero or more flags to set:
* 0x0100 - read
* 0x0080 - write
* 0x1000 - delete
* 0x2000 - rename
* 0x4000 - backup
* 0x8000 - invisible
* Outputs:
* returns 0 if successful; else -1
* errno - set if an error occurred
creat start
err equ 1 error return code
csubroutine (4:path,2:mode),2
ph2 <mode
ph4 <path
jsl openfile
sta err
creturn 2:err
* int dup(int old);
* Duplicate a file descriptor
* Inputs:
* old - existing file descriptor
* Outputs:
* returns 0 if successful; else -1
* errno - set if an error occurred
dup start
err equ 1 error return code
csubroutine (2:old),2
ph2 #0
ph2 #F_DUPFD
ph2 <old
jsl fcntl
sta err
creturn 2:err
* int fcntl(int filds, int cmd, int arg);
* Open file control
* Inputs:
* filds - file ID of file
* cmd - command; F_DUPD is the only one accepted
* arg - lowest acceptable returned file ID
* Outputs:
* returns -1 for an error; new filds for success
* errno - set if an error occurred
fcntl start
err equ 1 error return code
refnum equ 3 reference number
flags equ 5 file flags
csubroutine (2:filds,2:cmd,2:arg),6
stz err err = 0 {no error}
lda cmd the command must be F_DUPFD
cmp #F_DUPFD
beq lb1
dec err
sta >errno
bra lb7
lb1 lda filds error if there are too many open files
bmi lb2
bge lb2
asl A get the file reference number
asl A
lda >files,X
bne lb3
lb2 dec err flag an invalid filds error
lda #EBADF
sta >errno
bra lb7
lb3 sta refnum
lda >files+2,X get the file flags
sta flags
lda arg find a new filds
bmi lb5
bge lb5
asl A
asl A
lb4 lda >files,X
beq lb6
cpx #OPEN_MAX*4
bne lb4
lb5 dec err none are available -- flag the error
sta >errno
bra lb7
lb6 lda refnum set the new refnum
sta >files,X
lda flags set the new flags
sta >files+2,X
txa return the filds
lsr A
lsr A
sta err
lb7 creturn 2:err
* files - array of file records
* There are OPEN_MAX elements, each with the following format:
* bytes use
* ----- ---
* 2 file reference number; 0 if element is free
* 2 flags; set by open command
* Notes: Array calculations throughout the module depend on
* a record size within the array of exactly 4 bytes.
files private
* long lseek(int filds, long offset, int whence);
* Set the file mark
* Inputs:
* filds - file ID of file
* offset - new file mark
* whence - set the mark in relation to:
* 0 - file start
* 1 - current mark
* 2 - file end
* Outputs:
* returns file pointer if successful; -1 for an error
* errno - set if an error occurred
lseek start
mark equ 1 new file mark
csubroutine (2:filds,4:offset,2:whence),4
lda #$FFFF assume we will get an error
sta mark
sta mark+2
lda filds get the file refnum
bmi lb1
bge lb1
asl A
asl A
lda >files,X
bne lb2
lb1 lda #EBADF bad refnum error
sta >errno
bra lb4
lb2 sta >smRefnum set the file refnum
sta >gmRefnum
lda whence convert from UNIX whence to GS/OS base
beq lb3
eor #$0003
cmp #4
bge lb2a
cmp #2
bne lb3
sta >smBase
lda offset+2
bpl lb3a
sub4 #0,offset,offset
lda #3
bra lb3
lb2a lda #EINVAL invalid whence flag
sta >errno
bra lb4
lb3 sta >smBase save the base parameter
lb3a lda offset set the displacement
sta >smDisplacement
lda offset+2
sta >smDisplacement+2
OSSet_Mark smRec set the file mark
bcs lb1
OSGet_Mark gmRec get the new mark
bcs lb1
lda >gmDisplacement
sta mark
lda >gmDisplacement+2
sta mark+2
lb4 creturn 4:mark
smRec dc i'3' SetMark record
smRefnum ds 2
smBase ds 2
smDisplacement ds 4
gmRec dc i'2' GetMark record
gmRefnum ds 2
gmDisplacement ds 4
