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synced 2025-03-27 17:29:53 +00:00
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115 lines
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* This file contains constant values defined in the C interfaces
* that are also used in the assembly language portion of the
* libraries.
; error numbers
EDOM gequ 1 domain error
ERANGE gequ 2 # too large, too small, or illegal
ENOMEM gequ 3 Not enough memory
ENOENT gequ 4 No such file or directory
EIO gequ 5 I/O error
EINVAL gequ 6 Invalid argument
EBADF gequ 7 bad file descriptor
EMFILE gequ 8 too many files are open
EACCES gequ 9 access bits prevent the operation
EEXIST gequ 10 the file exists
ENOSPC gequ 11 the file is too large
; masks for the __ctype array
_digit gequ $01 ['0'..'9']
_upper gequ $02 ['A'..'Z']
_lower gequ $04 ['a'..'z']
_control gequ $08 [chr(0)..chr(31),chr(127)]
_punctuation gequ $10 [' ','!'..'/',':'..'@','['..'`','{'..'~']
_space gequ $20 [chr(9)..chr(13),' ']
_hex gequ $40 ['0'..'9','a'..'f','A'..'F']
_print gequ $80 [' '..'~']
; masks for the __ctype2 array
_csym gequ $01 ['0'..'9','A'..'Z','a'..'z','_']
_csymf gequ $02 ['A'..'Z','a'..'z'.'_']
_octal gequ $04 ['0'..'7']
_blank gequ $08 ['\t', ' ']
; signal numbers
SIGABRT gequ 1
SIGFPE gequ 2
SIGILL gequ 3
SIGINT gequ 4
SIGSEGV gequ 5
SIGTERM gequ 6
; The FILE record
! flags
! -----
_IOFBF gequ $0001 full buffering
_IONBF gequ $0002 no buffering
_IOLBF gequ $0004 flush when a \n is written
_IOREAD gequ $0008 currently reading
_IOWRT gequ $0010 currently writing
_IORW gequ $0020 read/write enabled
_IOMYBUF gequ $0040 buffer was allocated by stdio
_IOEOF gequ $0080 has an EOF been found?
_IOERR gequ $0100 has an error occurred?
_IOTEXT gequ $0200 is this file a text file?
_IOTEMPFILE gequ $0400 was this file created by tmpfile()?
! record structure
! ----------------
FILE_next gequ 0 disp to next pointer (must stay 0!)
FILE_ptr gequ FILE_next+4 next location to write to
FILE_base gequ FILE_ptr+4 first byte of the buffer
FILE_end gequ FILE_base+4 end of the file buffer
FILE_size gequ FILE_end+4 size of the file buffer
FILE_cnt gequ FILE_size+4 # chars that can be read/writen to buffer
FILE_pbk gequ FILE_cnt+4 put back character
FILE_flag gequ FILE_pbk+2 buffer flags
FILE_file gequ FILE_flag+2 GS/OS file ID
sizeofFILE gequ FILE_file+2 size of the record
BUFSIZ gequ 1024 default file buffer size
_LBUFSIZ gequ 255 line buffer size
L_tmpnam gequ 9 size of a temp name
TMP_MAX gequ 10000 # of uniq temp names
; Seek codes for fseek
SEEK_SET gequ 0 seek from start of file
SEEK_CUR gequ 1 seek from current position
SEEK_END gequ 2 seek from end of file
; Values for fcntl.h
OPEN_MAX gequ 30 files in the file array
F_DUPFD gequ 1 dup file flag (fcntl)
O_RDONLY gequ $0001 file is read only
O_WRONLY gequ $0002 file is write only
O_RDWR gequ $0004 file is read/write
O_NDELAY gequ $0008 not used
O_APPEND gequ $0010 append to file on all writes
O_CREAT gequ $0020 create a new file if needed
O_TRUNC gequ $0040 erase old file
O_EXCL gequ $0080 don't create a new file
O_BINARY gequ $0100 file is binary
; Misc.
EOF gequ -1 end of file character
stdinID gequ -1 standard in file ID
stdoutID gequ -2 standard out file ID
stderrID gequ -3 error out file ID