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* $Id: regexp.asm,v 1.2 1999/03/19 07:15:03 gdr-ftp Exp $
* The GNO Shell Project
* Developed by:
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* Derek Taubert
* RegExp()
* Tim's Regular Expression Parser
* Written by Tim Meekins, 6/13/91
* Copyright 1991 by Tim Meekins
* This function is hereby donated to the public domain as long as I am
* given credit as the author.
* Version 1.0
* - First release, not very fancy or efficient, but I wrote the entire
* program in 2 hours and is has to be the world's shortest regular
* expression parser!
* "Look Ma, no non-deterministic finite state transition table!"
* PH4 addr ;This is the address to a pattern for matching
* PH4 addr ;This is the text match against
* PH4 word ;This a flag. Bit 16 = 1 if case sensitive.
* jsl RegExp
* On Exit A=0 if no match, else a match was found.
* while ((*p != 0) && (RegExp(pattern,*p))) p++;
* This example will search sequentially through a list until a match is found.
* Or at least I hope this works, never actually tried this example.
* PATTERNS are built the following way:
* pure text is matched directly to the text
* '*' matchs 0 or more characters
* '+' matches 1 or more characters
* '?' matches 0 or 1 characters
* '[..]' matches one of the characters contained in the brackets. If two
* characters are separated by '-' then matches if the character is
* within the range. If the first character in the list is a '^'
* then a match will occur if NONE of the characters in brackets macth.
* '\' exactly matches the following character. This lets you match the above
* characters and '\' itself. Otherwise known as character quoting.
mcopy m/regexp.mac
case on
dummyRegExp start ; ends up in .root and ignored
result equ 0
ch equ result+2
negflag equ ch+2
space equ negflag+2
subroutine (4:pattern,4:text,2:flag),space
ld2 0,result
; PHASE 1. Match characters one by one
phase1 lda [pattern]
jsr ToLower
cmp #0
beq patt0
cmp #'\'
beq quote
cmp #'+'
beq plus
cmp #'*'
beq star
cmp #'?'
jeq quest
cmp #'['
jeq lbrak
phase1a sta ch
lda [text]
jsr ToLower
cmp ch
bne done
inc pattern
bne inc01
inc pattern+2
inc01 inc text
bne inc02
inc text+2
inc02 bra phase1
patt0 lda [text]
and #$FF
bne done
bra match
quote anop ;do character quoting
inc pattern
bne inc03
inc pattern+2
inc03 lda [pattern]
jsr ToLower
cmp #0
beq done
bra phase1a
; PHASE 2. non-deterministic matching
; Match one or more characters
plus anop
inc text
bne inc04
inc text+2
inc04 lda [text]
and #$FF
beq done
; Match 0 or more characters
star anop
inc pattern
bne inc05
inc pattern+2
inc05 lda [pattern]
and #$FF
beq match
starloop lda [text]
and #$FF
beq done
pei (pattern+2)
pei (pattern)
pei (text+2)
pei (text)
pei (flag)
jsl RegExp
cmp #0
bne match
inc text
bne starloop
inc text+2
bra starloop
; If a positive match is made, jump to match
; If no match is made, jump to done.
match ld2 1,result
done return 2:result
; Match 0 or 1 characters
quest anop
inc pattern
bne inc06
inc pattern+2
inc06 pei (pattern+2)
pei (pattern)
pei (text+2)
pei (text)
pei (flag)
jsl RegExp
cmp #0
bne match
inc text
bne inc07
inc text+2
inc07 pei (pattern+2)
pei (pattern)
pei (text+2)
pei (text)
pei (flag)
jsl RegExp
cmp #0
bne match
bra done
; Match one character contained in brackets
lbrak anop
stz negflag
lda [text]
jsr ToLower
cmp #0
beq done
sta ch
ldy #1
lda [pattern],y
and #$FF
cmp #'^'
bne lbrak3
inc negflag
lbrak2 iny
lda [pattern],y
and #$FF
lbrak3 cmp #']'
beq braknomatch
lda [pattern],y
and #$FF
cmp #'-'
beq range
lda [pattern],y ;match a single character
jsr ToLower
cmp #0
jeq done
cmp ch
bne lbrak2
brakmatch lda negflag
beq brakdone
jmp done
braknomatch lda negflag
bne brakdone2
jmp done
brakdone iny
brakdone2 lda [pattern],y
and #$FF
jeq done
cmp #']'
bne brakdone
adc pattern
sta pattern
bne inc08
inc pattern+2
inc08 inc text
bne inc09
inc text+2
inc09 jmp phase1
range lda [pattern],y
and #$FF
jeq done
dec a
cmp ch
bcc range2
lda [pattern],y
and #$FF
jeq done
bra range3
range2 lda [pattern],y
and #$FF
jeq done
cmp ch
bcs brakmatch
range3 jmp lbrak2
; Takes a sixteen bit value, strips to 8 bit and converts to lower case.
ToLower anop
and #$FF
ldx flag
bmi lowered
if2 @a,cc,#'A',lowered
if2 @a,cs,#'Z'+1,lowered
add2 @a,#'a'-'A',@a
lowered rts