Obtaining GNO/ME

Canonical Image Download

GNO is available at ftp://ftp.gno.org/pub/apple2/gs.specific/gno/base/

The current release of GNO/ME is version 2.0.6. It does not include networking support. Installation instructions for these images is available in the Overview and Installation manual.


GNO source is now available on GitHub under the GNO Consortium organization. The currently available repositories related to GNO/ME proper (as opposed to other projects) are:

GNO Core

This is the repository from which GNO/ME itself is built on an Apple IIgs. You only need this if you're planning on building GNO from source, not merely using it.

The build requirements are somewhat complex (including a related support infrastructure). You will also need licensed versions of both Byteworks' ORCA/C and ORCA/M, available from Syndicomm.

Detailed build instructions are in the process of being written, as of 03 Sep 2012.

GNO Documentation

This repository contains GNO-related documentation such as references manuals, the FAQ, etc.

The source in this repository does not build on the IIgs; it is intended to build on a UNIX or UNIX-like environment as described in the README.build file.

If you would like to receive email whenever commits occur for GNO/ME-related sources, you can subscribe to gno-commits. (That site uses self-signed certificates. If you don't know how to deal with your browser warnings from self-signed certificates, help is available).