Notes on the Macintosh implementation of dmake: This port for the Macintosh is specifically designed to be run under MPW. I had to make a couple of changes to dmake in order to get it to work on the Mac. First, MPW provides no documented way to run a subprocess, so when you use dmake, you MUST use the -n option and execute the output. Typically, you will probably want to write a simple script file to do these operations for you. I added some code so that the Macintosh version of dmake can use UNIX-style directories to specify include paths and target and dependency file names. I.e., if you specify a file "/dir/file", dmake will look at the file "dir:file". However, Mac dmake does not do any translation from files specified by UNIX-style directories in the recipe line that gets executed. If you need to translate, you can use substitution commands. (For example, ":$(RELATIVEUNIXFILE:s,/,:,)".) This code was added so one could execute dmake's makefile, and also so one would have an easier time porting other UNIX makefiles. I would suggest you stick with Macintosh-style directories for all other makefiles. I was getting memory trashing errors when I was reading in environmental variables >4K with the -e option. I had trouble tracking down exactly what was causing the problem, so decided it was easier to just clip the length before sending it to the dmake parser. I arbitrarily picked 1K as the maximum length, figuring it was highly unlikely anyone really needed a variable longer than that from within a makefile. (This error may be related to the value you set for MAXLINELENGTH, so to be safe, you should keep it >1K.) In order to run dmake, you must set (and export) the environmental variable "OS" to "mac". Finally, dmake looks for the file in "{MPW}tools:{DMSTARTUPDIR}". "DMSTARTUPDIR" can be defined if you want to override the default tools directory location. Micah Doyle micah@leland.Stanford.EDU