
94 lines
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* MKDIR.ASM - Version 1.0
* Written by Tim Meekins
* Copyright (C) 1991 by Procyon, Inc.
* This program is hereby donated to the public domain.
* This program creates a new directory in the current (or specified)
* directory.
* o Add -p option.
* o Should I support creating multiple directories like Unix?
* 1.0 11/29/91 First version.
keep mkdir
mcopy mkdir.mac
mkdir START
main START
arg equ 0
retval equ arg+4
space equ retval+2
subroutine (2:argc,4:argv),space
stz retval
lda argc
dec a
bne part2
ErrWriteCString #usage
jmp error
part2 dec a
beq part3
ErrWriteCString #oneerr
jmp error
part3 ldy #4
lda [argv],y
sta arg
lda [argv],y
sta arg+2
ldy #0
short a
loop lda [arg],y
beq part4
sta pathname+2,y
bra loop
part4 long a
sty pathname
Create createparm
bcc done
sta errval
ErrWriteCString #errleadin
Error errval
error inc retval
done return 2:retval
createparm dc i2'5'
createpath dc i4'pathname'
dc i2'$C3'
dc i2'$0F'
dc i4'$0000'
dc i2'$0D'
errval dc i2'0'
usage dc c'Usage: mkdir directory.',h'0d0a00'
oneerr dc c'mkdir: too many arguments.',h'0d0a00'
errleadin dc c'mkdir: ',h'00'
pathname dc i2'0'
ds 256 ;I dread any person entering a pathname
; ;this long!