* int open(char *path, int oflag);
* Open a file
* Inputs:
* path - name of the file
* oflag - output flags
* Outputs:
* returns 0 if successful; else -1
* errno - set if an error occurred
open start
err equ 1 error return code
csubroutine (4:path,2:oflag),2
ph2 <oflag
ph2 #$7180
ph4 <path
jsl openfile
sta err
creturn 2:err
* int openfile(char *path, int mode, int oflag);
* Open a file
* Inputs:
* path - name of the file
* mode - zero or more flags to set:
* 0x0100 - read
* 0x0080 - write
* 0x1000 - delete
* 0x2000 - rename
* 0x4000 - backup
* 0x8000 - invisible
* oflag - output flags
* Outputs:
* returns 0 if successful; else -1
* errno - set if an error occurred
openfile private
err equ 1 error return code
index equ 3 index into the files array
BIN equ $06 BIN file type
TXT equ $04 TXT file type
csubroutine (4:path,2:mode,2:oflag),6
phb use local B
stz err err = 0 {no error}
ldx #0 find a free file entry
lb1 lda files,X
beq lb2
cpx #OPEN_MAX*4
bne lb1
dec err flag the open file error
sta >errno
brl lb11
lb2 stx index save the index to the file
ph4 <path convert the path to an OS string
jsl ctoosstr
sta opPathname
stx opPathname+2
sta giPathname
stx giPathname+2
sta crPathname
stx crPathname+2
lda mode set the access bits for the create call
jsr unixtoprodos
sta crAccess
lda oflag set the flags in the files array
ldx index
sta files+2,X
and #O_BINARY if the file is binary then
beq lb3
lda #BIN set the create file type to BIN
bra lb4 else
lb3 lda #TXT set the create file type to TXT
lb4 sta crFileType
OSGet_File_Info giRec if the file exists then
bcs lb5
lda oflag if O_EXCL is set then
and #O_EXCL
beq lb4a
dec err flag the error
sta >errno
bra lb11
lb4a ph2 <mode set the access bits
ph4 <path
jsl chmod
bra lb8 else
lb5 lda oflag if O_CREAT is not set then
and #O_CREAT
bne lb7
dec err flag the error
sta >errno
bra lb11
lb7 OSCreate crRec create the file
bcs lb9
lb8 anop
OSOpen opRec open the file
bcs lb9
lda oflag if the O_TRUNC flag is set then
and #O_TRUNC
beq lb10
lda opRefnum set the EOF to 0
sta efRefnum
OSSet_EOF efRec
bcc lb10
lb9 dec err flag an I/O error
sta >errno
bra lb11
lb10 lda opRefnum save the reference number
ldx index
sta files,X
txa set the return file index
lsr A
lsr A
sta err
lb11 plb restore the caller's B
creturn 2:err
crRec dc i'3' Create record
crPathname ds 4
crAccess ds 2
crFileType ds 2
giRec dc i'2' GetFileInfo record
giPathname ds 4
ds 2
opRec dc i'2' Open record
opRefnum ds 2
opPathname ds 4
efRec dc i'3' SetEOF record
efRefnum ds 2
dc i'0'
dc i4'0'
* int read(int filds, char *buf, int n);
* Read from a file
* Inputs:
* filds - file ID of file
* buf - file buffer
* n - # of bytes to read
* Outputs:
* returns 0 if successful; else -1
* errno - set if an error occurred
read start
err equ 1 error return code
csubroutine (2:filds,4:buf,2:n),2
stz err err = 0 {no error}
phb use our B
lda filds error if the file has not been opened
bmi lb0
bge lb0
asl A get the file reference number
asl A
lda files,X
beq lb0
sta rdRefnum
stx filds
lda files+2,X make sure the file is open for reading
bne lb0a
lb0 lda #EBADF errno = EBANF
sta >errno
dec err return = -1
bra lb5
lb0a move4 buf,rdDataBuffer set the location to read to
lda n set the number of bytes to read
sta rdRequestCount
OSRead rdRec read the bytes
bcc lb1 if an error occurred
cmp #$4C and it was not EOF then
beq lb1
lda #EIO errno = EIO
sta >errno
dec err return -1
