Stephen Heumann af7b5b8119 Do raw drawing incrementally while data is being received.
This currently disables the support for skipping invisible pixels. It is generally not very important, since raw drawing speed usually is not the bottleneck.
2016-09-05 17:22:10 -05:00

272 lines
9.3 KiB

#if __ORCAC__
#pragma lint -1
#pragma noroot
segment "VNCview GS";
#include <window.h>
#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <qdaux.h>
#include <desk.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <resources.h>
#include <tcpip.h>
#include <menu.h>
#include <control.h>
#include <misctool.h>
#include <scrap.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "vncsession.h"
#include "vncview.h"
#include "vncdisplay.h"
#include "colortables.h"
#include "menus.h"
#include "clipboard.h"
#include "desktopsize.h"
#include "mouse.h"
#include "keyboard.h"
#include "copyrect.h"
#include "raw.h"
#include "hextile.h"
/* Data on state of raw rectangle drawing routines */
static unsigned int lineBytes; /* Number of bytes in a line of GS pixels */
static unsigned long pixels;
static unsigned int drawingLine; /* Line to be drawn while displaying */
static BOOLEAN extraByteAdvance;
static unsigned linesAvailable;
/* Bytes to skip before or after doing raw drawing */
static unsigned long preSkip, postSkip;
/* Buffer to hold all SHR pixel data from one update (defined in tables.asm).
* Must be big enough: at least (WIN_WIDTH_640/4 + 1) * WIN_HEIGHT. */
#define DESTBUF_SIZE 0x8001
extern unsigned char destBuf[];
static unsigned char *destPtr;
unsigned char * rawDecode640(unsigned startOffset, unsigned endOffset,
unsigned char *lineDataPtr);
unsigned char * rawDecode320(unsigned startOffset, unsigned endOffset,
unsigned char *lineDataPtr);
/* Ends drawing of a raw rectangle when it is complete or aborted
* because the rectangle is not visible.
static void StopRawDrawing (void) {
NextRect(); /* Prepare for next rect */
#pragma optimize 95 /* To work around an ORCA/C optimizer bug */
/* Draw one or more lines from a raw rectangle
void RawDraw (void) {
static unsigned char *lineDataPtr;
unsigned int i; /* Loop indices */
unsigned char *initialLineDataPtr;
unsigned char *finalDestPtr;
static EventRecord unusedEventRec;
/* For use with GetContentOrigin() */
Origin contentOrigin;
SetPort(vncWindow); /* Drawing in VNC window */
#if 0
/* Check if what we're drawing is visible, and skip any invisible part
* by skipping some lines or completely aborting drawing the rectangle.
if (checkBounds) {
Rect drawingRect;
contentOrigin.l = GetContentOrigin(vncWindow);
drawingRect.h1 = rectX -;
drawingRect.h2 = rectX - + rectWidth;
drawingRect.v1 = rectY - + drawingLine;
drawingRect.v2 = rectY - + rectHeight;
if (!RectInRgn(&drawingRect, GetVisHandle())) {
else if (rectY + drawingLine < {
unsigned linesToSkip = - rectY - drawingLine;
preSkip = linesToSkip * rectWidth;
destPtr += (unsigned long)lineBytes * linesToSkip;
drawingLine = - rectY;
if (drawingLine >= rectHeight) { /* Sanity check */
else if (rectY + rectHeight - 1 > + winHeight)
rectHeight = + winHeight - rectY + 1;
checkBounds = FALSE;
do { /* We short-circuit back to here if there are no events pending */
unsigned inPixelsA, inPixelsB, outPixels;
if (linesAvailable == 0) {
linesAvailable = DoReadMultipleTCP(rectWidth, rectHeight - drawingLine);
if (linesAvailable) {
lineDataPtr = (unsigned char *) *readBufferHndl;
} else {
finalDestPtr = destPtr + lineBytes - 1;
if (hRez == 640) {
initialLineDataPtr = lineDataPtr;
lineDataPtr = rawDecode640(destPtr-destBuf, finalDestPtr-destBuf, lineDataPtr);
destPtr = finalDestPtr;
*destPtr = pixTransTbl[*(lineDataPtr++)] & 0xC0;
