2023-04-06 15:54:40 -05:00

41 lines
1.3 KiB

keep obj/vars
mcopy vars.macros
case on
* This module contains the global variables used by C. When
* using the large memory module, these variables are replaced by
* GVARS.ASM, which places the variables in the ~GLOBALS
* segment.
Dummy start (dummy root segment)
copy equates.asm
* Global variables used by C
~CVars start
errno entry library error number
ds 2
_ownerid entry user ID (C)
~USER_ID entry user ID (Pascal, libraries)
ds 2
__cleanup entry function to clean up files at exit
dc i4'0'
_toolErr entry last error in a tool call (C)
~TOOLERROR entry last error in a tool call (Pascal)
ds 2
__useTimeTool entry use Time Tool in <time.h> functions?
ds 2