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synced 2025-02-11 15:32:38 +00:00
These are the stdio.asm changes that were present in the beta source code on Opus ][, but had been reverted in commit e3c0c962d4b0f8077. As it turns out, the changes to stdio.asm were OK--the issue was simply that the definitions of stdin/stdout/stderr and the associated initialization code in vars.asm had not been updated to account for the new version of the FILE structure. That has now been done, allowing the changes to work properly. This fixes #7.
117 lines
4.9 KiB
117 lines
4.9 KiB
* This file contains constant values defined in the C interfaces
* that are also used in the assembly language portion of the
* libraries.
; error numbers
EDOM gequ 1 domain error
ERANGE gequ 2 # too large, too small, or illegal
ENOMEM gequ 3 Not enough memory
ENOENT gequ 4 No such file or directory
EIO gequ 5 I/O error
EINVAL gequ 6 Invalid argument
EBADF gequ 7 bad file descriptor
EMFILE gequ 8 too many files are open
EACCES gequ 9 access bits prevent the operation
EEXIST gequ 10 the file exists
ENOSPC gequ 11 the file is too large
EILSEQ gequ 12 encoding error
; masks for the __ctype array
_digit gequ $01 ['0'..'9']
_upper gequ $02 ['A'..'Z']
_lower gequ $04 ['a'..'z']
_control gequ $08 [chr(0)..chr(31),chr(127)]
_punctuation gequ $10 [' ','!'..'/',':'..'@','['..'`','{'..'~']
_space gequ $20 [chr(9)..chr(13),' ']
_hex gequ $40 ['0'..'9','a'..'f','A'..'F']
_print gequ $80 [' '..'~']
; masks for the __ctype2 array
_csym gequ $01 ['0'..'9','A'..'Z','a'..'z','_']
_csymf gequ $02 ['A'..'Z','a'..'z'.'_']
_octal gequ $04 ['0'..'7']
_blank gequ $08 ['\t', ' ']
; signal numbers
SIGABRT gequ 1
SIGFPE gequ 2
SIGILL gequ 3
SIGINT gequ 4
SIGSEGV gequ 5
SIGTERM gequ 6
; The FILE record
! flags
! -----
_IOFBF gequ $0001 full buffering
_IONBF gequ $0002 no buffering
_IOLBF gequ $0004 flush when a \n is written
_IOREAD gequ $0008 currently reading
_IOWRT gequ $0010 currently writing
_IORW gequ $0020 read/write enabled
_IOMYBUF gequ $0040 buffer was allocated by stdio
_IOEOF gequ $0080 has an EOF been found?
_IOERR gequ $0100 has an error occurred?
_IOTEXT gequ $0200 is this file a text file?
_IOTEMPFILE gequ $0400 was this file created by tmpfile()?
_IOAPPEND gequ $0800 is this file open in append mode?
! record structure
! ----------------
FILE_next gequ 0 disp to next pointer (must stay 0!)
FILE_ptr gequ FILE_next+4 next location to write to
FILE_base gequ FILE_ptr+4 first byte of the buffer
FILE_end gequ FILE_base+4 end of the file buffer
FILE_size gequ FILE_end+4 size of the file buffer
FILE_cnt gequ FILE_size+4 # chars that can be read/written to buffer
FILE_pbk gequ FILE_cnt+4 put back character
FILE_flag gequ FILE_pbk+4 buffer flags
FILE_file gequ FILE_flag+2 GS/OS file ID
sizeofFILE gequ FILE_file+2 size of the record
BUFSIZ gequ 1024 default file buffer size
_LBUFSIZ gequ 255 line buffer size
L_tmpnam gequ 9 size of a temp name
TMP_MAX gequ 10000 # of uniq temp names
; Seek codes for fseek
SEEK_SET gequ 0 seek from start of file
SEEK_CUR gequ 1 seek from current position
SEEK_END gequ 2 seek from end of file
; Values for fcntl.h
OPEN_MAX gequ 30 files in the file array
F_DUPFD gequ 1 dup file flag (fcntl)
O_RDONLY gequ $0001 file is read only
O_WRONLY gequ $0002 file is write only
O_RDWR gequ $0004 file is read/write
O_NDELAY gequ $0008 not used
O_APPEND gequ $0010 append to file on all writes
O_CREAT gequ $0020 create a new file if needed
O_TRUNC gequ $0040 erase old file
O_EXCL gequ $0080 don't create a new file
O_BINARY gequ $0100 file is binary
; Misc.
EOF gequ -1 end of file character
stdinID gequ -1 standard in file ID
stdoutID gequ -2 standard out file ID
stderrID gequ -3 error out file ID