for (i = lineDataPtr - initialLineDataPtr; i < rectWidth; i++)
switch (i & 0x03) {
case 0x01: /* pixels 1, 5, 9, ... */
*destPtr += pixTransTbl[*(lineDataPtr++)] & 0x30;
case 0x02: /* pixels 2, 6, 10, ... */
*destPtr += pixTransTbl[*(lineDataPtr++)] & 0x0C;
case 0x03: /* pixels 3, 7, 11, ... */
*destPtr += pixTransTbl[*(lineDataPtr++)] & 0x03;
else { /* 320 mode */
lineDataPtr = rawDecode320(destPtr-destBuf, finalDestPtr-destBuf, lineDataPtr);
destPtr = finalDestPtr;
/* Final byte to produce */
*destPtr = pixTransTbl[*(lineDataPtr++)] & 0xF0;
if (extraByteAdvance)
destPtr++; /* Not ending on byte boundary - update index */
*(destPtr++) += pixTransTbl[*(lineDataPtr++)] & 0x0F;
if (pixels > 613 && !(drawingLine & 0x03)) { /* Draw every 4th line */
srcRect.v2 = drawingLine;
contentOrigin.l = GetContentOrigin(vncWindow);
PPToPort(&srcLocInfo, &srcRect, rectX -,
rectY + srcRect.v1 -, modeCopy);
srcRect.v1 = drawingLine;
/* Check whether we're done with this rectangle */
if (drawingLine >= rectHeight) {
/* Draw final rect, if necessary */
if (drawingLine > srcRect.v1) {
srcRect.v2 = drawingLine;
contentOrigin.l = GetContentOrigin(vncWindow);
PPToPort(&srcLocInfo, &srcRect, rectX -,
rectY + srcRect.v1 -, modeCopy);
/* Check if there are actually any events that need to be processed.
* If not, save time by not going through the whole event loop, but
* instead processing the minimum necessary periodic tasks and then
* going straight to the next line of data.
if (!(drawingLine & 15)) {
if (EventAvail(0xFFFF, &unusedEventRec))
SystemTask(); /* Let periodic Desk Accesories do their things */
TCPIPPoll(); /* Let Marinetti keep processing data */
} while (1);
#pragma optimize -1
/* Process rectangle data in raw encoding and write it to screen.
void DoRawRect (void) {
pixels = (unsigned long) rectWidth * rectHeight;
if (hRez == 640) {
if (rectWidth & 0x03) { /* Width not an exact multiple of 4 */
lineBytes = rectWidth/4 + 1;
else { /* Width is a multiple of 4 */
lineBytes = rectWidth/4;
else { /* 320 mode */
if (rectWidth & 0x01) { /* Width not an exact multiple of 2 */
lineBytes = rectWidth/2 + 1;
extraByteAdvance = TRUE;
else { /* Width is a multiple of 2 */
lineBytes = rectWidth/2;
extraByteAdvance = FALSE;
/* If we get an oversized update, ignore it and ask for another one.
* Shouldn't normally happen, except possibly if there are outstanding
* update requests for multiple screen regions due to scrolling.
if (lineBytes * rectHeight >= DESTBUF_SIZE) {
Origin contentOrigin;
contentOrigin.l = GetContentOrigin(vncWindow);
winWidth, winHeight);
skipBytes = pixels;
destPtr = destBuf;
srcLocInfo.ptrToPixImage = destPtr;
srcLocInfo.width = lineBytes;
srcLocInfo.boundsRect.v2 = rectHeight;
/* Since the lines are rounded up to integral numbers of bytes, this
* padding must be accounted for here.
if (hRez == 640) {
switch (rectWidth & 0x03) {
case 0x00: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth; break;
case 0x01: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth+3; break;
case 0x02: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth+2; break;
case 0x03: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth+1;
else {
switch (rectWidth & 0x01) {
case 0x00: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth; break;
case 0x01: srcLocInfo.boundsRect.h2 = rectWidth+1;
/* Don't include padding in the area we will actually copy over */
srcRect.h2 = rectWidth;
srcRect.v1 = 0;
displayInProgress = TRUE;
drawingLine = 0; /* Drawing first line of rect */
linesAvailable = 0; /* No line data read yet */
checkBounds = TRUE; /* Flag to check bounds when drawing 1st line */