#pragma optimize 79 #pragma noroot #pragma lint - 1 #include #include #include "connection.h" #include static char pstring[256]; static Word LoginAndOpen(Connection *buffer) { Word ipid; Word terr; if (buffer->displayPtr) { static char message[] = "\pConnecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx"; Word length; Word tmp; length = 15; // first the ip addresss... tmp = TCPIPConvertIPToCASCII(buffer->dnr.DNRIPaddress, message + length, 0); length += tmp; message[length++] = ':'; // now the port... Int2Dec(buffer->port, message + length, 5, 0); length += 5; message[length] = 0; message[0] = length; buffer->displayPtr(message); } ipid = TCPIPLogin(buffer->memID, buffer->dnr.DNRIPaddress, buffer->port, 0x0000, 0x0040); if (_toolErr) { buffer->state = kConnectionStateError; return -1; } terr = TCPIPOpenTCP(ipid); if (_toolErr || terr) { TCPIPLogout(ipid); buffer->state = kConnectionStateError; buffer->terr = terr; buffer->ipid = 0; return -1; } buffer->ipid = ipid; buffer->state = kConnectionStateConnecting; return 0; } Word ConnectionPoll(Connection *buffer) { Word state; if (!buffer) return -1; state = buffer->state; if (state == 0) return -1; if (state == kConnectionStateConnected) return 1; if (state == kConnectionStateDisconnected) return 1; if (state == kConnectionStateError) return -1; TCPIPPoll(); if (state == kConnectionStateDNR) { if (buffer->dnr.DNRstatus == DNR_OK) { return LoginAndOpen(buffer); } else if (buffer->dnr.DNRstatus != DNR_Pending) { buffer->state = kConnectionStateError; if (buffer->displayPtr) { static char message[] = "\pDNR lookup failed: $xxxx"; Int2Hex(buffer->dnr.DNRstatus, message + 21, 4); buffer->displayPtr(message); } return -1; } } if (state == kConnectionStateConnecting || state == kConnectionStateDisconnecting) { Word terr; static srBuff sr; terr = TCPIPStatusTCP(buffer->ipid, &sr); if (state == kConnectionStateDisconnecting) { // these are not errors. if (terr == tcperrConClosing || terr == tcperrClosing) terr = tcperrOK; } if (terr || _toolErr) { // CloseAndLogout(buffer); TCPIPCloseTCP(buffer->ipid); TCPIPLogout(buffer->ipid); buffer->ipid = 0; buffer->state = kConnectionStateError; buffer->terr = terr; return -1; } if (sr.srState == TCPSESTABLISHED) // && state == kConnectionStateConnecting) { buffer->state = kConnectionStateConnected; return 1; } if (sr.srState == TCPSCLOSED || sr.srState == TCPSTIMEWAIT) { TCPIPLogout(buffer->ipid); buffer->ipid = 0; buffer->state = kConnectionStateDisconnected; return 1; } } return 0; } Word ConnectionOpenC(Connection *buffer, const char *host, Word port) { Word length; if (!host) return -1; length = strlen(host); if (length > 255) return -1; pstring[0] = length & 0xff; memcpy(pstring + 1, host, length); return ConnectionOpen(buffer, pstring, port); } Word ConnectionOpenGS(Connection *buffer, const GSString255 *host, Word port) { if (!host) return -1; if (host->length > 255) return -1; pstring[0] = host->length & 0xff; memcpy(pstring + 1, host->text, host->length); return ConnectionOpen(buffer, pstring, port); } Word ConnectionOpen(Connection *buffer, const char *host, Word port) { buffer->state = 0; buffer->ipid = 0; buffer->terr = 0; buffer->port = port; if (!buffer || !*buffer || !host || !*host) return -1; // 1. check if we need to do DNR. if (TCPIPValidateIPString(host)) { cvtRec cvt; TCPIPConvertIPToHex(&cvt, host); buffer->dnr.DNRIPaddress = cvt.cvtIPAddress; buffer->dnr.DNRstatus = DNR_OK; // fake it. return LoginAndOpen(buffer); } // do dnr. if (buffer->displayPtr) { static char message[256] = "\pDNR lookup: "; BlockMove(host + 1, message + 13, host[0]); message[0] = 12 + host[0]; buffer->displayPtr(message); } TCPIPDNRNameToIP(host, &buffer->dnr); if (_toolErr) { buffer->state = kConnectionStateError; if (buffer->displayPtr) { static char message[] = "\pDNR lookup tool error: $xxxx"; Int2Hex(_toolErr, message + 25, 4); buffer->displayPtr(message); } return -1; } buffer->state = kConnectionStateDNR; return 0; } void ConnectionInit(Connection *buffer, Word memID, ConnectionCallback displayPtr) { buffer->memID = memID; buffer->ipid = 0; buffer->terr = 0; buffer->state = 0; buffer->port = 0; buffer->dnr.DNRstatus = 0; buffer->dnr.DNRIPaddress = 0; buffer->displayPtr = displayPtr; } Word ConnectionClose(Connection *buffer) { Word state = buffer->state; // todo -- how do you close if not yet connected? if (state == kConnectionStateConnected) { buffer->state = kConnectionStateDisconnecting; buffer->terr = TCPIPCloseTCP(buffer->ipid); if (buffer->displayPtr) { static char message[] = "\pClosing connection"; buffer->displayPtr(message); } return 0; } if (state == kConnectionStateDNR) { TCPIPCancelDNR(&buffer->dnr); buffer->state = 0; if (buffer->displayPtr) { static char message[] = "\pDNR lookup canceled"; buffer->displayPtr(message); } return 1; } return -1; } Word ConnectionAbort(Connection *buffer) { Word state = buffer->state; buffer->state = 0; switch(state) { case kConnectionStateDNR: TCPIPCancelDNR(&buffer->dnr); if (buffer->displayPtr) { static char message[] = "\pDNR lookup canceled"; buffer->displayPtr(message); } return 1; break; case kConnectionStateDisconnected: return 1; break; case 0: return -1; default: buffer->terr = TCPIPAbortTCP(buffer->ipid); if (buffer->displayPtr) { static char message[] = "\pClosing connection"; buffer->displayPtr(message); } TCPIPLogout(buffer->ipid); buffer->ipid = 0; return 1; } return -1; }