bra lb5
lb1 ldy rdTransferCount return the bytes read
sty err
beq lb5
lb2 ldx filds if the file is not binary then
lda files+2,X
bne lb5
dey for each byte do
beq lb4a
short M
lb3 lda [buf],Y if the byte is \r then
cmp #13
bne lb4
lda #10 change it to \n
sta [buf],Y
lb4 dey next byte
bne lb3
lb4a lda [buf] if the first byte is \r then
cmp #13
bne lb4b
lda #10 change it to \n
sta [buf]
lb4b long M
lb5 plb restore B
creturn 2:err
rdRec dc i'4' Read record
rdRefnum ds 2
rdDataBuffer ds 4
rdRequestCount ds 4
rdTransferCount ds 4
* unixtoprodos - Convert UNIX access flags to ProDOS access flags
* Inputs:
* A - UNIX access flags
* Outputs:
* A - ProDOS access flags
unixtoprodos private
bits equ 3 ProDOS bits
pea 0 set ProDOS bits to 0
phd set up a stack frame
bit #$1000 if unix delete bit is set then
beq lb1
sec set the ProDOS delete bit
rol bits
lb1 bit #$2000 if unix rename bit is set then
beq lb2
sec set the ProDOS rename bit
bra lb3 else
lb2 clc clear the ProDOS rename bit
lb3 rol bits
bit #$4000 if unix backup bit is set then
beq lb4
sec set the ProDOS backup bit
bra lb5 else
lb4 clc clear the ProDOS backup bit
lb5 rol bits
rol bits roll in the two unused bit fields
rol bits
bit #$8000 if unix invisible bit is set then
beq lb6
sec set the ProDOS invisible bit
bra lb7 else
lb6 clc clear the ProDOS invisible bit
lb7 rol bits
bit #$0080 if unix write bit is set then
beq lb8
sec set the ProDOS write bit
bra lb9 else
lb8 clc clear the ProDOS write bit
lb9 rol bits
bit #$0100 if unix read bit is set then
beq lb10
sec set the ProDOS read bit
bra lb11 else
lb10 clc clear the ProDOS read bit
lb11 rol bits
pld return the new flags
* int write(filds, char *buf, unsigned n);
* Write to a file
* Inputs:
* filds - file ID of file
* buf - file buffer
* n - # of bytes to write
* Outputs:
* returns 0 if successful; else -1
* errno - set if an error occurred
write start
err equ 1 error return code
nbuff equ 3 new buffer pointer
csubroutine (2:filds,4:buf,2:n),6
stz err err = 0 {no error}
phb use our B
lda filds error if the file has not been opened
bmi lb0
bge lb0
asl A get the file reference number
asl A
lda files,X
beq lb0
sta wrRefnum
stx filds
lda files+2,X make sure the file is open for writing
bne lb0a
lb0 lda #EBADF errno = EBADF
sta >errno
dec err return = -1
brl lb5
lb0a move4 buf,wrDataBuffer set the location to write from
lda n set the number of bytes to read
sta wrRequestCount
stz nbuff nbuff == nil
stz nbuff+2
ldx filds if the file is not binary then
lda files+2,X
bne lb0g
pea 0 reserve a file buffer
ph2 <n
jsl malloc
sta nbuff
stx nbuff+2
ora nbuff+2
bne lb0b
dec err flag an out of memory error
sta >errno
bra lb5
lb0b ldy n move the bytes to the new buffer,
beq lb0f converting \n chars to \r chars
dey in the process
beq lb0da
short M
lb0c lda [buf],Y
cmp #10
bne lb0d
lda #13
lb0d sta [nbuff],Y
bne lb0c
lb0da lda [buf]
cmp #10
bne lb0e
lda #13
lb0e sta [nbuff]
long M
lb0f move4 nbuff,wrDataBuffer set the data buffer start
lb0g OSWrite wrRec write the bytes
bcc lb1 if an error occurred then
lda #EIO errno = EIO
sta >errno
dec err return -1
bra lb5
lb1 ldy wrTransferCount return the bytes read
sty err
lda nbuff if nbuff <> NULL then
ora nbuff+2
beq lb2
ph4 <nbuff dispose of the buffer
jsl free
lb2 anop
lb5 plb restore B
creturn 2:err
wrRec dc i'4' Write record
wrRefnum ds 2
wrDataBuffer ds 4
wrRequestCount ds 4
wrTransferCount ds 4